2012年ASLA獎專業榮譽獎/Sunnylands中心和花園/加利福尼亞州Rancho Mirage

本文轉載於菲爾設計「這是所有的植物,他們是蔚為壯觀,添加紋理和色彩的沙漠和草坪。這顯示了一個真正的植物知識。的感覺是鬱鬱蔥蔥的顏色是美妙的。「 -2012專業獎評審委員會管理:Litwak集團設計與施工隊建築師弗雷德里克費舍爾+合作夥伴具體承辦T.B. Penick父子工程總承包MATT建設總公司圖形帝國+中油

The Sunnylands Center and Gardens is an interpretive center that celebrates the cultural legacy of the historic estate through a new 15 acre desert botanical garden. The landscape architect created a living landscape that respects the character of the Sonoran Desert and demonstrates a new ecological aesthetic for landscapes in the arid southwest.該Sunnylands中心和花園是一個解釋性中心,通過一個新的15英畝沙漠植物園,慶祝文化遺產的歷史遺產。景觀設計師,生活造就了字元的索諾蘭沙漠景觀,尊重演示了一個新的生態美學在西南旱區景觀。

Sunnylands Center & Gardens in Rancho Mirage, California is an extension of the 200-acre desert retreat of Walter and Leonore Annenberg. The Annenbergs commissioned the California modernist architect A. Quincy Jones to design their estate in the desert in 1963. In 2006, the Annenberg Foundation commissioned the landscape architect to develop a garden for the interpretive center.加州Rancho Mirage的Sunnylands中心和花園,是一個擴展的200英畝的沙漠撤退沃爾特和列奧諾拉安嫩伯格。 Annenbergs委託加州現代主義建築師A.昆西·瓊斯於1963年在沙漠中設計他們的財產。 2006年,安嫩伯格基金會委託發展的解說中心花園的景觀設計師。

Because of its location in the desert, sustainability figured prominently into discussions about the nature of the project. Originally conceived as an extension of the landscape of the Estate, the design team and the client agreed that the Center and Gardens would reflect the next Century implement the most advanced efforts in sustainability.由於它的位置在沙漠中佔有突出地位,可持續發展項目的性質進行討論。最初設想作為一個擴展的景觀地產,設計團隊和客戶同意,該中心和花園將反映在下一世紀,實施最先進的在可持續發展方面的努力。

In addition to the selection of regionally-appropriate plants, the project features restored desert habitat, high-efficiency capillary irrigation system, soil moisture monitoring, 100 percent on-site storm water retention, geothermal wells, a significant photovoltaic array and an on-site green waste recycling program. The project has received LEED Gold Certification and uses approximately 20 percent of its water allocation from the Coachella Valley Water District. The project also proactively meets the specifications and requirements for the use of reclaimed water five years ahead of the implementation of Rancho Mirage』s citywide initiative.Working closely with owner, the landscape architect developed a scheme that begins as an orderly, geometric composition adjacent to the Center and becomes progressively more free flowing as it moves to the desert meadows. The landscape architect sculpted the earth and used plants in a painterly fashion across the 15 acre site. Trees were carefully positioned throughout the site to ensure that ample shade was provided and great care was given to the visual composition of understory plantings. Plantings were designed 「in mass」 much like one experiences a large nursery. Therefore, dozens of aloe, agave and barrel cactus were used to great large sweeps of color and texture.除了選擇適當的區域植物,項目功能的恢復沙漠棲息地,高效率的毛細管灌溉系統,土壤墒情監測,現場雨水保留100%,地熱井,一個顯著的光伏陣列和現場綠色廢物回收計劃。該項目已獲得LEED金級認證,並使用其約20%的水資源分配的Coachella谷水區。該項目還主動滿足未來五年的實施Rancho Mirage的全市範圍內的主動使用再生水的規格和要求。與業主密切合作,制定了一個計劃,開始有序,毗鄰該中心的幾何構圖變得越來越自由流動的,因為它移動到沙漠草地的景觀設計師。景觀設計師雕刻的地球和使用的植物中的一種繪畫的方式在15英畝的土地。樹木進行了仔細整個網站的定位,以確保足夠的遮蔭提供了非常謹慎的視覺組成的林下種植。種植面積設計的「質量」很像經歷了一個大的幼兒園。因此,蘆薈,龍舌蘭以及桶仙人掌的幾十個偉大的大掃蕩,顏色和紋理。

A generous entry drive meanders through a series of rich, undulating desert plantings before delivering visitors to a formal entry court anchored by specimen Sweet Acacia. After dropping of their passengers, guests park their vehicles in a carefully landscaped parking court created by a grove of Hybrid Mesquite trees.In collaboration with the architect, the building was carefully sited to frame panoramic views of the mountains beyond from the Center』s main entry and lobby. Guests explore a variety of interactive exhibits including those that address the design and construction of the gardens developed as a collaboration between the Client, the landscape architect, the horticulturist and the exhibit designer.通過一系列豐富的豐盛的輸入驅動蜿蜒,起伏的沙漠種植前提供遊客一個正式進入法院錨,樣品甜蜜的相思。輟學後,他們的乘客,客人車輛停泊在精心園景停車場,法院雜交種豆科灌木樹的小樹林。與建築師合作進行了仔細的選址,建設幀的全景,遠處的山脈中心的主入口和大堂。客人探索各種互動展品,包括那些解決的花園開發作為客戶端之間的合作,景觀設計師,園藝家和展覽設計師的設計和施工。

A continuous terrace across the west side of the building extends the Center』s café to the landscape and accommodates special events. Twin stainless steel fountains within the terraces complements the crisp architectural composition, mirror the expansive desert sky, lower the ambient temperature and create the soothing sound of moving water.一個連續的階地西側的建築的景觀和擴展該中心的咖啡廳,可滿足特殊事件。雙不鏽鋼噴泉內的梯田補充清脆的建築組成,反映了廣闊的沙漠天空下,環境溫度越低,水的流動舒緩的聲音。

Sized specifically to support special events required for programming, a circular lawn is the central organizing feature of the rear garden. Framed by a double row of 『Desert Museum』 Palo Verdes, its perimeter walk connects guests to a series of private gardens that feature quite seating nooks, rich desert plantings and a labyrinth for contemplation. Paths from the rear garden lead visitors through a rich and varied botanical collection of desert plants that passes through the front garden, along the perimeter of the restored habitat and back to the Center.The landscape architect』s responsibilities included leading a one-year procurement process to select approximately 53,000 plants for the site. The team established exacting standards for contract grown material. The Foundation also implemented time-lapse cameras on the site to document the extensive efforts required to realize the landscape, which will be incorporated in the educational exhibits inside the Center.Developed in close collaboration with the design team the landscape architect created a garden that celebrates the legacy of the Annenbergs while remaining sensitive to the delicate balance of life in the Sonoran desert. By creating an alternative to the traditional Palm Springs landscape that relies on heavy water use, chemical fertilizers and exotic plants, the landscape architect has created a garden that challenges the status quo and raises awareness of ecological issues in this imperiled ecosystem.大小,專門用於支持編程所需的特殊事件,是一個圓形草坪中央組織特徵的後花園。由一個雙行的「沙漠博物館」帕羅奧爾德框架,其周邊的步行路程客人,具有相當座位的角落,豐富的沙漠種植和迷宮沉思了一系列的私人花園。路徑的後花園,帶領參觀者通過豐富多樣的植物收集的沙漠植物,通過前面的花園,沿周邊恢復的棲息地,回到中心。景觀設計師的職責包括領導一個為期一年的採購過程中選擇的網站約53,000植物。該小組建立了嚴格的標準,合同種植材料。該基金會還實施時間推移相機在網站上記錄了廣泛的努力實現的景觀,這將被納入教育中心內的展品。開發與設計團隊密切合作,園林景觀設計師創造了一個慶祝的遺留下來的Annenbergs的同時保持敏感的索諾蘭沙漠中生活的微妙平衡。通過創建一個替代重水使用,化肥和異國情調的植物,它依賴於傳統的棕櫚泉景觀,景觀設計師創造了一個花園,挑戰現狀,並提出了對生態問題的認識,在這個岌岌可危的生態系統。

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