
(周運) 克里斯汀 11.27--12,3


蛻 變的過程毫無疑問是充滿艱辛的。有時候,如果能預先知道前路有多麼艱辛,也許你壓根不會選擇這條路。 現實就是,靈 魂的選擇已經領著你走了這一步。在最起伏跌宕的時刻,想要做到客觀澄明難度很大,所以如果你感覺到此刻自己已完全被情緒的洪水吞噬,要明白這些衝擊是由蛻 變引發的。想要狗刨是沒法過關的。守護火星在代表提升進步的處女座,引發了一些刺瞎狗眼的情緒牽絆。儘管處女座守護水星在直線運行,它最終會回到本周伊始逆行時的角度。用占星術語來說,這意味著陰影期結束。說到靈 魂的旅程,要麼你會經歷一次釋放性的內心對話,要麼你會和他人對話,從而各自收穫了結。無論是什麼引發你的不安,要知道這都是暫時的。

玩 命游吧,救 贖就快來了。



你正直的節 操將幫你贏得一切!


雙們現在準備適應新節奏吧,你的守護星水星,終於要在11月27日的周三一掃陰 霾了,一個新契約不是面臨簽字畫押就是徹底告吹,你可能一度也過猶豫但你知道現在多少有些為時已晚。水星和土星並肩運行到你的分析宮這可能會導致最近的某些決定有些問題。重要的是要認識到,每當靈 魂打破平靜,推動「前進」,總是難免因為陌生和新奇引發我們內心的動蕩不安。你可能會懷疑自己是否有能力「承擔」,好像你覺得自己已經超負荷了。不過,到下周來臨時,你將會找到方法讓你的心和思想同步,並且越來越默契。



蟹子你的情緒決定事情的走向以及如何繼續,其他人也知道這點。不管你內在如何醞釀(事情或者情緒)那都會反應在你周圍的世界中且直接影響你做的每一件事。也許在某一方面你的思緒一直被消極的拉扯向一個你不想去的方向,那些能轉變你核心或者讓你擔心的想法是因為火星在處女座行經你的思想宮所導致的。 這有時會造成一種傾向性對比,關注在是什麼造成了情緒動蕩與關注在找出可以扭轉局面的出路的對比。但是,水星在周三,11月27號這天肅清它的陰影,並告訴我們隨著周末的到來會有更順遂的行程。 另外一個積極的注釋是,在下周一12月2號時一輪新月在樂觀的射手座將會有助於你轉變消極的想法,從而將你從現有困擾中釋放出來。





處女座——譯者:lady oracle













本周當你嘗試新方法,新切入點以及試著用新視角看待目前的處境時,會有好運。 當擔憂,挫敗或者憤怒相隨時,沒人能夠快速前進,隨著木星和守護土星漸漸形成和-諧角度,你將能夠在混亂中找到一條自然平和的道路。木星也會幫助你和某些人形成聯結,他們能夠直觀感受到你的需求,為你提供幫助,幫你分擔生活的重擔。 12月2日周一,射手新月在你的夢想之宮,並且和家庭情緒宮中的天王星形成理想的角度,你終於向那些無法控制、當前處於你掌控之外的事情妥協,從而獲得了內心的平靜。(就是認栽了對嗎)



不管嘗試多少次,一個方木樁永遠也不可能匹配一個圓木槽。可能有時候你確實感到非常接近了,但結果最終還是。你心中已經確立了某個渴望的目標,目的或結果而幾周來可能沒有以前感覺那麼有希望了。不過12月2日下周一,射手座的新月與你的守護星天王星將形成輕鬆的相位,你將體驗到來自救 贖效應和積極動力的狂 野衝擊。你可能已經感到自己好像正在經歷某個過程而很快你就將看到這些努力帶來的結果。緊隨新月腳步,水星和火星的和諧同步將有助你創造一個令人驚嘆的行動計劃。





ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19]

There is no question about it, evolving is hard work. In some cases, if you knew ahead of time how arduous a certain road might be, you may have never made the choice to travel that way. The bottom line is that you are here, exactly where you are because of choices your Soul made and needed to make. When you are in the thick of things, it can be challenging to be objective and clear so if you are feeling this way, submerged in a sea of feeling, know that these waters are driven by the current of evolution. There is no dog paddling here. Mars, your ruler, is in Virgo, the sign of improvements causing something emotionally glaring to be tugging on you. Mercury, the ruler for Virgo, although moving direct, will finally reach the degree it was when it went retrograde as we kick off this forecast week. In astrological lingo it means it has cleared its shadow. In terms of the journey of your Soul, it means you are going to experience either a freeing inner dialogue or you will have an exchange with another that will create the feeling of growing a pair of fins. Whatever is causing you discomfort, it』s temporary.

Keep swimming, help is on the way!

TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21]

Honesty always creates the right reality even when it hurts. It is better to be straight up and forthright than to keep someone guessing. You tend to know how to deliver in this way and this week, Jupiter, is opposing your ruler ,Venus, suggesting there are going to be some truth out talks that lead to a better living breathing reality. It will feel as if more oxygen has entered the room or in the space that separates you as Jupiter also expands everything it touches. This energy will serve to open up the potential of what is possible in your loving connections. Although in some cases, you may need to remove a relationship if it just feels like a temporary space holder. Regardless, the way forward is opening up and you will be able to gain a better view of where it is all headed. Mercury, in your house of relationships, is also now free from its shadow and ready to help you officially clear the air.

Personal integrity on your part wins them over!

GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]

Things are going to pick up a new sort of speed now Gemini. Your ruler Mercury, will finally be clearing its shadow on Wednesday, Nov. 27, a new commitment has either been signed and sealed or set in motion. You may be having some second thoughts but you also know on some level it is too late to turn back now. Mercury is traveling with Saturn in your house of analysis and it may be causing some questioning of recent decisions. It is important to realize that whenever the Soul is making 『a move on』 so to speak, breaking free into virgin territory, it will inevitably cause one to inwardly wobble as it is new and unfamiliar. You may be doubting your own ability to 『take it on』 as if you feel you may have bitten off more than you can chew. However by next week your heart will find its way to the same page as your mind and you will be feeling far more in sync.

A New Moon in your opposite sign on Monday, Dec. 2 gives your connections with significant others a loving lift, feeling similar to opening the windows and letting the sea breeze freshen and permeate the room!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]

You know as well as anyone that your emotions dictate how everything goes as well as what follows. Whatever is inwardly brewing will color the world around you and directly effects everything that you attract. There may be an area in which your mind keeps getting negatively pulled in a direction in which you do not wish to go, thoughts that shift your center or cause you to worry as Mars in Virgo is moving through your house of the mind. This can at times create the tendency to focus on what is feeding emotional turbulence versus focusing on a way to turn it right side up again. However, Mercury clears its shadow on Wednesday, Nov. 27, suggesting there will be more smooth sailing as we enter the weekend. On another positive note, a New Moon in optimistic Sagittarius serves to reverse a negative mind set on Monday, Dec. 2 releasing you from a nagging concern.

Trust that what you currently fear is going to work out even better than you might hope!

LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22]

With so much energy in Scorpio in recent weeks, you may very well have been feeling as if you have been living on the edge or swimming in the deep, wondering when levity and light will find you. On Monday, Dec. 2, a New Moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius will be forming a triangle of support with your Sun and Uranus, the planet of liberation, in Aries. This energetic shift is going to help you become revitalized, literally charged about a new creative venture or an expedition that you have decided to embark upon; literal, emotional or otherwise. For some of you, this new found inspiration will feel like you have been plugged into something which will be exactly what your Soul needs to lift you up and out of a hard place. Between now and then keep digging in and rising up, keep working on those vulnerable corners, trusting that love will see you through.

A new day is dawning Leo, and your ruler, the almighty Sun, is soon to be smiling!

VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22]

With Mars still in your sign, there is one thing you can be sure of, there will be zero questioning of what it is you desire. Thankfully there is no analysis linked with this trend, these desires are rooted in pure instinct, emerging from the very center of your being. Mars is the lead point in your evolution and is responsible for taking the unconscious desires emanating from your Soul and making them real in the world. Mars ignites every feeling part of you and will be giving you a great deal of information this week about where you want to take things and how you want to focus your energy. Also Mercury, your ruler, steps into the light, free from its shadow on Wednesday, Nov. 27, which will also help to make things perfectly clear, or as close to perfect as you need them to be to know what your next step will be. A New Moon in your house of the inner and outer home on Monday, Dec. 2, is going to grant you some emotional freedom to take some Soul risks. Leave your mind at the door and let your senses lead the way.

They are guaranteed to create quite a buzz!

LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23]

In a key area of your life, you have been waiting for your ship to come in. You may have been looking out at one harbor while what was on offer for you was pulling into a different dock. Generous Jupiter is in your house of career and is opposing your ruler Venus this weekend increasing your opportunity for abundance, in work and in love but it may be showing up in areas where you least expect it. This week is full of surprises as a New Moon in Sagittarius on Monday, Dec. 2, makes a beautiful angle to Uranus in your opposite sign. If relief has not found your door as of yet, it is coming by early next week. Also, Mercury, in your house of what you value, including cash, is not only out of its shadow and moving forward, it is progressively forming an angle of support to Mars becoming exact by Tuesday, Dec. 3, thereby improving your chances for more financial security.

Much more is available to you now than meets the eye!

SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]

Earlier this month, the ever so powerful and course altering eclipse in your sign brought you to a fork in the road that would, in some cases, dramatically change the trajectory of your journey. Even if this decision felt like it was made for you by some other larger force, know that it was your Soul communicating to you via events or an inner gravitational pull in an intended direction. At times the ego can lose focus and get caught up in desires that may lead you astray but with several planets flanking this lunar boom, you can bet your Soul was intimately involved in this decision. Mercury in your sign steps safely out of its shadow as we enter this forecast week and things become clear as a bell. Also decisions you may have made to end key connections linked with your work will prove to not only be best for your well being but in the long term better for your pocketbook too. A New Moon in Sagittarius in your house of what holds meaning and value will be making an impressive angle to Uranus this Monday, Dec. 2, suggesting you will be freed up in one key area that have been of great concern to you.

A rebirth and new hope is here!

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21]

Our two most benevolent planets, Jupiter and Venus, are opposing one another this weekend. So the question becomes, is this or it this not of concern? An opposition creates an increase in energy, an intensification, and so this certainly can take life to new heights and offers a vista of opportunity to spread your wings. This can reflect being drawn to others who by their very nature help you expand and grow. What this also means is that in any connection where there is conflict, the universe is encouraging you to make peace and to find a meeting ground that is beneficial to both sides. Mercury in Scorpio is now free from its shadow and moving through your house of the unseen suggesting your communications with the 『other side』 have a better shot at getting through. Also, a New Moon in your sign on Monday, Dec. 2 in your house of new beginnings makes an electric angle to Uranus in fellow fire sign Aries, giving you a surprising reason to celebrate.

Prepare for an experience that busts opens your heart and elevates the vibration of your Soul!

CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]

The gift comes for you this week Cappy when you try a new approach, a new entry point and an alternative way to look at your current situation. Nobody gets anywhere fast with worry, frustration or anger and with Jupiter and your ruler Saturn progressively harmonizing in the sky, you are going to be able to find a more natural way through a piece of turmoil. Jupiter will also be helping you connect with others that intuitively know what you need and can step in and help you carry life』s load. A New Moon in Sagittarius in your house of dreams and the ideal connects brilliantly to Uranus in your house of home and the emotions on Monday, Dec. 2, to help you find peace within as you come to terms with all the things that you cannot control and that are currently out of your reach.

An objective perspective is going to help create a positive inner shift so you can focus on what lies ahead instead of what has come before!

AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]

No matter how many times you attempt to make it fit, that square peg will never begin to fit into the round hole. Somewhere in your life you have been trying this approach, over and over you continue to get the same result. You have had a certain desired goal, destination or outcome in mind and in recent weeks you may not feel any closer than you had been before. However on Monday, Dec. 2, a New Moon in Sagittarius connects effortlessly to your ruler Uranus and you experience a wild breakthrough that creates a ripple effect of relief and a spirited motivation. You may have been feeling as if you were just going through the motions but you are going to have something to show for those motions and those efforts before long. The day following the New Moon, Mercury and Mars sync up strategically helping you create a game plan that is going to knock their socks off!

Trust in a positive turn of fortune!

PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20]

I recently told a client to consider this Friday, Nov.29, to be the first day of the rest of her life. Of course you could say this about any day, but there is something about telling yourself this truth that inspires the Soul. It』s like wiping a slate clean and being handed new paints and colors with which to design your life. There was a very good cosmic reason why I used those words with this particular client and for all of you reading this forecast, this would be would be beneficial to keep in mind as well as Mercury steps forward with more confidence while in a new phase to Saturn, the planet of time. Also a New Moon in your house of contracts and career is making a life changing angle to Uranus in your house of how you earn and what you value on Monday, Dec.2. These symbols suggest that you are now in position to make a earth moving difference in your world of work. Demand what you are worth and they may just double your asking price!

Why? Because you are worth it!

***********(周運) 克里斯汀 Starcast 01.15

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