

Basics of Amitabha Buddha"s Deliverance


The Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha says:


In the unfathomably distant past, there was a king who took monastic vows under Lokesvararaja Buddha. His name was Bodhisattva Dharmakara. He had lofty, brilliant wisdom and great compassion, and aspired to deliver all iniquitous, suffering beings. With the guidance and support of Lokesvararaja Buddha, Bodhisattva Dharmakara comprehensively observed two hundred and ten kotis of Buddha-lands, and clearly perceived all Buddhas" vows on the deliverance of sentient beings. Then he single-mindedly abided in serenity and contemplated for five kalpas – an extremely long period of time. He designed his grand blueprint for attaining Buddhahood and delivering sentient beings, and undertook the renowned 48 Great Vows. The 48 Vows have the following special characteristics:

一、 誓願第一。其規模、深度、廣度、難度及最後成就功德利益,超過一切諸佛、菩薩的本願。

1.The Vows are foremost. They surpass all Buddhas" and Bodhisattvas" vows in terms of scale, depth, breadth and level of difficulty. The merits, virtues and benefits needed to achieve the Vows are unparalleled.

二、 國土第一。汲取了一切諸佛凈土的精華,為一切諸佛凈土當中最極清凈莊嚴、第一無比的凈土,是真理本體的完全顯現,無為涅槃的境界。

2. The Buddha-land is foremost. The Land of Bliss contains the highlights of all Buddhas" pure lands. It is the most pure and splendid realm, unmatched by the others. It』s the full manifestation of the fundamental body of the truth – a realm of unconditioned nirvana.

三、 光明第一。法藏菩薩成佛時的光明遍照大宇宙當中一切世界,超過諸佛光明,其救度眾生的威神功德力量為一切諸佛所不及。

3. The light is foremost. After Bodhisattva Dharmakara attained Buddhahood, his light permeates all worlds in the cosmos, exceeding the lights of all other Buddhas. His might, merits and virtue in delivering sentient beings are unrivaled among Buddhas.

四、 名號第一。法藏菩薩誓願把他成佛的所有功德納入其成佛的名號(南無阿彌陀佛)中,其名號功德包含、超越一切諸佛、菩薩、賢聖、天神、經咒、法門功德,而為一切諸佛、菩薩、天神、魔王稱揚讚歎,普遍流行於一切世界。

4. The name is foremost. Bodhisattva Dharmakara resolved to incorporate all the merit and virtues of his Buddhahood into his Buddha name – Namo Amitabha Buddha. This name contains and transcends all the merit of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, sages, deities, sutras, mantras and Dharma schools. It is praised and acclaimed by all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, deities and demon kings. It prevails in all worlds.

五、 度生第一。罪業深重、斷諸善根、難度難化、為一切諸佛所棄捨的眾生,法藏菩薩誓願通通救度,乃至阿鼻地獄、大小諸獄、火獄、煉獄、寒冰地獄裡的眾生無一例外,以其成佛時的光明名號,盡十方一切世界、盡未來一切時劫,永無疲厭、永無止息地加以救度。

5. The deliverance is foremost. There are sentient beings who have committed extremely serious karmic offenses and severed all meritorious roots. They are difficult to teach and transform, and are therefore abandoned by all Buddhas. But Bodhisattva Dharmakara vowed to deliver them all, including even those in Avici Hell, other big and small hells, and fiery and freezing hells. He so delivers us with his Buddha name of light, in all worlds and at all times, without weariness and without cessation.


Among the 48 Vows, the 18th is called the "Vow of Rebirth Through Name-Recitation." It is the core and root of the 48 Vows, and directly concerns our liberation from samsara, rebirth in the Pure Land, and attainment of Buddhahood. It is vitally important. This Vow stipulates: Bodhisattva Dharmakara will deliver all sentient beings who, regardless of their offenses and blessings, exclusively recite the Buddha name of Bodhisattva Dharmakara – Namo Amitabha Buddha – and aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land. The Vow includes those who only at the point of death encounter the teaching of such deliverance through name-recitation and hastily recite the Buddha"s name ten times or one time, or even merely generate a single thought of entrusting their lives to Amitabha Buddha. Bodhisattva Dharmakara pledges: If he fails to fulfill this vow, even though he can achieve Buddhahood, he will not do so but continue his practice until the vow is accomplished.


After making his Vows, Bodhisattva Dharmakara practiced for inconceivably long kalpas, accumulated immeasurable virtues, and became a Buddha ten kalpas ago. His name is "Namo Amitabha Buddha," and his land is the "Western Land of Bliss." Since attaining Buddhahood, he has been applying his name of light to waken and ripen the karma of countless sentient beings of the ten directions and deliver them to the Land of Bliss. In the past ten kalpas, countless sentient beings from our world and other worlds of the ten directions were reborn in Amitabha Buddha"s Pure Land. Sentient beings of the present and future to be delivered there are like rivers running into the sea without stop.


Characteristics of Amitabha Buddha"s Deliverance

一、 主動。法藏菩薩主動發願、修行成佛來救度我們,不經眾生祈求拜託。

1. Pro-active. Without our asking, Bodhisattva Dharmakara took the initiative to make his Vows, practice and attain Buddhahood to deliver us.

二、 平等。阿彌陀佛大慈悲心平等救度一切眾生,不分貧富貴賤、善惡賢愚,如日普照,如地均載,如水潤長,平等利益萬物,而無一切愛憎分別。

2. On an equal basis. Out of great compassion, Amitabha Buddha saves all sentient beings on a basis of equality, irrespective of their being rich or poor, noble or lowly, good or evil, smart or dull. His compassion is like the sun shining universally, the earth bearing its loads evenly, and rainwater nourishing all life. Amitabha benefits all equally, without distinguishing between the loved and the hated.

三、 無條件。任何眾生只要稱念「南無阿彌陀佛」名號,願生其凈土,決定救度。此外無任何條件限制。

3. Unconditional. Any sentient being, so long as he recites the name "Namo Amitabha Buddha" and aspires to be reborn in the Pure Land, will certainly be delivered by Amitabha Buddha. There is no additional condition or restriction.


Scope of Amitabha Buddha"s Deliverance


From the perspective of space, Amitabha"s deliverance embraces all sentient beings of this world and of all worlds in the boundless cosmos.


In terms of time, it covers unlimited kalpas in the future.


So far as the types of sentient beings are concerned, Amitabha"s deliverance encompasses humans, deities, animals, small insects, hungry ghosts and miserable hell beings.


Method and Circumstances of Amitabha Buddha"s Deliverance


Amitabha Buddha rescues sentient beings with his name of light. He emits boundless radiance to all worlds. All Buddhas in the lands of the ten directions acclaim and commend his name. He forms karmic connections with all sentient beings, and plants seeds of his name into their minds. With his light, he facilitates maturation of our virtuous roots and induces us to recite Namo Amitabha Buddha. If someone recites his name, his light immediately finds her, and shines on and protects her night and day, without interruption. When she approaches the point of death, Amitabha leads an assembly of Bodhisattvas of the Land of Bliss to appear before her, and releases a flood of light to welcome and guide her. Exquisite fragrance and music console and delight the person, who then follows the Buddha and is born by transformation within a lotus flower in a seven-jeweled pond of the Pure Land. Immediately the lotus blooms, and her body, appearance and light spontaneously become the same as those of the great Bodhisattvas.


Benefits of Amitabha Buddha"s Deliverance


The benefits are innumerable, consisting of two categories:

一、 此世的利益。眾生念佛便受佛光照耀保護,現生平安利樂,如業障消除,福慧增長,愈病健康,人事和順,消災免難,人生有方向,有安全感、幸福感、滿足感,內心平靜祥和等等。

1. Benefits for the present lifetime. Sentient beings who recite Namo Amitabha Buddha are embraced and protected by the Buddha"s light. They enjoy peace and happiness in the present lifetime. The benefits include elimination of karmic obstacles, growth of meritorious blessings and wisdom, recovery from illness, harmonious relationships with others, avoidance of calamity and misfortune, a life with direction, security, happiness and satisfaction, and inner peace and serenity.

二、 往生的利益。臨命終時阿彌陀佛現前來迎,放光加持,身少病苦,心大歡喜,正念分明,乘寶蓮華,隨從佛後,彈指入極樂世界七寶池中,蓮花化生。即時悟明宇宙萬有真理,獲得無量光明、無量壽命的身心,與真理共存,永脫生死輪迴之苦,證入法性涅槃之樂,得大自在、大圓滿、大智慧,速疾成佛。以大慈悲哀愍一切罪苦眾生,分身十方,無疲厭地救度自己歷劫父母兄弟及一切有緣眾生共同生彼極樂凈土。

2. Benefits of rebirth. At the point of a reciter"s death, Amitabha Buddha will appear before him, emitting light to offer empowerment. His body will suffer little from illness, and his heart will greatly rejoice. He"ll maintain pure and correct mindfulness, sit on a jeweled lotus flower, follow the Buddha, and in an instant be reborn by transformation inside a lotus in the seven-jeweled pond of the Land of Bliss. He"ll promptly realize the truth of all phenomena in the universe, obtain a body and mind of infinite light and infinite life, and co-exist with the truth. He will thus be free from the cycle of rebirth forever, enter the bliss of Dharma-nature and nirvana, enjoy great freedom, great perfection and great wisdom – and rapidly attain Buddhahood. With great compassion, he will pity all sentient beings suffering for negative deeds, generate multiple bodies to present in the worlds of the ten directions, and indefatigably rescue his parents, brothers and sisters of countless past kalpas and all karmically affiliated beings, to be reborn together in the Land of Bliss.


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