
.......(周運)克麗斯汀 每周占星運勢5.16



你的主掌星——行動者火星在本周開始與掌管靈魂的冥王星呈強勢三合相位。三合相位是一個舒適的角度,也是一種支持,它使得火星能意識到來自靈魂的無意識需求,並且使這些慾望在生活中實現。對於白羊座來說,最近幾個月尤其需要耐心,你們堅定的追求現在將逐步實現。然而金星目前停滯並於5月17日周四在雙子座逆行直到六月底,這意味著你要回顧並校正關於自己如何前進發展的想法。不要把這個當做是耽擱,僅當它當做是一個改善自己、力求完美和出色完成任務的機會。 5月20日的雙子座新月將會帶來靈感閃現的談話,註定讓你的想法閃耀光彩!












如同雙子座日食一般,這次你的意志是很強大的,標誌是一些新準則的實踐通過。 在周日,也就是5月20號,能量在你的改革宮聚集。這場競技也會在那些有關電子產品的建議中運作,很多意想不到的消息會像火箭升空一樣迅速出台。你的想法本身可能會過頭,可是它告訴你這是必須的,在確保你清醒的意識全是在為你自己運作,記得注入高度的期望和高聳的激情。有一個看似重口味的想法如果被保住就會蔓延到全局的決定。金星,那個代表愛的行星依然在天上若隱若現,並且從5月17號逆行在相同的宮位裡面。它會給你一個珍貴的機會去重新認識你舊時的關係,去收穫更多客觀的鏡頭去脫離舊我。你可以從對宮水瓶的特質中學習到重新管理自我情緒的去觀察生活,這也是你能夠以新方式回到自己世界的入口 ,帶著你健康的體魄和才智奔向那邊吧。


處女座——譯者: Lizz愛晨曦





















(March 21 - April 19)

Action Mars, your ruler, kicks off this forecast week still in a strong trine to Pluto, the planet of the Soul. A trine is an angle of ease and one of support allowing Mars to take those unconscious desires of the Soul and make them real in the world. Enormous patience has been necessary over recent months for you Aries and your steadfast pursuits can begin to materialize now in steady form. Venus, however is stopped in the sky and shifting retrograde on Thursday, May 17 in the sign of Gemini until the end of June which simply means that you may be reviewing and revising one or more of your ideas surrounding how to move forward. Do not consider this to be a delay, but an opportunity for enhancement, refinement and a far better finished product.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse on Sunday, May 20, also in Gemini will bring fresh talks wrapped with new inspiration, destined to get your Soul humming again!


(April 20 - May 20)

You will be guided well if you stop long enough to take in the inner messages that your ruler Venus and Mercury are trying to communicate to you. Venus is station in the sky in Gemini and will move retrograde on Thursday, May 17. Mercury, the planet of communication and also the planet that rules Gemini is in your sign. This combination reflects an easier solution to an ongoing issue that has plagued you. These two planets will work together in a sense to carve new and better avenues for you to traverse. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini also increases options to earn and eases a certain financial strain, opening doors to better days. The bottom line this week Taurus and for several weeks to follow is that you are getting in closer touch with what you value and where to invest your precious resources, emotionally speaking and otherwise. Create whatever inner or outer space necessary so the next meaningful step can show itself.

It』s turning point time!


(May 21 - June 20)

You have been known to be one curious cat Gemini and as Venus, the planet of love moves retrograde in your sign this week, you will have a thing or two up your sleeve. This may manifest in exploring new and different forms of expression with your partner or on a very emotionally deep level it can be about clearing the clutter of the past that has kept you from moving on and forward. The next six weeks as Venus circles back you will find yourself wanting more from your partnerships. With your ruler Mercury in your house of culmination you are also working to heal the past and finish what needs to finally be final. This arena also governs your dreams which can open doors for envisioning more for yourself in this world, in intimacy and in your work. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on Sunday, May 20 is ripe for new chapters. Imagine writing a revised rule book and laying down a new foundation for how you engage and connect . Rule number one says full freedom of expression.

Cruise, explore and invite!


(June 21 - July 22)

With every passing day, it seems those rapids on life』s river become ever more unpredictable, forever requiring your strongest and your best. You may have been wondering if you would have the endurance to see it all through. One of the reasons everything feels to be so heightened right now is that your house of healing is high in focus. Whenever any Soul is trying to bring some kind of closure on the path it can feel like an astronomical weight and being smothered by your own emotions. This Sunday, May 20 a New Moon (your ruler) Eclipse in Gemini in your house of healing is going to open a new door and a new channel for you to release yourself from the hard hold. The days leading up to this may weigh you down but it is all part of a higher plan, a karmic closure, to bring something to a head and heal it for good. Whatever you exercise in terms of efforts along these lines will be rewarded in full. Even if you feel you are alone, the invisible world has your back.

Lean in and let go!


(July 23 - August 23)

The mind is a powerful force and ever more so this week as a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, the sign that rules thoughts, on Sunday, May 20 energizes your house of innovation. This arena also governs electricity suggesting that thoughts and ideas could rocket in out of seemingly nowhere with warp speed. Your thinking process itself could be on overdrive and with that said it is vital that you keep your mind clean and working for you, infusing it with high hope and peaking passion. One dirty thought if held onto could tank the whole deal. Venus, the planet of love is also stopped in the sky and moving retrograde on Thursday, May 17 in the same sector of the zodiac. This gives you a rare chance to change the way you have understood your relationship past, to gain a more objective lens and depart from old dynamics. You are learning from your Aquarian counterpart to observe life with emotions removed so you can re-enter this part of your world in a new way, stronger and wiser for it.

A true life lift!


(August 24 - September 22)

When the Soul becomes super charged with passion and emotion, the mind can be left by the wayside. There may seem to be no rhyme or reason why you are moving this way or that for pure emotion has a life of its own and there is nothing rational about it. Yet is essential that you trust this process, free the fear and follow the feeling wherever it is taking you. Your Soul is hot on the highway aching for release from your past, hungry for growth and a freer future. A boatload of your relationship past is up for review as Venus Stations in Gemini and moves retrograde Thursday, May 17. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on Sunday, May 20 also in Gemini conjoins the South Node, the symbol for your past and works diligently to clear unfinished business. You are well positioned now for a meaningful, life altering breakthrough, leaving the hard luggage in the dust.

Get out of the way of yourself Virgo and allow for a natural unfolding of your personal truth!


(September 23 - October 22)

Within the ongoing lessons of the past you may have also felt that life has forced your hand in ways, to compromise and to learn to live with a certain set of circumstances. Something happens when our ideals are reduced to a level that lacks luster. You are forced to find some semblance of comfort or security there, to make the very best of it and to find gratitude for all that is right in your world. Perhaps also you are learning to see the silver lining in a dark situation. Whatever it may be as I have discussed for months, you are earning some Soul stripes. Your ruler Venus is station in the sky and moves retrograde Thursday, May 17 until the end of June which will be giving you a second chance to go back in and pump yourself up. It means you do not have to settle and sink. Horizons will open up to allow for you to see more clearly all that has been deeply hidden. You are recovering more of your truest and highest self Libra. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in fellow air sign Gemini on Sunday, May 20 will shine a laser light beam on the road ahead.

Your future never looked so bright!


(October 23 - November 21)

A power play is in your pocket and ready to be accessed providing it is utilized for good. You came out of the womb empowered Scorpio, deeply charged, hard wired and equipped with a well of energy to influence others and direct life』s tides. Whenever this current becomes negatively charged it can take down everyone in its midst, including you. You may at times underestimate the full impact of your energetic presence yet now as Mars joins you in your efforts you are truly a force to be reckoned with and can be an instrument for positive change. The recent compulsive mental mind battle has gotten the better of you and sure is a tough nut to crack but the potent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on Sunday, May 20 in your house of the Soul offers you a mental breakthrough that releases you from a certain mind looping imprisoned past. Use the true grit of your power to blow beyond a mental barricade that has been holding you back from the freedom your Soul has been dying to know and feel.

Gates open, set yourself free!


(November 22 - December 21)

Life is hot and heated and keeping you high on those tippy toes as Mars squares your Sun and challenges every corner of joy within you. It takes a great deal to bring a Sag to the brink but this edge that you are feeling has breakthrough written on the other side. As Venus stations in Gemini and moves retrograde on Thursday, May 17 in your house of relationships you are also being led back down old roads to revisit the unfinished and the unresolved, prepare for some of your history to come rushing back. On Sunday, May 20 a New Moon Solar Eclipse also in Gemini conjuncts the South Node, the symbol for your past, to bring light and a fresh pair of eyes to the nature of your relationships and prior attractions. This eclipse may also energize either a new connection, one that feels ancient upon your initial meeting or alter a pre-existing relationship in a new and better way.

Trust the bumps and the hard turns. There is light and a way through ahead!


(December 22 - January 19)

When you have been holding long, clutching hard and hanging onto to something that you feel, simply speaking the words and letting them fly can free you like a bird. You have a tendency to repress and when this goes on for too long Cappy it can all get coiled up in you like a loaded spring. This Sunday, May 20 a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini will be conjunct the South Node, the symbol for your past, suggesting the healthiest thing in the world is for you to speak your peace and your truth, to get it all out leaving nothing behind, not even a few crumbs. If speaking directly will not work for whatever reason, get the pen out or type til your heart』s satisfied. It will free up some of those hard stuck places and get the good energy moving again. Self forgiveness, even if you thought you were through with those self punishing thoughts, would be immensely healing now. Take your troubling worries and concerns and send them straight up to the Gods.

Whoosh and they』re gone!


(January 20 - February 19)

When things in life go haywire and all that you have been building goes south, it can be tough to look on the bright side. Yet at times, all it can take is one piece of good news or a glimmer of sunshine and it can and will, if you help it, turn the energy around. A New Moon Solar Eclipse always invites an opening for rapid positive change, especially since the one this Sunday, May 20 is in fellow air sign Gemini. With this emotionally charged moon joined at the hip to the South Node, the symbol for your past, it suggests that something that you initiated, perhaps a creative endeavor or writing project may be brought back to life for you to re-explore and re-energize. Also with Venus in Gemini moving retrograde on Thursday, May 17, you are bound to recover some of your creative capacity that you feared had disappeared.

Pour your heart into what feeds you most!


(February 20 - March 20)

A big and bold emotional blast with a lift is coming as a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your house of home and the emotions this Sunday, May 20 grants you a feeling of clarity and renewed perspective. The South Node, the symbol for you past is intimately joined to the moon serving to help resolve old emotional hang ups and heartaches. Venus, the planet of love, moves retrograde Thursday, May 17 in this same sector of the chart bringing relationships of all kinds, everything from family to partnerships into keen focus. Needed chats and talks also help you gain better ground as you circle back and clear some old air. When there is understanding, there can finally be peace. When there is peace, an emotionally productive inner process can proceed.

Step into the good flow!



TAG:占星 | 運勢 |