ED|進食障礙·stories to be told

ED|進食障礙·stories to be told

"The quality of the life that I live is more important than how I look in the mirror."




所以為了自己,也為了每一個你(為了找理由休息 順便學英語)



Eating-disorder recovery is not easily definable. Recovery and survival from any trauma, mental illness, addiction, or disembodiment of self looks and feels different to and for everyone.


One thing is certain: Eating disorders do not discriminate. And all too often, they are neither obvious nor visible in presentation. All too often, they are stigmatized, or silenced altogether.


As a writer, performer, and body empowerment advocate, I have spent much of my life sharing my eating-disorder survival story. And still, it feels impossible to perfectly articulate the deadly mental illness that is an eating disorder, as the journey of survival is uniquely personal.


We heard from a diverse array of individuals worldwide who have experienced various eating disorders and experiences with body image, who describe their survival in myriad ways. Here are some of the many stories we received.

我們了解到在全世界有許多人經歷過各種進食障礙或是與自身外在形象鬥爭,他們恢復的過程更是多樣。這裡是我們收到的幾個小故事。 —Caroline Rothstein

As a 12-year-old with full-blown anorexia, I was involuntarily institutionalized after having an eating disorder–induced seizure. The institution was not equipped to deal with eating disorders, and their only plan of action was to watch me eat, shower, and sleep to ensure I didn』t throw up, exercise, or throw my food away. I was treated less as a medical patient and more like a criminal, unable to privately mourn the loss of my innocence and adolescence.


This was my first insight into how our health care system is unprepared to treat eating disorder survivors, a travesty compounded by society』s rigid physical ideals for women. Survivors could best be served by the development of new treatment options targeted at modifying harmful behaviors and by eroding patriarchal visions of the female body. Instead, we are treated like social outliers who are shamed and told we have taken things too far. Denying the existence of sexism is a historically convenient method of the ignorant, and to tell an eating disorder survivor that our plight is of self-creation is to validate the disproportionate and unrealistic physical expectations for women that have permeated every aspect of society.


I will never forget the first time I saw my own reflection without wanting to see less of it. It took years for me to regain control of my life and body, both of which deserved respect and love after having spent years as a battleground. Sharing my story was the first step toward total recovery and remains my personal form of resistance. By speaking out, we can reduce the shame and stigma associated with eating disorders and give courage to millions of survivors.

我永遠都不會忘記第一次照鏡子,想擁有身上每一部分的那一刻。我花了好幾年才可以重新掌控自己的生活和身體,這二者作為戰場那麼多年後,都值得被尊敬、被愛護。講出我的故事是我痊癒和保持當下自身的第一步。講出來,我們會減少進食障礙帶給我們的恥辱感,也會給正經歷這些的千百萬人更多的勇氣。 —Jaclyn Munson

My story begins at age 4. I was extremely underweight for my height and age; however, my grandmother told I had 「arms like ham」 and was 「getting chubby.」 I spent my entire childhood surrounded by weight stigma — whether it was from my grandmother constantly telling me to 「go on a diet」 or comparing my own body to my friends.


At 12, I went on what I described as a 「very strict diet.」 I had no clue what anorexia was. I thought it was when someone literally never ate anything due to some underlying emotional problem, when, in reality, accordingly to my personal understanding and experience, it』s a disease that manifests in the mind; an utter fear of weight gain. It does not have a specific physical appearance. It does not pick particular races or genders. It just is.


My 「diet」 left me with a failing liver, a problematic heart, hair loss, and osteopenia. I went into treatment for anorexia and fully came to terms with my disease, and began to believe that I did not choose this. Anorexia was like a light switch that lived inside my brain, turned off for most of my life. The stigma surrounding my weight is what turned it on.


For me, I will never turn my anorexia off. It』s always going to be a struggle. I can, however, dim the lights. Now, at 16, I remain recovered without relapse. Although every day I see girls in magazines and in person with tiny waists, I am fighting. I am alive. I almost lost my life, and my life is much more important than my weight. Someday, I think I will 100% believe I am beautiful, and I will do that on my own terms, without the help of a boy or Instagram likes. Until then, I remain a 16-year-old girl still surrounded by weight stigma and slowly, but surely, learning to be comfortable with myself.

對於我,我永遠不會把這個開關關掉。掙扎是永遠存在的。然而,我可以讓燈光變得黯淡。現在,我16歲了,我沒有複發的一點點恢復。儘管每天我能看到雜誌上,或是真人,她們的腰有多細,我還在與其鬥爭。我還活著。我幾乎丟掉了我的生活,我的生活比我的體重重要多了。有一天,我會百分百認同自己有多美麗,我會自己這麼真切地認為,不是藉助一個男孩或是ins的幫助。那時,我仍是一個被體重羞恥感包圍的16歲女生,但是,肯定的是,我會慢慢學會於自己和解,寬慰自己。 —Meg Masseron



快關注我新鮮出爐的公眾號:陛下WannaSay (●ˇ?ˇ●)



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