
What Is E

What Is E-Learning? By Meg Mitchell Moore http://www.darwinmag.com/learn/curve/column.html?ArticleID=100THE TERM E-LEARNING may be trendy, but the concept itself has been around for decades. E-learning is training that takes place through a network, usually over the Internet or a company intranet. It has its roots in the not-so-sexy world of computer-based training, whichappeared in the early "80s and used CD-ROMs to teach mostly technical skills to mostly technical people. Lately, e-learning has evolved into a tool widely used in both the corporate and academic worlds. With today"s e-learning, companies can train salespeople to use a new product, even if offices are in scattered locations. On the academic front, e-learning allows people to take online classes from universities in a variety of subjects. Such heavyweights as Stanford and Harvard now offer nondegree courses over the Web; others offer entire degree programs. How does e-learning work? E-learning fits into two categories: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous e-learning imitates a classroom, which means classes take place in real-time and connect instructors and students via streaming audio or video or through a chat room. Asynchronous e-learning lets a student access prepackaged training on his own time, working at his own pace and communicating with the instructor or other students through e-mail. Some vendors specializein e-learning packages that run over a company"s servers. Others use an application service provider model and handle everything from creating a training course to storing the information. What are the advantages of e-learning? Time and money. Consider how much your company spends in sending people to training—airfare, hotel bills, phone calls home. All those pricey meals on the company tab. E-learning eliminates costs by allowing a specialist in Sacramento to train an entire group in Singapore without leaving the office. It also offers more accessibility to the instructor and more flexibility for the student. What are the challenges?E-learning tends to isolate students physically, which can have negative effects on team building and sociability. Students with an aptitude for verbal expression may suffer in the virtual classroom. Those who feel shy about speaking up in a lecture hall may be more likely to ask their questions in this environment. Students who get frustrated with the technology may lose faith. Employees having to learn on their own time can add to the workload of an already overstressed population. Finally, the time and money you save with travel expenses may be spent just on getting the company"s e-learning program up and running. How complex are the technologies related to it?Though most e-learning packages require only a browser and an Internet connection, certain bells and whistles (like audio or video) require high bandwidth. Technology is only an enabler; you will need a continuum of technologies and methodologies to create the most effective program.

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