(中長版)(年運)Susan Miller 2014年運勢
Dear Leo, you have quite a wonderful birthday year ahead, and as you go along, things will just keep getting better! You are moving toward a period of enormous reward, to begin next summer, 2014, but happily, you have plenty of time to get ready. You are about to take an exciting ride, onward and upward! You start your birthday year with an exceptionally friendly new moon in Leo, an annual event, due August 6, 2013. As soon as that new moon arrives, plan on moving forward on one of your dearest desires. Astrologers know that new moons are very powerful, and the actions you take in the two weeks that follow that new moon will have the power to affect your life favorably for a long time. Allow the seeds you plant time to grow, and you will be proud of events that transpire over time. Afterwards, lucky you, action-hero Mars will arrive in Leo to give your dearest plan another push. This will be the first time in two years you"ve had a visit from Mars to Leo, and it is the kind of help you"ll love, for Mars acts like a booster rocket. When it comes to love and romance, August and September will also be quite special, for you will be at your charming, magnetic best. It will be as if a big spotlight will be on you, and you will be noticed and very possibly admired. You will have another very glittering period for love and romance due, coming at the new moon in Sagittarius, just in time for holiday parties. You will have many opportunities to step out and have fun. Now let"s turn to the recent move of good fortune Jupiter to Cancer and to see what you have in store. Before you see how Jupiter in Cancer can benefit you, you need to know that in the coming twelve months, you will be in a very important preparatory period for an even bigger year, when Jupiter will be in Leo, from July 2014 to August 2015. Leo is a highly creative sign, so you may be finishing a screenplay or novel, getting ready to defend your thesis, do a research grant project, or to work on a body of paintings or photographs for a major exhibit, a soon-to-be-published compendium of your poetry, or to perfect the dialog or set design of a play. You may be focused on a comedy routine, film or other project. This year, with so much potential about to be fulfilled, make sure all your work is the best it can be.During that same period, you may travel frequently, whether overseas or in short distances (or both). For sure, your suitcase will get quite a workout in your birthday year ahead! You may want to buy new luggage, or even a new car. You will have people to see, places to go!
Also look at your current list of obligations, and decide which ones you"d like to finish before you initiate your new chapter. Do you have an arrangement, commitment, or relationship that you need to detach from before you start your new chapter? Soon you will be given a fresh canvas to paint your dreams upon-how will it look? Life is often how we make it, and this is your chance to design it as you always hoped it to be. In closing, you have a wonderful new year to celebrate, and as you now know, even more good fortune is on the way to you, dear Leo! Your golden year, starting July 2014 is just around the corner, so you have lots of time to get ready! Are you excited yet? You should be! Virgo(處女座)—— 感謝譯者:小花匠@douban 2014年對你來說就是一個廣泛社交的年份,感謝近來木星的運行,木星代表著禮物和幸運,他將會在這一年運行到巨蟹座並且維持一年,你的朋友圈將會在這一年增大,這一年你將會對你已經認識的一兩個老朋友說再見,因為隨著時間的推移,你將會發現你的新朋友將會更適合你,這都是時間流逝和成長的自然現象。你的新朋友給你帶來的新的興趣將會給你帶來樂趣,這是木星運行的罕見的周期現象,你的朋友可能會成功地、有影響力的並且你們會保持一定的聯繫,他們還願意通過多種方式來幫助你。 說了那麼多關於成長的內容,你的社交關係將會從現在開始直到2014年8月,努力使自己更能接受新的類型吧。如果你的聚會上認識你感興趣的人,主動與新的朋友積累人脈,這可以通過一起吃午飯、喝點飲料或者吃晚飯進行。在接下來的12個月里你接觸到的人會有新的新的見解和機會與你共享。 接下來的一年也會通過你加入新的社交媒體而 給你帶來個人的成長,如果你已經在一些社交媒體上比較活躍,嘗試著其他的擴展空間吧,這樣做將會擴展你的社交範圍,由此帶來的收穫將會超出你能想像的範圍的,因為慷慨的木星將會見證你朋友圈的擴大讓你認識的新的朋友是值得的。的確,從來沒有木星影響到你的生活直到2001年中到2002年中,所以這種影響對你來說可能比較新鮮。 在過去的一年,你一直致力於自己的事業,因為你有一個非常好的途徑來事先自己的事業理想,所以你付出更多的責任和努力來奮鬥得到一個更好的職位是正確的。回想過去的2012年6月到2013年6月之間有非常值得令你幸福的事業上的好消息。不管你曾經有多穩固的基石,這些都會是你事業前進的動力的。隨著木星由你的事業宮轉移到你的友情宮,改變你的方式或許更明智一些。與其非常努力的工作,一種更為輕鬆的工作方式或許更為有效,參加一些專業的club,與其他人一起合作,因為接下來你遇到的人將會幫助你完成剩下的部分,所以上一年你的努力開始有了回報了,在接下來的幾個月將會證明這一切。在即將到來的一年,你需要了解的不是你知道的什麼,而是誰。接下來的一年,你或許有動力參加金融管理類的培訓班,當你重新考慮到你的財務重點的時候,你或許會改變你長期的財務安排。如果你發現你或許比平常開支更多的話,你或許被激勵去賺更多的錢,結果是,你會增加你的薪水。你會在你的工作上充滿激情並且為之努力工作,誰會拒絕像你這樣的好員工呢?
火星將會在10月26號到12月7號位於處女座,你人生中的一個重要階段,火星一般每兩年經過一次天秤座,一般是6個禮拜,以保證一個適當的並且非常有利於你的項目或者人際關係,然而你的守護星水星,將會在10月18號到11月10號這段時間運行,所以在這段時間,請保持耐心。忍住行動,知道水星順行,這意味著11月10號到12月7號是發揮你個人魅力的最佳時間,在這段時間,你將會更有吸引力。在社交活動中,你也很享受被很多人圍著。你或許需要在你的衣櫃里準備一些晚禮服以防被邀請參加重要活動---而且你也很可能被邀請參加一些特殊的社交活動,並且相當多呢! 在愛情方面,如果你是單身或者希望遇到新的桃花,2014年1月顯然是一個非常值得興奮的月份,非常適合你們的第一次見面。騰出時間出來玩吧,即便你住的地方很冷或者1月份你在家休眠。你內心的光芒將會使你感到溫暖。你會發現你最好的大自然母親將會見證這一切。如果你已經訂婚或者結婚,也可以在1月份計划出行,或者看一場演出、演唱會、參加舞會,抑或嘗試一下你所在的城市新開的餐館。 你的假期可能在2014年1月份結束,但是親愛的處處們,你們的社交活動才剛剛開始。 Libra(天秤座) 未來幾個月你的星象圖上最閃耀的部分與你的事業有關。由於代表好運的木星進入代表名聲和榮譽的宮位,你將有機會獲得更大的權力和職位,木星將在這裡停留直到2014年7月16日。你應當開始嘗試將你的能力和經驗運用到新的領域,甚至你需要鼓足勇氣離開現有的舒適工作而去尋找新的工作。如果你這樣做,你將驚喜的發現你能對行業內的事情產生影響。不過,衝突的星位意味著你在追求新職位時將遇到強有力的競爭者,但是木星在你的名利宮,所以它將助你一臂之力,所以自信地放手去干吧! 從現在起知道2014年7月中,請留心身邊任何細小的機會去尋找新的職位。在與你理想的公司的職員交流時,請準備好面試的服裝和行頭,這將增加你的信心。 在過去幾年,土星錘鍊了你的勇氣,現在天王星告訴你慢下下腳、不要急於開始一段新的戀情。你需要時間確定你傾慕的人的確值得你為之付出,這對愛情和事業夥伴同樣適用。如果是生意合作關係,請做好背景調查,以加深對未來合作夥伴的了解。 與此同時,冥王星正位於摩羯座,並將在家庭宮造成巨大的變動。你可能正打算修整你的房子(尤其是涉及到建立或推到牆體、或重新建造地下室),或者你準備搬家。變化是令人興奮的,並將在2014年1月到來。家庭宮也包括父母,所以你可能正在想念你的父母,並想辦法讓父母的生活更幸福更舒適。你的這個生日年,月食將出現在天秤座和你的正對星座白羊座,這將讓你用不同的眼光和角度評價自己、評價你的才能和重新調整你生命中各種事情的重要程度。有時候,我們太忙於"做事",而沒有注意到我們正在變化、正在丟棄一些以前的目標而設定新的目標,這些變化幾乎是潛意識的。月食將讓我們正視這些變化。這些月食將重點強調你的需求,比如對於未婚這它將讓你開始清楚認識到你希望你的另一半都有什麼樣的品質。如果你已婚,你可能想要改變你與另一半相處的方式,或者另一半遇到困難時將向你求助。
即將到來的月食也檢驗你的戀情、項目和你生命中重要事情的可靠程度,並將幫助你拋棄掉任何破敗、無用的東西。月食中最重要的日期是2013年10月18日,2015年4月15日和2015年10月8日,這將是對你來說很重要的幾個日子。(有時月食的信息將在這些日期的前一個月或後一個月到達,前後偏差4天)。月食將會把表象與實質剝離,這之後你將變得更強更精幹。你也會學會怎樣將任何情勢向對你有利的方向扭轉。 位於天秤座的火星將幫助你。代表能量的火星將在2013年12月7日進入天秤座,直到2014年7月25日。這是天秤座在兩年來第一次迎來火星,而你可以利用這個火箭助推器來幫助你實現目標。如果你是一個領導者,你將輕鬆擁有火星意志和對事情的控制力,而且你將變得更有說服力,從而更輕鬆地召集他人來為你的目標奮鬥。 金星將會減弱並在12月21日到2014年1月31日逐漸變弱。如果你打算換個新髮型或對發色進行重大改變,最好在12月21日之前做。(當然,日常的剪髮和梳理可以隨時進行)。在12月初可以購置新化妝品和香水來增加你的美麗,這樣正好能讓你美美的去參加節日派對;也可以在2月初進行,這樣正好為情人節做準備。 在12月上半個月進行短途旅行將是個不錯的選擇,但到了年底的假日季你可能要低調的在家與你的另一半享受浪漫的二人世界。你可能想要與你的好朋友聚會,可能會邀請他們參加一個8人的小型聚會,或者12人的雞尾酒會。在12月底,你的親友可能會需要你的幫助,這時候最好待在他們附近好隨時伸出援手。 從2014年3月5日到4月5日,你將成為所有派對的焦點。金星將位於水瓶座,火星將位於天秤座,這兩者加起來將會讓你性感度倍增。而到了2014年7月16日到2015年8月11日,情況會變得更好!這期間幸運木星將進入你的友誼宮,你將成為所有人爭相邀請的對象。 自從2002年中到2003年,這時你的人際關係宮第一次迎來木星。位於獅子座的木星將為你的生活帶來很多新面孔,你會培養出新的興趣、看法,遇到新的事件。如果你是單身,你可能在新認識的人中遇到一個與你感覺合拍的人,並想要更加了解他。如果你已婚,你的另一半可能會對你更加在意。你也可能會與你的另一半去國外旅行,所以這個從2014年7月中開始的新階段將為你全年帶來歡樂。 同時在2014年夏季木星進入獅子座時,你可能決定投身慈善事業,來幫助需要你幫助的人,或者你可能為一個政治候選人參加競選。總的來說,你的新朋友會是成功人士,他們會幫助你提升自己、離開現有的舒適圈、並實現你最真誠的夢想。 木星位於思想活躍的獅子座時,你在這期間所參加的活動都會是非常特別的,你會覺得非常幸運。這時你應該換上漂亮衣服、放開自己、大膽的隨著音樂舞動吧。你會真正體會到:"朋友就是我們為自己選擇的家人。"這將在這明亮的2014年對你意義非凡。天秤座,這一年你將過的非常充實!Scorpio(天蠍座)—— 感謝譯者: demonachaos
在過去的一年,你專註於為你的生活打下堅實的基礎,這樣你在以後才能完成更遠大的目標。你這個"踏踏實實做事"的態度來自於偉大的老師—土星,土星自從2012年10月5日起一直處於天蠍座,並將一直停留直到2015年9月15日。土星在我們一生之中只會拜訪我們兩到三次,因為土星繞太陽一圈需要29年。而土星到來的時候,通常是我們生命中最重要的一段時間。雖然土星可以被稱作"因愛而嚴厲"的老師,但你將牢記在土星下你學會的東西,並且這些知識將伴隨你接下來30年的時間。 然而過你花了大量時間完成的事情,現在對你來說可能有些微不足道了,因為你已經進入了生命中一個新的階段。這是很自然的,因為你正在成熟和成長,而在這過程中你會發現你的一些目標需要重新調整或完全拋棄。你變得成熟有經驗,你現在可以處理並正要處理的挑戰,已經遠遠超過你以前所能夠企及的高度。 土星掌管著時間的概念,所以你現在因該注意到時間的寶貴,因為土星往往讓我們處於一種時間不夠用的狀態。同樣,這是很自然的,因為土星希望你能養精蓄銳來完成高產出的任務。這段時間過去以後,你將會為自己在這段時間去的成就感到非常自豪。 在你29.5歲以前你第一次遇到土星的經歷通常是最艱難的,因為這個時期你需要學習的東西最多。之後與土星的相遇將容易很多。土星掌管著歷史、成長和長期的穩定,當我們逐漸年長,我們會越來越珍重土星帶來的禮物。土星上一次來到天蠍座是在1982年11月到1985年11月,下一次是在2041年11月到2044年10月。在土星的教學階段結束後,你將成為一個更強、更精幹、更有智慧的人,你將有能力面對生活中的種種事情。 在戀愛方面,今年是你找到真愛非常幸運的一年。代表好運的木星,將位於水相星座巨蟹座,這意味著木星將非常容易為你帶來禮物與幸福。或許你現在找到對的那個人,或者會與你已經依賴的那個人關係更親密。 今年的月食目前位於天蠍座以及與你正對的星座金牛座,這些月食將讓你用一種新的眼光看待自己的才能、目標和戀情。如果你在戀愛中並不幸福,月食將帶著你正面面對這些問題,並大聲說出你的感受。月食是宇宙用來創造迅速且必要的變化的最重要的工具,因為宇宙已經無法忍受現有的狀態了。這個位於天蠍座和金牛座且對你意義重大的月食最早開始於2013年4月25日和2012年11月11日。很可能在過去的這兩天你曾受到對你的生活有重大變化的消息。 這一系列的天蠍座-金牛座的月食在今年將持續知道2013年4月25日,且另一個月食將在2013年11月3日到來。明年,則會發生在2014年4月29日和2014年10月23日。 這些月食以及11月3日的月食將帶來清楚緊急的信息—做出改變,不然宇宙將替你做出改變。注意這些日子,因為它們將對你至關重要,它們將帶來關於戀情、健康、家庭情況、職業、或經濟狀況的重大消息,如果月食發生在你的生日當天或距離你的生日很近的話,月食的作用將會是兩倍強烈。 這些月食將照亮你的才能、價值和經驗,並會在你的人生髮展道路上幫助你選擇一個大的方向。你可能會放棄過去那些再也無法讓你興奮的目標,並選擇新的方向。在愛情方面,你會更加集中更清楚的明白要怎樣才能讓自己幸福。在2014年10月23日以後,你在之後的9年之內將不會再有月食。如果你正在戀愛並感覺這是一段很強有力的戀情,你現在可能決定訂婚或結婚。新月將誘導你讓這段關係更進一步,而不再維持現狀。另一方面,如果你處在一個對你不太好的戀情,你現在將有足夠的勇氣離開。
月食將會測驗你所有設想強弱與否,以及你的戀情和冒險的好壞。宇宙是想通過這種方式告訴你,要明智的花費你的時間。而創造進步就是重要的一部分。 如果你生命中的某些東西無法承受月食所帶來的狂風暴雨,那麼它們會以迅即不及掩耳的速度消散。如果你在月食期間不做任何決定,月食將依據月食期間所顯現的脆弱的聯繫替你作出決定。記住,掌控局面總比被掌控要好,在你被迫做出選擇之前請率先做出決定。 如果你處於一段幸福的戀情中,你將順利的度過這段時期,因為月食不會做出任何揭示。如果你發現問題,你可以停下來並解決這個問題,因為你掌握了主動權,你最終能夠成功修補破碎的東西。 位於天蠍座的土星,加上月食的到來,這意味著你的生活方式正在發生重大變化,或即將發生重大變化。這些變化,無論是正在發生或即將發生,都將是積極的並且必要的。無論怎樣,不斷地變化(佛說的"無常"咩?)是所有生命永恆的主題,因為行星永遠在轉動,它們永遠在宇宙深處以不同的速度運行著並且為你帶來新的境況。你現在正在遠離所熟悉的,而正在經歷新的境況—這將是一段奇妙的冒險! 在戀愛方面,如果你是單身,你或許會在接下來的生日年(2014年)墜入愛河。注意3月1日的新月,這一天以及接下來的兩周將會是產生新戀情的絕佳時機。請計劃好再這段時間出去約會或見見朋友。 接下來,2014年9月8日的豐收月,及其前後4天,將會帶來讓人難以忘記的關於愛情的迷人、溫柔的事件。這次的新月將在這前後四天帶來消息。 今年你的主宰者之一,火星,將從12月到2014年7月停留在你私密的十二宮,這意味著你將在幕後工作。知道2014年7月25日,你將開始公開展示你的工作成果,這段時間你的名聲將被他人知曉。兩天以後在2014年7月26日,代表榮譽、獎勵、成就和名聲的新月將到來,這代表者一個職業發展的機會。很可能這是一個最重得到獎勵的時刻,你的職業將得到一個巨大的助力。你在這之前為事業所做的所有努力將成功兌現。 代表幸運的木星將從現在一直停留在水相星座巨蟹座知道2014年7月16日,這是一個絕佳的位置,它有利於你的事業、愛情、健康。木星也會在其他領域帶來機遇,具體來說,你可能會去到一個你從未到過的城市旅行,或者從國外的朋友處得到收益。 將會有很多出版和廣播的機會,如果你在媒體業工作,你的才能將被得到賞識,並接到更複雜更重要的任務和機會。你將會發現,你會在正確的時間在正確的地方獲得對的機會。木星離開巨蟹座以後,將會進入獅子座,並在代表事業和榮譽的第十宮持續閃耀,這是你的星象圖上一個重要頂峰。這是你的事業宮自從2002年8月到2003年9月,十年以來第一次迎來木星。你將從極有影響力的重要人物處獲得巨大的幫助,所以如果這些人問你能如何幫助你達成目標時,準備好一個簡短有力的回答。你將得到所有你夢想過的幫助—你要做的就是開口請求!請確保在2014年年中做好所有的職業計劃,只要這樣,你的工作機會將比天上的鑽石還要閃耀!
Sagittarius(射手座)—— 感謝譯者: demonachaos 進入你的生日年,你將感到尤其幸運(比精靈還幸運!)。在2014年前6個月,各種名目的金錢將以各種方式跑進你的錢包,這就是星相學家所謂的第八宮 "他人的錢財"。這種好運從2013年6月26日開始,並將持續到2014年7月16日。上一次木星處於這個位置並為你帶來好運還是很久以前—在2001年到2002年! 你可能會以很多種方式獲益於木星的祝福。也許你將得到創業的基金;或者是房產貸款,讓你終於能買到夢想中的房子。你可能成為一大筆遺囑的繼承人,或得到一筆獎學金或資助來支付你的學費。你可能因為離婚獲得一大筆贍養費,或者在合夥生意中得到一大筆分紅。 在2014年7月16日之後,你的主宰者木星將離開你的財政宮,進入到火相星座獅子座,這是自從2002年到2003年之後的第一次。獅子座將與你的火相星座射手交相輝映。木星代表禮物與幸福,而獅子座的座右銘是"不鳴則已,一鳴驚人",處於獅子座的木星將帶你踏上一趟遙遠的旅程,很可能是國外某個你從未到過的城市。 你可能說:"我不可能旅行。我整天忙於家庭和工作,而且國際機票太過昂貴。"但請記住,木星不僅將創造旅行的機會,還會為你準備好旅行的條件。也許你的上司或客戶要求你去一個國外的城市出差。或者你在某次比賽中獲得國際機票的獎品。或者你的姑姑盛情邀請你陪她去歐洲遊玩。 從2014年年中到2015年年中,幸運的木星將一直停留在第九宮,第九宮掌管著你生命中其他幸運的領域。如果你有求學的打算,你被錄取的幾率是近12年以來最好的一年。去申請你一直夢寐以求的學校吧,當然你應該理智的挑選學校,我建議你盡量擴充你的學校名單。你在這方面的運氣將達到頂點。 你有沒有過希望寫一本書或為一本全國知名的雜誌寫一篇封面文章?你是否夢想過為電視紀錄片或其他重要的海外項目撰寫劇本?多多錘鍊你的技巧吧,因為木星和獅子座將帶你更靠近你的夢想。木星將停留長達一年的第九宮掌管著出版業與廣播業,因為第九宮掌管著信息傳播。你將從寫作課上學到的東西將超出其他任何課程。如果你有才能,你的老師或許會將你收入羽翼並幫你擴大人際圈。 如果你正在認真的考慮以寫作或廣播為職業,請記住射手座往往非常擅長講故事、書寫富有深意扣人心弦且賣座的故事。今年,請開始學習怎樣寫一本書以及編輯查詢信等等。在這個局面下,土星將在這一整年停留在十二宮, 十二宮是對土星這個嚴厲的老師來說最好的地方,它將幫助你在獨自完成一個長期項目的過程中形成嚴格的紀律。
今年你可以加入一個專業的機構來與行業發展保持同步,或者加入一個社團來擴展你的社交圈。火星將停留在天秤座和代表團體和友誼的宮位,並持續幾乎8個月的時間。這個趨勢開始於2013年12月7日,並將持續到2014年7月25日。 加入與你有相同目標、或對社會有相同擔憂的團體,這將幫你交到許多長久的朋友。你可能決定幫助一個政界候選人競選,或者參與人道主義工作或慈善工作,並立志於為劣勢團體服務。 加入一個團體,在團體領袖的幫助下,你將能更好地解決你心理上的某些問題和負擔,這樣你將完全解決這個問題並重新獲得心理上的安靜。雖然這樣你可能會開始遠離現在的一些朋友,但你將在上半年交到更多的新朋友。你將和新朋友快樂的分享新的興趣。加入一個慈善團體或社區活動也可能會幫你找到你的另一半。 在事業方面,在2014年3月16日滿月前後你將有名聲大振的機會,這意味著你在事業上將獲得成功。 在8月25日的新月及之後十天,將會有一個更好的事業發展機會。新月的能量在第一天達到頂端,在之後的10天逐漸減弱。這段時間,請準備好你的簡歷以應對可能出現的面試機會,並隨時準備大方的展現你的才藝和優勢。面試中請多問對方問題,以儘可能的了解相關信息。 在房產方面,如果你需要搬家或整修現在的房屋,請在3月1日的新月出現時做好信息搜集。如果你在這段時間搜集信息,你將會發現多個適合你的選擇,並可以從中挑選。海王星從現在起停留在你的第四宮家庭宮直到2026年,有時海王星可能會將海引入你的家庭。所以要提前購買好水災的保險。 在愛情方面,如果你正在戀愛,3月30日的新月將為你帶來新的戀愛的機會,明智的做法是多參加社會活動。 無論你的戀情已經持續或長或短的時間,10月8日的滿月月食將測驗你的戀愛能否長久持續下去。月食能將很多問題和信息攤開來,如果你的另一半以前對你有所隱瞞,你將會發現被隱藏的內容。但如果你的戀情健康強壯,你也會充分認識到這一點,並且你們將比以前更加親密。已婚的射手座今年可能想要生孩子或為你的孩子做一件特別的事情,這將是一個非常好的時機。 親愛的射手們,這一年你將過得精彩萬分,各個方面都會有進展,並且會有金錢和各種機會促成遠途旅行。多麼精彩的一年!Capricorn(摩羯座)—— 感謝譯者: demonachaos 眾所周知,摩羯座是所有星座中最有野心的,這座小山羊會在所有動物們放棄後,依然堅持向山頂攀登。小山羊的腳踏實地讓他能夠繼續前行,哪怕前方是空氣稀薄的高山,或是其他人心生畏懼的高度。 你生來就具有高超的領導能力、堅持不懈的雄心壯志、以及其他人缺乏的智慧和實踐性。你不僅僅被人看作是明智的領導人,你對自己的屬下也非常公平公正。你會用盡手段超越他人。在你所有行為的核心,就是一股保持優秀和不斷超越自我的力量。 最近,和所有本位星座一樣(本位星座包括白羊座、天秤座、巨蟹座和摩羯座),你很可能在2013年遇到過意料之外的挑戰。我們都會在某個時候遇到挑戰,因為這是宇宙要求我們嘗試新事物、鍛煉我們的才能、不讓我們自滿自負的方式。一些摩羯座可能發現他們之前做的工作已經不再能滿足他了。其他摩羯座可能因為於自己無關的問題失去了工作。還有一些本來處於非常好的職位,但總想知道是否有更好的工作,也想知道這是不是一個好的時機另闢他徑。現在,好消息來了。 早在12月(2013年12月),高能量的火星就已進入代表名譽、獎賞、成就和名聲的第十宮,並將持續到2014年7月。這是摩羯座的natural house(不懂這是啥意思),所以你可以很舒服地接受火星。你從工作中獲得的滿意度將超過你生活中其他任何方面,所以由於火星在2014上半年位於你的事業宮,你將迎來以前從未有過升職的好機會。 這對於火星來說是很長的一段時間。這是因為火星將在3月1日到5月19日退化。在這期間,你的事業發展將減緩,但進展不會停止。在3、4、5月你可能要更努力的去達成目標—僅此而已。這樣不痛不癢的消息從不能讓摩羯座的腳步停下來。 然而在其他的月份直到7月25日,你能輕易的得到重要任務的注意,並開始為晉陞衝刺。由於其他不合作的行星—天王星和冥王星—的位置,你將會有強硬的競爭對手來爭取你的理想職位,所以在機會來臨時你必須做好萬全的準備去參加面試。不要因為有競爭對手而擔憂,因為你絕對有能力承擔一個非常重要的新的職位。這一年你過往的人脈將非常重要,一個重量級人物可能回過頭來在4月或10月時給你一個機會。這時,你面臨的將是一個非常有吸引力的工作。 然而在你接受任何新職位之前,你需要考慮好家庭的需求。你的住址看起來有些許變動。這從天王星自2011年3月11日進入你的第四宮家庭宮之後,情況一直如此(這將延續到2019年3月)。你已經見識過你的住址可以多麼易變。但你可能一點都不在乎—事實上,你可能覺得搬家是一個非常有意思的事情。 對事業的強調和家庭住址的易變表明新的工作很可能讓你搬到一個新的地方。如果是這樣,你應當在接受新工作之前充分考慮住房的問題。或者,你可能需要供養一個或多個家人,你應當在計劃職業發展時充分考慮親人的需求。 某些情況下,你可能需要停留在你現在所處的地方,而無法搬到遠離他人,比如遠離父母的地方,因為你需要經常照顧他們。或者如果你的孩子很年幼,你可能無法擔任一個經理級別的職位。如果你的孩子年紀較大,你可能希望能升職加薪來支付他們的大學開銷。類似的決定很可能在3月底、4月、或10月出現。 你的財政狀況將有顯著提升,因為木星將在7月16進入獅子座直到2015年8月11日。你將收貨的很可能是一次性的大筆錢財,並且是一次或兩次付清。你可能在電視節目上贏得比賽,或者向大公司成功賣出你的劇本。(獅子座與娛樂有關,而且它位於 "他人錢財"的第八宮,所以這些例子很合理)。你可能獲得一大筆獎金、傭金、許可費、或保險金兌現。或者你會得到一筆獎學金,或得到僱主的撥款。 今年,你可能認為訂婚或結婚是一個明智的決定,因為代表禮物和幸運的木星將一直停留在你的婚姻宮直到7月16日。木星的到訪是很少見的,它下一次出現在婚姻宮將會是2025年。雖然在這期間你會有其他結婚的機會,但2014年7月16日的機會更好。 無論單身還是戀愛中,你都將是幸運的摩羯座,因為金星將在摩羯座停留很長一段時間。金星在2013年11月5日進入摩羯座,直到2014年3月5日。這期間在12月21日到1月31日,金星的影響會減弱。在這期間,不要對你的頭髮或臉部做任何重大的改變,因為金星主管外表,更好的是等到金星醒來時再做。同時,多上網多看報,然後再在2月第1個星期所有因素都實現時再做決定要怎樣改變你的外觀。 如果你在戀愛中並希望重新整理,金星減弱將給你最好的重新思考的機會。在減弱狀態下的行星將讓你重新考慮、重新估量、重新設計、修理、或重做,因為減弱狀態意味著回頭審視。在摩羯座的金星將讓你重新審視愛情,如果你覺得愛上了你曾經認識的一個人,那麼給愛一個機會,看能不能發展出一段美好的戀情。 當火星在10月24日到12月4日間運行到摩羯座時,你會達到一個頂點。這會是你兩年來第一次遇到火星在摩羯座,你會立即感受到你能讓事情朝對你有利的方向發展。火星也會增加你的性感度,所以你的美麗將大大增加。你可能在這個時候開始一段新的戀情那個,或者如果你已經在戀愛,那麼你將有更多時間經營你的真愛。這是一個絕佳的結束這一年的方式! Aquarius(水瓶座)—— 感謝譯者:阿七 對你來說,你的生日年掌握了很多潛在可能,在如此多的領域 - 事業,健康,愛情,尤其是婚姻,等等。 讓我們先從你的健康和身材說起。你希望成為令人羨慕的裝飾和色調嗎?所有的跡象,你有極好的機會夢想成真,因為木星是禮物和幸運的給予者,並且從即日起至2014年7月16日經過你的健康宮。你有一個難得的機會來完善你的運動和飲食習慣,以創建一個全新的你---- 時尚,完美身材,容光煥發的皮膚,像鏡子一樣閃耀光澤的頭髮。你一定曾聽說過吃什麼像什麼 ---- 今年你會證明給所有和你聯繫的人看。 你星圖的一部分現在如此閃亮,它是你的第六宮,主宰你採取的一切步驟來讓你變得健康紅潤,所以你看,沒有什麼是註定的步驟。你將負責這個,並且獲得幫助。木星,偉大的好運氣的行星,將會給你強大的動力上手。木星會讓你堅持緩慢和明智的做事方式。這一進展將穩定和持久。 如果你是運動員,並且已經工作了很久,你現在會變得更強,找到更好的後勁。如果你在競爭,今年你可能會顯示個人最好成績。如果你一直在努力與慢性健康問題鬥爭,尋求第二意見 ---- 你可能在今年上半年發現一個了解你的病情的醫生。這是一個宏偉的趨勢,這將提高你的外表和活力,所以不管你的健康狀況是什麼樣,你會想充分利用優勢,通過採取措施來實現你的夢想。 這也可能是你在專業領域留下標記的年份。這一趨勢開始2012年10月----- 土星會繼續通過你的名聲和榮譽宮,並哄你接受擁有很大責任和權力的領導地位。有些水瓶座的人已經接受了新的角色,而其他水瓶座今年將這樣做。你將有機會學習和成長,因為許多你將承擔的職責將是全新的,那是你將被新的位置吸引的原因之一。 一個舊有的,更有經驗的高管將隨時幫助和指導你,而這個人將是至關重要的,嚴格而且難以取悅。如果你堅持留駐,你將學習以前從來沒有學過的,而且會用自己的方式改造自己成為你的行業中一個明智的身影。你必須對你的新位置全神貫注,如果你這樣做了,土星會報答你。到2015年9月,土星離開你星盤的這個區域在,你將會專業地進入一個全新的位置,並成為一支不可忽視的力量。 在此期間,關注夏天,從7月25日至9月13日,有利於特殊職業機會和公共宣傳的上升。這時你最有可能找到為你敞開的大門。 你在這周討論的任何位置很可能是令人印象深刻的一步。你的新角色可能需要財政監督。 同時關注5月15日的新月,發生在你的榮譽,獎勵,成就和名望宮,你可能會得到一個已經面試過的工作,是你希望贏得最的。如果你確實在此時得到一個職位,你可能會非常喜歡那份工作。如果你計劃在五月中旬開展自己的生意,客戶可能是豐富的---- 讓人們知道所有你必須提供的。 在10月23日天蠍座日食很可能是你專業時間表上的另一個重要時刻,此時一個突然的機會可能來找你。準備面試。在這種情況下,一個朋友可能幫助你競爭一個位置,你的朋友也可能為你說話,從而幫助你得到它。這時,你討論的任何位置會給你很多機會促進創意的。 關於你的家,靠近4月29日的新月日食時,你可能要搬家,修理或裝飾你目前的生活空間。你可能會考慮位置的改變,以找到更好的就業機會。 關於生活狀況的更多消息會在滿月到來, 11月5日。在那個時候,你的家,家庭和生活情況似乎更平靜,更安定,因為事物都達到了頂點。在那時你會更堅定。 如果你發現,5月份或十一月你沒有專註於你的生活狀況,你可以選擇用一種顯著的方式幫助你的父母,所以一定要確保你的行程不要定得太緊,並且靠近那時不需要出差。 現在讓我們來談談另一個話題,有關學習,無論是傳統的方式,通過學校教育,或旅行(古代占星學家認為旅行是一個同樣好的方式去擴大你的心智,理解其他文化和你周圍的世界)。2013年12月7日火星進入天秤座,建立了一個很長的對於這個話題的重點,特別是到國外旅行,大學學習,以及國際關係方面。火星一直並將繼續強調這個領域,直到2014年7月25日。此外,廣播,出版,大學教學 --- 伴隨你的所有努力,通過傳播信息來擴大你的影響 --- 將是佔主導地位的主題,並為你提供不同尋常的機會讓你成長。在2014年上半年,你很可能去旅遊了不少次,或者與國外的人比平常多溝通。以上列出的類別中,選擇你感興趣的領域,朝著你的目標前進,火星將幫助你實現它。 你的感情生活將保持穩定,而如果約會某個特別的人,你和你的愛人的聯繫將更緊密,因為你不太可能因為某件事或某個真相感到驚訝。 如果你是單身,六月可能會帶回來一個你曾經愛過的人,或許是驚喜。或者,如果您希望調和關係,六月會是合適的時間去行動。六月一直是是浪漫的好月份,因為5月28日在你的真愛宮有個友好的新月,並且此時水星逆行,這將是一個理想的時間去重新點燃以前的關係。 如果你寧願遇見全新的人,那麼七月中旬去度假,此時金星在雙子座。 5月29日的新月會幫你不少了,但是對你來說,6月7日至7月1日的水星逆行對於開始一個新的關係可能是令人沮喪的。水星逆行對於回想過去是非常棒的,但不利於開拓進入新的領域。循環五月二十九日至六月四日。(這句不明白,難道是指陰影期?) 你的結婚前景閃耀明亮,開始於2014年7月16日,持續一年直到2015年8月11日。如果您目前正在認真約會,你可能會訂婚,或者設定一個婚禮日期。如果你準備結婚,星星,將照亮道路。 如果你已經結婚了,你可能會看到你的伴侶做的非常好,而且相當生機勃勃和樂觀。隨著額外的錢進來,你將有更多的選擇一起做事情,在你的清單上,許多令人興奮的事情里將會有這樣的選擇:去海外度過一個令人興奮的旅程。 在節日的時候,12月5日至1月12日,你的生活將開始一個全新的篇章,這要歸功於火星經過水瓶座,兩年內的首次。這將是一個非常有活力的階段,你的計劃將能夠得到高層的關注。在今年年底,如果你專註於推進你的想法,你可以讓他們通過。 火星在水瓶座會讓你更有吸引力,也因此你會被注意到和忙亂。所以,當你為他人購物,這將是一個理想的時間來選擇一些新的東西給自己。如果你喜歡,你可以諮詢造型師給你一個新的面貌。你的磁性和魅力將非常高。如果你想認識新的人,或者如果你想被依戀,那麼參加各種假日聚會吧,想方設法增加生活的浪漫和樂趣,像你第一次見到你的他一樣。 正如你看到的,你將有一個神奇的一年了。你興奮了嗎?你很快會! Pisces(雙魚座)—— 感謝譯者: demonachaos 你的生日年有一個閃耀的開端。帶來禮物與好運的木星現在正位於巨蟹宮,即你的真愛之宮。這意味著木星從現在起直到2014年7月中旬都處於一個絕佳的位置,並會幫你找到長久的戀愛。你已經很多年沒有得到木星如此大力的幫助了。現在你找到真愛的機會絕佳,你必須好好利用! 如果你現在與某人相識,你們很可能會非常適合對方,並且這段戀愛將會持續相當長一段時間,甚至直到永遠。從2013年6月25日起木星一直處於這個為你帶來好運的位置,所以在過去的這段時間你應該體驗到一些與心有關的令人激動的發展。如果沒有的話,今年上半年你講有更多機會遇到。如果你想受益於木星,請打開心房,多出去認識新朋友,並努力擴展你可能的對象的範圍。當木星到來,它通常會帶來一些驚喜,所以你現在愛上的人或許與你心目中的理想對象不太一樣,因為他/她會比你想像中好太多! 你也可能已經找到了摯愛並兩人正處於戀愛中。如果是這種情況,你們可能已經向對方表達愛意並進一步確定獨一無二的關係,或者已經訂婚或即將訂婚並結婚。 如果你沒有碰到這些好運,可能問題在這。木星在2013年6月26日進入到愛情宮位,並以強勢的姿態一直停留到2013年11月7日,之後木星會進入休眠狀態,從而力量減弱。如果你覺得木星並沒有在愛情方面對你有所幫助,這可能是因為從去年11月7日開始木星影響力削弱導致。但好消息是,從3月6日到7月16日(2014年),木星將重新以確定、強勢、直接的步調運行,而這將帶來巨大的改變。在這期間,儘力參與各種活動並多與朋友接觸吧,你在戀愛方面將有驚喜的發展。 如果你已經有很固定的對象或已婚,你們的關係將更進一步。你可能決定生孩子,或領養一個孩子。如果你已經有小孩,那麼今年你的孩子會表現出色讓你倍感驕傲。3月直到7月將會是與孩子和愛有關的最強烈、幸福感最高的月份。如果你一直未能受孕成功,多搜集些信息,找到合適的專家,儘早去看醫生吧。。。(囧) 今年將會是你表達藝術天分並為自己的才華找到理想的環境的關鍵的一年。你的創造力將在2014年上半年爆發,在3月6日至7月16日之間,木星處於巨蟹宮將盡最大努力服務於你,在這段時間請認真工作提高自己的能力與技術。加強你的優勢,並找出幫助你成功的因素。你將得到很多項目,但請注意能為你帶來發展空間並能將你帶到你所希望的位置的工作,因為今年你打開的局勢將在未來很多年持續下去。 2014上半年你接到的工作和任務並不一定是報酬最豐厚的,但這些工作將使你在新的領域裡打下基礎並幫助你創造一個新的未來。當你著手新工作時(不管是自己的新工作或是客戶交給的新任務),你的財政將隨時間增長—請相信這一點。白羊座和天秤座的日食使得你無法立竿見影地看到收入的增長。但在生活中,回報往往在才能的表現之後;但無論早晚,收入最終都會與你的才能平齊的。 白羊座和天秤座的日食將從2014年持續到2015年,這將使得你的財政略微緊張。也許是你的家人需要你的經濟資助,或一些事情所花費的時間比你想像的長。這只是眾多可能性中的兩個例子。 在7月25日到9月14日,火星進入天蠍座,這表示你將出國旅行或去國內較遠的城市旅行。這段時間,最棒的計劃旅行的時間將使7月最後一周或8月第一周。你也可能因公出差,如果這樣的話,你將充分地享受這趟旅行。 2014年年底將會帶來你十年來最精彩的事業上的重大突破。具體來說,在2014年的前9個月中,你的創造力將在一系列的合適的工作中逐步凸顯,並讓你大放光彩。 9月13日到10月26日,火星將在兩年內第一次進入射手座,這代表你的事業將加速發展,你的重要客戶也會以新的眼光看待你。你的事業將成長到一個關鍵點,從這裡你將更上一步(蘇珊的原話是,你將"手可摘星辰")。 如果你出牌正確(星象看來是沒有差錯的)並一直保持出色的表現,那麼在2014年9月中旬到10月,你將會被提拔到一個非常高的職位,比你以前任何位置都要重要。在秋季時,認真的選擇工作機會,因為這將為你將來輝煌的事業打下基礎。 到2014年11月22日,火星將離開你的事業宮,而同時新月將取代火星進入你的高級事業宮。請密切注意新月到來後那段時間你收到的郵件以及和別人的對話。你在11月底或12月初種下的種子,將直接決定你接下來一年的事業發展。 新月是非常極其超級重要的,它將打開一個新的局面和機會。新月還會帶來極好的機遇。你的事業宮需要新月的照耀,而在2014年11月22日它將準時到來。所有新月在剛開始的兩個星期都非常強大,它的能量將在前幾天到達頂峰並隨時間慢慢消弱。宇宙要傳達給雙魚座的信息很清楚了:在9月中旬以及10月近1個半月的時間,你將遇到關於重要的工作機會的商談。到12月,這些機會將非常重要和嚴肅。 在11月22日新月到來後,你的工作將忙於各種電話、會議等等。新月到來時正好在美國感恩節期間,但即使在節日期間,你的工作依然不會減少。這段時間最好不要出行,否則可能會錯過重要的機會。如果這段時間你要旅行,帶上你的電腦,並保持電話隨時暢通。 難以置信的是,除了火星與新月,還有更多的事業上的好消息!木星將在12月23日進入代表名氣與榮耀的第十宮,這是自從1985年來的第一次!木星會停留在第十宮知道2017年12月。木星將帶你走向一個重要的領導職位,這個職位意味著重大的責任與權力。你在今年底所做的決定和努力將決定你未來14年中的事業發展,並可能持續一生。 總結來說,秋季將會是對你的事業至關重要的時候。我的建議是,準備好簡歷,並做好在9月初展示簡歷的準備。你的著裝要符合你新到來的好工作,所以準備好你的服裝和行頭吧。這將是你非常重要的時刻! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是已翻譯星座運勢的英文原文 Virgo(處女座) Life is about to become deliciously social for you, thanks to the recent move of Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, to Cancer for a year"s stay. Your circle of friends will increase many times over, and while you may say goodbye to one or two old friends that you"ve known and, through time, have outgrown, you will find your new friends will be a better fit for you. It"s all part of the natural cycle of attrition and growth. The new interests that your new friends bring you"ll excite you. With a rare cycle of Jupiter causing this trend, your friends are likely to be successful, influential and well connected, and will be willing to help you in many ways. Being that so much of your personal growth will come from socializing from now to August 2014, make an effort to be open to new types. If you meet someone interesting at a party or gathering, be the first to cultivate that new friendship by offering to have lunch, drinks, or dinner. Some of the people you meet in the coming 12 months will have many new interests insights and opportunities to share with you. This coming year would also bring you personal growth through your involvement in social media. If you are already active in one social media venue, investigate other options in this space, for doing so will open your world. Benefits will flow to you in ways you can"t quite imagine, for generous Jupiter will see to it that your openness to the friendship of new people will pay off. You"ve not had a visit from Jupiter in this part of your life since mid-2001 to mid-2002, so this influence will seem very new to you, indeed. Over the past year, you"ve been consumed with building your career, and because you had an outstanding opportunity to advance, you were right to strive for a better position with more responsibility and power. Think back to the period that spanned June 2012 to June 2013—exciting career news may have marked that phase. No matter what, you built up a solid momentum, and that will carry you forward. With Jupiter"s shift out of your career house and into your friendship house, you would be wise to change your approach. Instead of working so hard in a formal manner, a lighter, more relaxed approach may now be more effective. Join professional clubs, and mix and mingle with others, for people you meet in coming months will help to take you the rest of the way. So much of last year"s hard work will now begin to pay off, so be patient—you will soon see proof of this in the coming months. In the year to come, clearly, what will make the difference now is not what you know, but whom. You might be motivated to take classes on financial management this coming year too. As you rethink your financial priorities, you may change some of your long-standing arrangements. If you should find you are spending more than usual, you may be inspired to find ways to increase your income too, and as a result, you may be successful in your efforts to raise your salary. You will be passionate and ardent in your efforts, so who could refuse you? Mars will tour Virgo during October 26 to December 7, a key phase in your timeline. Mars comes by Libra every two years, typically for six weeks, to help insure a proper lift off to a project or relationship that is dear to you. However, your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde during part of that time, from October 18 to November 10, so again, be patient. Hold back on action until Mercury is out of retrograde. This means November 10 to December 7 will be your ideal time to launch plans for your bright new year. Not only will your ventures go well, but Mars is known to bring out your charms, so you"ll be more attractive and magnetic during this phase too, and you will enjoy being fussed over when you socialize. You may want to choose some evening wardrobe items in case you are invited out—it seems you will be invited to some very special events, quite a few! In love, if you are single and hoping to meet a new love interest, January 2014 clearly could be when you have that exciting first meeting. Set aside time to go out, even if you live in a cold climate and would usually hibernate at home in January. All the warmth you will feel will emanate from the glow within your heart. Look your best and Mother Nature will make things happen. If you are attached or married, plan more evenings out in January, too, whether to see a play, concert, or ballet, or to try out new restaurants that have recently opened in your city. The holidays may be over by January 2014, but dear Virgo, your social life will be just starting up. Libra(天秤座) The part of your chart that will glow brightest in coming months has to do with your career. You will have an exceptional ability to scale new heights of power and responsibility, thanks to the arrival of Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, in a rare visit to your house of fame and honors, now until July 16, 2014. You will need to show a willingness to apply your abilities and experience in new ways, perhaps even the courage to leave the security of your present job to move toward a new one. If you do, you will be excited by the way you can shape events in your industry. Admittedly, conflicting planetary action in your birthday year suggests that the competition for the new position will be fierce, but you will have an ace in your pocket with Jupiter in your fame sector, so remain confident. Between now and mid-July 2014, it will be important to look every inch the part for the new position you aim to win. Invest in an interview outfit and several other wardrobe items that will boost your confidence while you are interacting with members of the company you hope to join. Over the past few years, Saturn has tested your mettle, and now Uranus is asking you to go slowly when entering into a new formal relationship. You will need to be sure the person you admire truly deserves the fine qualities you are so ready to assign, and this applies to romance or business alliances. In terms of a business relationship, do background checks to create a more rounded picture of the person you have selected to be your partner. Meanwhile, Pluto is moving through Capricorn, and may be causing massive changes at home. You may be planning renovations (especially ones involving the setting up or tearing down of walls, or a redo of your basement) or, you may even be contemplating a residential move. Change can be exciting, and may come as soon as January 2014. Your parents also come under the domain of home in your horoscope, so you may also be thinking about one of your parents, and searching for ways to make that parent"s life happier and more comfortable. Eclipses in Libra and your opposite sign of Aries are on the way too this birthday year, causing shifts in the way you view yourself, your talents and your priorities. Sometimes we are so busy "doing" that we do not notice that we are changing, outgrowing some life goals and adding others, almost unconsciously. Eclipses help us catch up. One big emphasis of the coming eclipses may center on your needs, and what you hope to find in a partner if you are not yet married. If you are already attached, you may find you want to change the way you relate to your partner, or be called on to help if he or she should hit a rough patch. The coming eclipses will also test the strength of relationships, projects and priorities in your life, and help you let go of anything that is outworn, and not working. The dates of eclipses to watch in particular will be October 18, 2013, and April 15, 2015 and October 8, 2015, sure to be key dates on your timeline. (Sometimes an eclipse will deliver its news one month to the day before or after the eclipse, plus or minus four days.) These eclipses will separate the wheat from the chaff, and you will emerge leaner, stronger than ever before. You will also quickly learn how to turn almost any situation to your advantage. Mars in Libra will help you. Mars, the energy planet, will enter Libra this year, on December 7, 2013 and will stay an extraordinary eight months in your sign, until July 25, 2014. It will have been two years since you"ve seen Mars in Libra, and you"ll like having this booster rocket planet at your disposal. The Red Planet will and control over events for you will be comfortable in the role of leader, and you will be likely be so persuasive that you will find it easier than usual to get others to rally around your causes and get approvals. Venus will retrograde and subsequently become weaker from December 21 through January 31. If you were considering a brand new hairstyle or dramatic change in hair color, you would want to make that happen before December 21 too. (Of course, regular trims and grooming can—and should—be done at any time.) Buy new makeup and a perfume to increase your mystique in early December–just in time to look beautiful for holiday parties–or in early February, in time for a joyous Valentine"s Day. Quick short travel will be lighthearted fun in early to mid-December, but for the year-end holidays, you might want to be back home to enjoy low-key, enchantingly romantic moments with your partner. You may also feel like entertaining close friends in intimate style, perhaps by giving a sit down dinner party for eight, or a cocktail party for twelve. By the end of December, a family member or friend may need you, so you"ll be want to be near when things come up. From March 5 through April 5 2014, you will be the sparkler at any party. Venus will be touring Aquarius, and Mars will still be in Libra, and taken together, these two planets will amp up your sex appeal. Things are about to get even better! You"ll be on everyone"s A-list when Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, enters your friendship sector later, on July 16, 2014 to stay until August 11, 2015. You"ve not had Jupiter"s influence in your people/ friends/ contacts/ group sector since mid-2002 to mid-2003. Jupiter in Leo will see to it that many new faces enter your life at that time, and you will enjoy the new interests, insights and events they bring you. If you are single, among the new people you meet, you may feel an unmistakable spark with one person and will want to know this person better in the romantic sense. If you are attached, you can expect more loving attention from your mate. You have a very good chance of traveling overseas with your spouse or established partner too, so this new phase starting in mid-July 2014 will be a joyous one all around. Also with Jupiter in Leo (starting next summer) you may decide to do charity work that makes a solid difference to a group that you know needs your support, or you may get involved in working for a political candidate to get him or her elected. Overall, your new friends will be successful types, and inspire you to stretch higher than you"ve ever done before, beyond your comfort zone, to achieve a heart-felt dream. With Jupiter in luxury-minded Leo, many of the events you attend at that time will be special—and you"ll feel pampered. It"ll be time to dress up or dress down, as the spirit moves you, and to throw your head back, and move your hips to the music. You may come to realize that the quote by Edna Buchanan: "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves." It will have special meaning to you in your bright year ahead. Libra, you have so much to look forward to! Scorpio(天蠍座) Over the past year, you"ve become more focused on building a firm foundation for your life so that you could tackle bigger goals from your base. The reason for this new, "let"s gets down to business" attitude you are showing is that the great teacher planet, Saturn, has been in Scorpio a year, since October 5, 2012, and will stay until September 15, 2015. We only get two to three visits from Saturn in a lifetime, as it takes Saturn 29 years to circle the Sun; but when we do, we often count those years as some of the most important of our lives. Saturn may be the tough-love teacher, but you will remember all that you gained during this phase, and that wisdom will carry you forward through the next three decades. Endeavors that you spent time on in the past may suddenly seem too frivolous for you to focus on now, for you have moved on to a new phase in life. This is natural; you are maturing and growing, and as you do, you may find certain goals need to be adjusted or jettisoned. You1ve become seasoned, and experienced, and you are getting ready for challenges that just a short time ago would have been beyond your ability to handle. Saturn rules the concept of time, so you may now notice that you value time intensely, for Saturn often makes us feel as though we are continually running out of time for all we need to do. Again, that"s natural—Saturn wants you to be energized toward performing at a high level of productivity. When this period is over, you will have plenty to be proud to have accomplished. Limited Edition Scorpio Zodiac Compact, Charlotte Olympia Birthday Scorpio Zodiac Suede Smoking Slipper and Clutch, Judith Leiber Rounded Square Zodiac Minaudiere, GaudeNYC Scorpio Necklace, Amy Zerner Astrology Necklace and Jimmy Choo Sloane Embroidered Slipper, all available online. Limited Edition Scorpio Zodiac Compact, Charlotte Olympia Birthday Scorpio Zodiac Suede Smoking Slipper and Clutch, Judith Leiber Rounded Square Zodiac Minaudiere, GaudeNYC Scorpio Necklace, Amy Zerner Astrology Necklace and Jimmy Choo Sloane Embroidered Slipper, all available online. The first experience with Saturn that comes to you sometime before 29.5 years old is generally the hardest, for usually we have much to learn. Subsequent visits of Saturn are far easier. Saturn rules history, maturity and long-term stability, and as we get older, we increasingly value Saturn"s gifts. The last time Saturn visited Scorpio it was from November 1982 to November 1985, and the next will come from November 2041 to October 2044. After Saturn1s tutorial period is over, you be transformed into a stronger, leaner, wiser person, and be quite able to cope with a wide variety of life events. Romantically, you are in a remarkably positive year to find true love. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will be in water sign Cancer, considered a placement that is exalted in that sign, meaning Jupiter will be able to express its gifts of luck and happiness most easily. You may now find the person for you, or to grow closer to the one you are attached to now. The year"s eclipses are currently in Scorpio and your opposite sign of Taurus, and those eclipses will help you to see and appreciate your talents, goals, and relationships in a new light. If you have been unhappy in love, the eclipses will ask you to confront those truths, and air your feelings. Eclipses are the most important tools the universe uses to create rapid, needed change, for the universe will not tolerate the status quo. The eclipse series that is so important to you in Scorpio and Taurus first started last year on April 25 and November 11, 2012. Perhaps one of those dates brought you news of significant change in one area of your life. The series of Scorpio-Taurus eclipses continued this year, on April 25, 2013, and another will soon arrive on November 3, 2013. Next year, we will have two more eclipses in the Scorpio-Taurus series: April 29, and October 23, 2014. Those eclipses and the one November 3 will speak clearly and urgently—change or the universe will make changes for you. Watch those dates, as some or all in this series will become vitally important to you, bringing major news about your relationships, health, domestic situation, career or finances– doubly so if the date of the eclipse falls on or close to your birthday. These eclipses will illuminate your talents, values and experience, too, and assist you through events to choose a main direction to drive your life in the near future. You may abandon the former goals that no longer excite you, and choose several new ones. When it comes to love, you will become more centered, and come to a greater understanding of what you need to make you happy. After October 23, 2014, you will have no more eclipses in your sign for another nine years. If you have been dating and feel you are in a strong relationship, you may now feel ready to get engaged or wed. The eclipses will coax you to make more of your relationship and not stick to the status quo. On the other hand, if you are in a relationship that is not good for you, may now find the courage to leave. Eclipses test the strength of all your assumptions, and also the viability of your relationships and ventures. The universe wants you to spend your time wisely. Creating growth is an important element to this. Any part of your life that is not able to withstand the gale force winds that some of the eclipses in the series will generate will blow away life faster than you can blink an eye. If you do not make decisions at eclipse time, the eclipse will make the decision for you, based on the weak links that may show up at eclipse time. It is always preferable to be in charge, and make decisions before you come to a crossroad. If you are happy in your relationship, you will sail through this period easily, for it is unlikely one of the coming eclipses will have to reveal to you. If you notice problems, you can stay and work on that challenge together—you will always be in control—and you can work to fix what is broken. The combination of hosting Saturn in Scorpio, plus the arrival of the eclipses suggests that you either recently went through a major lifestyle change, or soon will. The changes that have come or still will come will be positive and necessary. Indeed, the concept of continual change is one of the elements on which all of life is based, for planets are continually on the move, orbiting in deep space at various speeds and always bringing on new conditions. You may now leave the familiar to experience the new—and it will all be an exciting adventure. In terms of romance, if you are single, you may fall in love in this coming birthday year. Watch for the March 1 new moon—that new moon and the two weeks to follow will be ideal for engendering new love. Plan to be out and about in the days following that important new moon. Next, the harvest moon of September 8, 2014, plus or minus four days, may be quite memorable for love and bringing on an enchanting, tender experience. That new moon will deliver news within four days of this date. This year one of your rulers, Mars, will remain in your very private twelfth house from December through July 2014, suggesting that you will work intently behind the scenes to perfect a project or goal dear to you. When you come to July 25, 2014, you will be ready to take your hard work public, a time others will be quite aware of your name. The new moon in your house of honors, awards, achievement and fame, will come two days later, on July 26, 2014, which represents a moment for professional opportunity. Chances are, it"ll be a time of reward, and your career will get a huge push forward. All the preparation you put into your career may pay off at that point. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, will be in water sign Cancer from now through July 16, 2014, and be in a perfect position to support your career, love life, and health. Jupiter will also convey opportunity in other areas—specifically, you may travel abroad to a city you"ve never visited, or gain from contacts based abroad. Publishing and broadcasting opportunities will be plentiful, and if you work in the media, your skills will be prized, with more sophisticated assignments and opportunities on the way. You will soon find that you are at precisely the right place at the right time to scoop up the right offers. After Jupiter leaves Cancer, the "Great Benefic" will move to Leo, and shine in your tenth house of career and honors at the very pinnacle point of your chart. This will be the first time you"ve hosted this benefic planet in your career house in twelve years, not since August 2002 to August 2003. You will get enormous help from influential VIPs, so when they ask you how they can help you achieve your goals, have a concise answer ready. You can get all the help you ever dreamed of attaining—you just have to ask! Be diligent about getting all the career plans in place by mid-2014, for if you do, career offers that come in will shine brighter than diamonds in the sun. Sagittarius(射手座) As your birthday year opens, you will be feeling luckier than a leprechaun. Money will have a way of making its way to your door during the first six months of 2014, and the money you see may come to you in wide various forms, from what astrologers call the eighth house of "other people"s money." This is the area that will continue to glitter for you from now until July 16, 2014 and actually is a trend that started in June 26, 2013. It has been a long time since you have had Jupiter"s assistance in this house—not since 2001-2002. There are many ways you may benefit. Perhaps it"s the money you need to start your business, or a mortgage or home improvement loan so you can complete your plans for the house or condo of your dreams. You may be named in an inheritance, or awarded a scholarship or financial aid you need to pay for your tuition. You may be awarded a generous settlement in a divorce or in the division of profits at the end of a business partnership. Limited Edition Sagittarius Zodiac Compact, Charlotte Olympia Birthday Sagittarius Zodiac Suede Smoking Slipper and Clutch, Judith Leiber Rounded Square Zodiac Minaudiere, GaudeNYC Sagittarius Necklace, Giles & Brother Archer necklace and Tai Arrow Pinch Bracelet, all available online. Limited Edition Sagittarius Zodiac Compact, Charlotte Olympia Birthday Sagittarius Zodiac Suede Smoking Slipper and Clutch, Judith Leiber Rounded Square Zodiac Minaudiere, GaudeNYC Sagittarius Necklace, Giles & Brother Archer necklace and Tai Arrow Pinch Bracelet, all available online. After that July 16, 2014, Jupiter, your ruler, will leave your financial sector and move into fire-sign Leo for the first time since mid-2002 to mid-2003. Leo is a sign that blends beautifully with your fire-sign Sagittarius Sun. Once Jupiter, giver of gifts and happiness, enters Leo, a sign whose motto is "go big or go home," Jupiter will help you travel far and wide, to a city overseas that you most likely have never seen. You may say, "I can"t travel, for I have responsibilities at home and at work, and anyway, tickets for an overseas trip are too expensive right now." To that I say, keep in mind Jupiter not only brings you the opportunity, but will also supply the means for you to enjoy it. Your boss or client may ask you to take a trip to a foreign city for work. Or, you may win a trip to a foreign country this year, so enter contests. Or your kindly aunt may ask you to come along with her to see many countries of Europe. The ninth house is where your good fortune planet, Jupiter, will reside from mid-2014 to mid-2015, and this house governs other areas in life that you can benefit from, too. If you have considered entering the university for any type of degree, you have the best year in twelve years to do so. Apply to the colleges you"d be overjoyed to be admitted to, and while you will need to be sensible and realistic about your choices, I urge you to not edit your list too tightly. Your luck will be strong in this area. Have you ever hoped to write a book or write a cover feature story for a national, respected consumer magazine? Have you ever dreamed of writing a screenplay for a TV documentary or important overseas segment? Hone your skills, for Jupiter in Leo will help you get closer to your dream. The ninth house, where Jupiter will reside for a year, rules the publishing and broadcasting industries, for this house deals with the dissemination of information. Taking classes in creative writing may have benefits beyond all that you learn. If you have talent, your teacher may bring you under her wing to help you with contacts and a reference. If you are serious about a writing career or one in broadcasting, it may help to know Sagittarius is known to be a masterful storyteller, writing the kind of rich, engaging stories that become blockbusters. This year, learn the right way to write a book proposal and editorial query letters. In keeping with this trend, you will continue to host Saturn in your twelfth house for just about the entire year, considered the finest place to hold this taskmaster teacher planet to build discipline when working alone on a long-term project. Consider joining a professional organization to keep up with industry trends, and social clubs to widen your circle this year. Mars will remain in Libra and your house of groups and friendship a very long time—nearly eight months. This is a trend that will start December 7, 2013 and that will continue until July 25, 2014. Being part of a community of people who have the same goals as you, or who share the same concerns about society can help you make many lasting friends. You may decide to help a political candidate get elected, or work on a humanitarian effort or charity and make a big difference to that group that may have been overlooked or under-served by society. Join a group to better cope with a recent psychological concern that, with the help of the group leader, you can get beyond and find comfort, having addressed it. Although you may grow away from one or two present day friends, you are likely to make many new contacts and friendships during the first half of the year. You will enjoy the new interests your new friends bring to you. Joining a charity effort or other community event may be the way you also will meet an important romantic partner. In your career, you will have a chance to make a name for yourself within days of the March 16, 2014 full moon, which will turn a spotlight on a professional victory you achieved. An even better career phase will come later, at the new moon August 25 plus ten days. Being that a new moon is at peak power the day it appears and then always decreases gradually in strength with each passing day until it is "spent" ten days later, be ready to interview for the big position when the call comes through by having a polished resume ready as well as any "show and tell" elements you need to present your talents. Make sure you ask many questions during the interview. Go the extra mile to gain clarity. In regard to your home, if you need to move or fix up your present living space, plan on doing investigation of our options at the new moon March 1. At that time, if you look, you will find several suitable solutions for your needs and you may be very excited to choose one. You have Father Neptune residing in your fourth house of home from now until 2026, and at times Neptune will be tempted to bring the sea with him to your home. Protect your home against any sort of water damage by getting the right insurance. In matters of love, if you are dating, the new moon of March 30 will bring you in contact with new romantic interests, and you would be wise to circulate. No matter if you have been dating short or long time, the full moon lunar eclipse, October 8, will test your relationship"s long-term validity. Eclipses bring much information to light, and a lot of news, so if there is something that has been hidden in your alliance, you will find out about it. Alternatively, if your relationship is strong and healthy, you will discover that too, and have an opportunity for the two of you to grow closer than ever. Attached Sagittarius may feel ready this year to add a baby to the family, an exciting prospect or do something special for a child you have now. You have an amazing year ahead, dear Sagittarians, with progress possible on every level, and with money and all kinds of chances to travel far and wide. What a year you have in store! Capricorn(摩羯座) Capricorn is known to be the most ambitious of all signs, for the little goat will continue to climb to the very top of the mountain, long after other little animals have given up. The goat"s surefootedness allows him to keep going, even to where the air becomes rarified, and to heights so lofty that others are too afraid to go. You were born with superb leadership qualities, ambition that won"t quit, and a superb sense of wisdom and practicality lacking in others. Not only are you considered the wise leader, you are fair and just to those in your employ. You will do whatever is necessary to get ahead. At the core of all that you do is an insistence on excellence and a continual striving to be better. Lately, as a cardinal sign (the group of signs including Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) it is likely you"ve experienced unexpected challenges in 2013. We are all tested from time to time, for it is the way the universe ascertains that we will try new things, use our talents to their fullest extent and in a wide variety of ways, and not become complacent. Some Capricorns have found that the job they were in was no longer satisfying. Others found themselves out of work through no fault of their own. Others were working in excellent positions but wondering what else existed for them out there, and whether it was a good time to explore offers. Now, good news arrives. As of early December, Mars, a high-energy planet, has been moving through your tenth house of career honors, awards, achievement and fame, to stay until July 2014. This is Capricorn"s natural house, so it is a place you are comfortable hosting Mars. You get more satisfaction from our work than almost anything else in life, so with Mars spending half of 2014 in your career sector, you will have options to move up and better your position in your industry that you didn"t have previously. That"s a very long time for Mars to be in any one part of the chart. The reason for this is that Mars will soon go retrograde, from March 1 to May 19. During that time, your professional progress will become slow, but it will not stop. You may have to try a little harder to achieve a goal during March, April and May — that is all. News like this would never deter a Capricorn. During all the other months, however, until July 25, you will find you easily get the attention of VIPs, and can finally aim to make powerful leaps ahead. Due to the position of other uncooperative planets, namely Uranus and Pluto, you may have strong competition for any position you want, so you have to be organized and polished when the door opens for you to interview for the spot you want. Don"t let the news that you will have competition faze you — you have what it takes to be given a new position of considerable responsibility. In a year when former connections and contacts will become very important, a VIP may come back from your past to offer you work in April or October. If so, you will discuss a very enticing job. Before you accept any new position, however, you may need to consider the needs of family. Your home situation appears to be in flux. This has been the case since March 11, 2011 when Uranus first entered your fourth house of home (and will continue to be until March 2019.) You have already seen the truth of just how changeable your domestic situation has become. You may not mind one bit — n fact, you may find moving house to be a stimulating, exciting prospect. All the emphasis on career and the changeable situation at home might mean a new position may lure you to a new location. If so, you will need to assess housing opportunities in that city before you accept. Or, you may have one or more family members who depend on you and will have to consider the needs of this beloved relative while you build your career. In some cases, you may opt to stay in the area you are in now, rather than move too far from, say, a parent who may need your help from time to time. Or if you have small children, you may not want a managerial job at this point in your life. If your children are older, you may welcome the ability to make a good salary to help with college costs. Decisions like these are especially likely to come up at the end of March, in April and possibly through October too, rather than at any other time. Your finances are due for a big upturn, for Jupiter will enter Leo on July 16 and remain until August 11, 2015. The kind of money you will likely receive will be large one-time payments that come in one or two chunks. You may win a game show on TV, or sell a screenplay to a big studio. (Leo is all about entertainment, and in your eighth house of other people"s money, this makes sense.) You may be given a large bonus, commission, licensing fee, or large insurance policy payout. A scholarship may be awarded to you, or your employer may match funds. This year, you may decide that getting engaged or wed would be a wise idea, for Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will continue to tour your house of marriage until July 16. Jupiter"s visit is a rare one, and he will not be back to this area of your chart once gone until 2025. While you will have other chances to marry within the intervening years, this year would be special for that initiation, up to July 16, 2014. Single or attached, you are a Capricorn in luck, as Venus will be in your sign for an extraordinarily long time. Venus first entered your sign on November 5, 2013, and will stay until March 5, 2014. The only time that Venus will forsake you is from December 21 to January 31, when Venus will be in retrograde. During that time, do not make radical changes in hairstyle or to your face, for Venus rules appearance, and you would want wait until this graceful planet awakens. In the meantime, consider reading the Internet and magazines to decide what you"d like to do for your looks during the first week of February when conditions will be right to act. If you were in love and would like to reconcile, Venus retrograde will give you the ideal chance to do so. Any planet in retrograde will ask you to reconsider, reassess, redesign, repair or redo, for retrograde is all about looking back. Venus in Capricorn will give you a second chance at love, and if you feel you are in love with a certain person from your past, then give love a chance and see if you can make a go of that relationship. When Mars travels through Capricorn from October 24 to December 4, you will hit an all-time high. It will be the first time you"ve seen Mars in your sign in two years, and suddenly you will rightly sense you have the ability to change things to your favor. Mars is known to add sex appeal, too, so your allure will be very high. You may start a new relationship at this time, or if you are attached, have much more time to devote to your one true love. Now that"s a great way to end the year! Aquarius(水瓶座) Your birthday year holds such potential for you, in so many areas — career, health, romance and especially marriage, and more. Let"s start with your health and fitness. Do you hope to become enviably trim and toned? Of all the signs, you have the very best chances of success for that dream, for Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and is transiting your health sector from now until July 16, 2014. You have a rare chance to perfect your exercise and nutritional habits to create an entirely new you — sleek, super fit, glowing skin, shiny-as-a-mirror hair. You"ve heard you are what you eat — this year you will prove it to all that come in contact with you. The part of your chart that is so lit up is your sixth house ruling all the steps you take to become healthy and radiant, so as you see, nothing is predestined. You will be in charge, and you will have help. Jupiter, the great good fortune planet, will give you the powerful motivation to get started. Jupiter will insist you do things the slow and sensible way. This progress will be steady and long lasting. If you are athletic, and you"ve been working out all along, you can now get stronger and find greater stamina. If you compete, this year you may display a personal best. If you have struggled with a chronic health problem, seek a second opinion — you may find a practitioner in the first half of this year who understands your condition. This is a grand trend that will boost your looks and vitality, so no matter what your health status, you will want to take full advantage by taking steps to realize the dream you have of you. This could be the year you leave your mark in your profession as well. Saturn will continue transit through your house of fame and honors — a trend that started October 2012 — and will coax you to accept a leadership position of great responsibility and power. Some Aquarians have already accepted a new role, while other Aquarians will do so this year. You will have opportunity to learn and grow professionally, as many of the duties you will take on now will be new to you, and that is part of the reason you will be intrigued with the new position offered to you. An older, more experienced executive will be on hand to help and guide you, and while this person will be critical, exacting, and hard to please, if you stay the course, you will learn as you have never learned before, and be on your way to transforming yourself into a wise figure in your industry. You"ll need to give your new position all the focus you have to give, but if you do, Saturn will reward you. By time Saturn leaves this area of your chart in September 2015, you will be in a whole new place professionally, and become a force to be reckoned with. In the meantime, watch the period in the summer, from July 25 to September 13, for exceptional career opportunity and publicity to arise. This is when you are most likely to find doors open for you. Any position you discuss during these weeks is likely to be an impressive step up. You may have to oversee finances in your new role. Watch too, the full moon of May 15 in your house of honors, awards, achievement and fame, when you may get a final answer on a job you have been interviewing for and that you"ve hoped to win. If you do get a position at this time, you are likely to enjoy the work very much. If you plan to open your own business in mid-May, customers may be plentiful — keep letting people know about all you have to offer. The solar eclipse in Scorpio of October 23 is very likely to be another big moment in your professional timeline, when a sudden opportunity may come up for you. Be ready to interview. In this case, a friend may be instrumental in helping you find a position to vie for and your friend may also speak up for you to help you get it. At this time, any position you discuss will give you plenty of chances to contribute creative ideas. In terms of your home, near the new moon solar eclipse of April 29, you may want to move, repair or decorate your present living space. You may consider a change in location to find better career opportunities. More news about your living situation will come at the full moon, November 5, and at that time, your home, family and living situation appears to be calmer and more settled as things are culminating. You will be quite decisive at that time. If you find that in May or November you are not focused on your living situation, you may choose to help one of your parents in a significant way, so make sure you are not scheduled too tightly, and not out of town near those dates. Now let"s turn to another topic, which has to do with learning, either the traditional way, through schooling, or by travel, which ancient astrologers felt was an equally fine way to expand the mind to understand other cultures and the world around you. Mars" entry to Libra on December 7, 2013 has set up a very long emphasis on this topic, specifically foreign travel, university study, and in terms of international relationships. Mars has been and will continue to accent this area until July 25, 2014. Additionally, broadcasting, publishing, university teaching — along with all your efforts to expand your influence through the dissemination of information –will be dominant themes, and offer you unusual opportunity to grow intellectually. You are likely to travel quite a bit during the first half of 2014, or to be in communication with people abroad more than usual. Within the categories listed, chose your area of interest, work toward your goal, and Mars will help you achieve it. Your romantic life will remain steady, and if dating someone special, you will continue to bond closer to your sweetheart, for you are not likely to be surprised by events or revelations. If you are single, June may bring someone you once loved in the past back into the picture, perhaps by surprise. Or, if you hope to reconcile a relationship, June would be the right time to make your move. June is a solidly good month for romance because of the friendly new moon of May 28 in your true love sector, and with Mercury in retrograde, it would be an ideal time to go back to rekindle a former relationship. If you would rather meet someone entirely new, take a vacation while Venus is in in Gemini in mid-July. The new moon of May 29 will help you quite a bit too, but in your case, Mercury retrograde may be frustrating for starting a new relationship, June 7 to July 1. Mercury retrograde is great for looking back to your past, but not good for forging into new territory. Circulate from May 29 to June 4. Your prospects for marriage sparkle brightly, starting July 16, 2014 and continuing for a year, until August 11, 2015. If you are currently dating seriously, you may get engaged, or set a wedding date. If you are ready to wed, the stars will light the path. If you are already married, you may see your mate do very well, and be quite prosperous and optimistic. With extra money coming in, you will have more choices to do things together, and among the many exciting things on your list will be the option to take an exciting trip overseas. At holiday time, on December 5 to January 12 you will start an entirely new chapter of your life, thanks to the tour of Mars through Aquarius for the first time in two years. This will be a very energetic phase, when you will be able to get attention from higher ups for your dearest plans. At the end of the year, if you focus on driving your ideas forward, you can get them approved. Mars in Aquarius will make you more attractive, too, so you will be noticed and fussed over. So while you shop for others, it will be the ideal time to choose some new things for yourself. If you like, you can consult with your stylist about options for giving yourself a new look. Your magnetism and allure will be very high. Circulate at holiday parties if you want to meet someone new, and if you are attached, find ways to add romance and fun to your lives, like you did when you first met. As you see, you have a magical year ahead. Are you excited yet? You soon will be! Pisces(雙魚座) Your birthday year starts out magnificently. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is currently touring Cancer, a fellow water sign like yours, in your house of true love. This means Jupiter will be in an ideal position to help you find lasting romance from now through mid-July 2014. You"ve not had Jupiter"s help on such a grand scale for years. Now that you are the celestial favorite to find love, you must make this period count! If you meet someone now, you are likely to be well suited to each other, the relationship would have the power to continue for an extremely long time, very possibly forever. You"ve hosted good fortune Jupiter in this position since June 25, 2013 without interruption, so in those past months you may have seen some exciting developments in matters of the heart. If not, more chances will come during the first half of this year. Be willing to be part of this trend by being open to meeting and greeting others, and by expanding your list of "qualifiers" in your ideal mate, too. When Jupiter comes by to visit, he tends to bring a few surprises, so the person you may fall in love with now may be nothing like the ideal you had in your mind, but much better! You may have already met the love of your life and are dating that person now. In your case, you may have confessed your love and promised exclusivity for each other and may already be engaged or will become engaged or married soon. If you are feeling left out, here"s what may have been the problem. Jupiter moved into your house of love on June 26, 2013 and was in strong, powerful orbit until November 7, 2013, when Jupiter shut down for a rest, by going retrograde, a weakened state. If you feel that Jupiter has not been helpful to you in the love department, it is likely due to Jupiter"s recent weak orbit since November 7. The good news is that from March 6 to July 16, Jupiter will be moving in a sure, strong, direct pace—and that changes everything. Make a concerted effort to circulate socially during that time and you should be pleased with romantic developments. If you are seriously committed or married, you may now deepen your love. You may decide to have a baby, or to adopt a child. If you already have children, in this coming year, they will likely make you proud, for they will do well! March through most of July will be among the strongest, happiest months for matters related to love and children. If you have been disappointed by an inability to conceive, do careful research to find the right specialist, and book your appointment with that doctor soon. This year will also be a banner time for finding your artistic voice and finding an ideal setting for your talents. Your creativity will blossom in exciting ways during the first half of 2014, so make sure you work hard on perfecting your craft from March 6 to July 16, the time Jupiter in Cancer will work hardest for you. Emphasize your strengths, and identify the conditions you need to succeed. You will be offered many projects, but seek assignments that will allow you room to grow and that will lead you directly to where you hope to be, for you are starting a trend that will last many years. The new assignments you receive and complete in the first half of 2014 may or may not be the highest paying ones you"ve ever been given, but they will be some of the best to establish yourself in a new arena, and for creating a future. As you develop your new body of work, whether for yourself, or for a client, your finances will increase over time—have faith that this will happen. With eclipses in Aries and Libra, it is too soon to see your income rise substantially. Often in life, compensation lags behind a show of talent, but sooner or later, things do equalize. The series of eclipses in Aries and Libra that will continue to happen in 2014 and 2015 may put a drain on your finances. It may be that a close family member may depend on you for financial support, or that a venture will require more time and money than you anticipated. These are only two of many possible examples. A trip to a foreign country or to a distant city in your own country may come up for you once Mars enters Scorpio, from July 25 to September 14, 2014. During this period, your very best time to plan a fun vacation would be during the last week of July or in the first week of August. You may decide to travel for business instead of having a purely personal trip at this time, and if so, you"d still enjoy the trip and the new setting you find yourself exploring in the few hours you get of free time. Keep your eye on the end of 2014 for the most exciting uptick in career success that you"ve seen in over a decade! To put this extraordinary statement in context, you will find that during the first nine months of 2014, your creativity will be lauded and the right assignments will come to you that will allow you to shine. Once Mars tours Sagittarius for the first time in two years, from September 13 to October 26, 2014, you will see accelerated progress, and you will be viewed by VIPs in a new light. Your career will have grown to a special tipping point where you will be able to aim for the stars. During the phase from mid-September through most of October 2014, if you have played your cards right (and it seems you have) and you have put in a consistently superb performance, you will be considered for a very high status position, one larger than you"ve ever taken on before. Take career offers seriously in those autumn months, for you will be laying the groundwork for a very big professional future. Just as Mars leaves your professional sector, the new moon of November 22, 2014 will fall in the same high-status career house as Mars visited earlier. Take note of the conversations that come up and the emails you receive in the days that follow that new moon. Any seeds that you plant at the end of November or very early December will set the pace for the entire year to come. New moons are fiercely important, for they begin a new trends and open doors. They bring exceptional opportunity too. You need a new moon in your career house, and by George, you will get one, on November 22, 2014. All new moons are powerful in the two weeks that follow it, with the strongest energy beaming in the first days (and then gradually declines as you go further away from the new moon.) The universe is speaking very clearly here—earlier, in mid-September through most of October, you will have important talks about future career opportunities. In December, talks reach an important, serious stage. After the new moon of November 22 arrives, your workweek will become very busy with phone calls, meetings and so forth. That new moon appears in the same week as the US holiday, Thanksgiving (November 27) but nevertheless, you will see much career activity going on then. It will be vital that you stay close to home during that time so that you can take full advantage of career opportunities that surface then. Keep your computer with you at the end of November if you do travel, and keep your phone powered up too. Incredibly, there is more career news! Saturn is poised to enter this same sector of your chart–your tenth house of fame and honors–on December 23 for the first time since 1985 and will remain in this house until December 2017. Saturn will get you ready for an important leadership role, and one that comes with considerable responsibility and power. The decisions you make, and the endeavors you launch at year"s end will likely be in your life for at least the coming 14 years, and more likely forever. Being that the autumn will be very important for professional activity, polish up your resume and have it ready to show no later than early September. You will need to dress as though you"ve already won the big job, so get your wardrobe ready too. This will be an exciting time for you!
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