

今天給大家講解一下GitHub上一個叫OpenAI Gym的強化學習環境的代碼示例。希望能夠幫助大家理解強化學習是如何用代碼實現的。





(關於什麼是SAPR可以參考強化學習(Reinforcement Learning)知識整理)




在cartpole.py的setp函數中,我們看到CartPole只有兩個Action = (0, 1)。

if Action == 0: 小車受到的力向左elif Action == 1: 小車受到的力向右



y = wx + bif y >= 0: Action = 0else: Action = 1

學過線代和機械學系的同學看了是不是很熟悉,就是Y = f(權重 * X + 截距)。這裡的X就是上面說的坐標。



if 倒立擺倒了: reward += 0else reward += 1






1. 設定初始值th_mean = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],th_std=1。2. 用式1生成25個長度為5的數組,前4個數為w,最後1個數字是b。 ths = [rnd, rnd, rnd, rnd, rnd] * th_std + [th_mean0, th_mean1, th_mean2, th_mean3, th_mean4](式1)3. 將25個ths分別帶入環境模擬器,計算在這個策略下的reward。(參考上面的SAPR)4. 挑選reward最高的5個樣本, th_mean = 5個樣本的平均值 th_std = 5個樣本的標準偏差5. 重複步驟2到步驟4十遍(即episode = 10)

這樣我們一般能夠在episode = 8的時候達到reward = 200。




env = gym.make("CartPole-v0")n_iter=10batch_size=25elite_frac = 0.2th_mean = np.zeros(env.observation_space.shape[0]+1)initial_std = 1.0n_elite = int(np.round(batch_size*elite_frac))th_std = np.ones_like(th_mean) * initial_stddef noisy_evaluation(theta): agent = BinaryActionLinearPolicy(theta) # 根據權重重新制定策略 rew, T = do_rollout(agent, env, num_steps) # 計算reward return rewfor x in range(n_iter): # 更新權重 ths = np.array([th_mean + dth for dth in th_std[None,:]*np.random.randn(batch_size, th_mean.size)]) ys = np.array([noisy_evaluation(th) for th in ths]) # 計算reward elite_inds = ys.argsort()[::-1][:n_elite] elite_ths = ths[elite_inds] # 把ths按reward排序 th_mean = elite_ths.mean(axis=0) th_std = elite_ths.std(axis=0)



# gym/examples/agents/cem.pyfrom __future__ import print_functionimport gymfrom gym import wrappers, loggerimport numpy as npfrom six.moves import cPickle as pickleimport json, sys, osfrom os import pathfrom _policies import BinaryActionLinearPolicy # Different file so it can be unpickledimport argparsedef cem(f, th_th_mean, batch_size, n_iter, elite_frac, initial_std=1.0): """ Generic implementation of the cross-entropy method for maximizing a black-box function f: a function mapping from vector -> scalar th_th_mean: initial th_mean over input distribution 初始[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] batch_size: number of samples of theta to evaluate per batch n_iter: number of batches elite_frac: each batch, select this fraction of the top-performing samples initial_std: initial standard deviation over parameter vectors """ n_elite = int(np.round(batch_size*elite_frac)) th_std = np.ones_like(th_th_mean) * initial_std for _ in range(n_iter): ths = np.array([th_th_mean + dth for dth in th_std[None,:]*np.random.randn(batch_size, th_th_mean.size)]) ys = np.array([f(th) for th in ths]) elite_inds = ys.argsort()[::-1][:n_elite] elite_ths = ths[elite_inds] th_th_mean = elite_ths.th_mean(axis=0) th_std = elite_ths.std(axis=0) yield {ys : ys, theta_th_mean : th_th_mean, y_th_mean : ys.th_mean()}def do_rollout(agent, env, num_steps, render=False): total_rew = 0 ob = env.reset() for t in range(num_steps): a = agent.act(ob) (ob, reward, done, _info) = env.step(a) total_rew += reward if render and t%3==0: env.render() if done: break return total_rew, t+1if __name__ == __main__: logger.set_level(logger.INFO) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(--display, action=store_true) parser.add_argument(target, nargs="?", default="CartPole-v0") args = parser.parse_args() env = gym.make( env.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) params = dict(n_iter=10, batch_size=25, elite_frac = 0.2) num_steps = 200 # You provide the directory to write to (can be an existing # directory, but cant contain previous monitor results. You can # also dump to a tempdir if youd like: tempfile.mkdtemp(). outdir = /tmp/cem-agent-results env = wrappers.Monitor(env, outdir, force=True) # Prepare snapshotting # ---------------------------------------- def writefile(fname, s): with open(path.join(outdir, fname), w) as fh: fh.write(s) info = {} info[params] = params info[argv] = sys.argv info[env_id] = # ------------------------------------------ def noisy_evaluation(theta): agent = BinaryActionLinearPolicy(theta) rew, T = do_rollout(agent, env, num_steps) return rew # Train the agent, and snapshot each stage for (i, iterdata) in enumerate(cem(noisy_evaluation, np.zeros(env.observation_space.shape[0]+1), **params)): # 還能夠這麼遞交參數 print(Iteration %2i. Episode th_mean reward: %7.3f%(i, iterdata[y_th_mean])) agent = BinaryActionLinearPolicy(iterdata[theta_th_mean]) if args.display: do_rollout(agent, env, 200, render=True) writefile(agent-%.4i.pkl%i, str(pickle.dumps(agent, -1))) # Write out the env at the end so we store the parameters of this # environment. writefile(info.json, json.dumps(info)) env.close()

# gym/gym/envs/classic_control/"""Classic cart-pole system implemented by Rich Sutton et al.Copied from - pole.c"""import mathimport gymfrom gym import spaces, loggerfrom gym.utils import seedingimport numpy as npclass CartPoleEnv(gym.Env): metadata = { render.modes: [human, rgb_array], video.frames_per_second : 50 } def __init__(self): self.gravity = 9.8 self.masscart = 1.0 self.masspole = 0.1 self.total_mass = (self.masspole + self.masscart) self.length = 0.5 # actually half the poles length self.polemass_length = (self.masspole * self.length) self.force_mag = 10.0 self.tau = 0.02 # seconds between state updates # Angle at which to fail the episode self.theta_threshold_radians = 12 * 2 * math.pi / 360 self.x_threshold = 2.4 # Angle limit set to 2 * theta_threshold_radians so failing observation is still within bounds high = np.array([ self.x_threshold * 2, np.finfo(np.float32).max, self.theta_threshold_radians * 2, np.finfo(np.float32).max]) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(2) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high) self.seed() self.viewer = None self.state = None self.steps_beyond_done = None def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def step(self, action): assert self.action_space.contains(action), "%r (%s) invalid"%(action, type(action)) state = self.state x, x_dot, theta, theta_dot = state force = self.force_mag if action==1 else -self.force_mag costheta = math.cos(theta) sintheta = math.sin(theta) temp = (force + self.polemass_length * theta_dot * theta_dot * sintheta) / self.total_mass thetaacc = (self.gravity * sintheta - costheta* temp) / (self.length * (4.0/3.0 - self.masspole * costheta * costheta / self.total_mass)) xacc = temp - self.polemass_length * thetaacc * costheta / self.total_mass x = x + self.tau * x_dot x_dot = x_dot + self.tau * xacc theta = theta + self.tau * theta_dot theta_dot = theta_dot + self.tau * thetaacc self.state = (x,x_dot,theta,theta_dot) done = x < -self.x_threshold or x > self.x_threshold or theta < -self.theta_threshold_radians or theta > self.theta_threshold_radians done = bool(done) if not done: reward = 1.0 elif self.steps_beyond_done is None: # Pole just fell! self.steps_beyond_done = 0 reward = 1.0 else: if self.steps_beyond_done == 0: logger.warn("You are calling step() even though this environment has already returned done = True. You should always call reset() once you receive done = True -- any further steps are undefined behavior.") self.steps_beyond_done += 1 reward = 0.0 return np.array(self.state), reward, done, {} def reset(self): self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.05, high=0.05, size=(4,)) self.steps_beyond_done = None return np.array(self.state) def render(self, mode=human): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.x_threshold*2 scale = screen_width/world_width carty = 100 # TOP OF CART polewidth = 10.0 polelen = scale * 1.0 cartwidth = 50.0 cartheight = 30.0 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) l,r,t,b = -cartwidth/2, cartwidth/2, cartheight/2, -cartheight/2 axleoffset =cartheight/4.0 cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) self.carttrans = rendering.Transform() cart.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(cart) l,r,t,b = -polewidth/2,polewidth/2,polelen-polewidth/2,-polewidth/2 pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) pole.set_color(.8,.6,.4) self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset)) pole.add_attr(self.poletrans) pole.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(pole) self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth/2) self.axle.add_attr(self.poletrans) self.axle.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.axle.set_color(.5,.5,.8) self.viewer.add_geom(self.axle) self.track = rendering.Line((0,carty), (screen_width,carty)) self.track.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) if self.state is None: return None x = self.state cartx = x[0]*scale+screen_width/2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty) self.poletrans.set_rotation(-x[2]) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode==rgb_array) def close(self): if self.viewer: self.viewer.close()

# gym/examples/agents/ Support code for cem.pyclass BinaryActionLinearPolicy(object): def __init__(self, theta): self.w = theta[:-1] self.b = theta[-1] def act(self, ob): y = + self.b a = int(y < 0) return aclass ContinuousActionLinearPolicy(object): def __init__(self, theta, n_in, n_out): assert len(theta) == (n_in + 1) * n_out self.W = theta[0 : n_in * n_out].reshape(n_in, n_out) self.b = theta[n_in * n_out : None].reshape(1, n_out) def act(self, ob): a = + self.b return a


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