雙語:男人討厭「林黛玉」 女人愛哭最無魅力

男人討厭「林黛玉」 女人愛哭最無魅力

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年02月09日 11:31   國際在線

  The sight of a crying girlfriend or wife is never likely to turn aman to thoughts of passion. But it is not just the emotions of an upsetpartner that dampen the mood in a loving relationship。

  Female tears contain a chemical that makes her less attractive tothe opposite sex, a study has found. While a man might not realise it,his brain sniffs out the signal and his desire is subdued。


  Researchers arrived at the conclusion after asking six women,selected from 60 volunteers, to make repeat visits to a lab where theycried into a test tube while watching a weepy film. The tears were thentrickled back down the women』s faces and a group of men asked to leanclose. Salty water was used as substitute tears in a second group ofwomen. The men said that both sets of 『tears』 smelt the same. But whenshown pictures of female faces, those who had sniffed the real tearsrated the pictures as less attractive, the journal Science reports。


  To expose the men to the feelings of sadness that had accompaniedthe women』s tears, the men then also watched a weepy movie. Levels ofthe male sex hormone testosterone fell in those who had sniffed realtears but not in the men exposed to the fake ones. The researchers fromthe Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, said the results suggestthat weeping helps women ward off unwelcome advances. The chemicals intears could also help protect against violence by lowering maletestosterone levels。




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