
[美劇] 壞老師/Bad Teacher 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 壞老師/Bad Teacher 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 壞老師/Bad Teacher 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版




(music) Thank you for coming in, Meredith.


Im so, so sorry about the divorce.

=> 我很抱歉離婚

Yes, well, Ray cheated on me.

=> 是的,雷,我欺騙了我。

As you know.

=> 如你所知。

Anyway, lets just cut to the chase, Howard.

=> 無論如何,讓我們來追趕霍華德。

Whats my divorce settlement? You get nothing.

=> 我的離婚協議是什麼?你什麼都得不到

- Wait, what? - You signed a prenuptial agreement.

=> - 等等,什麼? - 你簽署了婚前協議。

I get nothing? - I advised you to get your own lawyer.

=> 我什麼都得不到 - 我建議你去找你自己的律師。

- No car? No house? No second house? - But I loved Ray.

=> - 沒有車?沒有房子?沒有第二個房子? - 但我喜歡雷。

- Or his money.

=> - 或者他的錢。

- How dare you? - Youll be fine.

=> - 你怎麼敢? - 你會沒事的。

Franck and I are so sorry to hear about the d-i-v-o-r-c-e.

=> 弗蘭克和我很遺憾地聽到關於這個d-i-v-o-r-c-e。

Your ex-husbands an idiot.

=> 你的前夫是個白痴

You stay in the guesthouse for as long as you want.

=> 你只要你想留在賓館。

We got cable, we got wi-fi, and a semi-private bathroom.

=> 我們有電纜,我們有無線網路,和一個半私人浴室。

Ive got nothing, Brie.

=> 布里,我什麼都沒有。

No money, no car, no plans for the future.

=> 沒有錢,沒有汽車,沒有未來的計劃。

Then could you pick Lily from school tomorrow? Super! Thats a plan.

=> 那你明天可以從學校選擇莉莉嗎?超!這是一個計劃。

Your stepmom sent me to get you.

=> 你的繼母派我去找你。

Thats what child molesters say.

=> 這就是孩子們的說話。

Dont flatter yourself.

=> 不要恭維自己。

Im Bries friend, Meredith.

=> 我是布里的朋友梅雷迪斯。

And its a long walk, so you better have something interesting to share.

=> 而且這是漫長的,所以你最好有一些有趣的分享。

My social studies teacher got fired today.

=> 我的社會學教師今天被解僱了。

She was dating Coach Kotsky but he broke up with her.

=> 她約會了教練Kotsky但他分手了。

So to get back at him, she hung pictures of his private over school.

=> 所以為了回到他身上,她把他私底下的照片掛了。

- Uh-uh.

=> - 呃。

- There is one, its so gross! Blah.

=> - 有一個,這是如此的嚴重!等等。

Nice Coach "Hotsky".

=> 尼斯教練「Hotsky」。

Wait whats up with all the cute dads? Oh, on Fridays, all the divorced dads pick their kids up for the weekend.

=> 等一下所有可愛的爸爸怎麼樣?哦,星期五,所有離婚的爸爸在周末都會選擇他們的孩子。

So single dads, in luxury vehicles? I need one of them to hit me, and then hit on me.

=> 那麼單身父親在豪華車上?我需要其中一個打我,然後打我。

Maybe you should just get a job.

=> 也許你應該找一份工作。

Oh my God.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

Lily, thats it! I should get a job teaching here.

=> 莉莉,就是這樣!我應該在這裡教書

Wait, do you even know how to teach? No, but Im sure I can friend some Asian teacher to cheat off of.

=> 等等,你甚至知道如何教?不,但我確定我可以和一些亞洲老師交朋友來騙人。

Thank you very much Mei Lin Chung.

=> 梅林鐘非常感謝。

- Youre divorced? Me too.

=> 你離婚了?我也是。

- Oh no.

=> - 不好了。

Pretty recently.

=> 最近好。

I did not see that coming, at all.

=> 我根本沒有看到這種情況。

- And it is hard.

=> - 這很難。

- So hard.

=> - 太難了

- So much crying.

=> - 非常痛苦

- Oh so much.

=> - 太好了。

- So much, right? - So much, right? I dont have anyone to talk to.

=> - 這麼說吧? - 這麼說吧?我沒有人可以交談

So I just try to throw myself into my work, which is much better than pouting around my studio apartment.

=> 所以我只是試圖把自己投入到我的工作中,這比在我的工作室公寓里p嘴要好得多。

Using my telescope to watch my neighbor sleep.

=> 用我的望遠鏡看我的鄰居睡覺。

Hey, you can talk to me.

=> 嘿,你可以跟我說話。

Im gonna put this as an emergency hire.

=> 我會把這個作為緊急僱用。

You are more than qualified and can I tell you something? You get it.

=> 你比合格,我能告訴你什麼?你懂了。

I want you on my team.

=> 我希望你能加入我的團隊。

Not riding the bench.

=> 不坐長凳。

- Carrying the ball.

=> - 攜帶球。

- Oh And, - I cant wait to hear your Chinese.

=> - 哦, - 我等不及要聽你的中文了。

- (Chuckles) Its pretty rusty.

=> - (笑)這很生鏽。

(laughs) Welcome to the Nixon family.

=> (笑)歡迎來到尼克松家。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

(music) (music) - Morning Meredith.

=> (音樂)(音樂) - 早晨梅雷迪思。

- Good morning Principal Carl.

=> - 卡爾先生,早上好。

- Oh Im so glad you are here.

=> - 哦,我很高興你在這裡。

- Aww.

=> - 噢。

This weekend was so hard for me.

=> 這個周末對我來說太難了。

I ate 47 English muffins pizzas.

=> 我吃了47個英式鬆餅比薩餅。

Never filled me up.

=> 從來沒有填補過我。

Everyone here is our new social studies teacher, Meredith - Davis.

=> 這裡的每個人都是我們新的社會學教師梅雷迪思 - 戴維斯。

- Davis.

=> 戴維斯

- (applause) - Thank you.

=> - (掌聲) - 謝謝。

Theres a fight, by the lockers.

=> 儲物櫃打架了。

Ginny, get this thing started.

=> 金妮,開始這件事。

No cops, no cops! Ok people.

=> 沒有警察,沒有警察!好的人。

We are about to start our staff meeting, so settle.

=> 我們即將開始我們的員工會議,所以解決。


=> 好。

We need monitors for Safety Patrol.

=> 我們需要安全巡視監視器。

Any heroes? Irene! Do I see your one manicured hand in the air? - Oh, actually I do have to exercise after school - Great! - Oh no no, its required by my doctor.

=> 任何英雄?艾琳!我能看到你的修剪整齊的手嗎? - 哦,其實我放學後還得鍛煉 - 太好了!哦,不,不,這是我的醫生要求的。

- Perfect.

=> - 完美。

We will see you later.

=> 我們待會見

All right, whos gonna help out Irene? There is a small stipend.

=> 好的,誰來幫艾琳?有一個小的津貼。

- Oh, Ill do it.

=> - 哦,我會做的。

- Super! (bell rings) Hey, hey.

=> - 超級! (鈴聲)嘿,嘿。

What, youre not gonna say hi? Joel, Kotsky.

=> 什麼,你不會說嗨?喬爾,科茨基。

Well now, Coach Kotsky.

=> 那麼現在呢,教練Kotsky。

Now, you may have seen my penis on a flyer.

=> 現在,你可能已經看到了我的陰莖在傳單上。

And you know, we went to high school together.

=> 你知道,我們一起上了高中。

- I dont really remember you.

=> 我真的不記得你

- I was in that grunge band, Cement Heart.

=> - 我在那個搖滾樂隊Cement Heart。

- You, uh slept with our drummer.

=> - 你,呃和我們的鼓手一起睡。

- Well, it was high school.

=> - 那是高中。

- I slept with a lot of drummers.

=> 我睡了很多鼓手

- Ah, that explains it.

=> - 啊,這解釋了它。

- You know, I played the bass.

=> - 你知道,我彈了貝司。

- Hello! Ginny Taylor-Clapp, two-term faculty president.

=> - 你好!金妮·泰勒 - 克拉普,兩任教職長。

And, this is Kim, my student teacher.

=> 而這是我的學生老師Kim。

- Nice to meet you.

=> - 很高興見到你。

- Remember, your ears are your best learning tools, Kim, ok? This is our teachers handbook.

=> - 記住,你的耳朵是你最好的學習工具,金,好嗎?這是我們老師的手冊。

Great in there, on start times, - dress code, etc - Hum you know, you can save the drill.

=> 在那裡,在開始時間, - 著裝要求等 - 嗯,你知道,你可以保存演習。

I think I got it.

=> 我想我明白了。

Its like pretty standard stuff, right? No running, no glass, no horseplay, no chicken fights.

=> 這就像很標準的東西,對吧?沒有跑步,沒有玻璃,沒有馬戲,沒有雞的戰鬥。

Those are pool rules.

=> 那些是游泳池規則。

Meredith, wait up.

=> 梅雷迪斯,等一下。

- So, I heard you married some rich guy.

=> - 所以,我聽說你嫁給了一個有錢人。

- Yeah, I did.

=> - 是啊,我做了。

- Wait, he sells boats or something? - Yachts.

=> 等等,他賣船什麼的? - 遊艇。

- Well, those are just big boats, right? - Yeah.

=> - 那些只是大船,對吧? - 是的。

To you.

=> 給你。

Id ask what youve been up to since high school but I see youre a gym teacher, so that sort of tell me everything I need to know.

=> 我會問你高中以來一直在幹什麼,但是我看到你是一名健身教師,所以我要告訴我所有我需要知道的事情。

What? That Im awesome? - Yeah.

=> 什麼?我真棒? - 是的。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

Im Irene.

=> 我是艾琳。

We didnt meet.

=> 我們沒有見面。

Thank you so much for teaming up with me.

=> 非常感謝你與我合作。

Uh, I have bills to pay.

=> 呃我有賬單要付

You know what, Safety Patrol is gonna be so fun.

=> 你知道嗎,安全巡邏是如此的有趣。

We get badges, and slickers Im not wearing a badge or a slicker.

=> 我們拿到徽章,而且我沒有戴徽章,也沒有溜冰。

Yeah, me either, theyre so dumb yeah.

=> 是啊,我也是,他們是如此愚蠢是啊。

Irene, tuck it in.

=> 艾琳,把它塞進去。

Hey, do you think maybe you wanna have lunch with us.

=> 嘿,你覺得也許你想和我們一起吃午飯。

Our treat.

=> 我們的款待。

Oh, God, Im lunch, but you guys can totally give me the cash equivalent.

=> 哦,上帝,我是午餐,但你們可以完全給我現金等價物。

- Great.


- Yeah, yeah were not doing that.

=> - 是的,是的,我們沒有這樣做。

- Wheres my classroom? - Its just right at the end of these lockers.

=> - 我的教室在哪裡? - 就在這些儲物櫃的盡頭。

Hey, you know, teachers around here usually form packs together, so I thought maybe we could form, like, a best friends pack Wow, she is pretty great.

=> 嘿,你知道,這裡的老師們通常會組裝在一起,所以我想也許我們可以組建一個好朋友包,哇,她非常棒。

- She just left in the middle of your conversation.

=> - 她剛剛離開你的談話。

- I know.

=> - 我知道。

We made it to the middle of a conversation.

=> 我們把它交給了談話的中間。

- Yeah, up top.

=> - 是的,頂部。

All right.

=> 好吧。

- Bitches aint - But hos and tricks - (school bell ringing) Bitches aint - But hos and tricks - Hi.

=> - 母狗是不是 - 但主人和技巧 - (學校鐘聲響)母狗不 - 但主人和技巧 - 嗨。

Whats up, dude? Now its time to bail - Bitches aint - (music shuts off) Okay, good morning, class.

=> 怎麼了,夥計?現在該是保釋的時候了 - 母狗不是 - (音樂關閉)好,早上好,上課。

Im your new social studies teacher, Ms.

=> 我是你的新社會學教師


=> 戴維斯。

Class dues are $25, and checks can be written out to cash.

=> 課堂費用是25美元,支票可以用現金支付。

Okay, so to get to know you guys better, Im gonna hand out these student information cards for you guys to fill out.

=> 好吧,為了更好地了解你們,我會把這些學生信息卡交給你們填寫。

Its like, name, address, whether your parents are divorced the standard stuff.

=> 這就像是,姓名,地址,是否你父母離婚的標準。

- Uh, Ms.

=> - 呃,女士

Davis? - Yeah? I dont know how many cars fit in my garage.

=> 戴維斯? - 是嗎?我不知道有多少輛車適合我的車庫。

Ten, maybe? Wait.

=> 十,也許?等待。

Everybody shut up! You have a house with a ten-car garage? - Its an apartment - Okay, dont worry about it.

=> 大家閉嘴!你有一個十車車庫的房子? - 這是公寓 - 好的,別擔心。

Just a few moves I learned at Safety Patrol Camp.

=> 我在安全巡邏營學到了一些動作。

Hey, Safety Patrollers.

=> 嘿,安全巡查員

This is your other advisor, Ms.

=> 這是你的另一位顧問


=> 戴維斯。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

Safety first.

=> 安全第一。

Lily, youre in Safety Patrol? In it? Im captain of it.

=> 莉莉,你在安全巡邏?在裡面?我是隊長

Youre really pretty, Ms.

=> 女士真漂亮


=> 戴維斯。

Yeah, I know, and Im also - really photogenic.

=> 是的,我知道,而且我也是 - 真的很上鏡。

- LILY: Okay, patrollers, lets go, were piling up.

=> - 莉莉:好的,巡邏人員,走吧,我們正在堆積。

Okay, well, Ill just be over there supervising.

=> 好吧,我只是在那裡監督。


=> 是啊。

Me, too.

=> 我也是。

Supervise Supervise GIRL: Check out the nerds.

=> 監督監督GIRL:檢查書獃子。

Oh, look, its the Hugly Patrol.

=> 哦,看,這是Hugly Patrol。

Apparently you can only join if youre hella ugly.

=> 顯然你只能加入,如果你是hella醜陋的。

Nice vest, lesbian.

=> 尼斯背心,女同志。


=> 謝謝。

Because theres nothing wrong with being gay or bisexual or Okay.

=> 因為同性戀或雙性戀或好的,沒有什麼不對的。


=> 好的。

Move it along, Water Bra, and take your little friend Panty Lines with you.

=> 移動它,水胸罩,並帶走你的小朋友Panty線。


=> 隨你。

GIRL 2: Youll pay for this, Safety Patrol.

=> 女孩2:你會付出這個,安全巡邏。


=> 謝謝。

Youre really pretty.

=> 你真的很漂亮。

Yeah, I know.

=> 是的,我知道。

Girls, whats happening? You gotta fight fire with fire.

=> 女孩,發生了什麼事?你必須用火來戰鬥。

Okay, look, it gets better.

=> 好吧,看起來好多了

Just not right away, and honestly not for everybody.

=> 只是不是馬上,而且誠實地不適合每個人。

Itll probably only get better for one of you.

=> 它可能只會讓你們中的一個更好。

(sighs) Guys, sitting around and reading magazines is not getting me any closer to sitting around and reading magazines for the rest of my life.

=> (嘆息)夥計們,坐在旁邊看雜誌,讓我離我更近一些,坐在旁邊看雜誌。

I need a better plan.

=> 我需要一個更好的計劃。

Okay, class.

=> 好,上課

Friday is Career Day.

=> 星期五是職業日。

You guys are gonna invite guest speakers, and were gonna start with men.

=> 你們會邀請演講嘉賓,我們將從男士開始。

If your parents are divorced, maybe Dad doesnt spend enough time with you.

=> 如果你的父母離異了,也許爸爸沒有花足夠的時間陪你。

Why dont we get him involved, okay? Any adult male is eligible, except for ones who served time, unless it was for a white-collar crime.

=> 為什麼我們不讓他介入,好嗎?任何成年男性都有資格,除了服刑時間之外,除非是白領犯罪。

Okay, shout out who youve got! Any doctors? No dentists.

=> 好的,大聲喊出你有誰!任何醫生?沒有牙醫。

So a kid in my P.

=> 所以我的一個孩子



class asked me to help him fill out his student information card.

=> 班級要求我幫他填寫他的學生信息卡。

He was having trouble because he didnt know if his house had a bidet in it.

=> 他遇到了麻煩,因為他不知道他的房子里是否有坐浴盆。

Oh, well, if you have to ask Wow, the three of us have really great chemistry.

=> 哦,好吧,如果你不得不問哇,我們三個人真的有很好的化學反應。

- Right? - Bitches aint nothing but hos and tricks Bitches aint nothing but hos and tricks - Bitches aint nothing but hos - GINNY: Hey! Hey! That song is not okayor school.

=> - 對? - 母狗不是什麼,只是主婦和技巧母狗不是什麼,但主婦和技巧 - 母狗不是什麼,但主場 - 吉妮:嘿!嘿!那首歌不是好學校。

We learned it in Ms.

=> 我們在女士那裡了解到

Davis class.

=> 戴維斯的班級。


=> 告密者。

Uh, be careful.

=> 呃,小心點

- Do what feels natural.

=> - 做什麼感覺自然。

- Kids (clears throat) that song isnt right.

=> - 孩子們(清理喉嚨)那首歌是不對的。

See? Because bitches can be anything they want.

=> 看到?因為母狗可以是他們想要的任何東西。

Bitches can be doctors, bitches can be astronauts, bitches can even be the President of the United States, - am I right? - Yeah.

=> 母狗可以是醫生,母狗可以是宇航員,母狗甚至可以是美國總統, - 我是對的嗎? - 是的。

Which you guys are gonna learn about at Career Day.

=> 你們將在職業日學習。

- Wow.

=> - 哇。

- MEREDITH: Knowledge.

=> - MEREDITH:知識。

Pass it on.

=> 傳下去。

Now scat.

=> 現在撒。

(clicks tongue) GINNY: Meredith, one, we try not to use "bitches" to describe - our female students.

=> (點擊舌頭)GINNY:Meredith,我們盡量不要用「母狗」來形容我們的女學生。

- Huh.

=> - 呃。

Two, Career Day is my thing.

=> 二,職業日是我的事。

I do it every year.

=> 我每年都這樣做。

Its the official one.

=> 這是官方的。

Well, why cant there be two Career Days? Dont you have ferrets to take care of, or do they also think you talk too much? Im not canceling my Career Day.

=> 那麼,為什麼不能有兩個職業日?你有沒有雪貂照顧,還是他們也認為你說得太多?我沒有取消我的職業日。

Ooh I would reconsider reconsidering.

=> 哦,我會重新考慮重新考慮。

I already printed the flyers.

=> 我已經列印了傳單。

You already printed the flyers? I already printed the flyers.

=> 你已經列印了傳單?我已經列印了傳單。

I actually printed the flyers.

=> 我其實印了傳單。


=> 嗯,哦。

Watch out.

=> 小心。

(whispers): Shes gunning for you.

=> (竊竊私語):她正在為你打氣。

(sobbing) Carl? This is my personal time! Janet! Its on my schedule.

=> (抽泣)卡爾?這是我個人的時間!珍妮特!這是我的時間表。

Meredith cannot have a Career Day.

=> 梅雷迪思不能有一個職業日。

Its a free country.

=> 這是一個自由的國家。

Meredith can do whatever she pleases.

=> 梅雷迪思可以做任何她喜歡的事情。

Except sleep in an exs car, which, apparently, is vehicular squatting.

=> 除了在前車上睡覺,顯然是車蹲。

I dont trust her! She takes the bus! Just drop it, Ginny.

=> 我不相信她!她坐公車金妮,放下吧

(sneezes) - How about closed hearts? - (chuckles) Okay, kids, does anyone want to ask Dr.

=> (打噴嚏) - 關閉心臟怎麼樣? - (笑)好吧,孩子們,有沒有人想問博士

Grant a question? How would you best describe your tax bracket? Too high.

=> 授予一個問題?你如何最好地描述你的稅收支架?太高。

(both chuckle) Dr.

=> (兩個笑)博士

Grant, do you love your wife? Um, Im divorced - Oh, no.

=> 格蘭特,你愛你的妻子嗎?呃,我離婚了 - 哦,不。

- actually.

=> - 實際上

And its a long story.

=> 這是一個很長的故事。

At first we were Interesting questions.

=> 起初我們是有趣的問題。

People do say that they say the darnedest things.

=> 人們會說他們說的是最黑暗的事情。

Davis is a fraud.


She did not work at Windsor Park "K" through 12 as her r??sum?? says she did for the last six years.

=> 她沒有在溫莎公園「K」通過12年,她résumé說她在過去六年的工作。

I just got off the phone with them.

=> 我剛剛和他們通電話。

Theyve never even heard of her.

=> 他們從來沒有聽說過她。

(clears throat) Is your brother still a cop? And if so, can he get me a restraining order? Oh, I guess you remember me better than you thought.

=> (清除喉嚨)你的兄弟還是警察嗎?如果是這樣,他能給我一個限制令嗎?哦,我想你比我想像的還要好。

And yeah.

=> 是的。

Its true.

=> 這是真的。

(students murmuring) Meredith Davis didnt work at Windsor Park Elementary.

=> (學生嘟))梅瑞迪斯·戴維斯沒有在溫莎公園小學工作。

When I was younger, I had a stalker.

=> 當我年輕時,我有一個纏擾者。

My beauty, smarts, and bikini-ready body made me an easy target.

=> 我的美麗,智慧,和比基尼準備的身體讓我成為一個容易的目標。

I was seeing a guy, and when I tried to end it, he didnt get it.

=> 我看到一個人,當我試圖結束它,他沒有得到它。

Once he went to bed with me, he couldnt imagine a life without me.

=> 一旦他和我上床睡覺,他無法想像沒有我的生活。

So I had to move and change my name.

=> 所以我必須移動並改變我的名字。

I can show you the restraining order if you want.

=> 如果你願意的話,我可以告訴你這個限制令。

Um, but after (chuckles) a failed marriage (chuckles) I decided to come back home.

=> 嗯,但(笑)後失敗的婚姻(輕笑),我決定回家。

And come back to Meredith Davis.

=> 然後回到梅雷迪思·戴維斯。

- That is poppycock! - Language.

=> - 這是罌粟花! - 語言。

Im so sorry I wasnt honest with you, but it was a very dark time in my life.

=> 我很抱歉,我對你不誠實,但這是我一生中一個非常黑暗的時刻。

I once had a stalker accusation made against me.

=> 我曾經有一個跟蹤我的人的指責。


=> 嗯。

(whispers): Heres a shoulder.

=> (耳語):這是一個肩膀。

Use it.

=> 用它。

Lets go, Ginny.

=> 我們走吧,金妮

Enough damage has been done in front of the parents.

=> 父母面前已經造成了足夠的傷害。

Youre really strong and brave.

=> 你真強壯,勇敢

And honest.

=> 誠實。

And free to take this Career Day to night.

=> 並可以自由地把這個職業生涯的一天晚上。

(all chuckle) Yeah.

=> (所有的笑)是的。

Maybe we should maybe hit the Dave & Busters for a little hair-letting-down session.

=> 也許我們也許應該打Dave&Buster的一個小髮型會議。

Irene, Ive got one for you.

=> 艾琳,我有一個給你。

You cant marry your ferrets.

=> 你不能娶你的雪貂。

- She has ferrets.

=> - 她有雪貂。

- You have ferrets? - Yeah.

=> - 你有雪貂? - 是的。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

(both chuckle) - Ah - Ah Wow, what a successful Career Day.

=> (兩個笑) - 阿 - 哇,這是多麼成功的職業日。

I know, I got, like, ten numbers.

=> 我知道,我得到了十個數字。

And youre going on a date with that weird guy.

=> 你和那個奇怪的人約會。

Still a win.

=> 仍然是一個勝利。

I I knew wed become friends.

=> 我知道我們會成為朋友。

Hey, you.

=> 嘿,你。

Done signing autographs, Doctor? For now.

=> 完成簽名的簽名,醫生?目前。

So, what are you up to this weekend? Whatever youre up to.

=> 那麼,這個周末你過得怎麼樣?不管你在做什麼

Uh, well, Im leaving straight from here to head to my family beach house.

=> 呃,我要從這裡直接前往我家的海濱別墅。

Well, its more like a beach resort.

=> 那麼,這更像是一個海灘度假勝地。

(chuckles) Theyre all real estate developers.

=> (笑)他們都是房地產開發商。

Im kind of the black sheep.

=> 我是那種害群之馬。

Oh, no.

=> 不好了。

(laughs) - Families, right? - Yeah.

=> (笑) - 家庭,對吧? - 是的。

Why dont you take me and my bikini-ready body with you? Isnt the parent-teacher thing against the rules? No, I read the handbook.

=> 你為什麼不把我和我身著比基尼的身體帶走?父母的事情不是違反規定的嗎?不,我讀了手冊。

We can go right now.

=> 我們現在可以走了

Irene can cover for me.

=> 艾琳可以為我掩護。

Wait, wait.

=> 等等。

What about my classes? Okay, Ill see you out front.

=> 我的班怎麼樣?好的,我會在前面看到你。

Hey, ow, ow, ow, stop.

=> 嘿,流,流,停止。

Why dont you eat your lunch in the crosswalk, Safety Patrol? Yeah, the cafeteria is a nerd-free zone.

=> 你為什麼不在人行橫道上吃午餐,安全巡邏?是的,自助餐廳是一個沒有書獃子的地帶。

There was no signage! (all laugh) Nerds.

=> 沒有標牌! (都笑)書獃子。

Just tell them Im in the bathroom.

=> 告訴他們我在洗手間

For the whole day? Yeah.

=> 整整一天?是啊。

Just say you dont want to know, make an "ick" face, and no one will ask any questions.

=> 只是說,你不想知道,做一個「壞」的臉,沒有人會問任何問題。

Theres my little hottie and Dr.

=> 有我的小辣妹和博士


=> 格蘭特。

All right, Ill see you.

=> 好的,我會見到你的。

Id say your clothes are ruined, but they couldnt get any worse! (all laugh) GRANT: Meredith, hey.

=> 我會說你的衣服已經毀了,但是他們不能再變壞了! (所有的笑)GRANT:Meredith,嘿。

GIRL: Nerd overload.

=> GIRL:書獃子超載。

IRENE: These girls just did this to me last week.

=> IRENE:這些女孩上周剛剛對我做了這個。

MEREDITH: Hey, get out of here, Water Bra and, uh, Panty Lines.

=> MEREDITH:嘿,離開這裡,水胸罩,嗯,褲線。

Guys, whats happening? The popular girls kicked us out of the cafeteria.

=> 夥計們,發生了什麼?受歡迎的女孩把我們踢出食堂。

They said we were sitting at their table.

=> 他們說我們正坐在桌邊。

You know what? Its fine.

=> 你知道嗎?沒關係。

Just go back in there.

=> 回到那裡。

Thats easy for you to say.

=> 這很容易讓你說。

Youre you.

=> 你就是你

Were us.

=> 我們是我們。

(sighs) Okay, look yes, I was blessed with a perfect rack and a great face, but that doesnt mean that I dont know how you guys are feeling.

=> (嘆氣)好吧,看,是的,我有一個完美的架子和一個偉大的面孔幸運,但這並不意味著我不知道你們是如何感覺。

Okay, I was married to this rich guy, who contrary to popular belief, I was actually in love with.

=> 好吧,我嫁給了這個有錢人,這個人跟大眾信仰背道而馳,其實我是愛上了。

And he cheated on me with a younger, allegedly hotter girl.

=> 他和一個年輕的,據說是更熱的女孩一起欺騙了我。

I was basically kicked out of my life.

=> 我基本上被踢出了我的生活。

I dont belong here.

=> 我不屬於這裡。

I mean, Im way too hot to be here.

=> 我的意思是,我太熱了,不能在這裡。

But sometimes, if youre feeling insecure on the inside, you need to show confidence on the outside.

=> 但有時候,如果你內心不安全,你需要在外面表現出自信。

You gotta fake it till you make it.

=> 你必須假裝它,直到你做到了。

Okay, you walk in there like you own the place.

=> 好吧,你走在那裡就像你擁有的地方。

Thats what I would do.

=> 那就是我會做的。

Girls up, tush out! Okay? Meredith, I gotta go.

=> 女孩起來,嘖嘖,好的?梅雷迪斯,我得走了。

Im gonna be late.

=> 我會遲到的。

Okay, I have a date, but be sure to let me know how that goes.

=> 好的,我有一個約會,但一定要讓我知道這是怎麼回事。

Last chance.

=> 最後的機會。

Just go.

=> 去吧。

Okay, girls, were going in.

=> 好吧,女孩,我們進去

("Ladies Night" by Kool and the Gang playing) Oh, yes, its ladies night And the feelings right Oh, yes, its ladies night Oh, what a night Oh, what a night Oh, yes, its ladies night and the feelings right Oh, yes, its ladies night Oh, what a night Huh! Girls, yall got one What? A night thats special everywhere From New York to Hollywood Its ladies night Oh, ladies, I think you passed your table.

=> (Kool和Gang的「女士之夜」)哦,是的,這是女士之夜感覺是對的哦,是的,是女士之夜哦,真是一個晚上哦,真是一個晚上哦,是的,晚上和感覺是對的哦,是的,這是女士之夜哦,真是個夜晚啊!女孩,你們都有一個什麼?一個到處都是特別的夜晚從紐約到好萊塢這是女士之夜噢,女士們,我想你已經走過了你的餐桌。

Um, this is our table.

=> 嗯,這是我們的桌子。

We could just sit over there.

=> 我們可以坐在那裡。

No, this is your table.

=> 不,這是你的桌子。

Lily, why dont you tell them why? Youre our captain.

=> 莉莉,你為什麼不告訴他們為什麼?你是我們的隊長

I might have a perfect rack and a great face In your own words, in your own words.

=> 我可以用你自己的話用你自己的話說,有一個完美的架子和一張偉大的面孔。

Oh, okay.

=> 哦好的。

Uh, we were here first, and there are no assigned seats.

=> 呃,我們先來了,沒有指定席位。

Yeah, signage.

=> 是的,標牌。

MEREDITH: Oh, you guys, I dont think they know how to read.

=> 梅里蒂斯:哦,你們,我不認為他們知道如何閱讀。

And theyre not hot enough to pull it off.

=> 而且他們還不夠熱。


=> 隨你。

Were done anyway.

=> 無論如何我們完成了。

No, you werent.

=> 不,你不是。

Nice? No.


I wasnt gonna go out with that guy.

=> 我不會和那個人出去。

Did you see his Porsche? It was, like, two years old.

=> 你有沒有看到他的保時捷?就像兩歲那樣。

Hey, maybe I was wrong about you.

=> 嘿,也許我錯了你。

Its called "deodorant," dude.

=> 它被稱為「除臭劑」,夥計。

Look into it.

=> 了解更多。

Or maybe not.

=> 或者可能不是。

But either way, we should hang out sometime.

=> 但無論如何,我們應該在某個時間外出。

I can get you that restraining order, whatever.

=> 無論如何,我可以幫你解決這個問題。

Youre a gym teacher.

=> 你是體育老師。

Im never gonna sleep with you.

=> 我永遠不會和你一起睡覺。

We all do things we never thought wed do, Ms.

=> 我們都做我們從未想過要做的事情,女士


=> 戴維斯。

(horn honking) (groans) (honking stops) Ugh.

=> (喇叭喇叭)(呻吟)(喇叭聲停止)呃。

- Hi.

=> - 嗨。

- (groans) This never happened.

=> - (呻吟)這從來沒有發生過。

Well, actually, this never happened twice.

=> 那實際上,這從來沒有發生過兩次。


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