
本文選自6月14日《基督教箴言報》一篇題為 Singles Nation: Why So Many Americans are Unmarried《單身國度——為什麼美國人不結婚》的文章。文章圍繞越來越多美國人不結婚的社會現象展開討論,內容涉及婚姻,社會,種族等方面問題。選段出自文章結尾,作者深入叩問婚姻制度:人們為什麼要結婚?為什麼大多數美國人仍舊渴望婚姻?(第一段)引用學者觀點說明選擇婚姻的各種原因(第二至八段),末段總結婚姻雖勢不如前,還是很多人的優先選擇。本文話題屬於社會生活倫理類,介紹的雖是美國的情況,與當今中國廣泛討論的「剩女」現象十分相關,緊跟社會熱點,適合做閱讀材料。


I ①All of which raises the question: Why do people still get married at all? ②If being single is more common and widely accepted, and if it can be just as fulfilling as being married, why do the majority of Americans still yearn for matrimony?

II ①The answers,scholars say, range from the practical to the religious to the cultural.②As advocates such as Wright and DePaulo are quick to point out, married people enjoya slew of legal and logistical advantages, from Social Security benefits to inheritance rules.

III Indeed, a number of singles advocates have been trying to mitigate what they see as unfair practices toward unmarried adults– everything from housing discrimination (in many municipalities landlords can decide not to rent to singles) to attitudes by some employers that singles are more able to work late and take undesirable shifts than their married-with-children colleagues.

IV ①「The number of single people is growing and growing,」 says DePaulo. ②「It has been for decades. ③This should mean that single people have more ... power in our society ... ④[That』s] not happening at all. ⑤The marriage mafia is getting even stronger.」

V ①The growing acceptance of gay marriage, singles advocates say, has meant a joining of the political left and right in support of marriage and legal marriage protections.②Part of this, DePaulo believes, is because of increasing insecurity about marriage. ③And part of it, she says, is comfort in the easy 「marriage story.」

VI ①「It sounds so simple,」 she says. ②「You just find the one person, you get married, and your whole life path is figured out.」

VII ①But other scholars see deeper reasons for society』s continued reverence for matrimony. ②Marriage, numerous studies have found, increases health, longevity, quality of life, and wealth. ③Those people who describe themselves as being in 「good」 marriages are regularly found to be happier than the rest of the population. ④In the US, married couples, as a group, still provide the most durable family structure for children.

VIII ①Many people also believe in marriage as a religious necessity and gift. ②Even for the secular, marriage as an institution has long been seen as a hallmark of social stability – something woven into the very fabric of American society.

IX 「Marriage still remains a highly valued state,」 Cherlin says. 「It just doesn』t play as large a role in people』s lives as it used to.」

Singles Nation: Why So Many Americans are Unmarried by Stephanie Hanes


1.   *matrimony n.結婚,婚姻生活

2.     range from…to… 從…變化到…

3.     *a slew of 許多,大量(後接可數名詞)

4.     *logistical a.後勤的

5.     *mitigate v.減輕,緩解

6.     municipality n.(美國能自行選舉政府的)自治市

7.     shift v.替換,轉移n.轉換,轉變;(輪)班,(換)班

8.     *mafia n.黑手黨,勢力集團

9.     reverence n.尊敬

10.   longevity n.長壽

11.   durable a.持久的,耐久的

12.  *secular a.世俗的,非宗教的;the+adj.=一類人,例如the poor, the rich, the secular

13.  *hallmark n.標誌

14.   weave v.編(織) n.編織法,編織式樣

15.   fabric n.織物;織品;結構;構造;建築物



I ①All of which raises the question: Why do people still get married at all? ②If being single is more common and widely accepted, and if it can be just as fulfilling as being married, why do the majority of Americans still yearn for matrimony?


點評:段I提出問題:為什麼人們還是要結婚?①句承上啟下提出問題,which指代(原文)上文提到單身人數增加的現象,單身人士生存現狀,選擇單身的原因,人們對單身的看法,以及黑人單身情況等內容。②句進一步細述上句中的問題:既然單身現象既普遍又使人滿足,為什麼大多數美國人仍然渴望婚姻?將問題前提(單身的普遍性和作用)點出來,表達更強烈的困惑,並在美國人前加上限定詞the majority of,引發讀者更大興趣,想要了解問題的答案。

II ①The answers, scholars say, range from the practical to the religious to the cultural.②As advocates such as Wright and DePaulo are quick to point out, married people enjoy a slew of legal and logistical advantages, from Social Security benefits to inheritance rules.



III Indeed, a number of singles advocates have been trying to mitigate what they see as unfair practices toward unmarried adults– everything from housing discrimination (in many municipalities landlords can decide not to rent to singles) to attitudes by some employers that singles are more able to work late and take undesirable shifts than their married-with-children colleagues.



IV ①「The number of single people is growing and growing,」 says DePaulo. ②「It has been for decades. ③This should mean that single people have more ... power in our society ... ④[That』s] not happening at all. ⑤The marriage mafia is getting even stronger.」



V ①The growing acceptance of gay marriage, singles advocates say, has meant a joining of the political left and right in support of marriage and legal marriage protections.②Part of this, DePaulo believes, is because of increasing insecurity about marriage. ③And part of it, she says, is comfort in the easy 「marriage story.」



VI ①「It sounds so simple,」 she says. ②「You just find the one person, you get married, and your whole life path is figured out.」



VII ①But other scholars see deeper reasons for society』s continued reverence for matrimony. ②Marriage, numerous studies have found, increases health, longevity, quality of life, and wealth. ③Those people who describe themselves as being in 「good」 marriages are regularly found to be happier than the rest of the population. ④In the US, married couples, as a group, still provide the most durable family structure for children.



VIII ①Many people also believe in marriage as a religious necessity and gift. ②Even for the secular, marriage as an institution has long been seen as a hallmark of social stability – something woven into the very fabric of American society.



IX 「Marriage still remains a highly valued state,」 Cherlin says. 「It just doesn』t play as large a role in people』s lives as it used to.」



2017真題同源外刊賞讀第 152




TAG:科學 | 美國 | 結婚 | 單身 | 基督教 | 美國人 | 基督 |