
1. Who is _________ _________(outgoing), Sam or Tom?
2. The strong young man looks very __________(wild)
3. Is Jack _________(funny) than Bill?
4. Her illness was __________ __________(serious) than the doctor first thought.
5. I got __________ (high) marks than my sister.
1.  English is ________than Japanese in China.
A. popular   B. popularer   C. more popular   D. much popular
The two boys like sports very much. They are very ________.
A. unhealthy    B. athletic    C. more athletic     D. healthier
Mary is _________ at English than her brother.
A. better     B. best     C. good      D. well
The boy is __________ than me, but he eats __________than me.
A. younger; more    B. young ; much     C. young; many    D. more young ;more
Lesson Ten is ___________than Lesson Nine.
A. difficult    B. more difficult    C. difficulter       D. very difficult
1.  Tom is 10 years old. Sam is 15 years old.
  Sam is ________ ________ Tom.
  Tom is ________ ________ Sam.
My father is taller than my mother.
  My mother is ________ ________ my father.
His bag is bigger than hers.
  Her bag isn』t __________ _________ __________ his.
一. 1. more outgoing    2. wild    3. funnier    4. more serious   
二. 1. C    2. B    3. A    4. A    5. B
三. 1. older than, younger than 
   2. shorter than  
   3. as big as


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