
記錄片《旅行到宇宙邊緣》的中英文解說1,Ourworld. warm, comfortable, familiar...我們的世界 溫暖、舒適 熟悉2,...But when we look up, we wonder:但當我們仰望天空 我們想知道3,Do we occupy a special place in the cosmos?我們是居住在宇宙中一個獨特的地方4,Or are we merely a celestial footnote或僅僅是太空的小小一隅?5,Is the universe welcoming or hostile?宇宙是友善的還是充滿敵意?6,We could stand here forever, wondering我們是一直站在這裡猜想7,Or we could leave home on the ultimateadventure還是離開故園來一次終極探險8,To discover wonders去發現奇觀9,Confront horrors直面恐怖10,Beautiful new worlds美麗的新世界11,Malevolent darkforces邪惡的黑暗勢力12,The Beginning of time.時間的起點13,Themoment of creation.創世的時刻14,Would we have the courage to see itthrough?我們是否有堅持到底的勇氣15.Or would we run for home?或是逃回家?16,There"s only one way to find out想找到答案只有一個方法17,Our journey through time and space begins with a singlestep.我們開始一步步時空之旅18,At the edge of space, only 60miles up...(01:55)離地面60英里(100公里)高度,就是太空邊緣...19....just an hour"s drive from home僅僅一個小時車程20.Down there, life continues.地面上,生活在繼續21.The traffic is awful, stocks go on trading車水馬龍商業繁忙22....and Star Trek is stillshowing《星際迷航》還在播出23.When we return home, if wereturn home...當我們回到家如果我們還能回家24....will it be thesame?一切還會如初嗎?25.Will we be thesame?我們還是原來的我們嗎?26.We have to leave all thisbehind我們必須拋掉這一切27.Todip out toes into the vast dark ocean步入前方廣闊的黑暗海洋28.On to theMoon.前往月球29.Dozensof astronauts have come this way before us在我們之前,已有數十名宇航員前往月球30.Twelve walked on the moon itself其中12人踏上了月球31.Just a quarter of a million miles from home.月球距離地球只有25萬英里(40萬公里)32.Three days by spacecraft坐宇宙飛船需要3天33.Barren.貧瘠34.Desolate.荒蕪35.It"s likea deserted battlefield月球看起來就像一個遺棄的戰場36.But oddlyfamiliar.(3:56)但是驚人的熟悉37.Soclose, we"ve barely left home那麼近,就像我們幾乎沒有離開家38.Neil Armstrong"s firstfootprints.尼爾·阿姆斯特朗的第一個腳印39.Looks like they were made yesterday看起來就像在昨天留下的40.There"s no air to changethem.那裡沒有能夠改變腳印的空氣41.They could survive formillions of years這些足跡會存在數百萬年42.Maybe longer thanus.或許比人類存在的時間都長43.Our time islimited我們的時間是有限的44.Weneed to take our own giant leap我們必須自己踏出自己的一大步45.One million miles, 5million, 20 million miles.1百萬英里 5百萬英里2千萬英里46.We"re far beyond where any human has everventured遠征前人未曾到達的地方47.Out of the darkness, afriendly face一個友善的面孔從黑暗中浮現48.The goddess of love,Venus.愛之女神金星49.The morning star.啟明星50.Theevening star.長庚星51.She canwelcome the new day in the east...它可以在東方迎接新的一天...52....say good night in thewest還會在西方道晚安53.Asister to our planet...金星是地球的姊妹星...54....she"s about the same sizeand gravity as Earth....大小和引力與地球相仿55.We should be safehere我們在這裡應該是安全的56.But the Venus Express spaceprobe is setting off alarms但是金星快車空間探測器卻時刻提醒著我們57.It"s telling us, thesedazzling clouds, they"re made of deadly sulfuricacid告訴我們那些耀眼的雲層是由致命的硫酸構成58.The atmosphere ischoking with carbon dioxide金星的大氣層充斥著二氧化碳59.Never expected this Venus isone angry goddess.沒想到金星是一個憤怒的女神60.The airis noxious, the pressure unbearable.有毒的空氣難以忍受的壓力61.Andit"s hot, approaching 900 degrees還有炙熱溫度接近900度(500°C)62.Stickaround and we"d be corroded suffocated, crushed andbaked多呆一會我們會被腐蝕、窒息、壓碎和烤焦63.Nothingcan survive here.任何東西都無法在這裡生存64.Noteven this Soviet robotic probe.即使像前蘇聯金星號機器人探測器65.Its heavy armor"s beentrashed by the extreme atmosphere.它的厚重裝甲已被這極端的大氣環境給毀了66.So lovely from Earth, up close, this goddess ishideous從地球看她是多麼可愛近觀這個女神卻是可怕的67.She"s the sisterfrom hell.她是來自地獄的姊妹68.Pockmarked by thousands of volcanoes數千座火山猶如長滿了痘瘡69.All that carbon dioxide istrapping the Sun"s heat.大氣層中的二氧化碳留住了太陽熱量70.Venus is burningup.金星正在燃燒71.It"sglobal warming gone wild這是無節制的全球變暖72.Before it took hold, maybeVenus was beautiful, calm...(7:15)在它變暖之前或許是美麗而平靜的73....more like her sisterplanet, Earth....很像她的姊妹星地球74.So this could be Earth"sfuture也許就它是我們地球的未來75.Where are the twinkling stars?那些閃爍的星星哪裡去了?76.The beautiful spheres gliding through space?美麗的圓球滑進了太空?77.Maybe we shouldn"t be out here, maybe we should turnback或許我們不應該來這裡我們應該回去78.But there"s somethingabout the Sun, something hypnotic, like theMedusa但是太陽有催眠般的魔力象美杜莎(古希臘神話中3位蛇發女怪之一)79.Too terrible to look at, too powerful toresist可怕的讓人無法正視,也無法抗拒她的力量80.Luring us onward on,like a moth to a flame.引誘我們繼續前進像飛蛾撲火81.Wait ,there"s somethingelse, obscured by the sun等等,這裡還有其他東西被太陽炙烤82.It must be Mercury.它一定是水星83.Gettoo close to the sun, this is what happens.太靠近太陽,就會這樣84.Temperatures swing wildlyhere這裡溫度劇烈變化85.Atnight, it"s minus 275 degrees晚上會到零下275度(-170°C)86....come midday, it"s800 plus....正午則超過800度(400°C)87.Burnt thenfrozen.燒焦再被冰凍88.The MESSENGER space probe is telling us somethingstrange.(8:32)信使號空間探測器發現了一些奇怪的現象89.For its size, Mercury has a powerful gravitationalpull.相對體積來說,小小的水星具有強大的引力90.It"s a huge ball ofiron, covered with a thin veneer of rock它就像一個裹著薄薄岩石層的大鐵球91.The core of what was once a much largerplanet.這是一顆大行星留下的核心92.So where"s the rest ofit?其他部分去哪裡了呢?93.Maybe a stray planet slammed into Mercury或許是一個迷路的行星猛地撞進了水星94....blasting away itsouter layers in a deadly game of cosmic pinball...在一場致命的宇宙彈球遊戲中水星的外層被炸掉了95.Whole worlds on the loose careening wildly across thecosmos...這些遊盪的行星在宇宙中瘋狂地掠過96....destroying anything intheir path...毀掉他們道路上的一切97.And we"re in the middle of it我們就在其中98.Vulnerable, exposed,small脆弱、裸露而且渺小99.Everything is telling us to turnback.這一且都在告訴我們該回去了100.But who could defythis?但是誰又能抗拒的了101.The Sun in all its mesmerizingsplendor散發著迷人光彩的太陽?102.Our light, ourlives...我們的光線,我們的生命103....everything we do iscontrolled by the Sun我們的一切都被太陽控制著104.Depends onit依賴於它105.It"sthe Greek god Helios driving his chariot across thesky(9:44)它是駕著戰車穿越天際的希臘美男子太陽神106.The Egyptian god Rareborn every day是每天重生的埃及神「拉」(埃及神話里的太陽神)107.The summersolstice sun rising at Stonehenge.以及巨石陣夏至的日出108.For millions ofyears...數百萬年來109....this was as close as it got tostaring into the face of God我們對太陽神的景仰止於遠觀110.It"s so far away...由於實在太遠111....it is burned out, we wouldn"tknow about it for eight minutes如果太陽熄滅了,8分鐘後我們才會知道112.It"s so Big, you could fit one million Earths insideit太陽大到可以裝下100萬顆地球113.But who needs number?we"ve got the real thing誰需要這些數字呢我們看到了它的真面目114.We see it every day, a familiar face in oursky我們每天看到太陽掛在天空的熟悉面孔115.Now, up close, it"s unrecognizable.現在近觀它,又陌生起來116.A turbulent sea of incandescent gas由炙熱氣體形成的洶湧大海117.The thermometer pushes 10,000 degrees表面溫度超過1萬度(5000°C)118.can"t imagine how hot the core is ,could be tens of millions ofdegrees難以置信的是它的核心溫度則可以到數千萬度119.Hotenough to transform millions of tons of matter這裡熱到足以能夠120....into energy everysecond每秒鐘把數百萬噸物質轉化成能量121.More than all the energyever made by mankind超過人類有史以來產生的所有能量122.Dwarfing the power of all the nuclear weapons onEarth.地球上所有的核武器對於它都是小巫見大巫123.Back home, we use this energy for light andheat在地球,這些能量是我們利用的光和熱124.But up close, there"s nothing comforting about theSun.近距離觀看時,卻是令人感到不安125.Its electrical and magnetic forces erupt in giant molten gasloops.太陽的電磁活動迸發出巨大的炙熱氣體環狀物(日珥)126.Some are larger than a dozen Earths有的足有一打地球那麼大127.More powerful than 10 millionvolcanoes.釋放的能量超過一千萬個火山128.And when they burst throughthey expose cooler layers below...(12:17)當它噴發的時候就會露出下面溫度較低的部分129....making sunspots.形成太陽黑子130.Afraction cooler than their surrounding, sunspots lookblack...太陽黑子比周圍溫度低一些 所以看起來是黑的131....But they"re hotter than anything onEarth.但仍比地球任何東西都熱132.And massive up to 20 times the size ofEarth.太陽黑子同樣巨大,超過地球大小的20倍133.But one day, all this will stop但是總有一天,這一切都會結束134.The Sun"s fuel will be spent.太陽的燃料會耗盡135.And when it dies, the Earth will follow太陽死去,地球也會隨之死亡136.This god creates life, destroys it...這個神祗創造了生命,也會摧毀生命137....and demands we keep out distance要求我們保持距離138.This comet strayed too close這個彗星太靠近太陽了139.The Sun"s heat is boiling it away...它被太陽的熱量蒸發140....creating a tail that stretches for millions ofmiles.產生綿延數百萬英里的彗尾141.It"s freezing in here.這裡冰冷徹骨142.There"s no doubt where this comet"s from, the icy wastes ofdeep space我們清楚彗星來自哪裡它來自深太空的冰凍垃圾143.But all this steam and geysers and dust...但你看這些蒸汽、間歇泉和塵埃144....it"s the Sun again, melting the comet"s frozenheart.這是太陽正在融化彗星的冰凍核心145.Strange.太奇異了146.A kind of vast, dirty snowball, covered in grimytar猶如外面包裹著骯髒瀝青的巨大臟雪球147.Tiny grains of whatlooks like organic material...看起來像是有機物的小顆粒148。...preserved on ice, sincewho knows when...被冷凍保存誰會知道已經保存了多久149。...maybe even thebeginning of the solar system.也許和太陽系同齡150。Say a comet like this crashedinto the young Earth billions of years ago.如果像這樣一顆彗星在數十億年前撞到年輕的地球151。Maybeit delivered organic material and water也許帶來了生命原始物質...152。...the raw ingredients oflife...有機物和水153。It may even have sown the seeds of life onEarth...彗星甚至可能在地球上播下生命之種154。...that evolved into you and me後來進化成你和我155。But say it crashed into theEarth now如果彗星現在撞上地球156。Think of the dinosaurs, wiped out by a comet or asteroidstrike想想恐龍吧被彗星或是小行星的撞擊徹底滅絕157。It"s only a questionof time.這只是時間問題158。Eventually, one day, we"ll go the way of thedinosaurs毫無疑問,總有一天我們會步恐龍的後塵159。If life on Earth was wiped out, we"d be stuck outhere...如果地球上的生命滅絕了我們會被困在這裡160。...homeless, adrift in a hostile universe無家可歸,漂泊在危險宇宙中161。We"d need to find another home我們需要找一個新家162。Among the millions, billions ofplanets...在幾百萬甚至數十億的行星中163。...there must be one that"s not too hot, not too cold, withair, sunlight, water...一定會有一個行星不會很熱,也不會很冷有空氣、陽光和水164。...where, like Goldilocks, we could comfortablylive可以讓我們舒適居住,生活165。The red planet紅色行星166。UnmistakablyMars.我們都熟知的火星167。For centuries, we"ve looked to Mars forcompany...幾個世紀以來,我們一直都在尋找火星上的同伴168。...for signs of life尋找生命跡象169。Could there be extraterrestriallife here?那裡有外星生物嗎?170。Are we ready to rewrite the history books, to tear up thescience books...我們準備好改寫史書,撕毀科學書籍171....to turn our world upside down?顛覆我們的世界了嗎?172,What happens next could change everything接下來發生的可能會改變一切173,Mars is the planet thatmost captures our imagination.火星比任何其他行星都能激發我們的遐想174Think of B-movies,sci-fi comics, what follows?想到科幻電影、漫畫,你會聯想到什麼-175,Martians?火星人?176,It"sall just fiction, right?這都是虛構的,對嗎?177,But what it there really is something here?但如果這裡真的有生物呢?178,Hard to imagine, though. Up close, this is a deadplanet無法想像,近觀火星是一個死去的行星179,The activity that makes the Earth livable shut down millions ofyears ago here使得地球適宜居住的演化過程幾億年前在火星上就停止了180,Red anddead紅色、死寂181,Mars is a giant fossil.火星是一塊巨大的化石182,Wait. Something is alive等一下,還有東西在活動183.A dust devil, a big one一個巨大的塵暴184,Bigger than the biggest twistersback home.絕對超過地球上最大的龍捲風185,There"s wind here這裡有風186,Andwhere there"s wind, there"s air有風說明有空氣187,Could that air sustain extraterrestriallife?可以維持外星生物的空氣188,It"s too thin tor us tobreathe.但對我們的呼吸來說,火星的空氣太稀薄了189,And there"s no ozone layer而且這裡沒有臭氧層190,Nothing to protect us againstthe Sun"s ultraviolet rays.沒有什麼能夠保護其不受太陽紫外線的傷害191,There iswater...這裡有水192,...Butfrigid temperatures keep it in a constant deepfreeze但在徹骨的嚴寒中只能永遠被冰凍193,It"s hard to believeanything could live here很難相信有什麼可以在這裡生存194,Back on Earth, there arecreatures that survive in extreme cold, heat...但是在地球極冷和極熱的地方都有生物存在195,...even in the deepest ocean trenches即使在最深的海溝196,It"s as though life is avirus.生命好像病毒197,Itadapts, spreads會適應環境、會散播198,Maybe that"s what we"re doingright now...也許我們現在正在攜帶著199,...carrying the virus of life across theuniverse.生命的病毒穿越宇宙200,Even in the most extremeconditions life usually finds a way.即使在最極端的環境里,生命都會找到生存的辦法201,But on a dead planet?但在這個死去的行星上202,With no way to replenish its soil,no heat to melt its frozen water?沒有活動去補充它土壤中的成分沒有熱量使其冰凍水融化203,All this dust, it"s hard to seewhere we"re going還有大量塵埃,讓我們無法辨別方位204,Olympus Mons, named after the home of theGreek gods奧林匹斯山,以希臘眾神的家鄉命名205,A vast ancientvolcano.一座巨大的古火山206,Three times higher thanEverest.超過珠穆朗瑪峰的三倍高。207,There"s no sign of activity.沒有活動的跡象208,Since its discovery in the 1970s,it"s been declared extinct自1970年代發現它時就宣告它是一座死火山209,Hang on.等等210,These look like lava flows.好像是熔岩流211,Butany sign of lava should be long gone. obliterated by meteoritecraters但是任何熔岩流早就該靜止了,在隕石撞擊下都會被毀滅212.Unless, this monster isn"t dead, justsleeping除非這個怪物沒有死,只是休眠了213,There could be magma flowing beneath the crust rightnow...火星的堅硬地表下可能有岩漿214,...building up, waiting tobe unleashed積累著,等待噴發的一刻215,Volcanic activity could be melting frozen water in thesoil...火山活動會融化土壤里的冰凍水216,...pumping gases into theatmosphere, recycling minerals and nutrients將氣體充入大氣中循環利用礦物質和養分,217,Creating all the conditions needed forlife創造出適合生命生存的環境218,This makes the Grand canyonlook like a crack in the sidewalk這讓美國大峽谷看起來像是人行道上一條裂縫219,Endless desolation...無盡的荒涼220,...sovast it would stretch all the way across NorthAmerica.長度足以橫跨北美洲221,But here, signs of activity,erosion, and what looks like dried up riverbeds但是這裡有活動的跡象:侵蝕看起來像乾涸的河床222,Maybe volcanic activity melted ice in thesoil...也許是火山活動融化了土壤中的冰223,...sending water gushingthrough this canyon.形成洪水衝出巨大峽谷224,Underground volcanoes could still be melting ice, creatingwater可能地下火山仍在融冰成水225,And where there"s water,there could be life哪裡有水,那裡就可能會有生命226,The hunt for life isspearheaded by this humble fellow...搜尋生命的前鋒就是這個簡陋的傢伙227,...the NASA rover,Opportunity.美國宇航局的機遇號火星漫遊車228,It"s finding evidence thatthese barren plains...它找到的證據證明這些貧瘠的平原229,...were once ancientlakes or oceans that could have harbored life曾是古代湖泊或海洋這些有水的地方可能會藏匿著生命230,Look at thosegullies.看看這些山溝231,Probes orbiting Mars keep spottingnew ones.火星軌道探測器總能發現一些新的山溝232,More proof that Mars is alive andkicking這進一步證明火星仍活蹦亂跳233,...that water is flowing beneath its surfaceright now也許是火星地表之下的水正在流淌234,Water that could be sustaining Martianlife水可能維持火星上的生命235,Now, all we have to do is findit現在我們要做的就是找到這些生命236,Maybe we"ve already found what we"re lookingfor on Earth或許我們已經找到了,不是在火星,而是在地球237,Some think that life started hereand then migrated to Earth有人認為生命起源於火星,後來遷移到地球238,An asteroid impact could"ve blasted fragmentsof Mars...可能是一顆小行星撞擊火星239,...complete with tiny microbes outinto space...使得包含微生物的火星碎片飛向太空240,...and onto the young Earth where they sowedthe seeds of life進入年輕的地球在地球上播種下生命的種子241,No wonder we find Mars fascinating, this couldbe our ancestral home難怪我們覺得火星那麼迷人它可能就是我們祖先的家園242,It could be we are allMartians我們可能都是火星人243,The Mars we thought we knew isgone...我們熟知的火星遠去了244,...replaced by this new, active,changing planet.取而代之是這個活躍變化的新行星245,And if we don"t know Mars, our next doorneighbor...如果我們連我們的隔壁鄰居火星都不了解,246,...how can we even imagine what surprises lieahead我們怎麼能想像前方的驚奇?247,Our compass points across thecosmos...我們的方向指向宇宙248,...back in time 14 billionyears...回到140億年前249,...to the moment ofcreation.創世的那一刻250,This is gettingscary.此情此景開始讓人害怕251,It"s like being inside a giant videogame就像置身於一個巨大的視頻遊戲252,But these are all tooreal.但這些也是真實的253,Asteroids, some of them hundredsof miles wide小行星,其中有些有數百英里寬254,This one must be about 20 mileslong.這個約有20英里長255,And there, perched on it, a spaceprobe.你看,上面有個空間探測器256,Can"t have beeneasy...降落在一個時速達5萬英里257,...parking on an asteroid traveling at 50,000miles an hour.的小行星上可不是件容易的事258,It"s a lot of effort just to investigate somerubble.我們一直在努力研究這些碎石259,Rubble that regularlycollides...碎石之間經常碰撞260,...breaks up and rains down on Earth asmeteorites.碎片後來落在地球上,就形成了地球上看到的隕石Our ancestors saw shooting stars as magicalomens.我們的古人把流星雨看做是魔法的徵兆And they wereright他們是對的Rubblelike this came together to make the planets...就是這樣一些碎石聚在一起就會形成行星...including our own包括我們的地球Pretty magical.多美的魔法By datingthe meteorites found on Earth通過測定地球上發現的隕石年齡...we can tell the planets were born 4.6 billion yearsago.我們知道行星誕生於45億年前These are the birth certificates of our solarsystem.這些殞石是我們太陽系的出生證明For some reason, these rocksdidn"t form into a planet但有些原因導致這些岩石沒有形成行星Something musthave stopped them一定是什麼阻止了他們Somethingpowerful.某種強大的力量Jupiter.木星What amonster猶如巨大的怪物At least a thousand time bigger than Earth...至少比地球的大1000倍...so vast you could fit all theother planets inside it大到可以裝下太陽系其它所有行星Something this massivedominates its neighbors木星的巨大體積對它周圍產生很大的影響Its gravity is pulling theasteroids apart它的引力正在把這些小行星形成扯開And it"sbreathtaking真是美極了But thisbeauty is a beast.但這個美人是個巨獸It"salmost all gas.木星幾乎都是由氣體構成的Land here and we"d sink straightthrough its layers into oblivion.如果在這裡著陸,我們會徑直穿過它的外層一去不復返And Jupiter"s good looks?木星的美麗面孔是Theproduct of ferocious violence它極端狂暴的產物It"sspinning at an incredible rate木星自轉極快...whipping up winds to hundreds ofmiles an hour...捲起時速數百英里的颶風...contorting the clouds intostripes eddies, whirlpools...把雲層扭曲成條狀和大大小小的漩渦...andthis, the legendary Great Red Spot這就是傳說中的大紅斑Thebiggest, most violent storm in the solar system.它是太陽系中最大、最猛烈的風暴At least three times the size of Earth, it"s been raging for over300 years至少有地球的3倍大 已經肆虐了超過300年了All these churning clouds must have sparked an electricalstorm這些翻騰的雲產生閃電雷暴Just onebolt is 10,000 times more intense than any at home.任何一個閃電都比我們地球上的強一萬倍Looks like thesafest place to see Jupiter is from a distance遠觀眺望才是最好最安全的Upthere at the poles...在它的兩極...thosedancing lights, they"re like the auroras backhome.那些光就像我們地球的極光一樣在翩翩起舞But the Geiger counter isgoing wild但蓋格計數器的讀數開始發狂Even these are deadly,generated by lethal radiation致命輻射產生的光看起來也是能致人死地Out here, nothing is whatit seems.太空中凡事不可貌相Theuniverse is full of terrors, traps.宇宙充滿了恐怖和陷阱Maybe this is a safe haven, themulti-colored moon, Io也許這個五彩繽紛的木衛一是一個避風港Wrong錯了Verywrong.大錯特錯Thosebrilliant colors are molten rock, volcanoes spewinglava.那些閃亮的顏色是融岩、火山噴出的岩漿Our journey across the universe is turninginto a struggle for survival我們神奇的宇宙之旅開始變成了生存之戰We"ve got to hope that ifwe outlast the dangers...我們曾希望只要戰勝這些危險...we"ll be rewarded by wondersbeyond imagination我們就會看到無法想像的奇觀Four hundred million miles from Earth...離開地球4億英里...flying a commercial airliner here would take nearly acentury搭乘民航航班要飛一個世紀What a weird lookingplace...多麼古怪的地方...and yet, strangelyfamiliar不可思議的是,它看起來又是那麼熟悉A bit like the Arctic, with all that ice, all those ridges andcracks所有的冰、山脊和裂縫都與北極有點相似It"s Jupiter"s moon,Europa.它是木星的衛星木衛二Andmaybe, like the Arctic, this ice is floating on water, liquidwater也許真的很像北極冰塊漂浮在液態水上But we"re half a billion miles from the Sun.但是這裡距離太陽有5億英里Surely, Europa is frozen solid當然,木衛二是冰凍固體Unless, Jupiter"s gravity is creating friction deepinside...除非木星的引力在它內部造成摩擦...heating the ice into water, allowing life to develop in thewater...使冰融化,允許生命在它的...beneath its frozen crust.冰凍外殼下的水中發展We might be feet away from aliens我們距離外星生物也許只有幾英尺遠From a whole ecosystem ofmicrobes, crustaceans, maybe even squid下面有微生物、甲克類,甚至有烏賊構成的生態系統The only thingbetween us and the possibility of alien life...我們和這些可能存在的外星生物之間...this layer ofice.只隔著一層薄薄的冰Butuntil we send a spacecraft to drill here...在我們派出飛船鑽透它的冰層之前...Europa"s secrets will remain beyond reach木衛二仍會一直保守它的秘密It"s captivated ourimaginations, haunted our dreams它挑逗著我們的想像縈繞在我們夢中And here it is, spinningbefore our eyes現在它就在我們面前自轉Saturn.土星Named forthe Roman god...由古羅馬農神的名字命名...who reigned over an golden ageof peace and harmony他曾統治過一個祥和安寧的黃金時代This planet"s a giant ballof gas, so light it would float on water這個行星是一個巨大的氣體球輕到可以漂浮在水面上Its spectacular ringswould stretch almost from Earth to the Moon.壯觀的土星環展開的長度幾乎等於地球到月球的距離There"s the Cassiniorbiter那是卡西尼探測器It"spicking up ghostly radio emissions它收到鬼魅般的無線電信號Probably generated by aurorasaround Saturn"s poles可能是由土星兩極的極光產生的This is the real music of thespheres.這是真正的天體音樂Cassini"s telling us where theserings came from.卡西尼告訴我們這些土星環的來歷They"re the remnants of amoon shattered by Saturn"s gravitational pull它們是被土星引力撕碎的衛星殘骸Incomparable beauty fromtotal destruction徹底毀滅產生的無比美景Billions of shards ofice無數的碎堅冰Some assmall as ice cubes, others the size of houses.有些很小,就像冰塊,有些則有房子那麼大They collide, break apart, reassemble他們碰撞、破碎、重新聚集It"s like a snapshot of ourearly solar system...就是我們太陽系的早期快照...as dustand gas orbited the newly born Sun塵埃和氣體環繞著初生的太陽...and gravity worked thismagic pulling the lumps together...然後引力施展魔力吸引碎塊聚在一起...until from space trashlike this, our home emerged直到這些碎塊形成地球Wecould stay here forever我們可以一直呆在這裡But there"s so much further to go, so much more tosee.但我們還要趕路,還有很多東西要看Like this moon wrapped inthick clouds,  Titan.土衛六被厚雲籠罩著There"s an atmosphere downhere它有大氣層There"swind, rain ,even seasons有風、雨,甚至有季節Rivers, lakes andoceans有河流、湖泊和海洋Itlooks so familiar, so similar to Earth.看起來和地球很像Butthat"s not water, it"s liquid natural gas但那不是水,是液態天然氣Hundreds of times more naturalgas than all the Earth"s oil and gas reserves這裡天然氣比我們地球的油氣儲量多幾百倍Maybe, one day, we"ll usethis energy to fuel a colony.或許有一天我們把它當做一個燃料基地Assuming there isn"t lifehere already假設土衛六上早已沒有生命The Huygens space probe is here to find out惠更斯號探測器在這裡尋找答案It"s telling us there"sorganic material in the soil.它報告說土衛六的土壤中存在有機成分But it"s so cold, minus 300degrees但這兒太冷了,低到零下300度(華氏)There"s no way life could develop生命無法發展Unless Titan warms up.除非土衛六變暖The Sunis supposed to get hotter有人預言太陽會變得越來越熱When it does maybe life willspring up here...真是這樣,也許這裡會出現生命...just like it did onEarth就像數十億年前的地球Andas the Earth gets too hot for us, maybe we"ll move toTitan.當地球熱到我們不能居住的時候,或許我們可以搬到土衛六One day, we might call this distant land home到那時,也許我們就會把這個遙遠的地方稱為家Home.家We"re atleast 700 million miles away now.離我們至少7億英里After this we lose visual contact with Earth.過了這個點,我們就看不見地球了We"re standing on acliff我們正站在懸崖邊上Looking out over a great chasm thatstretches to the beginning of time.眺望著通往時間起點的巨大深淵Do we have the courage tojump?我們有勇氣跳下去嗎?We"re in the solar system"s outerreaches.我們在太陽系的外圍Unseen from Earth, unknown for most of history在地球上看不得這裡,古人不知道這裡的存在It"s like diving intothe depths of the ocean就像潛入深海Thoserings make it look like Uranus has been tilted off itsaxis那些光環,天王星的傾斜的自轉軸看起來似乎...toppled over by astray planet被遊盪的行星給弄偏了It"seerie out here.這裡讓人毛骨悚然Already beginning to feel small,lonely讓人開始感覺渺小、孤獨Maybe this is how we"ll feel atthe edge of the universe或許在宇宙邊緣我們就會有這種感覺But we"ve barely left theshore但是我們才出發不遠If the solar system was one mile wide, so far we"ve traveled about3 inches如果太陽系寬度是1英里,我們才走了3英寸Out of the deep, anotherstrange beast...太空深處出現了另一個怪獸...the god of the sea,Neptune海洋之神 - 海王星This world is covered in methane gas一個被甲烷包圍著的世界And a storm as big as Earth...平均時速1000英里的颶風...whipped up by savage thousand mile-an-hourwinds形成一個像地球一樣大的風暴Back home,it"s the Sun that drives the wind...地球上的風是由太陽照射引起的...But Neptune"s far away.海王星離太陽太遠了Something else must be creatingthese ferocious winds一定是什麼東西造成這些暴風But what?會是什麼呢?We know very little aboutour own solar system.我們對太陽系所知甚少After all those balls of gas asolid moon經過那幾個氣體星球後,終於找到了一個固體衛星...Triton.海衛一Solid butnot stable固體的,但不穩定Justlook at those geysers...看看這些間歇泉...cosmic smokestacks pumping outstrange soot.彷彿噴出奇怪煙塵的宇宙煙囪And this moon is revolvingaround Neptune海衛一繞海王星旋轉的方向...in the opposite direction ofthe planet"s spin.與海王星自轉方向相反Acosmic battle of wills...一場意志的宇宙之戰...that this angry moon is destinedto lose這顆憤怒的衛星難逃一劫Neptune"s massive gravity ispulling on Triton.海王星巨大的引力正在拉扯著海衛一Slowing it down, reeling it in使它慢下來,靠近海王星One day, it will be ripped apart by Neptune總有一天,海衛一會被海王星撕碎And that"sit就這樣了No moremoons, no more planets in our solar system.我們太陽系裡再也沒有任何別的衛星和行星It"s getting colder,we"re getting further from the Sun...溫度越來越低我們距離太陽越來越遠...slipping from the grip ofits gravitational tentacles.慢慢脫離太陽引力的束縛Butthis isn"t a void但這裡並非空的It"steeming with frozen rocks.這裡充滿著凍結的岩石LikePluto.就像冥王星Untilrecently, we thought Pluto was alone.直到不久前,我們還以為冥王星是孤零零的Beyond it,nothing在它之外就沒有什麼了Wewere wrong但我們錯了Morefrozen worlds還有更多的冰凍世界Discoveries so new nobody can agreewhat to call them我們連怎麼稱呼這些最新發現都無法達成一致Plutinos, ice dwarves,cubewanos小冥王星、冰矮星、類QB1天體Our solar system is far morechaotic and strange than we had imagined我們的太陽系不是我們曾經想像的那個整潔乾淨Now we"re 8 billion miles from home.現在我們距離地球超過80億英里The most distant thing ever seen that orbits theSun...已發現的距離太陽最遠的繞日天體...another small, icy world, Sedna, discovered in2003另一個小型的冰冷世界發現於2003年,被稱為賽德娜(小行星90377)Its orbit takes 10,000 years to complete.它繞日一周需要1萬年Hang on, there"s something else out here.等一下這裡還有別的東西Ten billion miles from home the space probe, Voyager1.旅行者1號星際探測器已經飛行了100億英里This bundle of aluminum and antennae...它的這些鋁和天線...gave us close up views of thegiant planets...使我們能夠獲得那些巨大行星的近照...and discovered many oftheir strange moons.了解它們那些奇異的衛星It"s traveling 20 times fasterthan a bullet, sending messages home旅行者1號的速度比子彈快20倍不斷的向地球發送信息That goldplaque...那個黃金板...its akind of intergalactic message in a bottle.一個星際玻璃樽Agreeting record in different languages上面錄有各種語言的問候Anda map showing how to find our home solar system還有一副地圖,標明如何找到我們的太陽系The great physicist,Stephen Hawking...偉大的物理學家斯蒂芬霍金...thinks it was a mistake to roll out the welcomemat.認為這樣的熱情好客是一個錯誤After all, if you"re in thejungle, is it wise to call out?畢竟如果我們身處叢林,大聲呼喊是否明智?These comets look like the ones we saw earlier.他們很像我們先前看到的彗星There"s a theory that the raw materials for life began outhere...有理論認為生命的原始材料產自這裡...on a rock like this untilsomething dislodged it...直到什麼東西動到了它...sending it hurting towards theEarth使之朝著地球飛去And seeding all this ice, maybe comets carried water to Earthtoo也許地球上的水就是我們看到這些冰塊帶去的The water in the oceans, in your body...海洋里的、你身體里的水...all from this distant celestial ice machine.都來自這個遙遠的宇宙製冰機We"re 5 million, million, that"s 5 trillion miles fromhome.我們離地球5萬億英里,也就是5兆英里But this is still only ababy step.但這還只是一小步Ahead,trillions of miles, billions of stars.前面還有好幾兆英里,數十億顆恆星Time to stop looking back and start lookingahead...我們該停止向後看而要向前看...to step out into the big,wide universe踏進巨大無垠的宇宙Interstellarspace.星際空間Billionsof stars like our own Sun...數十億顆像我們太陽一樣的恆星...many with planets, many of those with moons.很多有行星很多行星有衛星It"s hard to know which way to go不知道該選擇哪條路了There are infinitepossibilities.存在著無限的可能性We"regoing to need a serious burst of acceleration.我們需要強大的加速度Twenty-five trillion miles fromhome.距離地球25兆英里A 150,000-year ride in thespace shuttle.乘坐太空飛船要飛15萬年And we"re only just reached thefirst solar system beyond然而我們只是抵達了距離我們最近的其他太陽系...AlphaCentauri半人馬座α星Not onebut three stars.不是一顆,而是三顆恆星Spinning around each other lockedin a celestial standoff它們互相圍繞公轉,形成一場宇宙對決Each star"s gravityattracting the other...每顆恆星都吸引的另一顆...their blazing orbital speedkeeping them apart.他們極快的軌道速度使它們能夠保持距離Get between them and we"d be vaporized...進入它們之間我們會在...trillions of miles fromhome.距離地球幾兆英里的地方被蒸發So far that miles are becomingmeaningless.這麼遠的距離,英里已經變得無用了Out here, we measure inlight years.我們在這裡得使用光年計算Light travels 6 trillion miles ayear...光一年可以飛行6兆英里...so we are overfour light-years from home.我們已經離開地球4光年Distances so vast they"remind-boggling遠到我們幾乎無法理解的距離Who knows what strange forceslie ahead誰知道前方會是什麼樣的奇異世界...what we"ll discoverwhen--如果我們抵達了宇宙邊緣,If we reach the edge of the universe我們會發現什麼呢?Tenlight years from Earth, the star EpsilonEridani天苑四恆星距離地球10光年Spectacular rings of dust andice它有由塵埃和冰構成的壯觀圓環And somewhere in there,planets forming out of debris...在圓環里的某些地方有碎片形成的行星...being born before our eyes.就在我們眼前誕生Asteroids and cometseverywhere到處都是小行星和彗星We could almost be looking at our own solarsystem...我們幾乎就是看到了數十億年前的...billions of years ago.我們太陽系的樣子With comets delivering the building blocks oflife...彗星把生命材料帶到...tothese young planets.這些年輕的行星上At thecenter of all the action, a star smaller than oursun...主導這些行為的是一個比我們太陽小一些的恆星...still in itsinfancy.這顆恆星還處於幼年Anylife in this solar system would be primitive atbest這個太陽系的生命應該還很原始There must be more maturesolar systems out here...這裡應該還有更成熟更進化的太陽系...But finding them is likelooking for a needle in a cosmic haystack但是找到它們卻像在宇宙海洋里撈針Twenty light years from Earth.距離地球20光年StarGliese 581紅矮星格雷司 581It"sabout the same age as our sun.它大概和我們的太陽同齡This planet is just the rightdistance from its sun這顆行星距離它的太陽距離剛剛好Any closer and water wouldboil away, any further and it would freeze再近一點水會蒸發,再遠一點則會結成冰Ideal conditions for lifeto emerge一個生命演化的理想環境Andif a comet has struck, delivering water and organicmaterials...如果彗星的撞擊給它帶去水和有機原料...then life, complex beings like us, even civilizations like ourown...那麼生命、像我們一樣的複雜生物甚至像我們一樣的文明...could be downthere right now現在就可能在這裡存在Theycould be tuning into our TV signals...他們可能正調到我們的電視信號...watching shows from 20years ago.觀看我們20年前的電視節目But until we devise a way ofcommunicating...但是在我們找到跨越這麼遠距離的...over these vast distances,all we can do is speculate通訊方法之前我們只能猜測Us and them, living parallel lives...(48:35)我們和他們各自的生存著...unaware of each other"s existence.彼此都不知道對方的存在Unless life has come and gone除非這裡曾有過生命和滅絕That"s the problem withcomets.那一定是彗星惹的禍They"re creators anddestroyers...彗星是創造者,同是也是毀滅者...as the dinosaurs the hard way就像恐龍的遭遇This is the needle in the cosmic haystack...這就是那根宇宙海洋里的針...the closest we"ve come to ahabitable solar system like our own...(49:15)是最像我們太陽系的那樣適宜生存的太陽系...butit"s a chance encounter.但這只是碰巧而已Therecould be hundreds...宇宙中可能有上億個。。。...millions more solar systems like this out there or none atall.(49:22)類似的太陽系,也可能一個都沒有Some of the atmosphere on this planet,Bellerophon...行星柏勒羅豐的大氣層。。….is beingboiled away by its nearby star.正在被它附近的恆星蒸發掉we can"t see planets this farout.我們在地球上看不到距離這麼遠的行星They』reobscured by the brilliance of their  neighboringstars.他們都被周圍的恆星耀眼的光輝掩蓋住了But the planets have aminute gravitational pull on those stars.(50:06)不過行星對恆星施加微小的引力作用Measure these tiny movementsand we can prove they exit通過測量這種微小移動我們就能證明這些行星的存在That"s how we trackeddown Bellerophon in the 1990"s...我們就是這樣在90年代發現行星柏勒羅豐...and hundreds of other distant planets還發現敢數百顆其他遙遠行星Sixty-five light years fromEarth...距離地球65光年...turn on your TV here and you"dpick up Hitler"s Berlin Olympics如果在這裡打開電視,那麼你會看到希特勒的柏林奧運會The twin stars ofAlgol.雙星大陵五(英仙座B)Known to the ancients as thedemon star自古人們就稱它為惡魔之星From Earth, it appears to blinkas one star passes across the other.當其中一個遮住另一顆時,從地球看就像在眨眼睛Up close, it"s evenstranger.近距離觀察更奇怪Onestar is being sucked towards the other其中一顆恆星正被在另一顆吸收過去Almost 100 light years fromhome...這裡距離地球接近100光年...faint whispers from one ofthe first ever radio broadcasts最早的無線電廣播信號也只是模糊的低語From here on out, it"s asif the Earth never existed從這裡或更遠的地方觀察,地球似乎從來沒有存在過Feels like a lifetime since we stood on that beach...(52:00)我們站在海灘仰望天空,納悶我們在哪裡...looking up at the sky,wondering where and how we fit in這好象是上輩子的事情We"ve learned one thing forsure有一點我們已經確認Theuniverse is too bizarre, too startling...(52:14)我們無法預測前方的宇宙...for us to guess what liesahead會是怎樣的奇怪和驚人Deep inside our galaxy, the Milky Way在我們的星系深處,銀河Pinpricks of light that have inspired a thousand and onetales一千零一夜喚起的一絲微光The Seven Sisters, the daughtersof the ancient Greek god, Atlas七姊妹是古希臘擎天神亞特拉斯的女兒...transformed into star tocomfort their father...她們變成星星來安慰...ashe held the heavens on his shoulders用肩膀扛起天空的父親Andthis giant, Betelgeuse還有巨大的參宿四(獵戶座a星)The brightest, biggest star we"ve seen sofar.我們至今為止看到的最大的最亮的恆星Six hundred times widerthan our sun它至少比我們的太陽寬600倍But this, it"s not a star...但是這個不是恆星...nota planet, not like anything we"ve seen.也不是行星,不像我們已經見過的任何東西A ghostly specter, morethan 1,300 light years from Earth...一個幽靈般的魅影,距離地球超過1300光年...Orion"s dark cloud它是獵戶座暗星雲Dustand gas shrouding us濃密的塵埃和氣體包裹著我們There, deep inside, a light,pulling the dust and gas towards it...在暗雲的深處,一個光球正吸引塵埃和氣體...heating up, merging into a ball of burning hotgas.加熱融合成一個炙熱的氣體球Like a star, like our sun inminiature.就像一顆恆星,像一個迷你的太陽Inside, it"s millions of degrees(54:23)它的內部有幾百萬度Sohot, it"s beginning to trigger nuclearreactions...如此高的溫度足以引發核反應...the kind that keep our sunshining...這種反應維持我們的太陽閃耀...making energy, radiation,light產生能量,輻射和光線Astar is being born.一顆恆星正在誕生Orion"s dark cloud is a vast star factory獵戶座星雲就是一座巨大的恆星工廠We"re witnessing the birth of the futureuniverse.我們正在目睹未來宇宙的誕生We"ve come to expect destruction...我們原以為會遭遇毀滅...but this is one of theuniverse"s greatest acts of creation.但這是宇宙中最偉大的創造行為之一Starbirth.恆星的誕生Thisdoesn"t look right好像不太對勁兒Jets ofgas exploding out with tremendous force...氣體噴流的巨大力量...blasting dust and gas out formillions of miles.把塵埃和氣體噴射到數百萬英里之外It"s unbelievably violentand creative不可思議的狂暴和富有創意Nebula...星雲...vastglowing clouds of gas hanging in space.巨大的發光氣體雲團懸浮在太空中With no wind out here,they"ll take thousands of years to disperse這裡沒有風,它們會存在數千年才會散去They seem to be forming a vast stellarsculpture.它們看起來形成了巨大的星雲雕像Nature is more than ascientist, an engineer...大自然不只星科學家和工程師...it"s an artist on thegrandest of scales(56:40)它是最大手筆的藝術家Andthis is a masterpiece這就是曠世傑作(獵戶座馬頭星雲)Stars are born, grow up, andthen, then what?恆星誕生,長大,然後。。然後會怎樣?Do theydie?它們會死嗎?Do theyslip quietly into the night or go out with abang?它們死去時是悄無聲息還是轟轟烈烈Somewhere between here andthe edge of the universe lies the answer.答案就在這裡到宇宙邊緣的某些地方Luminous clouds, suspendedin space...發光雲 懸掛在太空...encircling what was once a star like our ownsun.環繞著曾經類似我們太陽的恆星All that"s left of it arethese brightly colored gases...唯一剩下就是這些五彩亮麗的氣體...elements formed by nuclear reactions deepinside...在恆星內部深處核聚合反應形成的各種元素...released into space onits death在恆星死亡之時被釋放到太空中Green and violet, hydrogen and helium...綠色和紫色的是氫和氦...the raw materials of theuniverse.它們是宇宙的原始原料Redand blue, nitrogen and oxygen...紅色的、藍色的是氮和氧...the building blocks of life onEarth它們構成地球生命的材料Forus to live, stars like this had to die為了我們的生存,這樣的恆星必須死雲Every atom in our body wasproduced by nuclear fusion...我們身體的每個原子都產自這些已經死亡的恆星核聚變...in stars thatdied long before the Earth was even born.很久以後地球才誕生Weare all the stuff of stars(58:25)我們都是恆星材料Ourfamily tree begins here我們的家譜溯源至此Atits heart, the ghost of a star...雲團的核心是恆星的鬼魂...a whiteswarf一顆白矮星White,hot, small...白色,炙熱,體積很小...but unbelievablydense但是密度卻是高的難以置信Inthe star"s dying moments, its atoms fused and squeezedtogether當恆星瀕臨死亡的時候,它的原子融合擠壓在一起...makingit so dense that just a teaspoon of this white dwarf would weigh 1ton讓它變得密度極高,一茶匙白矮星的物質就有一噸重Tt』s achilling premonition of our sun"s fate.我們太陽也是這種令人膽寒的下場Six billion years from now,it will become a white dwarf60億年後,太陽會變成一顆白矮星Its death will herald the end of life on earth(59:34)它的死亡即宣告我們地球生命的終結Makes you wonder how manyother world have come and gone...這讓你好奇到底有多少外面的世界像這樣存在和消失...celestial storiesleft untold, lost forever.多少未知的宇宙故事永遠失落But the greatest story of them all is still to betold但是它們中最偉大的故事還是要說的We must go back through timeto the very first chapter...(60:00)我們必須讓時間倒流回到第一章...to learn how the universebegan.講一件關於宇宙起源的故事The scattered remains of deadstar...散布著死去恆星的殘骸...the Crab Nebula蟹狀星雲(隸屬於金牛座)Six thousand light years from home, deep inside a stellargraveyard我們距離地球6000光年,深入到一座星際墳墓We"velearnt so much我們已經學到了很多...seen things we"d never have believedpossible看到一些本來不可思議的事情Now, sights like this, wonders once beyondimagination...像這樣的情景以前是無法想像的...we take in our stride現在都是司空見慣了We"re ready to face whatever lies ahead我們準備好了面對前方的一切Determined to reach the edge of the universe決心抵達宇宙的邊緣Thisis the calm after the storm, after an massiveexplosion...在風暴過後的平靜,大爆炸後的平靜...a supernova that turned a star into dust andgas超新星把一顆恆星變成一團塵埃和氣體The eye of thestorm.暴風眼A spinningpulsating star, a pulsar.是一顆旋轉脈衝的恆星,脈衝星The gravity has squeezed thegiant star"s core down to this重力把巨大恆星的核心擠壓成這麼小It"s just 12 miles across,unimaginably dense它的直徑只有12英里,密度之高無法想像One pinhead of this would weigh hundreds...一個針頭大小的物質可能就有幾百噸...maybe millions of tons.甚至幾百萬噸And asit shrank , like a figure skater spinning on thespot...當它收縮時,就像花樣滑部運動員在原地旋轉一樣...arms outstretched ,then pulling them in...展開雙臂然後收縮回來...it began to spinfaster.它開始越轉越快Twobeams of light, energy, radiation, spinning 30 times asecond兩道光,能量和輻射束每秒鐘旋轉30將Powering the huge cloud ofdust and gas(62:02)推動著龐大的塵埃和雲團There"s so much radiation here,more even than on the Sun.這裡的輻射非常多,甚至比太陽的輻射還多That was easily thedeadliest thing we"ve encountered so far這是我們到目前為止遭遇到的最致命的東西Once, it would haveterrified us若在以前,它必定會讓我們驚恐萬狀But now werealize that without the dangers...但是現在我們知道,沒有危險...there"d be no wonders就不會有奇蹟Withoutthe nightmares, there"d be no dreams沒有夢魘,就沒有夢想Getting a strange sensation現在有一種奇怪的感覺Afeeling as though there"s something bad outhere...似乎這裡有某種不祥的東西...a malevolentpresence.(63:04)一個不懷好意的傢伙Theone thing we didn"t want to encounter這是我們不想遇到的東西Impossibly black, blotting outthe stars behind it無比的黑暗遮擋了它後面的星星We』re  staring into the face ofextinction我們正在凝視的就是滅絕...theremains of a giant star...巨大的恆星殘骸...ablack hole.黑洞Far denserthan a pulsar...它比脈衝星密度高得多...and impossible toresist無法抗拒Its gravity is so intense, not even light canescape.它的引力之大連光線也無法逃脫This asteroid, it"s a lump ofsolid rock...(64:01)這顆小行星就是一塊岩石...but it"s actually stretching,being dragged towards the gaping hole但它正在被拉長被黑洞吸引過去Inside, there"s no matter aswe know it.黑洞內部沒有我們已知的物質No time, no space, all therules of physics collapse.沒有時間沒有空間所有的物理定律在這裡都會崩潰The asteroid isgone那個小行星消失了Nobodyreally know where沒人知道它的下落Thisis the edge of human understanding這是人類理解力的極限There could be millions of blackhole creeping around our galaxy...我們的銀河系裡可能潛伏著數百萬個黑洞...more perhaps than allthe stars in the sky...更有可能比天空的所有的恆星都多...But we wouldn"t see themuntil it was too late.但是當我們看到黑洞的時候就為時已晚了Like this star,spiraling...像這顆恆星 旋轉......disappearing, down an invisiblesinkhole...消失在一個隱形的黑洞中Who"s to say we don"t live inside a vast blackhole...誰能說我們不是生活在一個巨大的黑洞中...that the whole universeisn"t inside one right now...整個宇宙說不定也是處於...inside anotheruniverse?另一個宇宙的黑洞中Thinkabout it for too long and your mind reels這些東西想久了,你會頭暈腦脹Sometimes it feels like the more we see, the less weknow.有時感覺我們看到的越多,了解的卻越少And we"re still in our owngalaxy, the Milky Way..我們仍在我們的銀河系內...the vastness of the universebeyond still lies ahead無垠的宇宙還在我們前方The wonders, the dangers, the secrets, they"re outthere...(65:46)奇蹟、危險和秘密都在那裡...waiting to bediscovered正等著被探索Seven thousand light yearsfrom home距離地球7000光年It"sas though we"re in a forest thick with trees.似乎我們置身於樹木濃密的森林中Each so beautiful, sofascinating, it"s impossible to look beyond每棵樹都那麼美麗、迷人不可能遙望外面...to see the biggerpicture.去看到全局We haveto find a way through...我們必須找到出路...to reach the clearing at the galaxy"s edge抵達星系邊緣的開闊地帶But faced with sights like this, its hard toleave但是面對這樣的美景,讓人流連忘返(天鷹星雲)A colossal glowing cloud topped by these great towers ofdust龐大的發光雲團上面矗立著這些巨大的塵埃高塔...the Pillars ofCreation它們是創世之柱Like agateway into the unknown.猶如進入未知世界的大門A star factory packed with embryonic starsystems...這是一個布滿胚胎期恆星系統的工廠...each larger than oursolar system.每一個恆星系都像我們太陽系那麼大we have to resist its sirensong, tear ourselves away...(67:20)我們必須趕緊離開否則會無法自拔...to carry on towards theedge of the galaxy以便能繼續前進到星系的邊緣Dazzled by the Milk Way"sbeauty, we"ve been blinded to its terrors炫於銀河的美麗我們無視它的危險...and strayed into a cosmicminefield於是闖進了宇宙雷區Likean explosion in slow motion.好像是一場慢動作的爆炸場面Amassive star, millions of times brighter than our sun.(68:00)一顆巨大的恆星,亮度是我們太陽的數百萬倍It"s going intomeltdown它正在崩解The fuelthat sustains it is running out...維持它的燃料即將耗盡...the nuclear reactions that power it windingdown給它提供能量的核反應正在逐漸減少We"re watching its deaththroes我們看到是它的垂死掙扎An even bigger, dangerously unstable star一個更大的險象環生的不穩定恆星But this one"s about toexplode但是這個會爆炸And when a star this bigdies...像這樣一個巨大恆星死亡時...it"s a hundred times more violent than asupernova.爆炸比超新星劇烈一百倍We"ve stumbled into the mostviolent star death of all.無意中我們撞見了最劇烈的恆星之死...a hypernova.(69:00)超超新星The core"scollapsed, it"s becoming a black hole.它的核心坍塌了正在變成一個黑洞And that"s the shock wave,surging through the star...恆星內部洶湧而出的衝擊波...ripping its outer layers intospace.撕碎恆星外層並拋向太空Deadlyhypernovas, frozen comets...致命的超超新星 冰凍的彗星...scorched planets, white dwarves, redgiants燒焦的行星白矮星紅巨星Tiny drops in a vast pool of white light...巨大銀河水池裡的小水滴...our home galaxy, the MilkyWay我們的星系,銀河We wanted to know wherewe fit in我們想知道我們的位置Here"s our answer.下面就是答案Civilizations, past andpresent古往今來的文明Everyone that"s ever lived每一個古人今人The smallest bug, thehighest mountain...最小的甲蟲最高的山脈...all of it invisible, not even atiny speck.全都看不見,甚至算不是一個小斑點Our home is a minor planet orbiting an insignificantstar.我們的小地球正在繞著一個毫不起眼的恆星的旋轉It is disappearedright now, who would even notice?如果它馬上消失也沒人會注意And yet, so far, we"ve foundnowhere else we would rather live...(71:00)但到目前為止我們還沒有找到其他我們願意居住的地方...nowhere we could live也沒有能夠居住的地方It"s only now, farfrom home...只有現在遠離故鄉...that we"re beginningto truly appreciate it.我們才真正開始珍視它Look at all thesestars, hundreds of thousands of them看看這些恆星 數十萬顆恆星Surely one of them,more than one, must be capable of supporting life.其中一顆,應該不只一顆 一定能夠支持生命Maybe herein this swarm of stars, the Great Cluster也許在這一群恆星組成的大星團里就有Back in the 1970"s,astronomers sent a message in this direction1970年代,天文學家向這個方向發出了信息  [譯註:即M13武仙座球狀星團]...detailing the structure of our DNA and oursolar system"s location詳細描述了人類DNA結構和我們太陽系的位置But the message won"tarrive here for another 25,000 years.至少還要25000年,這些信息才能到達這裡We haven"t found alienlife yet我們仍然沒有發現外星生命But neither have we found any reason tobelieve...但同樣也沒有任何理由去相信宇宙中...it isn"t out theresomewhere.沒有外星生命There"san equation devised...有一個方程式...toestimate the number of other advancedcivilizations是設計用來估算其他發達文明的數量The result isstartling.計算的結果令人震驚Therecould be millions of civilizations just in our owngalaxy.僅在我們銀河系可能就有數百萬個文明Everything we"ve seen so far is inside the Milk Way(73:07)到目前為止,我們看到一切都在銀河內Now we"re ready to leaveour home galaxy...我們準備離開我們的星系...to enterintergalactic space.進入星系際空間Here"s ourchance to solve the ultimate mystery..或許我們可以找到機會回答終極問題...andexperience the moment of creation.並有機會去經歷創世的一刻Beyond the MilkWay...離開銀河.throughthe vast expanse between galaxies.穿越星系間巨大空間Against all the odds,we"ve made it to intergalactic space排除萬難,進入星系際空間Out here, there"s no horizon in sight.這裡看不到地平線Even the closestgalaxies are hundreds of thousands of light yearsaway即使最近的星系也遠在數十萬光年外The remains of galaxiesripped apart。。。。被銀河巨大引力By theMilky Way"s huge gravitational pull...撕碎的其他星系的殘骸...scattered among nothing散布在空無之中This is as close as theuniverse gets to a perfect vacuum.這是宇宙中最接近完美真空的地方But even this isn"t totallyempty.但即使這裡也不是完全真空There are thin wispsof gas, tine traces of dust這裡有稀薄的氣體,微量的塵埃And something else, darkmatter還有其他的東西 暗物質So mysterious, wecan"t see it...神秘的暗物質我們無法看見...feel it, taste it, touch itor even measure it.、感覺、品嘗、觸摸甚至不能測量Yet socommon, it could make up over 90 percent...然而又很普通,它有可能占我們宇宙中所有物質的...of allthe matter in the universe.十分之九If darkmatter does exist..(75:05)如果暗物質的確存在...itmeans there"s no such thing as empty space.那就不存在真空這回事了Even out here, we"re surroundedby matter即使在這裡,我們也是被物質包圍著We think it exists because of its apparent hold ongalaxies由於星系間明顯的引力我們才認為存在暗物質Like this one, the LargeMagellanic Cloud例如大麥哲倫星雲A6-billion-year journey in today"s fastestspacecraft它距離銀河系16萬光年即使現在最快的太空飛船...160 thousand lightyears from the Milky Way...也要飛行60億年...atthe edge of its gravitational reach它正處於銀河系引力的邊緣This galaxy should spin off intospace, but something is holding it here...這個星系應該被卷進太空但某些東西把它固定在這裡...something invisible, powerful, darkmatter某種看不見卻強大的東西是暗物質Stars, clusters of stars,nebulae...恆星、星團、星雲...it"s a vast astronomical treasuretrove.它是巨大的天文寶庫Butlook at this, it"s like a string of gleamingpearls.但是你看這個,看起來很想一串閃亮的珍珠It"s a fireball...一個火球...expanding out from what must havebeen a massive explosion.在強烈爆炸後向外擴張A supernova.一顆超新星So brightthat when light from the explosion reached Earth 20 yearsago...爆炸產生的光非常亮,當20年前抵達地球時...it was visible to the naked eye用肉眼就可以看到And soviolent, it triggered a string of nuclearreactions而且爆炸非常強烈,引發了一連串核反應...forcing atoms together, creating newelements...迫使原子聚合生成新的元素...gold, silver, platinum,blasting them out into space.(76:37)金、銀、白金被拋入太空Thegold in the ring on you finger...你手指上戒指里的黃金...was forged in a massivesupernova like this...就是數百億年前在這樣一個...trillions of miles away,billions of years ago.距離數兆英里的超新星內部中生成的Before we left home, theuniverse seemed desperate...在我們出發前,宇宙似乎與我們無關...something outthere, up in the sky.只是存在於我們頭頂上的天空But now we knowbetter.但是現在我們更了解了Weare the universe, and it is within us我們是宇宙,它就在我們之中It"s comforting to remember as we venture through thisabyss.在穿越這個深淵之時,這個想法讓我們稍感安慰Further and further越來越遠Faster andfaster遠來越快TheAndromeda Galaxy two and half million light yearsaway仙女座星系距離地球250萬光年It"s racing throughspace...它在太空中疾行...everything blown apart, likeshrapnel in an explosion.(78:00)太空中所有的東西都像榴霰彈爆炸後的彈片那樣四散分離We"re seeing this galaxy as it was...我們看到的這個星系的形態...when our ape-like ancestorsfirst walked on the African plains和我們的猿類祖先首次在非洲平原上行走時的一樣Further through space,and further back in time我們在太空中前進越遠回溯的時光也就越遠Hold on. This doesn"tlook right等等這個看來有點不對勁Awhole galaxy exploding?整個星系在爆炸?The only thing large enough to cause an explosion on thisscale...唯一能引起這麼大規模爆炸的...is anothergalaxy.必定是和另一個星系相撞Itlooks like the end of the world這看起來像世界末日Butthis galaxy won"t die, it will be reborn.可這個星系不會死亡它會重生Anew shape, perhaps even new stars...形成新的形狀,甚至可能誕生新的恆星...as dust and gas collide,creating friction, shockwaves...當塵埃和氣體碰撞、產生摩擦、衝擊波...triggering the birth ofstars.引發一個恆星的誕生There"s order in this chaos, a pattern behind the infinitevariety...亂中有序一種模式存在於無限的變化背後...an endless cycleof birth and death, creation and destruction無窮無盡的生死和興衰循環It"s a pattern woventhrough the vast fabric of space...這種模式貫穿於結合這些星系的...that binds each of thesegalaxies巨大太空結構中Thereare billions of galaxies...宇宙中有數十億個星系...eachwith billions, even trillions of stars.每一個星系都有數十億甚至數兆顆恆星Maybe more stars than there are grains ofsand...恆星的數量可能比地球上所有沙灘上的...on all the beaches onEarth.沙粒的數量還多We"refinally beginning to see the big picture...我們終於開始看到...andit"s grander than we ever imagined比我們想像中更宏大的全局This galaxy, the huge PinwheelGalaxy...(80:00)這個巨大的風車星系距離地球非常遙遠...is so far from Earththat if we send a message home now...如果我們現在給地球發個消息...it will take 27 millionyears to get there.2700萬年後才能到達Who knowswhether our species, our planet...誰知道那個時候我們人類...willstill be around to receive it?我們的地球是否還能收到它We travelon, back through time。(80:33)我們繼續回溯時間的旅行Past thepoint where the dinosaurs were wiped out...越過恐龍滅絕的時間點...pastthe moment where the first creatures crawled ontoland穿過生物最早爬上陸地的那一刻Twobillion light years from home.距離地球20億光年Closing inon the edge of the universe接近了宇宙的邊緣Goingback to the beginning of time正在回到時間的起點Thisisn"t a galaxy. It"s brighter than a hundredgalaxies這不是星系它比數百個星系加起來都亮A blinding beam of energysurging for trillions of miles.一束炫目的能量衝到數兆英里之外Something this big, this bright, must be incrediblypowerful這麼巨大、這麼明亮的東西,必定具有不可思議的強大力量Experience tells us, out here, power equalsdanger經驗告訴我們,宇宙中,力量等於危險It looks like a quasar, thedeadliest thing in the universe它看起來像是宇宙中最致命的東西,類星體Our journey could beover如果是的,我們的旅程就要結束了The deadliest, most powerful thing in theuniverse.宇宙中最致命、最強大的東西Aquasar.(82:04)類星體A swirlingcauldron of superheated gas一團翻騰的超熱氣體This beast has a heartof darkness, a super-massive black hole...這頭巨獸的黑暗之心是一顆超級質量的黑洞...as heavy as a billionsuns.和十億顆太陽一樣重It"sripping apart whole stars...它正在撕裂所有的恆星...devouring them until they"renothing...吞噬著他們直到什麼也不剩...lost forever from the visibleuniverse在可見的宇宙中永遠消失Wethink, we hope, we pray...(83:10)我們思考我們希望我們祈禱...we"ve seen the worst theuniverse can throw at us.我們已經看到了宇宙中最駭人的威脅But no one can know whatlies ahead但是沒有知道前方有什麼We"ll need to go further, gofaster我們必須走得更遠 走的更快Eight billion lightyears from home.距離地球80億光年Moregalaxies, but these look different更多的星系但是這些看起來有些不同Ragged, small, close together形狀不整、小而且相距不遠We"re so far back intime...我們回溯時間太長了...we"re seeing these galaxies as they were before the Earth wasborn這些星系還是在地球誕生之前的形態They"re still young, stillgrowing.它們還年輕,仍在成長We"re getting close to where and how it allbegan我們正在接近宇宙形成的起點Look at the galaxies now.你看這些星系They"remore like primitive plankton floating in a vast dark ocean它們就像是漂浮在遼闊黑暗海洋中的原始浮游生物Clouds ofdust and gas..塵埃和氣體的雲團...dancing , twirling, merging tomake embryonic galaxies.舞動著旋轉著聚集成胚胎時期的星系They"redisappearing它們正在消失We"ve gone back before the stars were born...我們已經回到星辰誕生之前...into a cosmic dark age進入宇宙的黑暗時代Andbefore that, light, the afterglow...在這之前創造了已知宇宙的那個大爆炸...from the massiveexplosion that created the known universe留下的餘暉就是光This isit.(86:07)就是這裡We"ve madeit我們到了The edge ofuniverse宇宙的邊緣...80Billion trillion miles from home...距離地球800億兆英里...13 and a half billion years ago135億年前The veryinstant of the Big Bang...大爆炸那一瞬間...the most violent, most creative moment in history.歷史上最狂暴 最具創造性的一刻Everything that"sever happened follows from this moment.所有後來發生的一切都是從這一刻開始的Every religion, everyculture, has pondered it每一種宗教,每一個文化都曾思考過這個事件But we still don"t knownwhat sparked this act of creation or why(87:00)但是我們仍不知道是什麼或是什麼原因引起了這個創世之舉This is where ourjourney ends這裡是我們旅程的終點...and the universebegins宇宙的起點Aninfinitely hot, small, dense point erupts一個無限熱、無限小、無限緊密的點爆炸了Creating space, time,matter, our universe itself.產生了空間、時間、物質和宇宙本身First, it"s the size of asubatomic particle.起初只有亞原子大小Thetiniest traction of a second later在電光火石間...it"s big enough to hold in the palm of yourhand它就變得和手掌一樣大Moments later, it"s the size ofthe Earth.不久之後,變得和地球一樣大Today, thelight from the Big Bang is still spreading out(注釋:宇宙微波背景輻射)大爆炸發出的光線,現在仍在向外傳播You can hear it as a radiohiss你可以通過無線電噪音聽到See it as televisionstatic.從電視上出現的雪花點看到All the wonders we"ve seen onour journey...(88:42)我們沿途看到的一切奇觀...are sparks flying out from theBig Bang.都是大爆炸噴出的火花Galaxies, stars,planets...星系、恆星、行星...allcosmic debris所有都是宇宙殘片We goforward through time...順著時間前進...ridingthe blast wave我們乘著衝擊波Until wereach another cooling cinder..直到我們抵達在另一個旋轉於大爆炸餘輝中....swirling in the afterglow of the BigBang.冷卻的餘燼We"re backwhere we started .回到我們出發的地方Home我們的地球Only nowcan we really know it.只有現在我們才真正清楚Smaller,more fragile than we ever imagine地球比我們想像的更小,更脆弱Destinedto die swallowed by a dying sun最終會被將死的太陽吞噬But weshouldn"t despair. We should rejoice但是我們不應該絕望,而要感到歡欣鼓舞We"vemanaged to experience the wonders of theuniverse我們已經經歷了宇宙的奇觀Weshould celebrate our achievements...我們就應該慶祝我們的成就...and enjoy our moment in the sun去享受陽光下的每一刻



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