
【太陽系第12行星】太陽系內的地球孿生兄弟:暗黑孿星(2015-08-08 22:31:35)【上圖:耶穌會的內部人士的泄密圖片:X行星/暗黑孿星】正文:太陽系內地球的孿生兄弟:暗黑孿星ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Loomswritten April 10, 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.齊塔人之聲: 暗黑孿星隱現2010年4月10日GodlikeProduction 現場談話記錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------------On the Pole Shift ning  a dark object has been captured on a photo, with the following information regarding the capture: "Full Moon is in the center , house light lower right and dark object upper left side. Taken March 28 5:12 am EST in North Carolina. Was not visible to the eye, only the one picture. Camera (cannon) saw object just yesterday, during a review of the pictures taken previously." The dark object is not visible in the photo, which shows no signs of being doctored, until the photo is brightened.極移ning網站上()有一張被捕捉到的暗黑物體的照片,附相關拍攝說明:「中間是滿月,右下是居家照明燈,左上則是暗黑物體。3月28日美國東部時間5:12拍攝於北卡羅來納州。只有這一張照片,肉眼是看不見該物體的,只是昨天被相機(佳能)拍到了,並在瀏覽先前拍攝的照片時被發現。」不能直接在照片上看到它,只有通過加亮處理才會出現。照片沒有顯示出遭到篡改的痕迹。Under color inversion, the dark object emerges. It shows a shadow similar but not exactly like the shadow on the Moon. The object"s shadow is directly on the left, while the Moon"s shadow has a center pointing to the upper left. Thus, it is not a reflection of the Moon. Lens reflections, in any case, are equivalent in size to the bright objects, or smaller than the object. Thus, this is not a ghost, a reflection, nor is it an orb caused by light reflecting off a particle of dust or a raindrop, as orbs appear as light objects, not literally black.在色彩反轉下,該暗黑物體顯示出來了。它的陰影與月亮的陰影類似,但又不完全相同。該物體的陰影在正左側,而月亮的陰影中點在左側上方。因此,這不是月像的反射像。鏡頭內的反光在任何情況下都只會等於或小於亮物的大小。因此,這不是眩光鬼影,不是反射,也不是灰塵和雨滴等微粒上的反光形成的球形影像,因為這樣的影像會呈現為亮物,而不是幾近黑色。Skymap shows that the partially Full Moon on March 28, 2010, at 5:12 am from North Carolina is low on the horizon and at about Azimuth 270°. So the delivery man was looking west, though the Earth was not such that he was on the side of the Earth from which the Dark Twin is approaching. Nevertheless, he was looking out along the Ecliptic, in that general direction. I would think the Dark Twin would be blocked by the Earth itself, as this is just a couple hours before dawn, not midnight, and the curve of the shared orbit would likely put the Dark Twin more along the curve of the shared orbit, wrapping toward the Sun, not out there in the dark space. But, it could be somewhat out of our orbit, the shared orbit, due to trying to evade the Earth, the crowding. The Skymap diagram also shows that the dark object is closer to the Ecliptic than the Moon, as depicted in the photo.星圖顯示,從北卡羅來納州來看,3月28日美國東部時間5:12接近滿月的月亮在方位角270°接近地平線的地方。這說明拍攝者(the delivery man)那時正在往西看,但地球是由西向東轉的,因此他剛好處在地球上朝向暗黑孿星(以下簡稱孿星)接近的那一面上。但無論如何,他正在沿黃道面朝那個大致方向望出去。我認為孿星受到了地球的阻擋,因為這僅僅發生在黎明前幾小時而不是午夜,共有軌道的彎曲度似乎迫使孿星更多地沿該共有軌道的曲線運行,向著太陽包繞,而不是向外飛向黑暗的太空。但它可能有點離開共有軌道,以避開和地球產生擁擠。星圖還顯示,正如照片表示的那樣,孿星比月亮更靠近黃道面。Per NASA, the Moon is 1/60 the volumn of Earth, but only 1/4 the diameter. Per the Zetas, the Dark Twin is approximately the same size as the Earth. Taking a measure of the diameter of the Moon in this photo and comparing to the diameter of the presumed Dark Twin, we find it is as large as 8 Moon diameters. Since the Moon is 1/4 the diameter of the Earth, this size is not possible unless the dark object is a Monster Dark Twin, akin to the Monster Planet X persona seen and photographed repeatedly. Light rays bend out, then return to the Earth, thus seeming to represent a larger object. Monsters are almost invariably pale. At right is a Monster Sun persona of Planet X from Texas on August 6, 2003. Not a ghost or lens flare as it stands behind the telephone wires.按NASA的資料,月球的質量和直徑分別是地球的1/60和1/4。按齊塔人的說法,孿星的大小和地球相仿。測量並比較一下照片上月球和假定的孿星的直徑,後者直徑是前者的8倍。鑒於月球直徑是地球直徑的1/4,孿星成像不可能有這麼大,除非它是巨型孿星,如同一再被看到和拍到的巨型X行星那樣。光線彎折射出,然後返回地球,(Light rays bend out, then return to the Earth)由此看起來有巨大物體存在。這兩個巨物的亮度差不多總是比較淺。下圖是攝於2003年8月6日德克薩斯的X行星主體形成的怪物太陽,電話線後面的不是鏡頭鬼影或眩光。This is the Dark Twin, which has been crowding up behind the Earth in their shared orbit, but the orbit they share is no longer exact, due to the crowding. The Dark Twin has pushed back, slightly away from the Sun, to avoid crowding the Earth, in the same manner that the Earth has pushed back in her orbit to avoid the approaching Planet X. Such crowding will increase as Planet X comes outbound from the Sun, closing the gap between itself and Earth. Dramas will ensue, which we decline to detail at the present time. Why is the Dark Twin now visible when up until now has been seemingly impossible to see, having moved close up behind the Earth is their shared orbit? While the Dark Twin has been to the side of the Earth, such that light would not reflect from the Sun to the Earth as the sunlight would be returning directly to the Sun, it now has pushed back outside their shared orbit, so the opportunities for reflected sunlight to reach the Earth have increased. As a black hunk of rock, without atmosphere or water, it absorbs almost all light. This captured image does not reflect the true size of the Dark Twin, but is akin to the Monster Sun captures of Planet X, so often astonishing those who viewed them during the day, and proving when captured on film to be anything but a lens flare. Light reflected from the Dark Twin fanned out, but when captured by the gravity field of Earth bend back, presenting to the camera a large pale orb not representative of the actual size of the Dark Twin.這就是孿星,在地球後面沿著共有軌道向地球擠過來。因該擠迫之故,他們的共有軌道已經不再那麼精確了。孿星被向後略微推離太陽,以減緩和地球的擠迫,地球則被以同樣的方式向後推離自己的軌道,以避免碰上正在接近的X行星。該擁擠程度在X行星離開太陽的時候會增強,彌合其和地球在步調上的不一致。屆時將有戲劇性的事件發生,具體情況我們目前拒絕透露。是不是在共有軌道上的地球後面,孿星走得太近了,才使得原本似乎不可見的它變得可以看到了?當孿星已在地球一側的時候,由於陽光直接回到了太陽,因而光線不會從太陽處反射到地球(註:此句費解。)。孿星現在已經被向外推離了共有軌道,因此其把太陽光反射到地球的機會正在增加。就象一大塊黑色的岩石,它在沒有空氣和水的情況下會吸收全部的光線。照片沒有反映出孿星的真實大小,但它和拍攝到的X行星形成的怪物太陽相類似。那些在白天看到它們出現的人大多很驚訝,因而被拍攝到後只會被看做鏡頭眩光。來自孿星的反射光會成扇形散開,但被地球重力場捕獲時又被彎折過來,在相機上表現為一個不代表孿星真實大小的大大的淺淡球體。The Dark Twin, per the Zetas, shares the Earth"s orbit but is normally hidden behind the Sun. It became visible when the Earth was halted in her orbit in December, 2003. It was captured in a photo on January 20, 2004 in China. At the time, this odd bluish/yellowish orb was not recognized for what it was.按照齊塔人的說法,孿星和地球共軌,但通常躲在太陽的後邊。在2003年12月地球公轉發生暫停現象時它逐漸變得可見。2004年1月20日它在中國被拍攝到,當時,沒人知道這個古怪的藍綠色球狀物是什麼。Then in April, 2004, it was visible naked eye from Earth, many people noting a bluish/yellowish orb on the horizon, several times larger than Venus. In May, 2004 it was again captured in a photo from Arizona.其後在2004年4月,它從地球上被肉眼看到,許多人注意到地平線附近的藍綠色球狀物,比金星還要大幾倍。2004年5月,它在亞利桑那州又被相機拍攝到。【附上一段1995年齊塔人之聲談「地球孿星」的文字】:ZetaTalk: Earth TwinNote: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.齊塔人之聲:地球的孿星1995年10月15日,X行星就是太陽系第12行星Just as your Sun has a dead twin, the second focus of the 12th Planet"s orbit, likewise your Earth has a dead twin that shares her orbit and is placed so exactly opposite the Earth that it can never be seen. Theories about the Earth"s dark twin, which does exist, have been around for decades. They emerged because of the observed perturbations of the planets. This twin is close enough, within your Solar System, to be visible by the reflected rays from the Sun, if it were not hidden behind the Sun. That the dead twin matches pace with the Earth is not by coincidence. During the period when the Earth was knocked out of her initial orbit by a clash with one of the 12th Planet"s travelers, the Earth found an orbital niche around the Sun that was appropriate for her size and composition, a niche, not surprisingly, that the dead twin likewise fits. Why do these matched planets place themselves exactly opposite? Any less than this creates an imbalance in the many forces that control orbits, such that there is pressure and nudging and pulling and increased or decreased speed on one or the other until this is perfectly balanced.就象太陽有一顆死寂的孿星那樣,地球也有一顆共軌的死寂的孿星,位置正好與地球相對,因此看不見。地球的暗黑孿星理論上存在,事實上也存在,該理論已誕生幾十年了。其存在因被觀察到的太陽系諸行星的攝動而顯露出來。地球的孿星離得很近,就在太陽系內,如果不是因為躲藏在太陽後面的話,就可因反射陽光而被看到。孿星和地球步調一致並不是巧合,在地球被不速而至的第12行星推擠出原先軌道期間,地球找到了一個與其體量相稱的新的繞行位置,與此同時,孿星找到自己的合適位置也就不令人驚奇了。為什麼這些成對的星球正好處在相對的位置上?因為任何偏離都會增加影響軌道的各種因素的失衡,會在兩者之間出現推拉力和速度增減,直至達到完美的平衡。Put two ball bearings in a circular track and spin this, and you soon find that the balls are opposite each other. Just so do these two evenly matched planets find this position opposite each other.取兩顆滾珠放在圓形軌道里旋轉,不久你會發現兩者位置相對。與此相似,兩顆差不多的行星也會找到相對的位置。Why did the ancient Summerians, quoting from the visitors from the 12th Planet, not count this twin? As they counted the Moon, for instance, it would seem too great an oversight for them to miss a planet the approximate size of Earth, and since they counted dead planets as well as those holding life, the Earth and Mars, there would be no reason for the oversight. The visitors from the 12th Planet were concerned with counting major road signs. Were you to travel cross country without a map, your directions would include major cities along the road, or major landmarks along the road, and the approximate distance between them, but there would be no necessity to go into detail about any given landmark, saying, for instance, that this city was larger than another. The cities would be known as the city by the river, or the city in the clouds, but not as the city with an equally large suburb nearby.為什麼古蘇美爾人在引述來自第12顆行星的來訪者的話時,卻沒有把這顆孿星算進去?他們提到了月球,卻忽視了和地球大小相仿的一顆星球,這看起來是個大疏忽。鑒於他們不但計數象地球和火星這樣的有生命的行星,也同樣計數死寂的行星,因此沒有理由疏忽。(原因是)來自第12行星的訪問者關注於主要的路標。當你不帶地圖穿越全國旅行的時候,你用來指路的東西包括沿線的主要城市或地標,以及它們之間的距離,但是可能沒有必要深入了解特定路標的細節,比如說這座城市比另外座大等等。某城市可能因靠近河流或高處雲端而被記住,而不是因為它擁有面積相當的郊區。Their shuttles took them from their home, the 12th Planet, to the Earth or Mars or the Moon when the 12th Planet was crossing through the orbital plane. Coming in from the outer solar system, at an approximate 11 degree angle from the orbital plane, and peeping through their version of telescopes, the hominoids on the 12th Planet could identify the planets by their relative position from the Sun. Why was the Moon counted, and not the Earth"s dead twin? They not only landed on Earth, they landed on the Moon where they had a telescopic station clear of the Earth"s ever cloudy atmosphere. In fact, one of the reasons for recording the Moon was to differentiate it from its dead twin. It"s the one in that position that has a Moon, not the other. Were they not interested in the dead twin, for mining? As it has no atmosphere, and no water to speak of, it was considered inhospitable. Mars was used until they ruined it, and the Moon was a stopping point only briefly. Their mining operations were a 3,657 year stint, a long time for living off supplies.當第12行星從外太陽系以大約11度角穿過黃道面進入的時候,他們的航天器把他們從第12行星的家裡送到地球、金星或月球上。當這些類人生物通過望遠鏡向外望時,他們可以依據離開太陽距離的遠近來確定各顆行星。但為什麼月球被提到了,而不是地球的死寂孿星呢?他們不但登陸了地球,也登陸了月球並在那裡設立了一個天文觀測站以避開地球模糊的大氣。事實上,記錄月球的原因正是為了把月球與地球的孿星區別開來:在這個位置有一個月球,而不是另外一個。他們因為孿星沒有礦產開採價值所以對它沒有興趣嗎?它沒有大氣,更不用說有水,因此被認為不適居住。火星曾被利用直到將其毀壞,月球不過是個臨時的歇腳點。他們的開採活動以3657年為一個周期,獲取生存物質頗費光陰。.The Earth』s dead twin has likewise been omitted from astronomy lists due to the unease those who were in involved in Alternative 3 have about their past actions. Mankind』s awareness of this dead twin arose during the discussions that MJ12 had early on with aliens in the Service-to-Self just prior to the time of Roswell. During that time, ALL information learned from aliens was withheld from the public, and after the debacle that Alternative 3 became, releasing any information at all about the Earth』s dead twin was doomed for the lifetime of the participants. In the same manner that the records on JFK』s assassination will be sealed for several more decades, these records were sealed, to protect the guilty during their lifetimes. Who is aware of the Earth』s dead twin? NASA and JPL and a handful of astronomers working at the major observatories. Just as the approach of the 12th Planet, i.e. Planet X, is know to these individuals and kept from the public, information on the dead twin is a forbidden subject. This is termed a matter of national security, subject to imprisonment and other harsh punishment, and as those who enter into this realm soon discern, even an accidental death at the hands of those who fear the release of this information. Thus, the common man, without access to the information that NASA has but won』t allow the public access to, has no facts by which to arrive at the truth.All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com由於那些參與「第三選擇」計劃(注1)的人對他們過去活動的擔憂,地球的暗黑孿星也被從天文名冊中抹去。在MJ12委員會(注2)與服務於自我的外星人於羅斯威爾事件前不久進行的會談期間,人們對地球孿星的覺察意識被喚醒。那時,從外星人處獲取的所有信息都向公眾保密,在「第三選擇」計劃失敗以後,參與者若泄露任何關於地球孿星的信息都難逃一死。同樣地,有關肯尼迪遇刺事件的記錄將會被封存幾十年,為他們在有生之年內隱瞞罪責。哪些人對地球孿星知情?他們是NASA、JPL以及一批在大型天文台工作的人員。除他們以外,大眾並不知道第12行星即X行星的到來,與此相關的話題被禁止。此事事關國家安全,事關監禁和其他嚴厲處罰。而且,那些置身於這個區域的人會很快發現,那些害怕信息泄露的人甚至會給他們帶來意外死亡。因此,對於那些既不能接觸也不被允許從NASA那裡得到消息的普通人來說,手裡掌握不了任何揭示真相的證據。注1:「第三選擇」是英國Anglia電視台於1977年愚人節推出的一檔電視節目的名字,虛構了蘇美兩國為逃避地球未來不可避免的氣候大災難,聯合制訂秘密保護計劃的情節,其中包括通過月球向火星移民這一「第三選擇」。注2:即MJ-12集團或委員會,相傳是由美國科學家、軍事和政府官員所組成的一個秘密委員會的代號,目的是調查羅斯威爾事件的相關情況,這個所謂的組織是UFO陰謀理論的重要組成部分。(翻譯:老王)


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