Sun semisextile Venus(太陽與金星呈30度角)
You could find that your quest for love, affection, and pleasure is often at odds with your inner drives or personal development. Your pursuit and enjoyment of pleasure may often get in the way of what you think you should be doing. This can be the source of quite a bit of stress and/or guilt until you discover ways to fulfill both of these needs without doing so at the expense of the other. Your love nature, your needs for affection and the manner in which you go about getting it, and the way you spend money tend to contradict your general personality--the person that others meet on a day-to-day basis. Examples of this include an outgoing, even flamboyant, personality who is quite cautious and even shy when it comes to love; or the reverse: a humble personality who is dramatic and self-expressive in love or extravagant with money. This, of course, can confuse others, and yourself at times! You may often struggle with how you perceive your personal appearance, finding it hard to find yourself attractive in the here and now, when in fact there is unlikely to be an issue. Most any semisextile in the natal chart enhances a person's adaptability, as they are accustomed to adjusting to changing circumstances.你對愛情、關懷的渴求往往與你內心的驅動力、人格發展的方向不協調;你對快樂的追求、享受會按照你所認為的「必須如此」的方式進行。這很有可能成為你的壓力以及(或)負罪感的來源,除非你能發現一個能同時滿足以上兩方面需求、不用以犧牲一方為代價的方法。你對愛的渴求、獲取愛情的方式以及花錢方式都與你的總體性格相矛盾(和日常他人眼中的你似乎不是同一個人)。例如,一個性格開朗、浮誇的人在追求愛情的時候會表現出謹慎與害羞;相反的例子,一個看上去性格謙卑、保守的人在戀愛中會表現得喜劇化的誇張、很喜歡自我表現,或者在花錢的時候會十分的大手筆。以上這些矛盾,不僅時常讓他人、也讓你自己感到迷惑!你可能常常受困於你對自我形象的看法,例如你發現自己很難引起別人的注意,而事實並非如此。通常,命盤上30度的相位人往往會有更強的適應能力,因為他們很會根據變換的環境來調整自己。另一版本:Sun semi-sextile Venus(太陽與金星呈30度角)
Most likely if you move into a new house or apartment, pictures will be on the walls and flowers in vases on the tables very soon. You feel very uncomfortable in environments that lack at least a small degree of charm and beauty. -- Interpretation from Kepler.當你搬進一間新房子的時候,你會立即在牆壁上掛上畫、在花瓶中插好花。因為對於你來說,一個環境只要少了一點美感,你就會覺得非常不舒服。Sun semi-sextile Saturn(太陽與土星呈30度角)When you meet challengers and obstacles, you have the resourcefulness and discipline to bear down and focus on these challenges. Most likely you are not an ascetic, but you are willing to let go of comforts or habits when needed.當你遇到挑戰和障礙的時候,你會以耐力和責任感來承受,並集中精力來解決這些困難。雖然你不是一個苦行僧,但是在必要時,你會捨棄享受或壓抑自己的思想傾向。Mercury semi-sextile Venus(水星與金星呈30度角)Like many people, you appreciate and enjoy beautifully written and beautifully spoken words. An enchanting story captivates you and you are attracted to people whose speech is articulate or colorful.你喜歡華麗的文筆和絕佳的口才。一個寫得很精彩的故事會令你陶醉,表達能力強、口才佳的人也會將你吸引。
Mercury semi-sextile Saturn(水星和土星呈30度角)If you are interested in a subject, you are very good at analyzing the concepts and ideas in detail until you understand them thoroughly. You are then able to explain the material to others very effectively because you have analyzed the subject thoroughly. However, your capacity for clear and detailed analysis is onSun semi-sextile Neptune (太陽和海王星呈30度角)
Like most people, you have dreams and fantasies. Whether your dreams involve travel, success, meeting certain people, or other things, they are your personal dreams. Your life will be more fulfilling if you take practical steps, even if they are very small steps, to realize these dreams. The choice is yours.你有夢想和幻想。無論你的夢想是旅遊、遇見某個特定的人或者其他什麼,那些都只是你的個人夢想。如果你能腳踏實地去實現你的夢想,哪怕只是邁一小步,你的生活將會更充實。就看你怎麼做了。Sun semisextile Moon(太陽與月亮呈30度角)
You are more aware than most people of the need to make adjustments in life, and of the "stop and go" energy of life. You may find that you are frequently in the position to adjust your path and your beha你比一般人更強烈地感到需要對生活做出調整。在生活中處理事務時,也比一般人更強烈地感覺到 「停止」和「行動」的能量。你可能會為了迎合他人和生存環境而不斷地調整自己的行為路線。你常常會感覺到自己處於失利的境地,這是因為你總是不得不選擇一條與你內心需求相悖的道路。缺乏決斷力時你的弱點,除非你能立即尋找到滿足你的潛在需求與內心渴望的方式。
Sun semisextile Mercury(太陽與水星呈30度角)You may find that you are frequently in the position to adjust your path because you have more ideas than you can realistically implement; or because your logical reasoning skills are often at odds with what you are capable of doing. You frequently come to decisions that you end up abandoning because you can't, for whatever reason, act them out. Life for you is, more than most, a search for self-understanding. Misrepresenting yourself occurs frequently because you are often unsure how to define yourself. You are often unsure of your opinions, and the manner in which you deal with this can vary from reluctance to express opinions to overcompensating by being particularly opinionated so as to avoid letting others know of your uncertainty. With experience, you (ideally) learn to avoid wasteful over-thinking and the guilt that comes with it. Most any semisextile in the natal chart enhances a person's adaptability, as they are accustomed to adjusting to changing circumstances.你在做事或生活中常常調整自己的路線,因為你雖然有很多想法,但卻未必有實施它們的能力。你經常會因為各種不能實施你頭腦中的想法的原因而真的放棄實施它們。生活對於你來說,更像是一個尋求自我理解的過程。你時常會錯誤地呈現自己,因為你也不確定該如何定義自己。當你對自己的觀點不確定時,你可能會採取以下的處理方式:你可能會在表達自己的觀點時顯得很猶豫;也可能採取特別異常武斷的態度來表達觀點,目的是為了避免讓他人看穿你內心的不確定,這只是獲得心理補償的一種方式。隨著經驗的增長,你會慢慢學著盡量避免不必要的過度思慮以及隨之而產生的負罪感。另一版本:Sun semi-sextile Mercury:(太陽與水星呈30度角) You appreciate the ability of the human mind to develop clear and precise understanding of nature. You are a big supporter of improving educational standards and you may also promote improved methods and standards in the education of young children. -- Interpretation from Kepler.你認為人類必須具有正確、清晰的認識大自然的能力。你是「提高教育水平」這一舉措的忠實支持者。你也很有可能提倡改進青少年教育的方法、提高青少年教育的水平。Sun semisextile Mars(太陽和火星呈30度角)You are more aware than most people of the "stop and go" energy of life. You may find that you are frequently in the position to adjust your path because the actions you take tend to be at odds with what you intended to do, or think you should do. You may often find that you are in "no win" situations, wherein your instinctive reactions conflict with your common sense. Your challenge is to focus on on在處理生活中的事物時,你比一般人擁有更強的行動力。你在生活處事時會不斷做出調整,因為你發現你所做的與你所想的是相悖的。當你的本能反應與你所具有的常識產生衝突時,你會發現自己處於失利的境地。你的挑戰在於一次性確定自己的道路,不要不停地改變計劃。要做到這一點,你必須清楚地看清自己內心的真實可求,當然,這可能是比較費力的。比起一般人,你用有更大的彈性,這是因為你本能地知道該如何調整自己的行為。你不會像一般人那樣穩定與頑固。但是,一個人內心真正的滿足感並不來自於不停地適應與變化,而是來自於對你內心能渴望矛盾的理解以及找到能確實滿足它們的方法。
另一版本:Sun semisextile Mars(太陽和火星呈30度角):When you set your mind to do something, it will get done. You have the strength and sufficient energy and ambition to meet whatever obstacles you may encounter. Your strength may not be your most salient characteristic or be flamboyant, but you do have the energy and drive to effectively apply to things that are really imp你會定期性地遇到好的機遇與福利,它們會在你的人生路上助你一臂之力。這些「天上掉下的餡餅」可能不會太頻繁地出現,但是它們確實是很有幫助的。通常,你有能力辨別什麼是真正的機遇,什麼又是虛幻的陷阱
Mercury semi-sextile Pluto (水星與冥王星呈30度夾角)
Like most people, you enjoy becoming engrossed in a subject and developing expertise in areas that are interesting to you. Your inclination to be passionate about subjects that interest you helps you succeed on the path that you choose in life. (你喜歡投入到吸引你的事情上,並且對自己感興趣的領域精益求精,這有助於你在既定的人生之路上有所成就。)Sun semi-sextile Uranus (太陽與天王星呈30度角)
Like most people, you occasionally need a chance to let your hair down, and be less reserved than usual. When you allow yourself the opportunity, you can be very innovative and original, perhaps more than others, and even you, thought was possible.你偶爾需要放鬆一下自己,跟常人相比,你更少地約束自己。當你得到自己想要的機遇時,你比常人更會充分發揮主觀能動性與創造力。甚至對於你來說,腦中的任何一種想法都是有可能實現的。(譯者按:最後一句不確定是否正確。)Sun semi-sextile Pluto (太陽與冥王星呈30度角)Like many other people, you have a need to do something in life that is prompted by your deepest yearnings and intuition rather than take what is the expedient and safe path for you. A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue. These kinds of dilemmas are not unusual and there is no way to easily resolve them, but you must not ignore the voice deep within you that at times drives you to break normal routines and work beyond "normal" work hours or practice or pursue an area that you feel drawn to.你需要根據內心深處的渴望和直覺行事,不能貪圖簡單的、安全的行事道路。舉一個實例,你也許會遭遇這樣一個兩難的境地:究竟選擇穩定的、收入高的工作呢,還是去追尋一番你心目中渴望的事業。這樣的兩難境地是經常會碰到的,要解決它們絕非易事,但是,你千萬不能忽視你你內心深處真實的「聲音」:渴望打破常規路線、廢寢忘食地工作以及在吸引你的領域中不斷追求探索。
Moon semi-sextile Mercury(月亮與水星呈30度夾角)
Very likely you are blessed with some excellent friendships and family relationships. You enjoy close and meaningful communication with others. These traits are not unusual or extreme but do play a part in your life.你很可能受到來自朋友和家人的祝福。你與他人能有效地交流溝通。這些品質並非如何的不同尋常,但確實在你的生活中扮演了一個重要的角色。Moon semi-sextile Venus (月亮與金星呈30度角)Like many people, you have a sentimental side that you don't show to the world at all times. You can be a good parent and having a close, strong family gives you confidence and strength.你有著不為外界所知的感性的一面。你會成為一個很好的父親或母親。擁有一個關係親密、穩固的家庭會給你信心和力量。Moon semi-sextile Mars (月亮和火星呈30度角)When a situation arises that requires a competitive spirit, you are capable of being aggressive and focused on the challenge. Like most people, you can patiently endure a reasonable amount of frustration, but you may surprise even yourself by becoming very angry if frustration becomes excessive.
在需要鬥爭精神的情況下,你會變得野心勃勃、集中力量面對挑戰。一般情況下,你能忍受正常程度的批評,但是一旦批評過了頭,你會暴怒,連你自己都要為之一驚。Moon semi-sextile Jupiter (月亮與木星呈30度角)Like most people, you enjoy an occasional family gathering or party, and you will generously offer to have the party at your house or contribute in some other way. Over time you are likely to have a fairly large number of friends and acquaintances.你喜歡參加偶爾的家庭聚會,你會很慷慨大方地把你的家提供出來作為聚會場所,或通過其他方式為聚會作一些貢獻。你通常擁有數目眾多的朋友以及相識。Moon semi-sextile Saturn (月亮與土星呈30度角)You are not afraid of solitude. When necessary, you are content to be alone with a book, a project of some kind, or on a walk. You are not a hermit but you have the capacity to withdraw and this is a good and healthy quality that helps give you balance, perspective, a peaceful disposition, and wisdom.你並不害怕孤獨。必要時,閱讀一本書、做一個項目研究或者散步就可以讓你感到滿足。雖然你不是一位隱士,但卻可以做到超然避世,這是一種很好的、健康的品質,它使你擁有平衡性、洞察力、優雅的性格以及智慧。Like most people, you need to occasionally cry or laugh uncontrollably, to let your deepest feeling be expressed. You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books, depth psychology, or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions. This trait is not likely to be a dominant on
Mercury semi-sextile Mars (水星與火星呈30度夾角)
You are a good student because you are not satisfied with learning something until it is very concrete to you. You become a bit impatient if you cannot grasp something, and you may incorrectly conclude that you lack aptitude for the subject when actually you are not allowing sufficient time to learn. These traits are not especially strong or unusual and may not be sufficiently conspicuous that you are aware of them.你會是一個好學生,因為你對事物的了解一定要非常透徹才會滿足。當你不能理解一件事物時,你會顯得有點兒不耐煩,並且,你可能會錯誤地將原因歸結為你沒有能力去理解它,而事實卻是沒有足夠的時間允許你去透徹地理解它。這個相位所帶來的個性特點並不十分強烈或與眾不同,甚至有時連你自己也意識不到。Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter (水星與木星呈30度夾角)Like most people, you have some interest in larger issues like philosophy, politics, and religion. You plan for the future and you do not become so engrossed in minute details that you overlook the larger context. These traits probably are not particularly conspicuous or unusual but they do make up part of your personality and give balance to your life.你會對哲學、政治、宗教等大型事物產生興趣。你做事情時,會對事物作一個長遠的整體規劃,而不太會考慮到小細節。這個相位所帶來的個性特點並不十分顯著,但它確實是你個性中的一部分並給你的生活來來平衡。Mercury semi-sextile Uranus (水星與天王星呈30度角)You appreciate people who are clever, have a good sense of humor, and who do not simply follow the status quo or accepted views. You are not an iconoclast but you do become bored with dry, repetitive studies and you gravitate to areas that are stimulating and require fast responsiveness to changing circumstances. You have good reflexes and you handle fast-paced situations fairly well.你喜歡聰明、有幽默感、不被常規、世俗觀點束縛的人。你並不是一個反對崇拜偶像者,但是枯燥、機械重複的學習確實會讓你感到乏味。你會被吸引到那種需要快速反應能力來應對不斷變化的環境的刺激性工作領域中。你的反應能力很好,在快節奏的環境中能應對得遊刃有餘。Venus semi-sextile Mars (金星與火星呈30度夾角)
Like most people, happiness and fulfillment in a romantic relationship or marriage is very impMars semi-sextile Jupiter (火星與木星呈30度夾角)
Like most people, you are not a person who stays at onJupiter semi-sextile Saturn (木星與土星呈30度夾角)
You have a good practical sense for business and conducting your life in general. You tend to avoid wild speculation and gambling, but you do avail yourself of new opportunities.你對你的工作和生活的總體態度是很實際的。你會避免投機或賭博,不過你確實會使自己得到新的機會。Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus (木星與天王星呈30度夾角)When there is a party, social gathering, or you just get in the mood, you can be very upbeat and funny. You often take an optimistic view of things and this draws good opportunities to you.當你在參加聚會、社交活動後者你心情好的時候,你會顯得亢奮、充滿幽默感。你看待事物通常抱著樂觀的態度,這會給你帶來好機會。Jupiter semi-sextile Neptune (木星與海王星呈30度夾角)OnSaturn semi-sextile Uranus (土星與天王星呈30度夾角)You can tolerate bureaucracies and outmoded systems to a point, but if the calcification, rigidity, and unresponsiveness is strong, you will rebel and refuse to cooperate.你可以忍受一定程度的官僚主義和過時的體制,不過太過分的僵化、刻板、反應遲鈍,你就會無法忍受,並且拒絕合作。Saturn semi-sextile Neptune (土星與海王星呈30度夾角)You are not gullible or prone to pursue glamorous, superficial interests. You have a sincere and sober attitude.你不太會輕易地去追求一些具有迷惑力的、膚淺的東西。你有真誠、清醒、理智、不浮誇的態度。Neptune semi-sextile Pluto (海王與冥王呈30度夾角)Like most people you are periodically gripped by a need to pursue your dreams. This tendency may manifest in subtle ways, like a need to purchase a particularly beautiful or inspiring item or to visit a particular place. The passion and wonder you feel at such times gives real meaning and value to your life.你需要周期性地去滿足你的夢想。這種趨勢可能會以一種非常微妙的方式表現出來,例如,你可能需要買一樣特別漂亮的或能振奮人心的東西,或者你可能需要去一個特別的地方。這些情況下你所感受到的熱情和奇妙感覺將賦予你的生命以真正的意義和價值。 |
Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Moon (太陽與月亮呈72度角或144度角) You love creativity. You take great delight in clever and creative works and in games. Even in your later years, this trait keeps you young, and you don't easily become bored because you find life so interesting. 你熱愛創造力。你在需要運用到聰明才智與創造力的工作、遊戲中感到愉快。因為你有著這一特性,所以即使日後年老了,你仍能保持年輕活力。而且你不太容易覺得無聊乏味,因為你發現生活是如此的有趣。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Mercury (太陽與水星呈72度角或144度角) You consider a really intelligent person to be someone who can creatively express ideas and not just simply understand the mechanics or memorize details. This preference of yours affects many decisions in your life, the people with whom you associate, and the path you choose in life. 你認為一個真正聰明的人是那種能夠創造性表現自己觀點的人,而不是那種僅僅理解事物結構或機械記憶事物細節的人。你的這一偏好會影響到:你生活中所做出的許多決定、和你有聯繫的人以及你選擇的生活道路。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Venus (太陽與金星呈72度或144度角) With your knack for creative expr 你有著創造性表達方面的本領,因此你需要找到一個釋放你的聰明才智以及藝術敏感度方面的天賦的出口。無論是通過藝術、音樂、娛樂或者遊戲,你都有天賦產生創造性觀點,從而為當下環境注入新的生命活力。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Mars (太陽與火星呈72度或144度角) You have a knack for developing creative ways to achieve your goals. Rather than meet obstacles head on, you have a talent for developing graceful maneuvers that are more effective. You can excel at a sport or competition that requires finesse and creativity as well as strength and power. 你會發展一條創造性的道路來達成你的目標,這是你到的本領。在前進路上,你不會與前方的困難直接面對面,你有天賦想出一種更有效的策略來應對它。在需要手腕、創造力以及力量的競爭或比賽中,你能夠獲勝。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Jupiter (太陽與木星呈72度或144度角) Professional and business environments suit you well. You enjoy the progressive, creative, enterprising, outgoing, lively life style that participating in a progressive or professional activity brings you. 職業化和商業化的環境非常適合你。你喜歡充滿進取心、創造性、需要外出奔走的、有活力的生活方式。這種生活方式是由參加一項拓展性的或職業性的活動帶給你的。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Saturn(太陽與土星呈72度或144度角) Very likely you notice more often than others that some highly acclaimed work is a variation of some much earlier work. You prefer art, music, and literature that require mastery and real originality. 和其他人相比,你可能會更多地注意到,一些獲得喝彩的工作其實是更早期的工作孕育的成果。你喜歡的藝術、音樂和文學的類型是那種需要有熟練掌握度以及原創性作的。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Uranus (太陽與天王星呈72度或144度角) You can succeed in an area that requires creativity or ingenuity. You appreciate creativity, and technical expertise probably doesn't excite you as much as innovation. There is a light-hearted side to you that enjoys jokes, games, cleverness of all kinds, and freedom from dull repetition. 你能夠在需要創造、發明能力的領域裡獲得成功。你欣賞創造力,創新對你來說比熟練精通於某項技術更能使你感到興奮。你的性格中有著樂觀開朗的一面,你喜歡開玩笑、玩遊戲、各種智慧,你討厭枯燥的重複。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Neptune(太陽與海王星呈72度或144度角) You have a natural ability to understand and appreciate different artistic styles. You can intuitively grasp how the dreams, hopes, aspirations, and religious beliefs of people are creatively expressed through traditions, music, arts, and life style. You have a rich imagination and sensitivity to draw upon in your own creative work. 你有天生的能力去理解和欣賞各種不同的藝術形式。你能直覺地領悟人們的夢想、希望和宗教信仰是怎樣通過傳統儀式、音樂、藝術和生活方式表現出來的。你能將你豐富的想像力和敏感度投射到你的創造性的工作中。 Sun Quintile or Bi-Quintile Pluto(太陽與冥王星呈72度或144度角) You have a creative drive that gives you the ability to express yourself with a little extra zip and impact than most people. You are good at finding creative solutions and you enjoy a contest or competition that requires ingenuity as well as strength or will power. You react effectively when there are surprises and you meet challenges well. You enjoy competitions, either against yourself or against others. 你所擁有的創造性驅動力使你在表達自我的時候比常人多一些活力和影響力。你善於發現創造性的解決方案,你喜歡需要創造力和意志力的比賽和競爭。當你遭遇突發事件或面對挑戰時,你的反應是深刻有力的。你喜歡競爭,不論是和他人的還是和自己的。 |
Moon Quintile or Bi-Quintile Mercury(月亮與水星呈72度或144度角)
You may have a particularly strong aptitude for, and interest in, mythology or legends. You may also have an interest in anthropology. You find the different ways in which different cultures meet life's challenges very interesting.你對神話、傳奇故事有強烈的喜好,對於人類學可能也有興趣。你發現不同文化環境中的人應對生命挑戰時採用的不同方式非常有趣。Moon Quintile or Bi-Quintile Venus(月亮與金星呈72度或144度角)You enjoy, and seek out, relationships that bring interesting experiences into your life. Laughter, games, and learning together are likely to be more impMercury Quintile or Bi-Quintile Venus(水星與金星呈72度或144度角)
You have a creative flair to the way you do things, and you are best suited to work that requires creativity. You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition, nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again. You excel by allowing yourself time to appreciate and understand the ingenuity, cleverness, and creative genius of others, which inspires you more than dedication to onVenus Quintile or Bi-Quintile Mars(金星與火星呈72度或144度角)
You are a creative person. You are most comfortable in an environment where people are creative or playful. A very plain and ordinary environment is boring and dull for you. You add color and spice to whatever you do, and you often prefer something that is made by an individual rather than a plain, mass produced item. In romantic relationships and marriage you are most comfortable with someone who is passionate, creative, or playful, and surprises you on occasion.你是一個具有創造力的人。你最喜歡呆在周圍都是有創造力的、愛玩耍的人的環境中。平常、普通的環境讓你感到枯燥乏味。無論你在做什麼,你都會給它們加上一點亮色和滋味。你一般喜歡的東西都是單個做出來的,而不是成批量生產出來的。你喜歡的戀愛和結婚對象是那種充滿熱情的、有創造力的、愛玩耍的、能偶爾給你驚喜的人。Venus Quintile or Bi-Quintile Jupiter (金星與木星呈72度或144度角)You have a keen appreciation for good art and you may have a strong interest in cultural activities or entertainment. You appreciate and support creativity and the arts. Sports, games, and other entertainments can be very happy affairs, but you may avoid sports when the emphasis is on competition and discipline rather than creativity and amusement.你對高雅藝術有著強烈的喜好,你對和文化有關的活動與消遣也非常有興趣。你喜歡和支持藝術、體育、遊戲和其他令人愉快的娛樂活動,但是,如果體育運動把重心放在競爭而不是創造力的發揮、娛樂上,你就不是很喜歡了。Venus Quintile or Bi-Quintile Saturn (金星與土星呈72度或144度角)Everyone has their favorite songs, colors, artists, and styles, but for you they are particularly strong and impMars Quintile or Bi-Quintile Jupiter (火星與木星呈72度或144度角)
You are very good at finding creative solutions to problems. Rather than following the prescribed, well-traveled path, you have a talent for finding a creative way to reach your goals. You enjoy making strategies and creative plans. You do not measure success in terms of totaling assets but rather in the ability to develop and grow in areas that are interesting, creative, entertaining, or cultural.你很善於發現創造性的解決問題的方案。你不會走事先規劃好的、別人都走過的道路,你有天賦為自己找到一條具有創造性的道路來達成目標。你衡量成功的標準並不是擁有多少總資產,而是是否有能力在有趣的、有創造性的、娛樂的或文化的領域內發展和成長。Mars Quintile or Bi-Quintile Saturn (火星與土星呈72度或144度角)You work well on creative projects, especially if solitude or focused concentration and dedication are required. You can be a good craftsman or craftswoman, writer, gardener, or worker in any other creative activity.你很擅長做具有創造性的項目,特別是那些需要忍受獨居寂寞、傾注大量精力的工作。你能夠成為一名優秀的手工藝者、作家、園藝者或者從事其他創造性活動的工作者。Mars Quintile or Bi-Quintile Uranus (火星與天王星呈72度或144度角)You have a need to get a bit wild onhttp://www.cafeastrology.com/natalastrology.html