
Chapter10 I love to show it to you

Chapter10 I love to show it to you


The art work at classroom was always creative, I loved mess, mess could make me have lots of good ideas.

Painting and gluing were my favorite work, hands were my super cool tools to create new materials. For the coming Mothers Day, teacher told us how to draw and paint a love tree for Mom, usually the tree full of hearts and flowers.

When We had done the work , teachers said that was all awesome.

But I hated it, I didn』t think the love tree could grow the hearts ,and the followers were all bloomed in my garden . Did my mom said I loved it so much ?

Finally I drew a tree that grew lots of mushroom and some different size of Sun . Actually I was not a good artist, but I thought my mom would love this.

After that ,I showed it to my teacher, she said,」 it is nice , full of colors.」

「 Is it all ?」No, I hated the sentences such as good job, well done, teachers always showed their nice manners, but I wanted someone understand what I drew.

I showed it to my friend Alex, he was so excited and said , 「that is cool , super cool, Richard, after your mom ate the mushrooms and she could get power, she would have more energy and paly with you. 「「Yes, you got it , she always says she is tired , This will let her more powerful, won』t it ?

Then with my friends ,we had a long conversation until the teacher said ,」 boys keep inside voice,please」 , Boys talking always was exciting, sorry for forgeting we were in the classroom.

Hopefully Mom could understand what I was drawing.

I really liked to show my work to the person who knew what I was thinking. I wiespered" let us flesh this tree out and make it more magical.」


TIPS: 這裡強調的一種方法叫做描述性表揚,你要看到的是孩子們畫里的內容,而不是只是說「畫的好」。無論老師還是家長,學會看到細節,學會給予描述性,參與性的回饋,就像孩子們之間對話一樣。這樣他們會願意分享他們的一切,這也是讓孩子們成為我們好的合作者的基礎條件。



TAG:家庭教育 |