搬運排版:Colin_Lam 譯文: 綜述 ---譯者:青椒 堅持到底還是快速抽身?這個秋天,怪異水星與頑固土星一直肩並肩的徜徉於天蠍,並且3次精確合相。就像一個性感的中情局特工嗎,這對行星合夥來推動我們去挖掘表面下掩藏的真相、測試親密關係、除掉一切糟粕。本周一,11月25日,第3次也是最後一次合相,幫助我們想出辦法解決從10月8日就開始的想的事。天蠍是一個要麼天堂要麼地獄的宮位,本周,我們必須選擇:前行、付出全部...抑或中止、說再見?再無猶豫不決:當下已有足夠的證據來幫助我們做出決定。再多無意。這一星相也帶來一些革新想法,其中的一些將轉換成正面收入來源。既然水星是夢的工廠,土星是質量控制專家,會讓所有閃現的靈感經受住最嚴格的實際考驗。本周,業務轉型計劃將誕生,為所有人刺激經濟。 感恩節行星一片平和——好吧,大部分。月亮在和諧天秤,讓這天成為「愛,非戰」日。天秤喜歡成雙成對,開啟好友模式能讓慶祝少些壓力。小提醒:挑個技藝高超的夥伴,這樣你們就能分工合作啦。橙子為周四的慶祝帶來圓滑、優雅、美麗及浪漫。演奏音樂、做頓豐盛食物、來點生動輕鬆的談話。假如你與某個小夥伴來電啦,溜走,到派對的豪華休息室去...(譯註:後面嗒自行想像~)
由於太陽-天王拱相,本周充滿了驚喜。有一些會非常震驚,一天結束時我們會開懷大笑。擁抱我們內心反叛的一面會在這一過程中起到積極作用。對另類或不熟悉的東西千萬別藐視,這一星相鼓勵我們去開發、去實驗。當我們知道自己的極限時,一切都會變成樂趣及遊戲。跟隨天賜的福運,別被捲入壓力。在團隊中保持孤傲獨行是需要勇氣的,但是,這樣做也會贏得大家堅定的尊敬。敢於與眾不同...以坦率的方式。 白羊座——譯者:冒險家Amanda 真的可以放縱自己任由慾望擺布嗎?這個秋天, 隨著交流使者水星和構建者土星在魅力八宮並行,大白羊對於親密關係的認識上升到了一個全新的境界。周一,這兩顆行星形成了【三次精確角度中的第三次the third of three exact-degree convergences】。注意那些你已經感受到的對某人的直覺。我知道我知道,大白羊們慾火焚身。但是再仔細想想:你的心也隨之變得更加溫暖了……還是你的靈魂正感受著不安?你需要的遠遠不只是用肉體的吸引來結束2013。遠離誘惑。否則你那井然有序的小世界就會被摧毀。為了收拾那一時激情造成的爛攤子,你知道自己日後要付出多少努力嗎?不值啊大白羊!!!(這段簡直太准了,是額內心赤裸裸的寫照,我說我咋變得又騷又賤的,原來是行星再搗亂,倫家本純潔,昂~) 如果你已經那樣做了,趕緊翻篇兒並且儘快彌補那些被你傷害的人。對於一些咩來說,水土雙星為你澄清了承諾。也許你已經遇到了對的人,只是還沒有用欣賞的眼光發現你們之間長期的可能。和某人確定戀愛關係,讓自己再次性感起來吧—本周,甚至會出現求婚戲碼哦。已經忘記了怎樣向長期的戀人表現自己的性感撩人了嗎?蜜月期後,製造火花需要努力。看看密宗技巧書,或者參加情侶研討班;也許你需要諮詢課程來避免重蹈父母之間問題的覆轍。是時候學習怎樣甜蜜又頑皮地對待同一個人,而本周,行星為你開啟了這一任務。感恩節天秤月點亮你的伴侶宮,讓節日被「只有你我二人」的氣氛包圍。即便你被家人環繞,重點仍然是避開人群一對一的對話。單身的咩,去朋友家做客—或者下班之後去跳個舞—會為你的感情生活帶來豐富回報。但是,不要完全缺席慶祝。關於事業的靈感對話可能突然出現,你可能會和親戚或者老友搭檔著手某一項目。本周末,光明使者太陽和顛覆者天王星合作,幫助你進入某一全新領域。大白羊,不必他人強迫,你自己就會跳出框框來思考。 借著宇宙的大手筆,何不玩得比以往更大一點兒?目光放遠:靈感的火花可能源於東京,布宜諾斯艾利斯或者米蘭。周末的旅行也激發靈感滾滾而來。即使一個人,也可以攔個車就上路。路上邂逅的人可能在你未來發展中起到舉足輕重的作用,尤其是那些與你的文化背景不同的人。 金牛座——譯者:lllcccc 簽名,密封,交付,它是你的,金牛!本周一,水星土星在天蠍座(你象徵房屋和夥伴的第七宮)擺出了合適的角度。這樣的景象是本年度第三次,也是最後一次,發生在這個秋天,鋪平未來道路。對一些牛們來說,這是一段你準備加入的商業計劃。在周末前打電話給律師,免得他們在漫長的假期溜掉了。雖然一次握手很贊,嚴厲的土星需要這些過程都付諸文字,尤其涉及知識產權和所有權的問題。長久的愛情是你日程表上優先順序最高的事項嗎?來一場心與心的交流吧,關於你們共同創造的未來。你也許見過一些簡直就像是你的另一半一樣適合你的工作,但這個秋天你也親眼目睹了你們之間的彆扭。任何情況下這都不是路的盡頭,金牛們。(儘管也許你已經搞定,本周末你也絕對會推翻它)與其攪和在那些你不擅長的領域,像是遇上燙手的山芋那樣手足無措。如果這意味著維持和平,那麼向外伸出援助之手非常值得。水星土星將一個看似不可能的「另一半」推到你面前。金牛們,你們受夠了不斷的嘗試;現在是時候將某個人變成你永遠的伴侶。除非你完全踏入,不然你不會意識到這段關係所蘊含的全部潛力。本周,也許閃亮亮的婚戒來到你面前……你預料不到會是怎樣的,金牛們。對於你的家庭朋友宮來說,感恩節總是最受歡迎的節日,但今年,你可能會讓別的人來準備這場非常傳統的盛宴以及盛宴所需的材料。金星和永不停歇的木星在本周碰面,讓你想出門走走。你開心地穿越草地和森林,來到別人的餐桌上;或者在白色的沙灘上,你在太陽傘下喝著美酒,沉溺在美食中不能自拔。宅在家中給別人的宴會打下手(去機場接客了,帶著客人參觀草坪等等),這是適合你嗎?本周末,孤獨的思考和冥想會開啟靈感的車輪。參加瑜伽課,泡個澡,平復不安的情緒,跟隨美麗的心靈指導。太陽和天王星開心地照耀你的心靈和創造力,這些星星帶著神的啟示。沒有靈感或者不想嘗試都是不正常,金牛們。將你的現實主義放在一邊,讓藝術靈感指揮你。你可以畫一幅好畫,寫一首好歌,給自己的夢想的家園描繪理想藍圖。本周前期你是否被某些人限制住了?敞開心扉會解決困境。不要固執了:先道歉不是示弱,而是象徵著實力。
雙子座——譯者:李安寶 繼-續-推-進。這個秋季你對於勤苦工作毫無違和感,雙雙,無論是挑燈夜戰激進發展一個熱血計劃還是接住一個充滿挑戰的老闆或同事飛來的球。是的,我們知道你可以歇息一下……它快到來了,我們發誓。只是別在奇蹟發生五分鐘前停下。 這周一,革新的水星和不屈的土星在天蠍座你掌管休假的第六宮聯合於精確相合三度的第三度。你孜孜不倦的秋季工作將要孕育出果實,而在這之前,這周早些時候或許會有一個最後的障礙即待跨越。對大的計劃保持專註,而別捲入那隨之而來的情感焦慮之中。也許你不得不投入所有可用的時間是不公平的,但這樣做是否必將把你推上成功的階梯?如果是的話,繼續捲起袖子狂干吧。最重要的是,保證你的工作受到應當的認可。可能是編輯一個案子並彙報給更高層的決策者而不是讓中間人拖慢你的節奏。在合理之時為自己謀利益,不過如果你也有身居高位的朋友,也讓他們為你進些好言。一個你一直在謀求的工作可能在這周過完前最終總算落地。 健康方面,水-土結合強調了在壓力管理和照顧身體方面投入了更聰明的計劃。這周你可能感到你已經實行的新作息帶來的好處;或是如果你一直忽略健康方面的警示,你可能會醒悟並停止縱容或拖延。你一直在友情系統中儘力做好,你或許可以徵得一個朋友或教練來幫你開始實施計劃。 現在,關於運勢有意思的部分,雙雙:月亮在天秤座,感恩節的星星閃爍著激情與浪漫許諾的光芒。把雪地靴留著周末穿吧。你魅力的一面可能華麗轉身所以努力打扮起來,哪怕別人還在柔和模式。圍坐桌邊度過幾小時不會是你的菜——你更想在派對上蹦躂。謹防大吃火雞帶來的色氨酸過剩,所以你可以在奢華的雞尾酒吧台邊或舞池裡度過整個晚上。有伴的雙子們,脫掉一會兒圍裙度過私密的感恩片刻,只有你們倆。單身的?另一位到來的賓客可能如飛蛾般為你這火焰所吸引。如果你感到不只是表面的吸引,建議你們倆派對結束後溜開,讓歡樂時光繼續翻滾。 你有著文辭的技巧,雙子,所以對著某個這一年陪伴你度過的某人發起讓人熱淚盈眶的祝酒詞吧。無需事先計劃。發自心底的話語定能讓在座的人都濕了眼眶。這個周末,讓朋友帶你離開飽經風雨的道路,即時你還沒完全進入,你會對得知此情此景的存在而心懷感激。也要知曉自己,雙子,抵禦可能到來的同輩壓力。涉足嬉戲不同於全身潛入。如果已灌了水就默默退出。 隨著異想天開的日-天三分相,一個朋友(或許是朋友的朋友)可能前來,表明浪漫的感覺;或是和以前你從未想過合作的某人的談話會轉向聯合投機方面。雖值得冒險,但別把自己鎖定在任何承諾里,除非你們已經充分討論過這個計劃的實際操作層面。
巨蟹座——譯者: Te extra?o
今年秋天,丘比特會緊緊追隨著你的腳步,誘惑你、又困擾著你。這些記錄在善於表達的水星與一絲不苟的土星上:這兩顆行星自九月開始一直並排行駛在天蠍座和決定你戀情的第五宮。一些蟹子早已有甜蜜持久的戀情。你是否有對你的另一半進行長期的批評或者不知感激呢?你已開始看到一直守候著你、與你風雨同舟的人所散發出的光芒。另一些單身的蟹子們,今年秋天的關鍵在於看到童話故事與現實生活中真正的浪漫伴侶的不同(雖然這是痛苦的)。看到這種不同的結果就是,被某人懵懂地吸引並不總是代表著你們一定要永遠在一起,甚至只是享受一夜的極樂。這個人吸引你的地方不一定是「他能成為你的靈魂伴侶」。你們之間的這種關係也讓你想起了你一直未曾解決的舊傷痛。這種似曾相識的感覺是不健康的。周一的時候水星和木星會有第三次交匯,你將會明確你將學到的教訓,也會做出跟隨你的心與理智的抉擇。與害怕承諾的人劃清界限,不要再作看不到希望的犧牲,為真正能與你在一起的人騰出位子。你已經找到了真愛嗎?那就做一些事來慶祝這份來自天堂的禮物吧。你可以在接下來的日子裡自己設計一份珠寶,或者計劃一個愛情宣言儀式。你最擅長的不就是準備感恩節——這個以吃為主、圍繞著家庭展開的節日嗎,蟹子們?周四時,天平座月亮會點亮你主宮第四宮,獎賞甚至會更高。無論你是像廚神一樣腌漬火雞,或者只是做一碟小菜,盡情展示你的美食天賦吧!(不過無論你做什麼,加點培根總是更好)同時也要提前想想:與家庭成員共度的時光有時也會造成一些壓力,那麼你該怎樣保持氣氛的和諧呢?為小孩準備玩樂的地方,如果你要招待互相有從未見面的朋友們,就準備一些消除尷尬的「利器」,放一些大家都會喜歡的歌。誰知道呢,六十歲的老頭老太太們或許會喜歡watusi的音樂,青少年可能會喜歡twerk off。。。過於誇張的歡樂情形可能會讓你甚至不想把錄下的視頻上傳到優酷。摩羯座的金星與巨蟹座的木星面對面,你可能會開始一段愛情喜相逢。如果可以見到性感的陌生人,打扮得漂亮一些也無妨。只是不要忘了問問「你在戀愛中嗎?」答案可能會令你吃驚。這周末太陽和天王星三和,讓你的事業目標重回十字星。花一些時間整理自己,讓自己做好充分準備。制定一些年末計劃讓自己可以實現它們。記住,你認識的人群決定了你是否能夠完成高質量的工作。把你想在2014年吸引其注意力的人列一份名單。在節日里送出特別的禮物,而不是最基本的節日賀卡;或者邀請他們共進節日午餐,算是你在今年過完前對他們的款待。這是一定會有回報的投資。 獅子座——譯者 :廢柴不生火 (關於行星相位方面是絕對的不準 興趣翻譯 歡迎指導 嚶嚶嚶~~) 準備好鋪上歡迎紅毯了么?又或者是收起它,逃離到遙遠地方的一座島嶼上? 整個秋天,古怪的水星和沉重的土星在天蠍座,你的家庭宮合作;家不再是你渴求的避難所。 這周一,水星與土星以精確的角度進入了第三次相會。獅子們,在如何處理某些未解決的壓力方面,你們終於慢慢捋順出清晰明確的想法了。 對一些公獅子來說,或許會有一個艱難的決定:搬家,攆走一個不良室友;又或者關掉你的家庭工作室以便能找到更適當的工作場所。在不太引人注目的情況下,你會找到勇氣去面對不太尊重你個人空間和隱私的親戚或室友。 這個秋天女人們也獲得了快樂和詛咒。當你生活里的女人們看似提供了精神上的支持,成了你的支柱,但她們的實質要求或許會榨乾你。如果接受支持需要付出高昂的代價,你或許應該支付給真正支持你的那些;或者在接受支持時就明確協議接受後你會回饋給她們什麼。
周一,水星與土星的二重奏給你勇氣去冷靜的交流感情問題,沒有失控。說出你的要求!當你誠實面對你的需要時,其他的人才有可能去幫你實現他們。 別指望你的愛人是你心靈的讀者了。你的社交翅膀已經伸向感恩節,感謝天秤座之月點亮了你自我表達的第三宮。與姐們相伴,與舊友相聚,結識新的朋友,你絕對會喜歡聚會的生活。 藉助合作的力量而不是試圖從神奇女俠(著名的獅子座琳達卡特,不足為奇 應該是說獅子座的琳達卡特演活了神奇女俠···)那獲得她的隱形飛機吧。 除了讓你有更多的能量來玩樂,人們也樂於加入你的馴鹿遊戲(據說是部關於愛情 救贖的電影)里。教會他人核桃派的做法,並持續工作確保這一天很成功。【沒懂···】 木星與金星相對的那天,你或許要為了你的情人做出些犧牲,但是也不要犧牲太多。清楚界限的所在,即使你現在感覺自己很慷慨,經過一段時間,情感里是否會只剩下因為犧牲而被填滿的憤怒和厭惡?如果會變成這樣,為了保持美好的感情,最好直接拒絕這個要求。雖然這會讓你在愛人那得到一點小小的怨言。 這周末冒險本性掌權,有可能會自己給自己放個假。或許是一場去到朋友那的短途旅行,又或者是去藝術市場淘些小玩意用作假日DIY設計。 激進的太陽-天王星大三角整個周末都在激發你的旅遊慾望,當你探索新地盤的時候,你會覺得自己像個在糖果店的小孩一樣開心。 你聽到的是那個性感的聲音么?來自不同文化的碰撞閃耀著火花,給創意點子和真愛的到來帶來機會。(這句確定不準確了) 處女座——譯者:lady oracle
一個寫作或是博客計劃將略有起色。對工作室有個好點子?快把它發展起來啊!此外,團隊合作的努力在這一周里也將取得突破。如果你能與一個志趣相投的人結成戰略合作夥伴關係,那麼你將收穫一場偉大的雙贏!別錯過它。拖拖拉拉只會阻礙你的進步。 當月亮在感恩節來到你的第二宮,你將成為派對上的理智之聲。你的實際規劃能力是彪悍的,但是請小心,別讓自己扮演所謂的超級英雄。金星與木星的對沖,會讓你的社交活動風生水起,甚至是一場驚喜的浪漫。你總不想在大家唱K娛樂的時候,宅在家裡洗盤子吧,那麼投身一個俱樂部,或是去看一場史詩般絢爛的演出。為什麼不把繁重的工作轉變為愉快的經驗呢?周圍的人們都認為,你的星座最顯著標志之一就是把工作分配給每一個人,放點輕鬆的音樂吧,試著讓工作進程傳化成良性競爭環境。 本周末,將上演「冬日暖陽」的精彩大片。你會想要靠近另一個生命。那甚至可能是一隻寵物,處處,當你在滿是小狗狗的櫥窗前駐足觀望,或是在動物收容所里流連忘返,任何事都有可能發生。一個感性的,天王星與太陽的三分相,也會讓某些「調皮、淘氣」的事來到你的小窩。一段始於晚餐的會面或是蜷在沙發上「純潔」的擁抱,沒準兒會變成周日床上的早餐哦。(譯者吐槽:艾瑪!太香艷了!)如果你的愛人還沒有出現,那就去與同學或好友玩樂。來場閨蜜間的睡衣派對,會讓你找到出口,從黃昏到黎明大吐心中的苦水、秘密。這會是種甜蜜的渲泄之道。 天秤座——譯者: 青椒 列個單子,再三檢查。本周一,厚臉皮水星與監工土星在天蠍(天蠍是主管你精明預算的2宮)相遇,吹響財務責任的號角。是噠,你有需求、渴望;但是,你有鈔票支付這些嗎?(譯註:世界上最悲催的事莫過於只能看看沒錢買,雙胞胎夠狠)。在你內心那個物質拜金女/男掌控你之前就拔草吧,千萬別揮霍無度。由於受到黑色星期五購物季的誘惑,抑制這股購物慾顯得更加重要。購買減價品可是省錢的好辦法啊,最好的策略是只購買你確實需要的東西(譯註:對於不花錢就難受的人來講,臣妾不能夠啊~)。例如,你可能會去投資一個有未來發展前景的藝術家的簽名限量版畫作或是缺席經典大牌皮包的發布會。這個聖誕為你生命中的某個孩子建個學業基金而不是買一個玩過就扔的玩具如何?本周,減少信用卡開支也是好主意。如果錢沒在你的銀行賬戶里,那就不是你的錢。明智的工作,水星——土星合相能幫你樹立「可信任的專家」或「有進取心」的形象。本周,多花點力氣證明你自己。你可能需要簡化某個商業計劃或工作項目,以便一帆風順。秤子們,那些華而不實必要嗎?好像沒有必要,所以,抓住主要矛盾,減小沒用的——你會得到更好的結果。明確年底的職業目標,通過實際行動去實現。如果你攤子鋪的過大,可能只能四零八散的去結尾,結果是什麼都很難好好完成;但是,如果你能著重一兩個任務,你將妥妥的以巨大成功來結束這一年。抓緊時間!這次的感恩節,月亮會在天秤,讓你成為節日之星、趴體女王。每個人都爭著搶著要跟你在一起,搞不好你得穿梭於多個趴體之間。慎重點,帶好手錶。因為土耳其派對而在家庭聚會中遲到一個小時可能會引起家庭仇恨噢!(譯註:又是雙胞胎的假設例子~)。此外,也別忘了幫幫忙,別只等著衣來伸手飯來張口。帶瓶酒或一份小甜點非常貼心,跑去參加當天的第4場狂歡前幫忙清理清理盤子或幫忙打掃。本周末,別忙著認識新人,而是關注內在。當下,你更喜歡輕鬆的短暫談話,而不是嚴肅對話,你的愛人可能想從你這得到更多。他們關心你的時候,讓自己留下來、傾聽。一旦他們敞開心扉,未來去致歉及承諾都將變得容易。嗨,橙子,這些建設性批評會讓你變成更好的人噢。別等待他人抱怨。你團隊中的無名英雄是誰?本周,把他們拉到一邊,表達你的感激之情。語言上的讚美更勝於溫暖的擁抱及共鳴。這其中的很多人會建立一個聯合公司。周末富於浪漫色彩,機會多多,輕鬆接近你著迷的人兒。著重友情面是點燃愛情的最快途徑(譯註:披著友情的外衣,行追求之事~). 天蠍座——譯者:Rachel 親耐滴蠍紙,你希望在外人看起來冷酷的, 有能力的,有掌控能力的。好消息是,在這周,如果你願意,人們會把你推向一個領導職位。周一的時候,掌管表達的水星和權威的圖形將在天蠍座合相,這個秋天第三次這種宇宙合相。皇冠在等待,但是請不要輕視這次加冕。皇冠伴隨著嚴肅與沉重,至少在這緊要危險關頭。你準備好承擔這個責任了么,變得更好或是更糟?認真的考慮下這個問題。一旦這個位置的優勢以及公眾的關注漸漸淡去,你會被所牽扯的責任感到困惑還是倍受鼓舞?由於土星的關係,這不會是個小的決定。然而,如果感受到了更上一層的召喚,這將是你一個新路程的開始。同時,你也會獨立工作,這也是你所喜歡的方式。一個單獨的項目一會在這周帶來聲望。不要離開你的房間,除非你已經準備好迎接照相機。你無法預料什麼時候一個粉絲或者記者會接近你和你近距離相處。感恩節那天,要記住贈予是好的,也許你可以抽出些時間處理一些家庭以外。由於月亮在你充滿活力的12宮,你可能要聽一個親戚悲慘的故事或者在一整天扮演救世主的角色。你的天賦更可能在一個慈善晚會,幫助包裹禮物,送食物,或者在避難所提供食物得以更好發揮。當金星和木星處於對峙狀態,你也可能變得難以入眠。你可能把火雞腿換成左家雞(如果飯店有卡拉ok就更好了),可能換上3d眼鏡晚上去看一個電影,接著去聽現場音樂跳舞。 如果你困於一個室內聚會,使餐桌的對話變得輕鬆一些,和大家多溝通而不是和這個家裡最耀眼的人走的過近。政治、宗教或者其他人的個人生活不應該在今天談起,這些話題可以換一個氛圍不那麼激進的日子。這個周末,把自己從情緒化的危險狀態中抽離,對你自己的生活做一些實質的改變。也許情緒很難被忽略掉,但是你仍然可以有些進步。你可以重新整理下你的地下室,給卧室重新刷漆,或者裝一些衣服用來給慈善機構。,或者你在這個物質的世界移動或是改變事情,也會最終被股利這樣做。給自己的慾望打氣並且大聲的說出你的心聲,或者一邊整理你的Forever21的衣服,一邊和你的好姐妹免提聊天,好好地發泄。Ps:你可能在ebay上買一些東西來賺取額外的錢。一隻蠍紙不喜歡的東西可能是另一個購物者的寶貝。
射手座——譯者:青椒 射射們,乃們看到自己的陰暗面了咩?你們中的很多已經發現這個秋天像個升級版的土撥鼠日(譯註:土撥鼠日是北美地區的傳統節日,每年2月2日,擔負預報時令的任務。)。毫無疑問:智慧水星與監工土星合相於天蠍,掌管你靈魂及潛意識的第12宮,你肯定是整個秋天都在與內心的惡魔共舞。恐懼、焦慮及隱藏的敵人已經出現;但是,你也找到了勇氣、治癒力及內心不屈不撓的精神。本周一是2013年水土三次合相的最後一次,明晰本次情緒過山車的教訓。儘管你感激本次秋天各種事件帶來的深度及治癒力,你已經準備好回歸樂觀角色。前行,你會扔掉玫瑰色眼鏡,看到正面的一面。為了實現上述所說,本周你需要做個決定。留下來還是離開?原諒、忘記還是傷害已經太多?讓過去翻頁是前行的前提條件。本周,某些門關上了,但其他門會重新開啟,更加正面。12宮掌管治療師、導師及大地天使等等罩著你的人。這個秋天,你生命中幫助過你的那些人會提供巨大的支持。表達你無盡的感激之情吧,這可是感恩節周。PS:烘焙食品、手寫小卡片會是非常好的感謝禮物,對於有預算意識的射手而言,現在千萬別吝惜花光銀行里的存款。感恩節的天秤月亮重啟你社交花蝴蝶的模式。射手回來啦!(譯註:請自行帶入施瓦辛格的畫外音~)長混於趴體的人可都知道你噢。靠你自己來與那些酒肉朋友打破僵局。把新人介紹給舊人,聊聊天,等他們不需要你來穿針引線時就閃人。誰知道呢?沒準你成了單身朋友間的丘比特呢。圍坐桌邊時,讓大家都說說話,例如談談他們2013年最感謝啥(譯註:自行帶入CCTV)。客人的參與會讓每個人賓至如歸,營造有愛的氛圍。周四,金星與冥王對沖,你可能會處於性感誘人的情緒...但是,可能乃並不知道自己的力量哦。射射們,忽閃睫毛放電時要小心(譯註:自行帶入米妮的節奏~)。對你無害的調情可能會給你的目標帶來巨大反感。有伴啦?把你的甜心拉到一邊,來點二人時刻,表達下你的欣賞之情。周末,由於太陽天王拱相,你星范十足。從事公共關係及營銷上的事,啟動。射射們,為了引起注意,你要走多遠?你當然想挑戰極限啦。記住名垂千古與遺臭萬年的區別。麥莉,妮可,布蘭妮都是你的同星座小夥伴,他們都曾經遇到過公眾評價模糊期。參考下射手Katie Holmes,掌控好自己的形象。周末大甩賣可不只是搶購降價牌。樹立聰明、調皮范兒得有計劃。在Pinterest(譯註:最大的照片分享網站)上開個貼可比徜徉於沙龍或購物架旁有用的多。周末,浪漫方面也會爆棚。享受這些火花,但是,你得小心對待PDA。如果你不想讓你母后在非死不可上看到,千萬別拍怪異調皮的快拍或自拍。 摩羯座——譯者:周豆豆 夢之隊或者矇之隊!向那些一直對你很重要的人靠攏,摩羯。畢竟你一直相信「人脈就是財脈」。這周,你有可能加入一個精英團隊或組織。感謝社交水星和地位意識土星(你的守護星)對此施加的援手。整個秋天,這倆行星一直緊密聯繫。本周一,11月25日,他倆第三次精確的相會在天蠍座和掌管你社交的11宮(譯註:這句太專業搞不懂。。)。如果你還沒有明確的表現出來你想加入,趕緊說出來,提交申請,或讓圈內的朋友知道,一準就成功了!又或者你實際上是在招人,那就沒必要將就,合適的人本周就會出現,哎這也可能意味著從團隊啟用一個資質不夠的臨時人員。做壞人很困難,但「一粒老鼠屎,壞了一鍋粥」。別讓打醬油的人拖你的後腿。十一宮也統治這技術和所有虛擬方面。重大的關係或許是通過社交網站出現的。如果你在開發一個網站,博客,YouTube頻道或手機應用,啟動魔力(甚至可能是啟動資金),從天而降落到你頭上。警告:本周四,月亮在你的第十宮職業宮,你會很輕易的把感恩節的假期用於糾結在一個專業的項目上。遏制一下你的工作狂熱情吧,享受一下家人共處的快樂時光。老實說:你是否經常以工作為借口避免與八卦的親戚聊天?或許他們八卦的原因是因為你讓他們知之甚少。周四亮出你的目標和抱負,你很可能從明智的老人那裡得到睿智的建議。如果你的職業遠超其他客人(對你來說可能性很大,噢,雄心勃勃的傢伙),八卦一點。問問別人他們自己將來的願望。以你的個人經歷,你可以給出一些指導性的意見和建議,他們會永遠記住你的,這好處不是金錢可以衡量的。周四金星和木星的對位也讓你看起來是「被愛沖昏頭腦」。當你更開放你的心,願意抓住這一天的機會,你要當心花言巧語的台詞。發微博說你遇到了靈魂伴侶或籌備一個勉強的婚禮之前,深呼吸,回歸理性思考。然而,更有可能的情況是:你把你的感受守得太緊。金星和木星的對位會讓你把謹慎丟到一邊去。最終,你會大聲說出你對愛的期望或是讓你「從此過著幸福快樂的生活」的夢想。從這種坦率,你會得到你中意對象的誠實反饋。你可能會發現你們共同創造的路線需要調整,但至少你知道你們目前在哪。甜蜜的支持。這周末保持你與你關注的人的通訊。你的情緒變化很快,需要一個靠譜的知己幫你處理這些「啊哈」時間。一個年長的女性,兒時的朋友或者家庭中的女性成員,都有可能給你提供重要的幫助。花點時間好好看日記也是不錯的辦法。不要忘記:慈善是從身邊開始的,在對不認識的人大施援手前,先考慮考慮你對周圍的人怎麼樣。 水瓶座——譯者:園子 本周註定要成功,睜大眼等著收福利吧。如果為了某目標不懈努力了很久,本周可達成或起碼取得重大進展。在所有的掙扎和付出之後,你終於等到煙花綻放時刻。你或將被提拔到領導崗位,承擔重大責任。儘管自由隨性的風格可能需收斂,但你會習慣/享受新角色的。勇敢站出來,瓶子!你比自己想像地更厲害 (好吧,原句更接近:別認為自己還沒準備好,你可以的!)某些瓶子被公認為是行業內的專家與大咖。你可能被邀請做演講或出席媒體活動,談談本行業。像這種場合,你的天生魅力自然閃耀。別退縮,為自己做些公關與營銷。 還在往上爬?本周,有位關注你的掌權人士會挺你:你好,未來大明星!今秋,你與某重要男士的關係起起伏伏,二人處於博弈之中,卻因不恰當意見而漸行漸遠。周一之後,經過認真溝通,二人關係或有好轉。向他表明自己的立場和界限。若他越界,你無需勉強維持微笑。有時候,你得學會拒絕。周四是感恩節,開心慶祝。或者,還海邊度假四天也不錯。如果不能出遠門,不妨邀請朋友來家聚聚。若有遠來之客,相聚必定更有趣。
此外,周四記得感恩。有沒有什麼人一直在默默支持你而你卻忘了感謝?比如,在晨會上安慰你的同事, 總是記得你喜好的咖啡師,幫你喂貓的鄰居或者給你支持、為你寫推薦信的前老闆。本周可別忘了表達你的感激。也可以寄卡片,無論如何總比不表達要好。本周,太陽-天王星三分相,令你成為魔笛手,適於召集朋友進行社交活動。說不定,熱衷狂歡的派對族會和(嚴謹的)常春藤會計師成為至死不渝的好朋友呢。(忽然好有萌感。。)另外,你也可以參與一些另類朋友的冒險活動。你本來就喜歡嘗試不同東西,看不同風景。沒必要成為他們的固定會員,重在參與,開拓思維。任何能讓你輕鬆的事物都不錯,比如去卡拉OK、滑雪、參與即興喜劇等。
水瓶的另一個版本:與神對話 本周大功告成已經被寫入了運程,瓶子們,瞧好兒吧。周一,今年的第三次(也是最後一次)革新派水星與重磅人物土星在天蠍座和你的第十宮(遠大抱負宮)會合,如果你一直不懈地為目標而奮鬥,本周將迎來功德圓滿的巨大進展,在經歷了所有艱辛後終於等到這收穫的季節。你將有望進入領導層,並承擔隨之而來的重任。儘管這會讓你崇尚天性自由的一面深感不安,不過慢慢就會習慣在這個位置上發號施令。上位吧,瓶子們,你準備的遠比你想像的充分。另一些瓶子會在自己的領域成為專家或大師,並因此受邀出席演講或者在媒體上亮相以展示你的卓越成就,你的四周將閃耀著迷人的光環。這也是本周你知難而上搞搞公關打開市場的好時機,還是你只想用自己的方式慢慢爬樓梯?本周某個一直在督促你進步的高人對你呵護有加:名師出高徒,你將與他分享自己社交經歷的跌宕起伏,感謝水星和土星的辣手舞姿助興吧。你可能陷入一場權力鬥爭,你要採取主動疏遠對方,周日以後緊張的關係有可能得以舒緩,但前提是要面對一番艱難的對話,忠於你自己的感受,如果對方太過分也大可不必陪著笑臉。有時候需要後退一步,而現在正是這樣的時刻。周二月亮進入你的旅行第九宮,你將一掃陰霾忙著慶祝感恩節的來臨,然後將會有一個為期4天的無憂假日。如果因為邀請了一些新朋友歡聚一堂而不得不滯留家中,那就為這些來自不同文化背景下的遠方朋友親手做頓大餐增添情趣吧。周四也是感激之情爆發的一天,這一年裡誰是那個默默支持你而又被你遺忘的人?本周不要再忘記表達你的感恩之心了:那些晨會上讓你保持清醒的貼心同事,總是記得你喝拿鐵的咖啡師,幫你喂貓咪的好心鄰居,熱衷為你寫推薦信的昔日老闆。本周把給大家的感謝之詞都統統發出去吧:遲了總比不做強!這個周末,日天拱將任命你為吹笛手:你的社交體驗中將新增各色不同人等。這個周末前,你從來不曾想過,老年俱樂部的傢伙們會與常春藤的會計師成為密友。跟著這些不俗的朋友們一同冒險吧,你只需體驗其中個把過程,無須正式成為其中一員,因為你只是要激蕩和拓寬一下思路,些許的放縱對此有利。別再呆在KTV里麻痹自己了,給你的滑雪板打打粉或者把舊雪橇打扮的時髦點,娛樂升級了。 雙魚座——譯者: Crystal 張開你的翅膀吧, 魚們。你可能在某個未知領域變的很重要,或發現你自己在某個遙遠的地方有重要關係。本周一,水星和土星第三次在天蠍座相遇,並且發生在你廣闊的第九宮。那裡在你所處之外還有無限大的空間,魚們,你們已經在積極探索,或者藉助龐大的網路或媒體已經搞定了一些。你腦海中是否已經浮現了在巴厘島海灘狂歡或瑪雅神廟起舞的情景?不要在旅行的問題上再猶豫了,訂票吧。對一些魚來說,搬家到遙遠的地方已經提上日程,就算不是作為長期移居準備,也打算作為第二故鄉。如果你是企業家,水土相位已經敦促你強化你的烙印。而水星是如此快速並日新月異,土星也並沒有浪費時間:他們已經準備了整個季節要來一次大的飛躍。如果你感覺很自信,這將是一個你向世界進軍生意或者宣傳你的最重要生意的重要的一周。你看到那個橫在你目前的位置和你應該到達的地方的顯眼的溝壑了么?報名參加一些必要的培訓或實習有助於你成功進入到更大的舞台。 在個人領域,本周你有點兒像匹諾曹:很簡單你不能說謊。幸運的是周一真理會不證自明。儘管你在這個秋天開始的時候曾否認它或試圖美化它,這個清楚的認知仍然像回聲一樣與你共鳴。照辦吧,儘管這可能意味著你要獨立行動。人們不能立刻理解你的選擇,但是時候到了他們自然會知道你的「瘋狂」背後的方式。感恩節那天,你那富於同情心的本質充分發揮。擦,你是多麼討厭看到任何孤獨的人沒有任何約會。此刻放鬆些,魚們,鑒於你們的心上人有可能來自你附近的陌生人,這可能帶動你內心運轉開啟你的時代,注意,要廣泛撒網。在你的桌子周圍多放幾把椅子,不過我們說比較合理的是兩三個,而不是十二個。如果你打算把周圍這些無聊的孤獨的人們聚集起來組織個感恩節爬梯,把它做成流水席,在星期五繼續第二場,甚至席捲整個周末。也有可能是你整個周末都沉迷於事業,感覺像真正的主人般投入。一個充滿活力的太陽-天王星三分相使你的職業生活猶如打了雞血。當機會來臨觸及你的野心,你靜靜的準備好敲開成功的大門,在2013年過完之前。 社交策略:你是否建立好一些關鍵關係好參加周末的盛大舞會或者在某行業或慈善晚會亮相?估計很不願意坐在電腦前,處理你準備建立勾搭的網路部分。不過首先,這肯定是你認識的某人。
General Astrology Overview for All 12 Signs: Built to last or time to bail? Quirky Mercury and stern Saturn have been traveling side-by-side in Scorpio this fall, with three scheduled meetups at the exact degree. Like a sexy CIA operative, this cosmic pairing as pushed us to dig beneath the surface, test relationships for intimacy, and get rid of anything that was more sizzle than steak. This Monday, November 25 marks the third and final cosmic convergence, helping us close any cases we』ve been trying to crack since October 8. Scorpio is an all-or-nothing sign and this week, we』ll have to choose: will we move forward, giving a situation our all…or cash in our chips and say goodbye? No more waffling: enough evidence has been compiled to help us make a sound decision. Anything else would just be denial. This cosmic cabal has stirred up some innovative ideas too, some of which could turn into passive income streams. While Mercury is an idea factory, Saturn is the quality control specialist, putting all those burst of inspiration through a rigorous practicality test. Truly transformational business plans could be born this week, stimulating the economy for all. Thanksgiving』s planets come in peace—well, for the most part. With the moon in harmonizing Libra, it』s a 「make love, not war」 kind of day. Libra loves to pair up, and working the buddy system can make our celebrations far less stressful. Tip: pick a partner with a complementary skill set so you can divide and conquer. Libra lends diplomacy, grace, beauty and a touch of romance to Thursday』s celebrations. Play music, plate food with a creative flourish, keep conversation light and lively. And if sparks happen to fly with a fellow reveler, slip off for an afterparty at a swanky lounge. Loveplanet Venus in Capricorn will oppose jovial Jupiter in Cancer on Thanksgiving too. While this face-off is generally good-natured, it can lead us to overindulge a bit too. Stop before that fourth serving of turkey and beware a tendency towards TMI, especially when it comes to talking about our love lives. People don』t need to know quite so many details of those private affairs—and don』t go snapping sexy selfies after your countless cups of cheer. This opposition can cause us to put the cart before the horse in relationships too. Pace thyself to avoid heaping pressure on the object of your affections or rushing into any regrettable moves. This weekend will be full of surprises thanks to a Sun-Uranus trine. While some may be shocking, we』ll have to laugh at the end of the day. Embracing our rebellious sides will help here. Rather than pooh-pooh anything offbeat or unfamiliar, this cosmic combo wants us to explore and experiment. It』s all fun and games as long as we know our limits. Follow your bliss but don』t get swept up in peer pressure. It takes courage to be the odd man out in a group, but that can also earn people』s unwavering respect. Dare to be different...in a genuine way.
Aries Can you trust those feelings of lust? You』ve been learning some epic lessons about intimacy this fall, Aries, as expressive Mercury and structured Saturn traveled neck-in-neck through your seductive eighth house. On Monday the two planets meet up for the third of three exact-degree convergences. Pay attention to those intuitive hits you』ve been getting about a certain someone. Your body may be on fire, we know, we know. But look deeper: is your heart getting warmer too…or is your soul getting the willies? You need far more than a physical attraction to wrap up your 2013 on the right note. Steer clear of temptation. It will take a wrecking ball to your well-ordered world. An hour of passion just ain』t worth the clean up efforts you』ll have to do. If you』ve already gone there, close that door for good and make amends in earnest to anyone you』ve hurt. For some Aries, the Mercury-Saturn duo clarifies your commitment. Maybe you』ve already found The One but just haven』t been appreciative of those enduring traits. Bring sexy back by locking in an exclusive relationship—someone could even get on bended knee this week. Have you forgotten how to express your minx-y side with a long-term love? After the honeymoon phase, generating sparks takes effort. Pick up a book on tantric techniques or take a couple』s workshop; maybe you need some counseling sessions to stop projecting parental issues onto each other. It』s time to learn how to be both naughty and nice with the same person and this week』s planets kickstart that mission. Thanksgiving』s Libra moon lights up your partnership house, bringing a 「just the two of us」 vibe to the celebration. Even if you』re surrounded by family, make a point of pulling people aside for one-on-one conversations. Single Rams, being a guest at a friend』s table—or slipping off for some after hours dancing—could bring rich results for your romantic life. Don』t disappear for the entire celebration though. An inspiring conversation about your career could crop up, which may lead to partnering up with a relative or old friend on a prosperous project. This weekend, the radiant Sun and unconventional Uranus work in tandem to help you expand into new terrain. No one has to twist your arm to get you to think outside the box, Aries. With this bold cosmic cabal afoot, how about pushing it a little further than you usually do? Research techniques from far-flung locations: the spark of genius could be prompted by a project first done in Tokyo, Buenos Aires, or Milan. Weekend travel also gets the wheels of inspiration turning. Hop in the car for a spontaneous road trip, even if you』re rolling solo. The people you meet along the way could be important figures in your future developments, especially ones who come from difference cultural backgrounds than your own. Taurus Signed, sealed, delivered; it』s yours, Taurus! This Monday, Mercury and Saturn align at the exact degree in Scorpio and your seventh house of partnerships. This is the third of three such meetups that have taken place this fall, paving the way for perma-bonding. For some Bulls, it』s a business deal that you』re ready to lock in. Call the lawyers before they slip off for the long weekend. While a handshake is nice, stern Saturn wants the terms spelled out in writing, especially if ownership rights and intellectual property is involved. Is lasting love the high-pri agenda item on the table? Have a heart-to-heart about your co-created future this week. You』ve seen what works for you as a couple, but you』ve also witnessed glaring incompatibilities this fall. That doesn』t mark the end of the road by any means, Taurus (although if you』re done, you』ll definitely stick a fork in it this week). Rather than playing hot potato with tasks neither of you can stand, call for backup: babysitters, housekeepers, landscapers, or virtual assistants. Investing in outside help will be well worth it if it means keeping the peace. The Mercury-Saturn duo may have revealed an unlikely candidate for the role of 「your other half.」 Enough with the auditioning, Taurus; it』s time to cast this person as a permanent part of your life. You won』t know the full potential of the relationship until you』re in with both feet. A walk through Tiffany』s might lead to a ring sizing this week…you never know, Taurus. Thanksgiving is always a favorite for your family-friendly sign, but this year, you might let someone else prepare the traditional feast with all the trimmings. Venus and restless Jupiter face off this week, igniting your wanderlust. You』d happily travel over the meadows and through the woods to someone else』s table; or spare yourself a food coma and sip umbrella drinks on a white sand beach. Hanging at home? Hand someone else the oven mitts and find other ways to be helpful like picking up guests from the airport or taking the out-of-towners on a tour of your home turf. This weekend, solitary reflection and meditation can set the wheels of genius in motion. Head to a yoga class or soak in the tub; anything that quiets your anxious 「monkey mind」 will turn up the volume on that beautiful inner guidance. With the Sun and Uranus happily aligned in your most soulful, creative houses, divine inspiration is in the stars. No idea is too unconventional or out-there to try, Taurus. Set aside your practical nature and let the artiste in you take the helm. You could paint a masterpiece, pen a hit song, or come up with the blueprint of your future dream home. Did you lock horns with anyone earlier in the week? A teary heart-to-heart helps clear the air. Stop the stubbornness: being the first to apologize is a sign of strength, not weakness. Gemini Keep. On. Pushing. You』ve been no stranger to hard work this fall, Gemini, whether furiously developing a passion project under the light of the midnight oil or fielding demands from a challenging boss or coworker. Yes, we know you could use a break…and it』s coming, we swear. Just don』t quit five minutes before the miracle. This Monday, innovative Mercury and indomitable Saturn unite for their third of three exact-degree meetups in Scorpio and your sixth house of vocation. Your tireless fall labors are about to bear fruit but this might involve one final hurdle to cross early in the week. Stay focused on the big picture instead of getting swept into the anxiety of the ensuing emotions. Maybe it』s not fair that you have to put in all the extra hours, but will doing so launch you up the ladder of success? If so, keep those sleeves rolled up. Most importantly, make sure you』re being given proper credit for your work. This might involve compiling a case and presenting it to the next-rung up decision makers instead of letting a middleman slow you down. Advocate for yourself where it makes sense, but if you also have friends in high places, let them put in a good word for you too. A job you』ve been angling for could land in your lap at long last before this week is through. Health-wise, this Mercury-Saturn duo has insisted that you put smarter structures in place for managing stress and taking care of your body. This week, you may feel the benefits of any new routines you』ve implemented; or, if you』ve been ignoring the signs, you might get a wakeup call to stop indulging or procrastinating with the process. You always do best in the buddy system, and you might enlist a friend or a coach to help you get the ball rolling. Now, for the fun part of your forecast, Gemini: with the moon in Libra, Thanksgiving』s stars sparkle the promise of passion and romance. Save the UGGs for the weekend. Your glamorous side could use a turn at the wheel so make an effort to dress up, even if everyone else is in mellow mode. Sitting around the table for hours won』t be your bag—you』d rather party hop. Go easy on the tryptophan-coma inducing turkey so you can spend the evening at a swanky cocktail lounge or on the dance floor. Coupled Geminis, take off the apron for a bit and have a private 「I』m thankful」 moment, just the two of you. Single? Another guest in attendance could be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. If you』re feeling more than just a flirty attraction, suggest that the two of you slip off to an after party, and let the good times roll. You have a way with words, Gemini, so raise a teary-eyed toast to someone who has been there for you through thick and thin this year. No need to plan this speech. Speak from the heart and there won』t be a dry eye in the house. This weekend, let friends lead you off the beaten path. Even if you』re not fully into it, you』ll appreciate knowing that this scene exists. But know thyself too, Gemini, and resist any peer pressure that may come your way. Dabbling is different than diving in with both feet. Make a quiet exit when you』ve had your fill. With a whimsical Sun-Uranus trine, a friend (or perhaps a friend of a friend) could come forward, professing romantic feelings; or, talks could turn to a joint venture with someone you』ve never thought to do business with before. It』s worth exploring but don』t lock yourself in to any commitments until you』ve hashed out the practical side of this plan. Gemini Keep. On. Pushing. You』ve been no stranger to hard work this fall, Gemini, whether furiously developing a passion project under the light of the midnight oil or fielding demands from a challenging boss or coworker. Yes, we know you could use a break…and it』s coming, we swear. Just don』t quit five minutes before the miracle. This Monday, innovative Mercury and indomitable Saturn unite for their third of three exact-degree meetups in Scorpio and your sixth house of vocation. Your tireless fall labors are about to bear fruit but this might involve one final hurdle to cross early in the week. Stay focused on the big picture instead of getting swept into the anxiety of the ensuing emotions. Maybe it』s not fair that you have to put in all the extra hours, but will doing so launch you up the ladder of success? If so, keep those sleeves rolled up. Most importantly, make sure you』re being given proper credit for your work. This might involve compiling a case and presenting it to the next-rung up decision makers instead of letting a middleman slow you down. Advocate for yourself where it makes sense, but if you also have friends in high places, let them put in a good word for you too. A job you』ve been angling for could land in your lap at long last before this week is through. Health-wise, this Mercury-Saturn duo has insisted that you put smarter structures in place for managing stress and taking care of your body. This week, you may feel the benefits of any new routines you』ve implemented; or, if you』ve been ignoring the signs, you might get a wakeup call to stop indulging or procrastinating with the process. You always do best in the buddy system, and you might enlist a friend or a coach to help you get the ball rolling. Now, for the fun part of your forecast, Gemini: with the moon in Libra, Thanksgiving』s stars sparkle the promise of passion and romance. Save the UGGs for the weekend. Your glamorous side could use a turn at the wheel so make an effort to dress up, even if everyone else is in mellow mode. Sitting around the table for hours won』t be your bag—you』d rather party hop. Go easy on the tryptophan-coma inducing turkey so you can spend the evening at a swanky cocktail lounge or on the dance floor. Coupled Geminis, take off the apron for a bit and have a private 「I』m thankful」 moment, just the two of you. Single? Another guest in attendance could be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. If you』re feeling more than just a flirty attraction, suggest that the two of you slip off to an after party, and let the good times roll. You have a way with words, Gemini, so raise a teary-eyed toast to someone who has been there for you through thick and thin this year. No need to plan this speech. Speak from the heart and there won』t be a dry eye in the house. This weekend, let friends lead you off the beaten path. Even if you』re not fully into it, you』ll appreciate knowing that this scene exists. But know thyself too, Gemini, and resist any peer pressure that may come your way. Dabbling is different than diving in with both feet. Make a quiet exit when you』ve had your fill. With a whimsical Sun-Uranus trine, a friend (or perhaps a friend of a friend) could come forward, professing romantic feelings; or, talks could turn to a joint venture with someone you』ve never thought to do business with before. It』s worth exploring but don』t lock yourself in to any commitments until you』ve hashed out the practical side of this plan. Cancer Cupid』s been hot on your heels this fall, Cancer, tempting you and haunting you in equal measure. Chalk it up to expressive Mercury and stern Saturn: the two planets have been traveling side by side in Scorpio and your fifth house of amour since September. Some Crabs have been swept into the arms of a long-lasting lover—ahh, sweet surrender. Have you been a chronic critic or under-appreciator? You』ve started seeing the light about someone who has been there for you through thick and thin. For other Cancers, learning the difference between a fairy tale fantasy and a real deal romantic partner has been a key (and somewhat torturous) lesson this fall. As it turns out, being inexplicably drawn to someone doesn』t always mean that you should be united for eternity, or even tangled up in the sheets for a night of bliss. What』s so compelling about this person is not a soulmate story. This relationship stirs up an old pain that you haven』t quite worked out. While it feels familiar, it』s not healthy. (Google 「repetition-compulsion」 for more on this.) This Monday, Mercury and Saturn make their third of three convergences, helping you crystallize the lessons and make savvy choices that serve both your heart and your head. Cut ties with commitmentphobes, clear away hopeless devotions, and make room in your life for people who are actually available. Already found true love? Do something to celebrate this gift from the heavens like having custom jewelry designed or planning a vow renewal ceremony in the days to come. Thanksgiving is so in your wheelhouse, Cancer—a food-centric holiday that』s all about appreciating family? Come on! With the Libra moon lighting up your domestic fourth house on Thursday, the stakes are even higher. Whether you』re brining the turkey like an Iron Chef champion or showing up with a side dish, work that gourmet flair. (Everything DOES taste better with a little bit of bacon…) Think ahead too: family time can be psychotically stressful for some, so how can you help keep the peace? Set up a play area for the kids, have icebreaker activities ready if you』re hosting friends who have never met, put together an intergenerational playlist. Who knows? The 60 year olds might get up and do a Watusi demo; the teens might have a Twerk-off…ridiculous fun you probably won』t want to post on YouTube. With Venus in Capricorn facing off with Jupiter in Cancer, you could get swept up in a love jones yourself. It wouldn』t hurt to dress up a little if you』re meeting potentially sexy strangers. Just don』t forget to ask the obvious questions, like, 「Are you seeing anyone?」 Alas, the answer could surprise you. This weekend』s Sun-Uranus trine puts career goals back in your crosshairs. Use some of your downtime to get organized and prepared. Carve out a few end-of-year goals you』d like to accomplish. Remember that it』s as much about who you know as it is about delivering high-quality work. Make a list of the people you want to woo in 2014. Send out special gifts instead of the standard holiday card; or invite them for a holiday lunch, your treat before the year is through. It』s an investment that is sure to pay off. Leo Ready to roll out the Welcome mat…or roll it up and run off to a remote, faraway island? With quirky Mercury and heavy Saturn teamed up in Scorpio and your domestic zone all fall, home hasn』t always been the sweet sanctuary you crave. This Monday the two planets meet at the exact degree for the third of three appointments. At last, Leo, you』ll have a clear idea about how to handle unresolved tension under your roof. For some Lions, there may be a tough choice: moving out, evicting a bad roommate, or closing down your home office so you can find a proper workspace. In less dramatic cases, you may find the courage to be firm with relatives and roomies who have not respected your personal space and boundaries. Women have been a joy and a curse this fall too. While the ladies in your life may have provided some anchoring and backbone style support, their in-kind demands may be draining you. If accepting their favors comes with too high a price, you might be better off paying someone to assist you or coming up with a clear agreement about what you』re willing to give in return. While you』re usually one to wear your heart on your sleeve, conservative Saturn may have suppressed some of your enthusiasm. Perhaps this has been a good thing, Leo, as people know that you are coming from a more sincere place. Nonetheless, you』re kind of sick of holding back. Monday』s Mercury-Saturn duo gives you the courage to communicate about emotional matters, without losing your cool. Speak up! When you』re honest about your needs, other people stand a chance of being able to meet them. Don』t expect your loved ones to be mind readers though. Your social butterfly side is out full force on Thanksgiving, thanks to the Libra moon lighting up your garrulous third house. Hanging with siblings, reuniting with old friends, and making new acquaintances—you』re definitely the life of the party. Embrace the power of partnership instead of trying to give Wonder Woman (famously brought to life by Leo Lynda Carter, no surprise) a run for her invisible jet. Besides simply leaving you with more energy for fun, people love to be included in your reindeer games. Hand 『em the pecan pie recipe and work in tandem to make the day a success. With Jupiter and Venus facing off that day, you might have to make a sacrifice for your sweetie—but don』t go overboard with your giving. Be clear about where your boundaries lie, even if you』re feeling generous in the moment. Later on, will saying yes turn you into a resentful or rage-filled emotional wreck? If so, better to deny that ask, in the name of keeping the peace. You WILL survive a little grumbling from your honey. Your adventurous nature takes the helm this weekend and could lead to a spontaneous getaway. Maybe it』s an two-night jaunt to your friend』s pied-a-terre or a day trip to an artist』s market to scoop up supplies for a holiday DIY project. A radical Sun-Uranus trine piques your wanderlust all weekend, and you』ll feel like a kid in the candy store when you have new turf to explore. Is that a sultry accent you just heard? Sparks could fly with a cutie from a different culture, opening the doors to a creative collabo or a genuine love connection. Virgo Your words carry weight this week, Virgo, so think before you speak, Tweet, text, or rant into an email. On Monday expressive Mercury and authoritative Saturn meet in Scorpio and your communication sector— their third of three exact convergences this fall. People may look to you as the expert on matters, and with your obsessive researching skills, you know what you』re talking about it. Share your favorites lists, make recommendations on what you consider to be the best of the best. You』ll position yourself as a tastemaker and grow your fanbase. As the zodiac』s critic and analyst, you tend to have strong opinions about pretty much everything. Sometimes, however, they fly out of your mouth at other people』s expense. Ouch! An uncensored comment may have stung someone close to you—a sibling, coworker, or close friend perhaps. Were the tables turned? You』ve been rather sensitive yourself during this Mercury-Saturn influenced autumn. Brushing off barbs hasn』t been easy; in fact, you』ve been replaying them a few too many times in your head. This is the week to make amends or try to find a compromise. If that』s not possible, lay down your swords and give yourselves some space. Tender feelings take time to heal. Alas, trying to hash it out together may feel like pouring salt in a wound. A writing or blogging project could pick up steam. Got an idea for a workshop? Develop away. Tag team efforts will either make it or break it this week. If you can strategically align yourself with a kindred spirit you can score a huge win-win. Don』t force it though. Dragging a slacker along for the ride will only stall your progress. With the moon in your grounded second house this Thanksgiving, you』ll be the voice of reason at the party. Your practical planning skills are sharp that day but be careful not to play superhero. A Venus-Jupiter opposition sounds the call for socializing and even some surprise romance. You don』t want to be stuck washing dishes while everyone else is singing karaoke, heading to a club, or driving to see an epic light display. Why not turn the grunt work into a celebratory experience? Bossing people around is one of your sign』s specialties so assign a task to everyone, plug in some danceable music, and turn the set-up/clean up process into a good-natured competition. This weekend, bring on the 「winter warmers.」 You』ll be in the mood to cozy up to another live being. That might even be a pet, Virgo. Anything could happen should you decide to stroll past a window full of puppies or an animal shelter. A sensual Sun-Uranus trine could also bring some naughtiness to your nesting. What starts out as dinner and 「innocent」 cuddling on the couch could turn into breakfast in bed on Sunday. If the love jones doesn』t strike, enjoy a high school flashback. A slumber party with your best friends could find you up and sharing secrets till the break of dawn. Sweet catharsis. Libra Make a list and check it twice. This Monday, cheeky Mercury and stern Saturn meet in Scorpio and your budget-savvy second house, sounding the call for fiscal responsibility. You have wants, needs and desires, yes; but do you have the Benjamins to back these purchases? Tame your urge to splurge before your inner Material Girl/Guy gets the best of you. With the lure of Black Friday sales looming, this is ever more important. While it』s great to save a buck by snagging marked down goods, a better strategy may be to only purchase things that you actually want and need. For example, you might invest in a signed, limited-edition print by an up-and-coming artist or skip the statement bag in favor of a classic leather tote. How about starting up a college fund for a kid in your life instead of buying him another throwaway toy this Christmas? Cutting up your credit cards would be a fine idea this week too. If the cash isn』t sitting in your bank account, it』s not yours to use. Work-wise, the Mercury-Saturn duo can help you plant your flag as a credible expert or a worthy up-and-comer. Go the extra mile to prove yourself this week. You may need to simplify a business plan or work project so that you can pull it off without a hitch. Are all those bells and whistles actually necessary, Libra? Probably not, so prioritize and pare down—you』ll wind up with a better product as a result. Clarify your end-of-year career goals too, and run them by a practical friend. If you』re taking on too much, you』ll only wind up scattered and nothing will get fully accomplished; but if you can pull off one or two main missions, you』ll wrap the year with a massive victory under your belt. Cha-ching! The moon will be in Libra this Thanksgiving, making you the star of the festivities and the life of the party. Everyone wants a piece of you, which might require some party hopping. Be considerate though and wear your watch. Showing up an hour after the turkey』s been carved is a faux pas that could spark family feuds. Also, don』t forget to help out a bit. Bringing a bottle of wine or dessert is nice, but pitch in to clear the plates or do some dishes before you race off to your fourth shindig of the day. This weekend, give your inner circle priority over your 1,001 new acquaintances. While you may prefer the lightness of small talk to intense conversations, your loved ones need more of you now. Challenge yourself to stay put and hear them out when they approach you with concerns. Once they』ve gotten feelings out into the open, apologize and promise to do better in the future. Hey, Libra, this constructive criticism can make you a better person. Don』t wait for anyone to lodge a complaint though. Who are the unsung heroes in your crew? Consciously pull them aside to express your gratitude this weekend. Vocal appreciation sets the stage for more than just warm hugs and good vibes. A few of these people could step up as collaborators for an exciting joint venture. Romantically, this weekend will be rich with opportunity but approach the object of your affections with a lighter touch. Focusing on the friendship aspect of your bond is the quickest way to ignite a love connection. Scorpio Cool, capable, and in command: that』s how you like to be seen, Scorpio. Well, good news because this week, people will vault you to a position of leadership if that is what you desire. On Monday, expressive Mercury and authoritative Saturn align at the same degree in Scorpio—the third of three such cosmic convergences this fall. The throne awaits, but don』t take this coronation lightly. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, at least when the chips are down. Are you ready to shoulder this responsibility, for better and for worse? Think it through carefully. Once the benefits of status and public attention wear off, will you feel stuck or stimulated by the duties involved? With weighty Saturn in the mix, this is no small decision. Still, if you feel the calling to step up to the plate, this could be the beginning of a powerful new path. You』ll work independently too, which is just how your can-do sign prefers it. A solo project could bring prestige this week too. Don』t leave the house unless you』re 「camera ready.」 You never know when a fan or even a journalist might approach you for a close-up. On Thanksgiving, 『tis better to give, maybe just to spare yourself some family drama. With the moon in your compassionate twelfth house, you could easily get sucked into a relative』s sob story or wind up playing rescuer for the day. Your talents would be better put to use at a charity, helping to manage the flow of a gift-wrapping fundraiser, food drive, or serving a meal at a shelter. With Venus and Jupiter facing off, you』ll be rather restless too. You might just trade in your turkey drumsticks for a plate of General Tso』s chicken (bonus if the restaurant has karaoke) or slip on the 3-D glasses for a late-evening movie followed by live music and dancing. If you』re 「trapped」 at a house party, keep dinner table conversation light and breezy and work the room instead of getting too deep with the drama queen in the family tree. Politics, religion and people』s personal lives should be saved for another day when the vibes are less, well, combustible. This weekend, pull yourself out of the emotional quicksand by applying some practical magic to your life. Feelings may be impossible to ignore, but you can still make progress. Tackling tasks like organizing your basement, painting your bedroom, or packing up old clothes for charity can be meditative. You』re moving things along in the physical world, which will give you the courage to do the same internally. Pump up the Pandora and sing your heart out or put your sister on speakerphone and have a good venting session while you』re sorting your vintage couture from your Forever 21s. PS: you might even make some extra spending money by selling some of those goods on eBay. One Scorpio』s junk is another shopper』s treasure. Sagittarius Have you seen your shadow yet, Sagittarius? This fall has felt like an extended Groundhog Day for many of you. It』s no wonder: with three scheduled meetups between mental Mercury and taskmaster Saturn in Scorpio and your soulful, subconscious twelfth house, you』ve definitely been dancing with your demons this fall. Fear, anxiety, and hidden enemies have cropped up; but you』ve also found courage, resilience, and an indomitable spirit living inside you. This Monday marks the third and final convergence of Mercury and Saturn in 2013 helping you crystallize the lessons of this emotional rollercoaster ride. Although you can appreciate the depth and healing this autumn』s events brought on, you』re ready to return to your role as the eternal optimist. Going forward, you』ll be able to see the bright side without slipping on the rose-colored glasses. As such, you may need to make an important decision this week. Should you stay or should you go? Can you forgive and forget or was too much harm done? Putting the past behind you is a pre-requisite to progress. This week some doors will be sealed shut and others will re-open to a brighter Phase Two. The twelfth house governs healers, mentors and those earth angel types who always have your back. Helpful people who have been on the periphery of your life this fall could step forward with amazing support. Express your boundless gratitude, this being Thanksgiving week and all. P.S. Baked goods and handwritten cards make great thank-you gifts for the budget-conscious Archer, so don』t feel compelled to break the bank with this effort. Thanksgiving』s Libra moon restores your social butterfly status. You』re ba-ack, the lively life of the party people know you to be. Take it upon yourself to break the ice with your fellow revelers. Introduce new friends to old ones, start conversations and slip off when people are chatting freely without your prompts. Who knows? You might even play Cupid for a couple of single friends. When you』re seated around the table, ask everyone to say a few words, like what they』re most thankful for in 2013. Guest participation makes everyone feel included and creates a total lovefest. With Venus opposing Pluto all day Thursday, you』ll be in a sensual and seductive mood…but you might not know your own strength. Be mindful about batting those lashes, Sagittarius. What』s harmless flirting to you could stir up a massive revolt from your target』s other half. Coupled? Pull your sweetie aside for a little one-on-one time to express your, ahem, appreciation. This weekend, your starpower is palpable, thanks to a Sun-Uranus trine. Work on the PR and marketing aspects of your life and start a buzz. But what lengths will you go to in order to get attention, Sagittarius? You』re certainly willing to push the envelope. Just remember the difference between fame and notoriety. Your signmates include Miley, Snooki, and Britney, all of whom have very publically blurred the lines of good judgment at one time or another. Take a cue from Sagittarius Katie Holmes and regain command of your image. Weekend sales aren』t just about scooping up discounted goodies. Crafting a style that』s smart and cheeky at once requires mindful planning. Start a Pinterest board instead of racing to the salon or sale racks. Romantic situations could get racy this weekend too. Enjoy the fireworks but go easy on the PDA. If you wouldn』t want your Mom to see it on Facebook, just say no to that naughty snapshot or selfie. Capricorn Dream team or bust! Aligning yourself with the right people has always been important to you, Capricorn. After all, you believe in the saying, 「your network is your net worth.」 This week, you could secure your insider status among an elite group or organization. Thank social Mercury and status-conscious Saturn (your ruling planet) for the helping hand with this. The two planets have been in close connection all fall. This Monday, November 25, they meet for the third of three exact conjunctions in Scorpio and your community-spirited eleventh house. Score! If you haven』t made it obvious that you want to be a joiner, speak up, file your application, let a friend in the ranks know. Maybe it』s you who』s been doing the recruiting, Capricorn. No need to settle for subpar support. The right candidate could arrive this week, which, alas, may also mean booting an unqualified temp from Team Capricorn. It』s tough to be the bad guy, but one rotten apple can spoil the barrel. Don』t let the slackers drag you down. The eleventh house also governs technology and all things virtual. Your fateful affiliations may come through an online community. If you』ve been developing a website, blog, YouTube channel, or mobile app, start-up mojo (and possibly some funding) could land in your lap. Warning: with the moon in your tenth house of career this Thursday, you could easily zap Thanksgiving vacation time obsessing over a professional project. Curb your workaholic enthusiasm and get some family frolicking time in. Be honest: are you using work as an excuse to avoid conversations with 「nosy」 relatives? Perhaps the reason they』re prying is because you』ve kept your cards too close to your vest. Make a point of opening up about your goals and ambitions on Thursday; you might even get some wise advice from a savvy elder in the crowd. If your career is light years ahead of the other guests』 (a genuine possibility for you, O』 Ambitious One), be a little nosy yourself. Ask other people about their own future aspirations. You could lend some wisdom and guidance from your personal experience—a priceless benefit that they』ll never forget. A Venus-Jupiter opposition makes you a 「fool for love」 on Thursday too. While you』re more open hearted and willing to take chances on this day, you run the risk of falling hook, line and sinker for smooth talker』s lines. Before you start Tweeting that you』ve just met your soulmate or hatching plans for a shotgun wedding, breathe and re-engage your pragmatic nature. The more likely scenario, however, is that you』ve been a wee bit too buttoned-up about your feelings. The Venus-Jupiter opposition can help you throw caution to the wind. Finally! You』ll blurt out your vision of love or make your dreams of a happily-ever-after known. From this place of candor, you』ll be able to get honest feedback from the object of your affections. You might discover than your co-created path needs tweaking but at least you』ll know where you stand. Sweet relief. This weekend, keep your supportive peeps on speed dial. Insights about your emotions are coming a mile a minute and you』ll need a savvy confidant to help you process these 「A-ha!」 moments. An older woman, childhood friend, or female family member may be just the shoulder to lean on. Quality time with your journal can help too. Don』t forget: charity begins in the home. Lend a hand to someone from your inner circle before racing off to be there for people you』ve never met before. Aquarius Success is written in the stars this week, Aquarius, so keep your eyes on the prize. On Monday, innovative Mercury and heavy-hitter Saturn align in Scorpio and your ambitious tenth house for the third (and final) time this fall. If you』ve been striving tirelessly towards a goal, you could hit the mark or make major headway this week. At last—some sort of tipping point is reached after all that struggle and effort. You could be vaulted into a leadership position, one that comes with considerable responsibility. Although your free-spirited side may shudder, you』ll get used to this powerful post. Step up, Water Bearer. You』re more ready for this than you think. Some Aquarians could be tapped as the masters and experts in your industry. You might be asked to give a speech or make a media appearance to talk about your field. Your natural charisma always shines through at moments like these. Take the bull by the horns and do some of your own PR and marketing this week too. Still working your way up the ladder? An impresario who』s been clocking your progress could take you under their wing this week: hello, celebrity apprentice! Your relationship with an important man has had its share of ups and downs this fall, thanks to the tricky dance of Mercury and Saturn. You may have been locked into a power struggle, alienating each other with unsolicited advice. That relationship could settle into an easier groove after Monday, but a tough talk may be necessary first. Be honest about your limits with this guy. You don』t have to keep on smiling while he steps over your bounds. There』s a time to push back a little, and this is it. With the moon in your jetsetting ninth house on Thursday, you』ll happily head over the meadow and through the woods to celebrate Thanksgiving. Then again, taking off for a four day beach vacation doesn』t sound half bad either. If you』re stuck in your hometown, mix things up by inviting a few new people to sit around your table. Hosting out of town travelers of friends from a different cultural background will make the meal far more interesting. A lightning bolt of gratitude could strike on Thursday too. Who are those silent supporters who you forgot to be thankful for this year? Don』t be remiss in expressing appreciation this week, be it the comforting coworker who keeps you sane at those morning meetings, the barista who always remembers exactly how you like your lattes, the neighbor who feeds your cat, or the old boss who always pitches in to write you a recommendation letter. Send some sort of a thank you note this week: better late than never, Aquarius! This weekend, a Sun-Uranus trine appoints you Pied Piper. Bring together your motley crew of friends for a lively social experiment. You never know: the aging club kid might become BFFs with the Ivy League accountant before the weekend is through. Tag along with your offbeat pals on some of their adventures too. You』re game to check out a different scene or three. No need to become a card-carrying member. Just dabble and expand your mind. Anything that brings levity is a plus too. Cut loose at karaoke, hit the powder for some snowboarding or good old fashioned sledding, take an improv comedy workshop. Pisces Spread your wings, Pisces. You could become 「really big in Europe」 or find your footing in a far-flung locale. This Monday, Mercury and Saturn meet up for the third of three convergences this season in Scorpio and your worldly ninth house. There』s a great big universe beyond your ZIP-code, Pisces, and you』ve been getting the push to explore it—or conquer it with a massive online or media push. Are visions of Balinese beach ceremonies or Mayan temples dancing through your head? Stop deliberating about travel and book the tickets already. A long-distance move may even be in the cards for some Fish, if not as a permanent residence, perhaps as a second locale. If you』re an entrepreneur, the Mercury-Saturn duo has been pushing you to strengthen your brand. While Mercury is quirky and innovative, Saturn doesn』t mess around: they』ve been grooming for a big leap all season. If you』re feeling confident, this is a stellar week for launching your enterprise into the world or publicizing your business in earnest. Do you see a glaring gap between where you』re currently stationed and where you know you belong? Sign up for the required training or coaching so you can successfully launch yourself into a bigger league. In the personal realm, you』re a bit like Pinocchio this week: you simply cannot tell a lie. Fortunately, the truth will be self-evident as of Monday. Even if you denied it or tried to pretty it up earlier this fall, it will resonate in you as a clear knowing. Act accordingly, even if that means acting independently. People won』t immediately understand your choices, but in time, they』ll see the method to your 「madness.」 On Thanksgiving, your compassionate nature is going full force. Oh how you hate to see anyone alone without plans. Easy now, Pisces, as your big-heartedness towards near strangers could wind up shafting your inner circle of your time, attention, not to mention portions of food. Put a couple extra chairs around your table, but we』re talking two or three, not twelve. If you』re going to host an 「orphan』s Thanksgiving」 party, make it a potluck and have it as a second dinner on Friday or over the weekend. That said, you may be too consumed by your career this weekend to feeling like playing host. An energetic Sun-Uranus trine gets you pumped about your professional life. When it comes to your ambitions, you』re poised to knock it out of the park before 2013 is through. Socialize strategically: could you make some key connections by attending a weekend shindig or showing up at an industry or charity event? While it might be hard to sit down at your computer, handle the networking aspect of your aspirations. After all, it』s all about who you know.