
克里斯汀·芳塔娜,美國知名占星師、健康生活導師,國際頂尖占星師之一,靈魂進化占星方向,在美國多種媒體開有專欄。 運勢風格偏心理指引。






「真正可怕的,只有恐懼本身。」 現在我們已經克服它了,理清那些情緒化,準備好迎接一些適時的緩解吧。十二月11號周五,新月發生在積極的射手座,它在天秤座這個掌管你居家及內心世界的宮位,對火星形成一個重要的轉向角。那些讓內心世界一片慘淡的憂慮情緒,現在易於驅散了——因為你找到了一個可以讓你和愛人們一起毫不費力就能出逃的和諧地。在水相星座雙魚座的海王星,和金星一起在同屬水相的天蠍座形成完美的三分相,幫助你深化並甜蜜化你的人際關係,這可能是你前所未有過的感受或認知。火星和天王星在對沖,這為你帶來一個動力強勁的電迴路——它是來正面改造你的內心世界的,最終從根上為你帶來更強的自信和影響力。一個理想中的成果正處在為你所有的邊緣。

















ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19]

As you can well imagine, it is much more pleasing on my end when I see a plethora of potential in the cosmic skies, versus a load of hard hitting trends. Mars, your ruler, is forming an opposition to unpredictable Uranus in your sign, which means life can launch in a new direction without you getting the "heads up", but it can also swing things with force in your favor. The New Moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, is sitting pretty next to your ruler Mars in Libra, and it is giving you a clear advantage in one key area, in particular with respect to relationships. Neptune and Venus are also connecting with ease in water signs Pisces and Scorpio, symbolizing some powerful "behind the scenes" help happening in your honor. Your life can lift, the stress can shift, and if you close your eyes and ask for what you need, with the sincerest of sentiment, the universe will have no other choice than to deliver. A feeling of peace is possible, but greater than that, a feeling of hope sits waiting on the horizon, a feeling that will motivate you to access another realm of awareness, and ultimately abundant success.

A new world of better days is days away!

TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21]

Writing your forecast can be similar to baking a cake. There are several ingredients sitting there on the counter, and depending on the recipe, you will be adding various proportions of flour and sugar and so on. To make it sweet, you add more sugar and to create a more earthy taste, you go for the spice. As I prepare your personal message, I begin combining the energies until I get a feel for what they have the potential to produce. Nothing is an absolute, as we are all unique Souls, pulling in different events depending what we need in order to grow and evolve. However, the energies do reflect potentialities. The week is pumped with potential on so many fronts. A New Moon in free spirited Sagittarius, in your house of the Soul, is aligning easily with Mars in Libra, in your house of improvements on Friday, Dec. 11. The same day, your ruler Venus in Scorpio, forms an auspicious angle to Neptune, its higher octave, creating a higher resonance of energy in your most meaningful connections. If you want to take your life to another level with another, the door is wide open for you to do just that. If you need to feel valued, a little extra tender loving care to be coming your way.

This is your week to make amends and to enhance your life in every possible way, just not in the usual way!

GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]

It is a time of enlightenment, a time when your personal radar of receptivity can reach stunning heights, your intuition is also so clear, with a New Moon in Sagittarius occurring on Friday, Dec. 11. This lunar fire ball is also blending beautifully with Mars in fellow air sign Libra, which means it is a fine time to enjoy the "one you are with", or to attract new love into your life. To take things up an ether or two, heavenly Neptune is in perfect energetic union with Venus, the planet of love and what you value most, allowing you to heal what hurts and to find success in places where you were forever feeling pinned. Mars and Uranus are opposing one another, which can create an edge of angst, but this energy, if channeled well, can send something you are striving to accomplish wildly into orbit. It is a week to jump all the way in with both feet, so you can grab it and have it; hook, line and sinker. Get the message? Your ruler Mercury shifts into Capricorn, the sign of commitment, on Wednesday, Dec 9, creating a more serious energy to help you secure that very thing that you want. A little earth will do you good.

Gain some solid footing, and then let "er rip!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]

「There is nothing to fear but fear itself.」 Now that we"ve got that over with, clear the emotional decks and get ready for some timely relief. A New Moon in optimistic Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, forms a key turning angle to Mars in Libra, in your house of home and the emotional body. Worrying emotions that may have induced a wobbly inner space, can dissipate with ease, as you find a space of harmony can effortlessly exits with loving others. Neptune in fellow water sign Pisces also forms a perfect trine to Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio, to help deepen and sweeten your connections in ways that you may have never felt or known. Mars and Uranus do oppose one another, which creates a supercharged circuit destined to positively transform your inner workings, ultimately generating more confidence and clout. An ideal outcome is on the verge of becoming yours.

Send your requests out in a wish or a prayer on the New Moon, and something will all of a sudden fall magically into place!

LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22]

The skies are giving you permission to not only feel good about something, but to access real and raw joy. There is nothing like the holidays to unlock a load of feeling memory, so much so, it can have your heart feeling like a vulnerable open target. You have the opportunity to create a stockpile of better memories, laden with love, as a New Moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, is synchronizing famously with Mars in Libra, in your house of communication. You truly cannot lose in places where you access the courage to express what you need and how you feel. Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio blend like peanut butter and jelly in water houses, to help you emotionally gel with whatever may be occurring in your life. The energy will allow you to rise above anything that had a grip on you, and show you the way into more buoyant feeling seas. You have the power to climb your way out of anything that had a way of dimming your light, continuing up into higher reaches of love and expression. When you are harmonizing with your luminous self, you have the most contagious spirit.

If you find and follow that inner ray, traveling at the heart of its flame, a positive spin of events will be yours!

VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22]

You have been known at times Virgo, to be given the nickname "Doubting Thomas". The humble nature of the Virgo born questions things, in excess on occasion, and yet it is the pure belief in yourself that will positively turn you around in your tracks. This week is exceptional along these lines, as a New Moon in fire sign Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, aligns with perfection to radical Uranus in Aries, as well as to Mars, the planet of will and desire. If you really want something, and what you wish for is realistic in nature, try removing any shred of doubt whether you can have it or not. Ask at the New Moon to be shown ways to obtain what it is that you want, or else to be shown why it may not be best for it to manifest, if that ends up being the case. We do not always know what is best for us and Neptune"s trine to Venus will help you get to the bottom of what is and will be.. Answers are available in abundance now, opportunities for you to make dramatic swings of positive change are also on hand, change that can stick and stay, as your ruler Mercury shifts into fellow earth sign Capricorn on Wednesday, Dec. 9.

Commit to finding a way to feel good, to finding a way to be deeply happy for no reason at all, and the universe will shower you with plenty of reasons to be not just happy, but joy-full!

LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23]

You are the peace maker of the bunch Libra, and you know it. Navigating conflict is not your strong suit, and you would rather do just about anything else than find yourself smack dab in the center of it. However, glossing over situations that need to be dealt with head on, will only keep unresolved feelings trapped in some inner harbor. A quiet anger can turn on itself, as famous spiritual teacher Yogananda writes, 「Anger blots out God.」 You do a fine job at keeping most of those hard emotions at bay, but they do need to be released so you can move on and freely attract more of what feels best. This week, an opportunity to release any stored up hard energy can happen, so let it happen, as Mars in your sign opposes Uranus in Aries. Also a New Moon in Sagittarius aligns easily to Mars in Libra while also forming an angle of tremendous support to Uranus. You have all the bases covered here, but the best news yet, is that your ruler Venus in Scorpio is forming an angle of immense grace to Neptune, to help make a problem magically disappear.

You will feel invisible gifts descending upon you at various turns, and it will give you the courage to take charge of your life in a brand new way, on the heels of some growing gratitude, the kind that makes you speechless!

SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]

They say that Leos of this world were born to love, but when the Scorpio establishes trust in a partner, there is no one that can go deeper in this vein. When you allow yourself to give in to this powerful feeling and to connect with your own intensity, there is truly no limit to the potency of your pull. Sensual Venus in your sign connects to its higher octave Neptune in fellow water sign Pisces, helping you take the love in your life deeper and better yet, higher, as an opportunity to evolve in your loving connections is promising under this trend. Also, a New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, Dec.11, connects electrically to Uranus, and effortlessly to Mars, the planet of desire. Combine all of this and it equals Soul liberating breakthroughs that can make your head spin. Mars and Uranus are also in opposition, which can send shock waves into any situation, but it can also eradicate something that has been holding you and a key relationship back.

Fuel what feels most naturally, intuitively true, and far more will be added onto you!

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21]

In life, we all have to work with where we are and what we"ve got. You are a master at making the best of your circumstances. You can turn a situation that tastes like sour lemons into the sweetest tasting lemonade. You do this because you trust that things can get better. You fuel your life with the power of belief that tomorrow will be a better day and it will all happen in a better way. A New Moon in your sign on Friday, Dec. 11, celebrates your magnetic spirit, as this lunar lift connects with remarkable innovation to Uranus in fellow fire sign Aries. This New Moon in Sagittarius also shares an enjoyable ease with Mars in Libra, suggesting your relationship world will breathe in new energy and experience greater harmony. Overall, this New Moon encourages you to direct your will with the passion of your pure intention, for if you do, "you will meet success in unexpected hours". It will open doors due to your efforts and creative entry and it will definitely get you positively noticed.

Neptune and Venus also connect like a dream in water signs Pisces and Scorpio, gifting you your own wish at the wishing well. The Gods are waiting with bells on to fulfill your request!

CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]

So much mystery lies on the other side. The more we come to know, the more we realize how much we don"t know. This can make a Cappy squirm, as the fear of the unknown and all that you do not have control of can deepen the feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. However, this week, you grow a new pair of wings, born from a feeling of new found faith, as a New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, ignites a stellar awareness of understanding and truth, a trust in what can be felt but not physically seen. Uranus connects abundantly with this New Moon, to offer an electric intuition, while Mars couples with this lunar gift, to help you feel less alone and more at one with the world or with another. Mars also opposes Uranus, creating an anxious energy of anticipation, but if you form an alliance with this rocket, it is sure to launch you into a more optimistically charged atmosphere. Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio also align in miraculous ways, helping you receive extra support where you least except to find it. Mercury, the planet of the written and spoken word enters Capricorn on Wednesday, Dec.9, giving you a clear advantage in all your communications and negotiations.

Let go and leap!

AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]

There may be so much going on in your life right now, that it feels to be close to impossible to keep all the balls in the air. Mars" opposition to your ruler Uranus, may be creating an added edge of pressure and stress but it is also fueling your desires and letting you know exactly what it is that you want. The good news is that your ruler is forming an impressive angle to a New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, Dec. 11, suggesting either some clever networking or a serendipitous conversation could open unexpected doors like never before. Mars, the planet of action and desire, is in fellow air signs Libra and also steps in to help make the very most of your weekend. Either new exciting connections are coming or the connections you are currently energizing are up for some stimulating change and potential adventure. Neptune and Venus are aligned in ways that could take your working life to unimaginable heights, reminding you that in the end, it really does come down to who you know, this time who you know helps you. Your instinct is working like a hot laser, so follow it full throttle and you will be shocked at where you land.

Prepare to come out on top!

PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20]

If I could create the perfect pairing, one that would serve you best Pisces, it would be to connect your ruler Neptune to Venus, in water signs, and for the two to be forming a trine, which is one leg of a triangle, or one hundred and twenty degrees apart. This angle allows you to attract with ease what you dream about and wish for. It promotes a healing on all levels, especially a healing of your most vulnerable center.. This week, Neptune in Pisces is forming this very trine to Venus in Scorpio. It also happens to be occurring on the day of a New Moon in Sagittarius, Friday, Dec. 11. This is quite auspicious, as the New Moon is also trine Uranus, the planet of surprise, as well as forming an angle of ease to Mars, helping you get more of what you want, versus some of just what you need.

Mars is opposing Uranus, which can create a restlessness at best, but follow that feeling of faith, travel to those places where all is well and life is but a dream, and that dream may just come to be!

十二星座2011最後一季整體運勢,你hold住了嗎?? ?...

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