



































你可以喂寶寶香蕉(搗碎) ,所有其他的水果和蔬菜應煮至軟的。



當你的孩子開始吃固體食物,他的糞便將變得更加堅實和可變的顏色。由於所添加的糖和脂肪,它們將有更強的氣味。豆豆和其他綠色蔬菜可能會使大便變成深綠色, ,甜菜可能使它紅色的。 (甜菜有時會使尿赤。 )






























油炸食品,蛋) 。












Until now, your baby』s diet has been made up of breast milk and/or formula.

But once your child reaches 4 to 6 months of age, you can begin adding

solid foods. This brochure has been developed by the American Academy

of Pediatrics to give parents information on how to introduce solid foods to

their infants. The information in this brochure is based on the Academy』s

parenting manual Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5.

When can my baby eat solids?

Most babies are ready to eat solids at 4 to 6 months of age. Before this age,

most babies do not yet have enough control over their tongues and mouth

muscles. Instead of swallowing the food, they push their tongues against the

spoon or the food. This tongue-pushing re?ex helps babies when they are

nursing or drinking from a bottle. Most babies lose this re?ex at about 4

months of age. Also, energy needs of babies increase around this age as

well, making this an ideal time to introduce solids.

You may start solid foods at any feeding. At ?rst you may want to pick a

time when you do not have many distractions. However, keep in mind that

as your child gets older she will want to eat with the rest of the family.

Feeding your baby solids

To prevent choking, make sure your baby is sitting up when you introduce

solids. If your baby cries or turns away when you give her the food, do not

force the issue. It is more important that you both enjoy mealtimes than for

your baby to start solids by a speci?c date. Go back to nursing or bottlefeeding exclusively for a week or two, then try again.

Always use a spoon to feed your baby solids. Some parents try putting

solid foods in a bottle or infant feeder with a nipple. This is not a good idea.

Feeding your baby this way can cause choking. It also greatly increases the

amount of food your baby eats and can cause your baby to gain too much

weight. Besides, it is important for your baby to get used to the process of

eating—sitting up, taking bites from a spoon, resting between bites, and

stopping when full. This early experience will help your child learn good

eating habits throughout life.

Start with half a spoonful or less and talk your baby through the process

(「Mmm, see how good this is!」). Your baby may not know what to do the ?rst

time or two. She may look confused or insulted, wrinkle her nose, roll the food

around her mouth, or reject it all together. This is a normal reaction, especially

since her feedings have been so different up to this point.

One way to make eating solids for the ?rst time easier is to give your baby

a little milk ?rst, then switch to very small half-spoonfuls of food, and ?nally

nish off with more milk. This will prevent your baby from getting frustrated

when she is very hungry.

No matter what you do, do not be surprised if most of the ?rst few solidfood feedings wind up on your baby』s face, hands, and bib. Increase the

amount of food gradually, with just a teaspoonful or two to start. This allows

your baby time to learn how to swallow solids.

What kinds of foods should my baby eat?

For most babies the ?rst solid foods (cereals) are in this order:

rice cereal

oatmeal cereal

barley cereal

It is a good idea to give your child wheat and mixed cereals last, since

they may cause allergic reactions in very young babies.

You can use premixed baby cereals in a jar or dry cereals to which you

add formula or breast milk. The premixed foods may be easier to use, but the

dry ones allow you to control the thickness of the cereal to suit your baby.

Whichever type of cereal you choose, make sure that it is made for babies.

Only baby foods contain the extra nutrients your child needs at this age.

Once your baby learns to eat cereal, gradually give him other foods.

One possible order is:

strained vegetables; start with orange vegetables (squash,

sweet potatoes, carrots)



Give your baby eggs last, because they occasionally cause allergic reactions. Also, to avoid getting your baby too used to this high-cholesterol food,

it should be fed not more than three times per week.

Give your baby one new food at a time, and wait at least 2 to 3 days before

starting another. After each new food, watch for any allergic reactions such as

diarrhea, rash, or vomiting. If any of these occur, stop using the new food and

talk with your pediatrician.

Within 2 or 3 months of starting solid foods, your baby』s daily diet should

include the following foods given over three meals:

breast milk or formula





Finger foods

Once your baby sits up, you can give her ?nger foods to help her learn to feed

herself. To avoid choking, make sure anything you give your child is soft, easy

to swallow, and cut into small pieces. Some examples include well-cooked and

cut-up squash, peas, potatoes, and small pieces of wafer-type cookies or

crackers. Do not give your baby any food that requires chewing at this age.

At each of your child』s daily meals, she may be eating about 4 ounces, or

the amount in one small jar of strained baby food. (Do not give your child

adult-type foods because they often have added salt and preservatives.)

If you want to give your baby fresh food, use a blender or food processor,

or just mash softer foods with a fork. All fresh foods should be well cooked,

soft, with no added salt or seasoning. Though you can feed your baby raw

bananas (mashed), all other fruits and vegetables should be cooked until they

are soft. Refrigerate any food you do not use and look for any signs of spoilage

before giving it to your baby. Fresh foods are not bacteria-free, so they will

spoil more quickly than food from a can or jar.

What can I expect after my baby starts solids?

When your child starts eating solid foods, his stools will become more solid

and variable in color. Due to the added sugars and fats, they will have a much

stronger odor too. Peas and other green vegetables may turn the stool a deepgreen color; beets may make it red. (Beets sometimes make urine red as well.)

If your child』s meals are not strained, his stools may contain undigested pieces

of food, especially hulls of peas or corn, and the skin of tomatoes or other vegetables. All of this is normal. Your child』s digestive system is still immature

and needs time before it can fully process these new foods. If the stools are

extremely loose, watery, or full of mucus, however, it may mean the digestive

tract is irritated. In this case, reduce the amount of solids and let him build a

tolerance for them a little more slowly.

Should I give my baby juice?

Your baby can start drinking juice at this time also. However, many young

babies are sensitive to orange juice, so hold off giving your child orange

juice or any citrus fruits until about the sixth month. Fruit juices or large

amounts of fruits can cause diaper rash, diarrhea, or excessive weight gain.

If this happens, you may want to decrease the fruit and/or juice intake for a


Give your child extra water if she seems to be thirsty between feedings.

During the hot months when your child is losing ?uid through sweat, offer

water two or more times per day. If you live in an area where the water is

uoridated, these feedings will also help prevent future tooth decay.

Junior foods

When your child reaches about 8 months of age, you may want to introduce

「junior」 foods. These are slightly coarser than strained foods and are packaged

in larger jars—usually 6 to 8 ounces. They require more chewing than baby

foods. You can also expand your baby』s diet to include soft foods such as puddings, mashed potatoes, yogurt, and gelatin. As always, introduce one food at

a time, then wait 2 to 3 days before trying something else to be sure your child

does not develop an allergic reaction.

As your baby』s ability to use his hands improves, give him his own spoon

and let him play with it at mealtimes. Once he has ?gured out how to hold the

spoon, dip it in his food and let him try to feed himself. But do not expect

much in the beginning, when more food is bound to go on the ?oor and highchair than into his mouth. A plastic cloth under his chair will help minimize

some of the cleanup.

Be patient, and resist the temptation to take the spoon away from him. For a

while you may want to alternate bites from his spoon with bites from a spoon

that you hold. Your child may not be able to use a spoon on his own until after

his ?rst birthday. Until then, you may want to ?ll the spoon for your child but

leave the actual feeding to him. This can help decrease the mess and waste.

Good ?nger foods for babies include:

crunchy toast ? scrambled egg

well-cooked pasta ? cereals

small pieces of chicken ? chunks of banana

Offer a variety of ?avors, shapes, colors, and textures, but always watch

your child for choking in case he bites off a piece that is too big to swallow.

Because children often swallow without chewing, never offer children

younger than age 4 the following foods:

spoonfuls of peanut butter

nuts ? celery

grapes ? hard candies

popcorn ? other hard, round foods like carrots, hot

uncooked peas dogs, or meat sticks (baby food 「hot

dogs」) should always be cut into small


Good eating habits start early

Children are not born with a taste for salt or saturated fats (fatty meats, butter,

fried foods, and eggs, for example). If your child eats these foods regularly, she

may learn to like them. By continuing to eat these foods, your child will have

a greater risk of developing health problems as an adult. Also, if your child

learns to overeat as a baby, she may continue to do so as she grows up. This

could lead to a permanent weight problem.

If you are concerned that your baby is already overweight, talk with your

pediatrician before making any changes to your child』s diet. During these

months of rapid growth, your baby needs a balanced diet that includes fat,

carbohydrates, and protein. It is not wise to switch a baby under 2 years of

age to skim milk, for example, or to other low-fat substitutes for breast milk

or formula. A better solution might be to slightly reduce the amount of food

your child eats at each meal. This way, your child will continue to get the

balanced diet she needs.

Your pediatrician will help you determine if your child is overfed, not eating

enough, or eating too many of the wrong kinds of foods. Since prepared baby

foods have no added salt, you do not have to worry about salt at this age.

However, be aware of the eating habits of others in your family. As your baby

eats more and more 「table foods,」 she will imitate the way you eat, including

using salt and nibbling on snacks. For your child』s sake as well as your own,

cut your salt use and fat intake to a minimum.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 55,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical

subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of infants, children,

adolescents, and young adults.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Division of Publications

PO Box 747

Elk Grove Village, IL 60009-0747

Web site — http://www.aap.org Copyright ?1997 American Academy of Pediatrics

Warning: do not home-prepare these foods

Beets, turnips, carrots, spinach, and collard greens. In some parts of the

country, these vegetables have large amounts of nitrates, a chemical that

can cause an unusual type of anemia (low blood count) in young infants.

Baby food companies are aware of this problem and screen the produce

they buy for nitrates. They also avoid buying these vegetables in parts of

the country where nitrates have been found. Since you cannot test for this

chemical yourself, it is safer to use commercially prepared forms of these

foods, especially while your child is an infant. If you choose to prepare

them at home anyway, serve them fresh and do not store them. Storage of

these foods may actually increase the amount of nitrates in them.

The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the

medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that

your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.

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