

----------------- 02.07 更新 --------------------


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最近收到一家心怡公司的offer,跟學校聯繫OPT-Extension的時候才注意到E-Verify這個概念。通常來講大家畢業之後OPT有1年,STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)專業的同學可以申請24個月的Extension,也就是一共有3年,可以申請4次H1b(加上在校的時候也可以申請)。然而STEM OPT要求僱主是E-Verify的公司。

很多大的銀行和科技公司都是E-Verify,所以相信很少有朋友遇到像我這樣的問題。公司base在倫敦,在紐約的office並不大,裡面的人大多都是各大bank已經工作多年的star trader,自然沒有處理過fresh graduate才會有的這樣的問題。所以,遇到這樣的情況,要麼公司申請加入E-Verify,要麼relocate員工。我寫了一篇文章來解釋什麼是E-Verify,以及為什麼公司應該加入E-Verify。然而很多老牌的fund一般也比較保守,很難為junior費這麼多事,所以最後會怎樣也很難說。



What is E-verify

E-Verify is an Internet-based system that compares information from an employees Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration records to confirm employment eligibility. See Figure 2 for how E-Verify works.

There is no application fee. It is very easy to apply and usually the whole process will take less than 1 hour, and will be approved in a few days. It is widely used in US - most funds and banks are E-Verified.

Instant Verification of Employment Eligibility (Footnote 1)

E-Verifys most impressive features are its speed and accuracy. E-Verify is the only free, fast, online service of its kind that verifies employees data against millions of government records and provides results within as little as three to five seconds.

Key Features Include (Footnote 1):

· Used nationwide by more than 700,000 employers of all sizes, used at more than 1.9 million hiring sites. See Figure 1.

· Joined by about 1,400 new participating companies every week

· One of the federal government』s highest-rated services for customer satisfaction.

· Secure 24 hours access, instant results - display in 3 to 5 seconds.

Reasons to become E-verified company

· Recruiting Benefits: More international students, who are good at quantitative analysis, programming and software development will apply for our company. They have 3 years eligibility of working and can roll H1b 3 times (Footnote 8). This would be helpful for building Quant/Technology team in US potentially in the future.

· Most Funds and Banks are E-verified (Footnote 2):

o Alphadyne Asset Management LLC

o Bracebridge Capital, LLC

o Tudor Investment Corporation

o Pine River Management L.P.

o Paulson & Co. Inc.

o GMO & Co. LLC

o BTG Pactual Investment Group LLC

o Element Capital Management LLC

o AQR Capital Management, LLC

o Point72 / Cubist

o Citadel LLC

o Bridgewater Associates

o D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P.

o Two Sigma investments, LP

o Most Investment banks: GS, MS, JP etc

· Improved Compliance (Footnote 3):

o It will help employers become aware of errors on their I-9s during an I-9 audit, and will lead to corrective action

o Using E-Verified for new hires can give employer peace of mind by confirming that the data provided by the employee matches the data that the government has on file.

o It will eliminate SSN "No-match" letters

o E-verified employer are presumed to be hiring authorized workers, as such violations are amongst the most serious, this presumption can provide the employer with an additional sense of security

o Company will be less likely to be fined for any errors found on I9 forms. "Brownie Points" from ICE.

· Special Requirement (Footnote 3): Doing business with Federal government requires firm to be E-verified.

· Long History (Footnote 1): initially introduced by IIRIRA 1996, after two decades it has become much more robust, accurate, fast and convenient.

· Regulatory Trend: More and more states are requiring E-verification as a standard of employment, along with I-9 form. Why wait until the last minute for a law to be passed - and potentially missed. It can be done earlier. Here is a list of states require E-Verify and the year the law was enacted (Footnote 5,6):

o 2008: Arizona, Colorado, Mississippi, Oklahoma

o 2009: Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska

o 2011: Florida, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Minnesota, Washington

o 2012: Alabama, Louisiana, Michigan, South Carolina, West Virginia

o 2013: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia

o 2015: Texas, Indiana

o 2017: Spurred by the Trump administrations crackdown on illegal immigration, Congress is set to debate a national E-Verify mandate that would require every U.S. employer to use the federal online service to screen all new hires and for the first time allow the screening of current employees. (Footnote 7)

· No fees, very easy for application: enrollment process takes less than 1 hour and will get approved within 1 day to 1 week.

Requirements and Restrictions

Information/materials required for E-verify application:

· No Fees

· Company name, address, mailing address

· Employer identification number (also called Federal Tax ID Number)

· Range of number of employees

· First three numbers of North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS)

· The number of hiring sites that will participate in E-Verify in each state

· Phone number, Email Address

Restriction of E-verified company:

· Cant hire illegal immigrants

· Employer has to E-verify every new employee to check his legal working authorization and tax information.

How to enroll in E-Verify:

· Visit uscis.gov/e-verify/enro for all information

· Video on how to enroll in E-Verify: uscis.gov/e-verify/vide

· Prepare above-mentioned information/materials and follow the Check-List: uscis.gov/e-verify/gett

· Register website: e-verify.uscis.gov/enro

· Step by Step Guide: uscis.gov/e-verify/gett


1, For more information: uscis.gov/e-verify

2, Websites to check if a company is E-verified or not: uscis.gov/e-verify/abou

3, nolo.com/legal-encyclop

4, workforce.com/2010/03/2

5, ncsl.org/research/immig

6, numbersusa.com/resource

7, See judiciary.house.gov/pre

8, Given 2017 lottery, the H1b odds for advanced degree (Master or PhD) are 55.90%. Given the new immigration policy, the odds are predicted to be increasing in the following years. Usually if a Master students with STEM OPT extension will have 3 years working eligibility and can apply for H1b Visa for 3 times, the chances are 1 - (1 - 55.90%)^3 = 91.42%.

Figure List:

Figure 1

Figure 2



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