




There are two great circles called the meridian and horizon, which are related to the longitude and latitude of a place, and stand at right angles to one another. The meridian is that great circle which, when one is standing with his face to the South, where the Sun is about noon, passes immediately overhead from North to South cutting the horizon at right angles. The horizon is that great circle which defines the limits of visibility.


The degree of the zodiac occupying the midheaven or meridian and that occupying the horizon, are sensitive points. It is found that the transits of the planets over these points are productive of very marked effects which influence the financial world to the greatest possible extent.


It is a matter of empiricism as to what degree holds the meridian, and consequently the horizon of various places. The following list may be taken as the result of experience.


Midheaven Ascend.上升中天

London… …Gemini 9o …Virgo 14o   

St. Petersburg …Cancer 9o …Libra 6o

Paris … …Gemini 11o …Virgo 14o 

Tokyo … …Libra 29o …Capricorn 7o

Berlin … …Gemini 22o …Virgo 24o

New York …Pisces 24o …Cancer 14o

Calcutta …Virgo 7o …Sagittarius 2o

Bombay …Leo 22o …Scorpio 20o

Sydney … …Scorpio 10o …Aquarius 16o

Rome … …Gemini 22o …Virgo 23o

Peking… …Libra 6o …Sagittarius 16o

北京    天秤座  人馬座

Cape Town …Gemini 27o …Virgo 25o

It may be well to illustrate the working value of these observations, and I may take, therefore, one or two instances of the influence of transits of the major planets over these sensitive points of the zodiac.


In the year 1896 the malefic planets Uranus and Saturn were both in transit over the 20o of Scorpio, which is the ascendant of Bombay, and there began a most disastrous outbreak of Bubonic Plague in the Presidency which utterly demoralized trade in that important commercial centre, and caused the deaths of many thousands of victims. The year 1894 found Saturn 29o Libra, which is the midheaven degree of Tokyo, and the Chino-Japanese War was then in full play, Mars and Saturn forming an opposition in Libra/Aries 28o. The Boer War was begun on Oct. 11th, 1899, and on that date we find Neptune in Pisces 27o, which is the midheaven of Cape Town.


The Crimean War broke out on July 2nd, 1853, when Neptune was in 14o of Pisces, in exact opposition to the ascendant of the London horoscope.


On January 25, 1855, the Crimea scandal was ventilated in Parliament, and the Government was defeated. Saturn was then in Gemini 9o, the midheaven of London! The Transvaal War, of 1880, began on December 18th, when Uranus was stationary in exact conjunction with London』s ascendant in Virgo 14o, and Mars in Sagittarius 9o, in direct opposition to the midheaven of London.


The Egyptian campaign and the fall of Khartoum, with the death of General Gordon, took place in 1884-5, when Saturn was in the midheaven of the horoscope of London, Saturn being in Gemini 9o in April, 1884. Gladstone』s horoscope shows Saturn in opposition to the midheaven of the London horoscope, while the map for the execution of King Charles I, published by William Lilly, shows Saturn in Gemini 9o.


A complete system of polarizations can be deduced, and the student of planetary influence will find that the great commercial centers of the world are influenced by the transit of major planets through the degrees occupying the midheaven and ascendant of the horoscopes, together with their oppositions, quadratures, trines and sextiles. It should be observed, however, that the stationary positions of the major planets in these degrees are far more effective than mere transits, and great crises always attend the stay of a planet in a sensitive degree, i.e. a degree occupying an angle of a horoscope.








Taking it for granted that the reader has thoroughly tested the foregoing principles and has found them to be true in substance and fact, let us suppose that he has money to invest. His primary object will be to find a market in which he can buy at the lowest price with a fair degree of security, an adequate interest, and an opportunity of selling out at an advantage. It is in this latter operation that he may look for his greatest profits. First of all he should enquire whether the security is well founded, and readily dealt in on the open market. This information he can get from any broker or bank. To buy cheaply he must find a market which responds to the sign through which Saturn last made transit. Having taken up his stock, he will hold it until after Jupiter has made his transit through the same sign. He can then sell at the highest price that is likely to be touched during the space of 12 years.


It is necessary that before buying Stock, search should be made on the following points:

  1. That no eclipses occur in the ruling sign of the stock during the period for which investment is proposed to be made.
  2. That no transit of Saturn, Uranus or Neptune occurs in that sign during the period.
  3. That Jupiter will pass through the sign during the period.


1.      在你預期想進行投資的時間段,這個市場所屬的黃道符號里沒出現日月食。

2.      沒有土星,天王星或者海王星通過這個符號。

3.      木星要在這個期間穿過這個符號。

He will then buy and hold until after Jupiter has made his transit of the sign and sell at the best price obtainable in the open market. Thus, he buys after the transit of Saturn, and sells after the transit of Jupiter. He thus buys at the lowest and sells at the highest, taking his dividends in the meantime. So that whether a man is a buyer or seller of stock he has only to keep his eye upon the major planets and the eclipses and thus secure the best results. He must look to Saturn chiefly for depressions of the market and to Jupiter for inflation, but always considering the paramount effect of eclipses.







Transcriber』s Note: Although this book is on the Gann recommended reading list, this chapter contains instructions on "averaging down," which run directly contrary to those of W. D. Gann and other market professionals. Gann writes in his 1936 book New Stock Trend Detector:


"The price decline from 1929 to 1932 was so drastic because people who bought at high levels held on and hoped and bought more to average on the way down. They were wrong at the time they bought the first stock and continued to be wrong by bucking the trend and buying more to average, the worst thing that any trader can do. Remember, average your profits, but never average a loss." (p. 24, emphasis added)



The seven highest prices are then to be added together, as also the seven lowest prices. Each of these has then to be divided by the number of years to get the highest and lowest averages. The results are then added together and divided by two, which gives a true average, below which it is safe to buy under all normal conditions of the market. One or two examples will doubtless be of service:



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