

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年10月29日 19:42   環球時報

  Researchers who studied stars similar to the Sun found that almostone in four could have small, rocky planets just like the Earth。

  For their research, scientists spent five years studying 166Sun-like stars within 80 light year – or 470 trillion miles – of Earth。

  Researcher Andrew Howard, from the University of California atBerkeley, said: "Of about 100 typical Sun-like stars, one or two haveplanets the size of Jupiter, roughly six have a planet the size ofNeptune, and about 12 have super-Earths between three and ten Earthmasses. If we extrapolate down to Earth-size planets between one-halfand two times the mass of Earth, we predict that you"d find about 23 forevery 100 stars."

  Last month, astronomers announced the discovery of the mostEarth-like planet ever found – a rocky world three times the size of ourown world, orbiting a star 20 light years away. The planet appears tohave an atmosphere, gravity like our own – and could have flowing wateron its surface。

  The technique can only detect planets orbiting close to theirstars. That means the true number of planets could be much higher. Overthe next decade, new methods of planet detection and more powerfultelescopes could soon be uncovering true Earth-like worlds orbitingdistant stars, the scientists said。



  來自加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校的研究員安德魯-霍華德稱:「在100個典型的類日恆星中,其中一到兩個擁有的衛星和木星差不多大小,大約有六個恆星各擁有一顆和海王星等大的衛星,而擁有質量為3地球質量到10地球質量(註:地球質量是一種計量單位,1地球質量 = 5.9742 ×1024千克)的超級地球作為衛星的類日恆星約有12個。若我們考慮質量為1.5地球質量到2地球質量之間、大小同地球相同的衛星,則會發現每100個恆星中,這樣的衛星就有23個。」





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