
   Last month should have been a magical month for you, and this one will be equally wonderful. So many of the planets are gathering together like little happy relatives who want to see you do well. They will encourage you and help you meet highly influential people who will want you to get ahead. At times, opportunities and reward will come up so suddenly that you will have to stay on your toes to keep up!

Last month was a powerful new moon solar eclipse in your ninth house of foreign people and places, international relationships, immigration in terms of citizenship, visa, or green card; the media, including broadcasting, Internet, and publishing; and academia, including college studies and graduate school work. If you are about to defend your thesis anytime after September 5, your timing will be perfect. If you are a college professor you will be part of this glowing trend too. All these areas shine for you, along with legal matters, too. One of these matters listed may have come up for discussion and brought you progress shortly after the total eclipse of the Sun in Leo on August 21.

Most eclipses deliver their news at the time they appear (70 percent), but some do so one month to the day BEFORE the eclipses occur (10 percent). If that would have been the case for you, you might have heard news that falls into one of the categories I listed on July 21, plus or minus four days. Other times, an eclipse (20 percent) will deliver news one month to the day later, again plus or minus four days. In that case, if you heard nothing, then keep watch near that date this month on or near September 21.

Whether you heard news or not, you have another possibility of getting the message of last month』s total eclipse of the Sun in September. In astrology when Mars or Saturn orbits over the exact degree of the former eclipse (in this case, the one that appeared August 21), that』s mathematically significant. Saturn is too far away in space to touch the sensitive degrees of that previous solar eclipse anytime soon. On the other hand, Mars will be flying straight over 29 degrees Leo on September 3 and September 4 – watch those dates for news. If you already got news in August, you will get more details.

Mars will be doing something else earlier in the month than the two dates I just mentioned. Mars will receive an exciting beam from Uranus, the planet of all things unexpected on September 1 and 2.

On one of those dates, expect to hear something out of the blue regarding all the topics I listed above, from international relations, the courts, to the media or academia. The surprise you get may have something to do with travel, a foreign person』s praise for your work (and more opportunity to come), or a publishing / broadcasting project that you will be doing overseas.

Uranus is based in your fifth house, so your creativity will likely get many kudos and possibly a chance to earn more money while you work on a prestigious project. Perhaps best of all, you may also find love at a time you least expect Cupid to zing his arrow. If you are attached, you can lavish more attention on your one-and-only.


Now let』s turn to Mercury, the planet of intellect, facts, figures, judgment, and perception, which was retrograde last month, starting August 12. This could have caused a number of frustrating delays, particularly in regard to travel, and problems reaching accord with agreements and contracts. You may have had problems reaching key decision makers. If you did reach the person you needed, that person was not ready to give you the final answer you needed. If you work in production, at the last minute a guest or model dropped out. If you have been pulling your hair out with little things like this, you have plenty of sympathy from me.

Now Mercury will go direct on September 5 and life will gradually begin to return to normal. You were especially affected by Mercury』s antics, because Mercury is the natural ruler of your tenth house of professional career fame and honors. If you had a number of redo』s last month, you now know why. Everyone was in the same boat. If you lost your phone or dropped it in a bucket of water (as I did during a pedicure in late August), you felt the tricks Mercury can do with communication devices and situations.

It was not wise for you to buy a new electronic item, a car, or appliance during Mercury retrograde, so now you can go shopping for your favorite treasures. Still, I would like you to wait a space of days after Mercury』s turns direct on September 5. Mercury acts wild at the start and end of the retrograde and will be at his worst. I know this makes no sense, but if you looked at Mercury』s orbit you would understand. Go with me on this, because it』s true – I am trying to save you frustration and expense.

My favorite day for you to sign papers would be September 15. To go shopping for digital items or machines with moving parts, circle September 17 on your calendar, if you can wait that long.

The full moon in Pisces 14 degrees will temporarily take your attention away from career and international matters and instead focus you squarely on your home, and any problem you may be having (or will have) with water. By this I mean difficulties with water in all of its possible ramifications, including flooding, plumbing, tainted drinking water, and the like. This full moon in watery Pisces will fall in your house of home, but also covers other property you might rent or own.

The full moon is conjunct Neptune, and it seems that Neptune wants to enter your house or apartment – this will be a continuing situation. This problem will come up from time to time because Neptune is not about to leave this area of your chart anytime soon. Neptune first entered the Pisces constellation in April 2011 and will leave January 2026. It would be wise to get a rider on your homeowner』s or renter』s insurance to cover water damage.

If you buy a house or condo, inquire about hurricanes, floods, and tornados in the neighborhood, and find out if there were any other natural disasters, especially ones involving water – how much damage was done? Talking to old timers at the corner coffee shop who may give you all the information you need to reach a decision about whether to buy the real estate you have your eye on. Regarding the matter you will be thinking about at home, this is a full moon, so the situation would arise quickly but also be fixed fairly quickly, too.


The emphasis on distant nations and interaction with executives and creative people overseas will continue almost three weeks, thanks to the placement of Venus in Leo. Venus is spending time in this area, and because this is Venus, it shows how thrilled you are about all that is going on. Your sign is considered the international sign of travel, so you relish this emphasis on foreign people and places. With the Sun moving into your prestigious tenth house, I feel the work you do with foreign people is not for personal reasons, but is related directly to your career and mounting reputation.

Venus will be unusually active this month, so I would like you to note several days when Venus will be combining her energies with other key planets. Venus is the natural ruler of your sixth house of work projects, which will be front and center of your mind this month. Venus also rules your friendships, so this shows me that although you will have a big project on your plate, you will also have time for socializing with your best buddies. This will add a nice balance to the month.

Here are your most important days for you to circle on your calendar, when Venus will send you happy vibrations to use to your advantage. I will tell you how.

First, you may want to note Tuesday, September 12, when Venus and Saturn will be perfectly aligned. Venus is, as said, is moving through your international travel / work / college, study, and media ninth house. Saturn will be in Sagittarius, in trine to Venus, and suffice to say a trine is the most harmonious, divine aspect you could ever wish to have – luck may simply land in your lap. This day will bring an opportunity that will speak directly to your heart and to all that is important to you. Saturn will give longevity to a project you start or have recently finished, and to any new friendship you strike up now. When you want a venture or relationship to last, choose this day.

On Friday, September 15, you have a four-star dazzling day, for fun-loving Venus will align with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune. Jupiter is also your ruler, which means that this planet gives extra weight and importance to you. Jupiter is in your eleventh house of friendship and will shower Venus with golden vibrations. A friend or club you belong to may help you in an extraordinary way on this day. Also, it would be an ideal day for you to give a party or to attend one.

Sunday, September 17, will bring Venus and Uranus together – love will be in the air, with Cupid』s little cherubs working hard to bring unexpected romance to you. The magnetic vibrations of this day will spill over to Monday, September 18, too, so if you want to choose a day to meet someone you found on a dating site, meet in a pretty pastry shop on one of these days, and be careful – meet while it』s still daylight outside. I say that as a careful New Yorker, not as your astrologer. Uranus rules all things digital, the reason I feel this day would be great fun for a first time real life meeting with someone you met and was intrigued with on a dating site.

After these days, Venus will move into Virgo on September 19 and join a group of planets already celebrating in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. The direction of the month will change and shift toward your career, and that will happen in a very exciting way.

On the same day, September 19, the new moon will arrive in Virgo, 27 degrees, along with Venus, and join the Sun, Mercury, and Mars already there. This adds up to five heavenly bodies in your professional sector, which adds up to half our solar system. Wow.


It』s time to get the reward and industry acknowledgement of the fine work you have been doing, dear Sagittarius. Few things are as powerful as a new moon, and this one is extra special. You can have the best aspects, but without a new moon to package all the energy swirling about you, not much will happen. You need a new moon, and you have it September 19. This will be your only new moon of the year in your house of fame (that is usual), so it』s vitally important to use it to the fullest extent in the two weeks that follow it.

Make an application to enter an awards show, interview for a new job, or talk your boss into giving you a promotion. Whether you are self-employed, early in the month, start a publicity or advertising campaign about your recent victories. Self-employed Sagittarius may land a new client or land a very important victory with a client you already have in your stable. Saturn will be in hard angle to this new moon, so any new project will require a full-out effort from you, and the tiniest details will count. You』ve got this, dear Sagittarius. They don』t call you a winner for nothing.

More good news! Pluto in Capricorn is based in your second house of earned income. Pluto can be a big help to you but over the past months Pluto has been retrograde, since April 20. Pluto is due to go direct on September 28, and from then on, you will have an easier time making money and managing it. This month is your time to shine!

In love, Venus in Leo from the very start of the month until September 19 will boost your charm and magnetism. No matter if you are married, dating seriously, or single, that』s always happy news. If you want to travel, your best time to do so will be over the weekend of September 15 to September 17. The transiting moon will be in Leo, making this a peach of a romantic weekend.

As you see, using other words, the first two-and-a-half weeks of the month will be best for fun and love. After that, it will be critical that you pay attention to career opportunities that will come up that you will need to look into without distraction.



This may become your best month of 2017. As you begin September, you may be thinking about your favorite activity – travel. The eclipses last month on August 7 and August 21 were determined to expand your horizons intellectually. One of the ways you might choose to do that, aside from attending college for an advanced degree, would be to travel far and wide. Ancient astrologers always felt that international travel was one of the most powerful of all learning experiences. The early part of September will allow you time to go, and it would be a good idea for you to arrange a change of scene – later in the month you will likely be too busy to go, because your career is about to take flight in a very exciting way.

One exception to the rule will be over the weekend of September 15 to September 17, when a bevy of planetary activity crisscrossing your chart will make this a pampering, broadening time to go.

Meanwhile, a crowd of planets are heading to your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. The first planet to arrive will be active, assertive Mars on September 5. Mars is the brave soldier / general planet, capable of opening doors for you that have been previously locked. At least one VIP based in the highest echelons will be willing to meet with you and hear your proposals. It will be up to you to make the appointments, but if you do, your timing could not be better.

Mercury will be next to arrive in Virgo on September 9, and if applying for a new position or making a presentation for a new product or service, again your choice of date will be right on target. Mercury is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame, but recently Mercury, which is also the planet of news, communication, contracts, and deals, was retrograde from August 12. That backward orbit of Mercury rendered your professional progress slow in August. Mercury will go direct on September 5 and enter Virgo on September 9, just in time to join the other planets gathering in your prestigious career sector.

Venus is on the way to this party of planets in your prestigious honors and awards sector, moving in from deep space, and is due to arrive September 19. With Venus in your career sector, you will be popular with both bigwigs and subordinates alike. Everyone, it seems, will want you in their corner. At this point the stage will be set, and all that is needed is the arrival of the magnificent new moon, arm in arm with the Sun, and both in Virgo.

A new moon has the power to package all the energy twirling about you and to laser focus it, in this case, to get you the recognition you』ve long deserved. You will soon find yourself as the right person at the right time to get an award, special publicity, new position, or a promotion that will send your career into the stratosphere. That new moon arrives September 19.

The roadmap is clear – all the efforts you will be making to increase your power and influence will take root in the weeks that follow the new moon, September 19. Late month will be especially potent. This will be the most vital month of the year to see gratifying career progress. Start making your moves early in the month to show that you are interested in entertaining offers for a promotion or position in your company or in one of a competitor. Enter award shows, and if asked to be on a panel, accept.


If you are self-employed, launch a publicity or advertising campaign. It also would be an ideal time for a new product launch. You can bring in a lucrative new client now, and it is likely to be a prestigious one who believes in you and trusts your judgment. Saturn will be in hard angle to the new moon, suggesting the job or important client assignment on the table would be one that would require a focused, detailed, possibly even strenuous effort. If you step up and accept the challenge, the results that you create would become a jewel in your crown.

Your home will also be the subject of attention, too, but only briefly at the full moon earlier in the month, September 5/6 (depending on your time zone). You will need to prepare for impending water damage. Make sure your windows can keep out rain. Check drinking water and other water-related problems that could come up in your home. Pluto will be in fine angle to the full moon, so if you have to take down a wall, put one up, or fix or redo your basement, or change the plumbing, it』s the right time to do so. In a very different manifestation of this full moon, if you have had a family mystery, this full moon can bring facts to light that you will likely find enlightening, and perhaps comforting.

In terms of love, you will have the most carefree, fun time in the first part of the month, until September 19. Travel will increase closeness, and if you can be away over September 1-2, that would produce outstanding, spontaneous fun. Mars and Uranus will be in sync, so you may not even know you』ll be packing your bags, but when the call comes, off you will go!

Another gold-star day that will stand out will be Saturday, September 15. Venus in fire-sign Leo will signal Jupiter in Libra in your eleventh house of friends and events. If you are invited to a party, you must accept! Or, arrange a big dinner with friends over this weekend.

Finally, one more piece of good news: Pluto is the financial planet that has been slowly moving through your second house of earned income. Pluto has been in weak retrograde state since April 20, but on September 28 will go direct. After that day, your outlook for increasing your income will be excellent. Be optimistic!

Watch the days that tightly surround the turn of Pluto to direct speed, September 28. Often when a big planet like Pluto (or any planet for that matter) turns direct, it leaves breadcrumbs to help direct you to where you will find victory – watch email and phone calls. You may get a substantial clue of better days to come.


If you DID hear exciting professional last month, September 21 will bring other positive news, this time related to this month』s new moon. I still implore you, no matter what your circumstances, dear Scorpio, you need to pay attention to events in your life and on the world stage, on September 3-4. I also maintain that the August 21 eclipse will be fantastic for you. If you lost your job, later you will say they did you a favor. Let them keep that old job – you are on a fast track to success in a much bigger arena.

Now let』s turn to what is going on for you in September. Mars, your ruler and planet of high-octane energy, is now in Leo and will continue to light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement until September 4.

Remarkably, on September 1 and 2, Mars will receive positive, sparkling beams from Uranus, suggesting that quite out of the blue a new work assignment will show up, and it will be one that will thrill you. You may be able to get in touch with an important person you never thought you would be granted an appointment to see. Or, work you did in the past on an assignment might net you an award or special praise from a person who matters to you. If you are self-employed, a prestigious new client may now walk through the door.

Venus will remain in your tenth house of fame and honors, a place that Venus first entered last month, to stay until September 19. This means that VIPs and subordinates alike will adore working with you. Your popularity and reputation at work, with customers or clients, and possibly with the world at large, will be sensational. There are several days I would like to point out for you to use for your most important career initiatives.

The first is Tuesday, September 12, when Venus and Saturn will be in sync. This would be an effective day to negotiate a financial deal. Saturn will see to it that you not only do well, but that the agreement would build long-term financial security for you and be in place for a long time.

The second date will be Friday, September 15, one of my very favorite days for you, for Venus, still in Leo and your house of fame and honors, will receive shimmering beams from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, showering you with career luck. What a powerful, lucky day for you! Use this day for any important matter that you feel requires you gain a competitive edge. This day rates four stars.

Two days later, on Sunday, September 17, Uranus will make a decisive beam to Venus, and even though this is a weekend, you are likely to hear news out of the blue about your career and how well you are doing. (The aura of this day will be strong, so you may feel it on Monday, September 18 instead.) Uranus strikes like lightning, always unpredictably. You won』t see this day coming, nor could imagine what you will hear, but I can say you will like the news very much! It seems a new assignment or new client will come in, and the project you will do will have the power to set you head and shoulders above the competition.


Let』s backtrack a bit to the full moon in Pisces 14 degrees, September 5 / September 6 (depending on your time zone) in your fifth house of true love. This house also rules matters of pregnancy, birth, care for children, fun, leisure, and your own creativity. This full moon comes just after the American holiday of Labor Day, when many families go on the road to celebrate the last days of summer. If you live in the US, you may be able to duck out for a fun time with your one-and-only and your children. This is a carefree new moon. No matter where you live, if you are single, you have superb aspects and may meet someone new. It should be a highly romantic full moon period for you, too. (Allow a plus or minus of three days from September 5/6.)

This same full moon may bring joyous news of a pregnancy or birth of a baby (yours, or a baby of a member of your family, such as your sister or other close kin), making you feel very happy. This house also rules creativity, so you may be wrapping up an artistic or writing project, or you may be excited to learn that you finally got approval and funding for a creative idea that is dear to your heart.

I say this will be a romantic full moon because Neptune will conjunct the full moon, adding a dreamlike experience that will also have the power to provide a touch of glamour. If you go to a party September 5/6 plus or minus 4 days, this will be one of the most beautiful you』ve seen in a long time. Candlelight and flowers, delicious food and wine, with friendly guests, against a backdrop of magic and mystery would make this party special. With Pluto friendly, you may be traveling a short distance to get there. The people are likely to be self-made types, and with the Sun in Virgo, they might work in the media. One or two people you meet could become a good friend in the future, and could be quite supportive of you.

If you don』t get invited to a party over September 5/6, then plan a dinner out with your sweetheart or partner, to a restaurant you』ve always wanted to try. Make it an establishment that pampers guests with a soft, warm environment. Saturn will be in a challenging position, however, so the cost of socializing for any activity at this full moon may give you pause, but I say, do it anyway. An evening this enchanting doesn』t come that often. Treat yourself – you have had so much emphasis on your career that you need time for your private life, too.

If your birthday falls on November 6, plus or minus five days, you will feel this full moon the most. The same is true if you have Scorpio rising or the moon in Scorpio, 14 degrees. You will also do well with this full moon if you have a natal planet at 14 degrees Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, and in all cases, 14 degrees should be given a tolerance of plus or minus five degrees.

I will digress for a moment and address your financial outlook. For nearly three years, you have been dealing with Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in your solar second house of earned income. Although you by anyone』s standards, you have been paid well, but if you look at the hours you worked and the achievements you made, you would have to conclude you were underpaid.

Saturn was teaching you to value money and urged you to save. Even though you were likely to put away quite a bit of money, you still likely felt that you needed to make more money because you were unhappy with the money you were left with at the end of the day. Now all that will change for the better when Saturn leaves your second house of earned income in four months, on December 20. From then on, you will be released from Saturn』s limiting conditions, and you will find it so much easier to make the kind of money you deserve.


Also, on September 5, Mercury will go direct, having been retrograde since August 12. You felt the slowdown earlier, the minute August began, so the Mercury retrograde period that put you in a kind of limbo may have seemed endless. Mercury has been retrograding partly in your friendship house – that was fun, because you likely ran into old friends. However, as Mercury continued to retrograde, it occupied your career and honors house part of the time, which was no fun at all, because your career life became a bit chaotic, with indecisive managers and clients, and it was hard to make progress. Whenever Mercury is retrograde in the business world, people make bad decisions because Mercury is basically an intellectual planet that deals in facts and figures. When retrograde, Mercury』s powers are reduced. People become distracted, confused, and forgetful, and often go off track in saying what they need.

Now Mercury will speed direct on September 5 and each day will grow stronger for your career successes. Don』t sign a contract too close to September 5 – allow a space of days. I prefer you sign on September 9 when the Sun and Pluto will be beautifully angled. Pluto in Capricorn, based in your third house, suggests you would make good money from the contractual deal. Pluto is one of Scorpio』s two ruling planets, with Mars being the other.

The feeling of the month will change dramatically once you get to the new moon Virgo, 27 degrees on September 19. Life will become much more fun, and you will be dealing with many new and friendly faces around you. That new moon will appear in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, friends, acquaintances, and groups of people.

By groups, I am referring to anytime many gather together for a single purpose, and that purpose can be varied. It can be to attend a club to learn about a topic of interest to all, to attend a trade show, or to gather together a tenant』s committee or neighborhood watch group. A group can gather to attend a spectator sports event with many in the stadium – that too comes under the eleventh house.

This house also rules the community of people you draw together, such as if you were a writer – your fans; a politician – your constituency; or if you are on TV – your viewers. This house also rules your work on charitable and humanitarian causes. Any of these areas, including your friendships and circle of acquaintances, will be your sweet spot this month. You will see this to be true in the two weeks AFTER the new moon of September 19 and in the two weeks that follow.

The seeds you plant after any new moon arrives (within ten days AFTER it appears) will have the power to change your life for the better for a full year, until the next new moon in Virgo has time to return to refresh this moon』s energy. (The next time you will have a new moon in this same eleventh house next year it will be September 9, 2018.)

The Sun rules your career (for Scorpio), and with the Sun now touring your solar eleventh house of friendships and casual contacts, your career progress will become easier to advance, and you will become less pressured from higher ups to succeed – the process will become more natural and organic. It won』t be what you KNOW that will be most important, but WHOM you know – your database of contacts will be worth their weight in gold.

If you have a birthday that falls on November 18 plus or minus four days, you will benefit the most from this highly social new moon. The same is true if you have Scorpio rising 27 degrees, or the natal moon in Scorpio at the same degree. Or, you will also benefit if you have a natal planet in Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn at 27 degrees, and in all cases, plus or minus five degrees.

You must think I am positively giddy discussing your chart, and I am! There is one MORE aspect I am excited to tell you about – Pluto will turn direct on September 28. Pluto is your ruling planet, and when your ruler is languishing in retrograde motion, you find it hard to make any kind of appreciable progress. Pluto has been retrograde since April 20, but will now speed ahead. Wow!

I have saved the best news for last. Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, will enter Scorpio on October 10 next month. Jupiter will stay in Scorpio a whopping thirteen months, until November 8, 2018.

Next month, and through most of 2018, you will be the cosmic favorite, and you will wear the crown. You』ve not had this privilege since October 2005 to November 2006, more than twelve years ago. With Jupiter in Scorpio, you will meet many dignified people in all walks of life, from publishers to ambassadors, to leaders of various governments, to men and women of business and industry. At the same time, you may have the opportunity to travel overseas, and will enjoy improved health. If you are single, you will have the best chance ever to meet your one true love.

Life can』t always be this sweet – we only get 8 of these years in a lifetime if we live to 96 – so while you have your emerald year coming, you need to make the most of it! Next month I will show you how.



Summer may be over, and with it, happy times with friends out of doors, but you may be saying, 「Not so fast.」 You can continue the carefree fun, for the universe will help you do it. September can be a beautiful month, with good weather, good friends, fun, and great food. Soon planets will be on the move, setting up shop in your eleventh house and enlarging the number of new people you will meet, and the friends and acquaintances you will make. The planets will also help you get closer to finally grasping a wish dear to your heart. You ALSO have a career that is blazing with light, so you are very lucky indeed. Let』s look closer.

As you begin September, your popularity with higher ups will be very high. It won』t take long to hear good news about how well regarded you are in your industry – September 1 and September 2 bring Mars in sync with surprising Uranus, so you may get great publicity or get praise from a VIP about your recent work. After that, on September 15, Venus will receive shimmering vibrations from Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, and you may see an increase in salary or your fees.

The eclipse of last month, August 21, could have brought you news of a promotion, a job offer, praise, or a plum assignment that will prove your worth. As you begin September, you will be dealing with changes in your job. If you did not hear any news in August, you still might, as Mars will move over the precise degrees of last month』s solar eclipse on September 3 and 4.

Also, eclipses occasionally deliver news one month later, in this case, September 21 plus or minus four days, so keep your antenna up. Venus will be glowing in your tenth house of profession from the start of September to September 19, a good time to schedule interviews and presentations and to petition help from higher ups. With Venus shining on you, you will make a superb impression.

You will be on a roll, for by September 17, again Uranus will boost your reputation and bring you generous reward, too. That day will occur over a weekend, but you may also feel the vibrations on Monday, September 18.

If you work in a creative job, your creativity will reach new heights in the days surrounding September 6. All things considered, the start of September, after Mercury, planet of communication and agreements, goes direct September 5, will allow you to progress at a rapid rate.

By September 19, you will have the new moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, all in Virgo, working to light this important area of your solar chart. Invitations will flow in, and you』ll find you are heading into your most social time of the year. Scorpio likes being alone a lot, but now you will see that friends and new contacts will be fun to mix with, and they will also help you boost your career reputation. If you have considered joining a club, whether the group is social or professional, send your application now.


Consider joining a club that requires an application and a sponsor, or attending a seminar or trade show. In the months to come, you would benefit greatly from your involvement with others who have similar interests. This month, you may be concerned about the cost of socializing and traveling to attend industry events due to Saturn』s position in hard angle to the new moon, but it appears that being out and about will be worth any cost you incur. Be open to new people, for among those you meet may be someone you』d like to know better and who may become a good friend.

The September 19 new moon is in Virgo and is the sign of service, so you may be moved to relieve suffering in a group that society has marginalized. You may feel passionate about helping that group, possibly by heading a committee or becoming spokesperson for the charity. Or, you may help in a small way, by participating in an activity of the club, such as a 5K run for the cure. Or you may join the neighborhood committee to improve conditions or join an effort to help a political candidate get elected. Getting involved will be fun for you socially, and you will be learning new skills that you can later transfer to your day job.

When it comes to romance, your finest, most thrilling days will happen in the first week, especially at the full moon, September5/6 – allow a plus or minus four days of influence to that day. Married or single, this new moon has your name written all over it for breathtaking romance. In fact, this will be one of the MOST romantic dates of the year for you, dear Scorpio.

If single, you may meet someone new, and if so, it will be someone who may stay in your life a long time – possibly forever. A friend seems to play a role in arranging this meeting, so if your friend wants to play matchmaker, agree to that idea. If you are attached, with all your career success happening, it will be an ideal time to spend with your partner, and to have your children with you. Neptune will conjoin the full moon, bringing a soft, veiled quality that will bathe your experience in a dream-like glow, almost like an episode fit for the silver screen. Pluto, your ruler, will be aligned perfectly with the full moon as well, suggesting you may be taking a short trip at this time.

If you are dating, the relationship may now proceed to the next level of closeness. If you are married, you may spend more quality time together – possibly on a trip – and rediscover the qualities that led you to you fall in love with your partner in the first place. Matters having to do with conception, pregnancy, birth, or having fun with children, whether the children be yours or those of others, will bring you joy in your off hours.

Pluto, your ruling planet, has been retrograde since April 20 and will go full speed ahead on September 28. Watch the days that surround this date for good news of something important to you that will finally move forward in a big way.

Are you excited yet, dear Scorpio? I am excited for you! It』s a delicious month, filled with all kinds of successes, and I am sure you can』t wait to see what the universe has in store for you!




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