【私家庭院】倫敦巴恩思伯瑞聯排別墅花園 | Daniel Shea

項目改造前原本的花園建有小型的約克石露台及面朝花園頂部的老舊平台,其餘部分則為草坪及狹長的花壇,花壇里種著不起眼的植物。由於圍牆較矮,從各個角度均可俯瞰花園。客戶原本預算較少,但是隨著設計工作的開展,客戶的熱情高漲,很快便追加了預算。由於身處倫敦的中心位置,且周圍均是高聳的聯排房屋,使花園有一半處於陰影中,盡享隱蔽的位置優勢。客戶訴求客戶希望打造一個精緻的現代休閑娛樂空間,同時增添房屋景緻,使其擁有更多的層次。將鄰居屏蔽在外也是該項目的重點目標,從而確保花園不被他人窺視。項目設計該項目的客戶是一對夫婦,養著一條狗,常常在周末及晚上才會光顧花園。在倫敦的漫長深夜裡,照明燈具對花園的充分利用至關重要。花園的設計靈感來源於客戶室內裝修所用的藝術品及現代傢具,主要採用深灰色及綠色色調,從牆漆及綠植的選擇上便能看出這種品味。主要的社交區內建有較大的燃氣暖爐、燃氣燒烤爐、工作台以及鉻合金框架的模塊化沙發。白色的鋸切石灰岩鋪面使花園空間增添了些許真實的奢華氛圍。花園中央設有水槽,以白色石灰岩鋪就,溢出的水會流到干砌的石板路上。花園盡頭是兩張日光浴躺椅及絕妙的干砌石牆,3個聚光燈往上打著光,使這堵手工築造的牆壁紋理更加引入注目。 植栽的設計既微妙又和諧。大部分植栽均根據其紋理及綠色色調進行選擇。金知風草、歐洲細辛及東方菟葵的組合使人賞心悅目。白色鶯尾花及蔥屬花朵在綠叢中綻放,預示著晚春的到來,而在隨後的整個夏季里,花園裡則會開滿白色的星芹、紅腳鷸和紫錐花。三棵銀樺樹為身處聯排房屋的花園增添了與世隔絕的安逸氛圍。

 BeforeThe garden had a small York stone terrace and an old rotten deck towards the top of the garden. The rest was lawn and narrow borders with no noticeable plants. The garden was overlooked from all angles due to low boundary walls. The clients had a modest budget, but this soon increased as the design progressed and they became more and more enthused. The garden was semi shade and enjoyed a sheltered position due to the surround tall town houses and central London locationBriefThe brief was to create a sophisticated contemporary space that would allow for relaxing, entertaining and to provide a vista from the house and it its many levels. Screening of the neighbors was also a priority to ensure that the garden was not overlooked.DesignThe clients, a professional couple with a dog, would mostly use the garden on the weekends and in the evenings. Lighting would be crucial to extend the use of the garden well into the dark London nights.The garden was inspired by the client』s interior decors of fine artwork, contemporary furniture, picking up on the tones of dark greys and greens, the garden reflects these tastes in the choice of wall paint and green planting.The main social area contains a large gas fire, gas BBQ and work surfaces along with a chrome framed modular sofa. White sawn limestone paving adds a real luxury to the space.The central area of the garden has a water trough, clad in white limestone that spills onto and through a dry stone path. Towards the rear of the garden are the two sun loungers and the glorious dry stone wall, up lit by 3 spotlights, highlighting the textures of the hand crafted wall.The planting scheme is subtle and calming. The majority of the plants being chosen for their texture and tone of green. Hakonechloa macra, Asarum europaeum and Helleborus orientalis providing pleasing combinations. The flowers of White Irises and Alliums rise up and provide late spring interest before the white Astrantia』s, Persicaria』s and Echinacea』s flower throughout summer.Three Silver birches provide a reassuring sense of seclusion amidst the surrounding matrix of townhouses.設計師簡介丹尼爾·謝伊,畢業於倫敦卡佩爾曼諾學院,畢業後,他參加了英國皇家園藝學會於2012年舉辦的漢普頓宮花展,並以他的「起義」花園作品榮獲花展銀獎。該花園的設計靈感來源於2011年發生的倫敦暴動。丹尼爾在花展其間認識了人生中的頭兩位客戶,並開啟了他的職業生涯。丹尼爾的設計項目大都位於倫敦市區及郊區,他打造的花園通常較小,也易被鄰里窺探。他對庭院情有獨鍾,他不常使用草坪,而是用綠植及石材取而代之。丹尼爾嘗試並打造了私密的休閑空間,這在建成區內尤其具有挑戰性。他喜歡在自己的園景建築項目中,採用大膽的幾何圖形及整齊的線條,同時通過軟性的天然植栽及有限的植栽組合使其軟化。成功的花園設計能夠在實用與審美之間取得平衡。丹尼爾希望將來在倫敦及倫敦周邊地區擴展業務,並承接英國農村及更遠地區的大型項目。Designer』s ProfileAfter graduating from Capel Manor College, London, Daniel Shea exhibited at the 2012 RHS Hampton Court Flower Show and won a silver medal for his garden 「Uprising」. A garden inspired by the London riots of 2011. From Here Daniel met his first 2 clients and launched his career.Daniel』s work tends to be in urban and suburban London so gardens are usually quite small and are overlooked by neighbours. Courtyards are popular with his, as Daniel tends not to use lawns and instead replace them with planting and stone. She tries and creates spaces that are intimate, relaxing and private which can be challenging in built up areas. She likes to use bold geometry and clean lines in his hard landscaping, but soften them with soft naturalistic planting and a limited planting palate. A successful garden design manages to strike a balance between the practical and the beautiful.For the future, Daniel hopes to grow his business in and around London and also take on some larger projects in rural UK and further afield.


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