



(  )1. Good food and exercise ______ me to study better.

       A. help     B. helps      C. helping    D. to help

.此題為判斷和理解型試題,  Good food and exercise 是兩項事物,因此主語不是第三人稱單數形式,因此,答案為 A.

(  ) 2. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?

       A. as      B. in        C. at      D. to

本題考查固定短語 the same as 的用法,答案為A.


(  )3. My father likes football. But he ____ it. He only ____ football matches on TV!

       A. plays, watches               B. play, watch  

C. doesn』t play, watches           D. plays, doesn』t watch

.本題考查一般現在時的用法,首先根據題中My father likes football.和But的提示, 判定第一個空應選擇doesn』t play,又根據on TV而得到答案watches, 故答案為C.


4. Grandma is pretty healthy because she ___________ every day.

根椐所給詞語和題意理解為:grandma 身體健康的原因是每天鍛煉身體,因此,本題答案為: exercises.

5. You must ________ to eat less meat.


6. A: I ______ _________ ________ (feel) well now.

 B: You should go to the doctor.

根據You should go to the doctor. 推斷出答案應該是:am not feeling。


7. He believes that I should __________(have) a good habit.

should 為情態動詞,其後應該加動詞原形,因此答案為have.


8. 我媽媽說我應該晚飯盡量少吃肉。新課標第一網

 My mom said that I should __________ _________ eat less meat for dinner.

本題考查動詞短語try to do sth. 意為: 盡量/努力/試圖做某事, 所以答案為try to.


9  What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?(  )

  A. at     B. on      C. in

    . B, 表示在星期幾,用介詞 on。


10. I』m sorry I have to _______ for the English test.(  )

  A. study   B. studies   C. studying

.   A, have to 後面接動詞原形。

11. Thanks for ___________.(  )

  A. asking   B. ask      C. asks

   A, for是介詞,其後應該接動名詞作介詞賓語。

12  A: Must I clean my room, mom?

  B: No, you ______.(  )

  A. don"t   B. needn"t   C. aren"t

   B, 用must 提問時,否定回答應該用:needn"t。

13. (  ) The girl isn』t short. She is __________ than before.

  A. short     B. tall       C. taller    D. shorter



14. (  )  Li Ming and Lin Tao _________ black eyes.

  A. has   B. have both   C. both have  D. both has


15. (  ) John is ___________ than Peter. www.xkb1.com

  A. funnier   B. fun     C. funny    D. more funny

A,than經常與比較級連用, funny以輔音字母加y 結尾,應去掉 y 加上ier.

16.(  ) 4. My sister is __________ more outgoing than me.

  A. more     B. most       C. a little   D. little

   C,a little可以用來修飾比較級,這兒的a little more outgoing than me意思是:     比我外向一點兒。


17 Who is ___________( heavy), Wang Lin or Lin Tao?

heavier, 兩者選擇比較用比較級。



My sister is the __________ ________ me. We are both___________. 此題考片語the same as,  和…一樣… 和形容詞outgoing

19.(  ) Her grandfather ___________ fishing on weekends.

  A. likes going  B. like going   C. likes go   D. like to go

A,根據on weekends, 本題為一般現在是,主語是第三人稱單數,動詞用 likes,like doing sth和go fishing都是固定用法.


20.(  ) I __________ a movie this Sunday.

 A. watch     B. watches     C. watching   D. am watching


21(  ) A: Can you go to the concert with us?

    B: ________.

  A. I』d love to B. I』d like    C. I』d love  D. I』d like to

A,表示很高興接受別人的邀請時,常說: I"d love to.  意思是:我很樂意......

22.(  ) I _______ a primary school student two years ago.

  A. am       B. was       C. be      D. were

B,two years ago 是一般過去時的時間狀語, 所以用一般過去時。

23. Which country is _________( large) , China or Japan?

   兩者選擇比較應用比較級,large 的比較級直接在後面加r, 所以為larger.


24. It』s ________( hot) in summer in Beijing than that in Dalian.

   因為句中有個than ,所以此句用比較級,hot的比較級應雙寫輔音字母所以應是hotter. Xkb1.com


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