
Only introduced to the world a couple of days ago, we now know her name, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, officially to be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Outside her home at Kensington Palace surrounded by the world"s media well wishes give their reaction.-It"a beautiful name. Wonderful!幾天前剛剛降臨人世的皇室小公主,我們現在終於知道她的名字了:夏洛特·伊麗莎白·黛安娜,正式稱謂將是劍橋公主夏洛特殿下。聚集在肯辛頓宮外的世界各國媒體給出了反應——非常好聽的名字,非常棒!-We"re visiting from overseas. We are excited to be here for that. It"s amazing.我們來自海外。很激動能夠在這裡聽到小公主的名字。非常棒。-Yeah, yeah, really happy for that.是的,是的,非常開心。-It"s fantastic, isn"t it?非常好,不是嗎?-Lovely name, really pretty name. Princess Diana"s name.非常可愛,非常好聽的名字。包含了黛安娜王妃的名字。-I guess it"s a note to great grandmother and grandmother, isn"t it? A really nice fancy.我認為這個名字提醒她紀念祖母和曾祖母,是嗎?非常好的名字。It"s now not surprising that Prince Charles looked so pleased after seeing his new granddaughter. Of course, Charlotte a feminine form of her grandfather"s name. Elizabeth comes in honor of William"s grandmother, the Queen, and also his great grandmother, the Queen Mother. Elizabeth is also a middle name shared by Kate and her mother Carole. And then there is Diana, remembering William"s mother, who died when he was only fifteen. Kate may never have met her, but her daughter"s name will continue her memory.查爾斯王子看到新生的孫女後非常開心。當然,夏洛特也是她的祖父名字的女性版本。伊麗莎白是為了紀念威廉王子的祖母,伊麗莎白女王,以及他的曾祖母,也就是皇太后。伊麗莎白還是凱特王妃和她的母親卡羅爾的中間名。然後就是黛安娜,紀念威廉王子的母親,她去世時威廉王子只有15歲。凱特或許從未見過她,但是小公主的名字將延續她的記憶。-Diana is a wonderful choice, because it echoes Prince William"s mother, and the Duchess of Cambridge has been wearing the very same engagement ring that Diana Princess Wales wore. The public will love it and the royal family will know that this is a continuation of the story and history of that family, and that keeps Diana very much a part of Princess Charlotte"s life.黛安娜是一個完美的選擇,因為它回顧了威廉王子的母親,而劍橋公爵夫人的訂婚戒指就是黛安娜王妃佩戴過的。公眾會喜歡這個名字,皇室知道這是皇室家庭歷史的延續,使黛安娜成為夏洛特小公主生活的一部分。-The Duke and Duchess made the announcement about their daughter"s name well here at Kensington Palace, possibly trying to steer away that media attention before they move to their private family home in Norfolk.劍橋公爵和公爵夫人在肯辛頓宮宣布了女兒的名字,或許是在他們搬去諾福克的私人住宅之前轉移媒體的注意力。Hidden away among the trees on the Sandringham Estate is Anmer Hall, where William and Kate hope their family can escape away from the cameras. In the village, Tracy Koding and her son, Joshua, are among the locals ready to welcome the little princess.掩映在桑德林漢姆莊園綠樹叢中的是安墨堡,威廉王子和凱特王妃希望在這裡可以躲避媒體的鏡頭。在村莊中,Tracy Koding和她的兒子跟當地人一起準備迎接小公主的到來。-It"s really exciting. It"s nice to... Well, it"s just nice, isn"t it? Because when William was little, I was kind of grew up, seeing him and his brother grow up, so seeing him have his own little family is really nice.非常激動。非常好。威廉王子小的時候,我也正在長大,看到他和他的弟弟長大,親眼目睹他自己的小家是非常幸運的事情。In central London, the new baby was officially welcome to the royal family, with a gun-salute in Hyde Park, echoed the Tower of London, the custom carried out for any prince or princess. As the world absorbs the news, this quiet little girl will now be known as Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.在倫敦中部,皇室家庭正式歡迎了小公主的降臨,海德公園和倫敦塔響禮炮慶祝,這是為所有王子和公主的誕生而設立的規矩。全世界都收到消息,這位安靜的小公主名叫夏洛特·伊麗莎白·黛安娜。Vianna Mills, Sky News, at Kensington Palace.天空新聞,Vianna Mills在肯辛頓宮報道。


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