



              A Shortcut for Detecting Alien Worlds

Finding new alien worlds may become a lot easier. Astronomers have discovered that stars containing low amounts of the element lithium tend to host solar systems, a result that could dramatically reduce the time it will take to detect another Earth-like planet.  發現系外天體可能會變得容易許多。天文學家們發現,含有少量鋰元素的恆星往往擁有類日系統。在探測系外的類地行星時,利用該研究成果可能會節省大量的時間。
 Thus far, attempting to determine whether other stars play host to planets has required great patience and painstaking measurements. Astronomers scan the skies for two stellar phenomena. One is the barely perceptible but regular dimming of a star"s brightness that occurs when an orbiting planet passes between the star and Earth. The other is the regular but minuscule variation in a star"s radial velocity--its speed through the galaxy relative to Earth"s speed--which indicates that the star is being tugged by an orbiting planet"s gravity. Astronomers casually refer to the two phenomena as blink and wobble. Efforts to detect planets via these methods can take months--and they often come up empty.  到目前為止,要想確定其他恆星系統中是否擁有行星,一直需要極大的耐心和艱難的測算。天文學家們掃描天空為的是尋找兩種恆星現象:一種是難以覺察到的、有規律的恆星亮度變暗現象,這種現象發生在進行環繞運動的行星在其恆星與地球之間通過的時候;另外一種是恆星徑向速度的規律性細微變化。徑向速度指恆星在星系中運行時相對於地球的速度,這種速度的變化表明恆星正在受到來自軌道行星引力的拉動。天文學家們把這兩種現象戲稱為「眨眼」和「搖擺」。通過這些方法探測行星,可能會需要數月的努力,而且常常會一無所獲。
 Enter lithium. Some young stars form inside a small rotating disk of dust and gas, whereas others coalesce inside a much larger rotating disk, called a protoplanetary disk. Astronomers think that in the former case, the star rotates much faster because it isn"t subject to the gravitational drag imposed by the larger disk. This faster rotation, the thinking goes, pushes the star"s lighter elements, such as lithium, closer to the surface, where they can persist for billions of years. The presence of a protoplanetary disk, on the other hand, could hinder the star"s rotation, thereby causing lithium and other lighter elements to sink deep inside the star"s nuclear furnace, where they are consumed. If these scenarios are correct, stars with low levels of lithium should be more likely to host planets.  利用鋰元素可以解決問題!一些年輕恆星形成於由塵埃與氣體構成的、做旋轉運動的小型圓盤內,而其他恆星所在的旋轉圓盤要大得多。這種大型旋轉圓盤被稱為「原行星盤」。天文學家們認為,恆星在小型圓盤中的旋轉速度要快得多,因為它沒有受到較大圓盤的引力阻礙。他們的觀點是這樣的:恆星旋轉越快,其中較輕的元素(如:鋰)就離表面越近,這些元素在接近表面區域可以存在數十億年;另一方面,原行星盤的存在可能會阻礙恆星的旋轉,因而致使鋰和其他較輕的元素深深地沉入恆星的核熔爐內,被消耗掉。如果這些設想是正確的,那麼鋰含量少的恆星擁有行星的可能性應該更大。
 That"s what astronomers have found. In today"s issue of Nature, a team led by Garik Israelian of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias in Spain"s Canary Islands surveyed 46 stars in our galactic neighborhood that host planets, along with 116 stars where so far no planets have been detected. Analysis of the light from the 46 stars showed low lithium content, the team reports, whereas the 116 stars all had higher levels of lithium--with over half sporting about 10 times more than the planet-hosting stars.  這正是天文學家們所發現的。在今天出版的《自然》雜誌上,西班牙加那利群島上加那利天體物理學院的加里克·伊斯雷利恩帶領一個研究小組,審視了臨近我們星系的46顆擁有行星的恆星,以及116顆到目前為止沒有發現行星的恆星。研究小組報道:對光線的分析表明,那46顆恆星的鋰含量低;而那116顆恆星都擁有較高的鋰含量,其中半數以上的恆星引人矚目,它們的鋰含量比擁有行星的恆星高出10倍。
 Physicist Dejan Vinkovi?, of the University of Split in Croatia calls the paper exciting, but he says it"s still unclear exactly why stars that host planets have low lithium levels. It"s possible, he says, that something other than the protoplanetary disk is contributing to the chemical"s loss.   克羅埃西亞斯普利特大學的物理學家德言·芬科維奇稱,這篇論文讓人感到振奮。但是他說,還不清楚到底為什麼擁有行星的恆星鋰含量較低。他表示,也有可能是其他情況而不是原行星盤導致了鋰元素的缺失。



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