?萌萌噠羊在各種中文成語俗語中經常出現,你知道嗎,其實羊在英文中也佔據著很重要的地位。今天就跟隨世紀君一起深入探討一下西方文化中的羊,來了解一下lamb, sheep, goat到底有啥區別吧!
Lamb, sheep, goat你分得清嗎?
Lamb的意思是小羊羔(a young sheep)。 Sheep是農場里的羊(a farm animal which is covered with thick curly hair called wool)。而goat是山羊的意思(a goat is a farm animal or a wild animal that is about the size of a sheep. Goats have horns, and hairs on their chin which resemble a beard.)。 學會了嗎?以後可要注意區分,別用錯啦!
羊in English
As gentle as a lamb – very gentle 溫順如羊,像小羊一樣溫和,是不是很形象呢!
For example: The girl is as gentle as a lamb when she is with her little sister.
As innocent as a lamb – having no guilt, naive 天真無邪For example: The little girl is as innocent as a lamb and everybody loves her.
For example: Our football team went like lambs to the slaughter to play against the best football team in the country.
小羊搖尾巴的速度也是醉醉的,所以我們有白駒過隙之瞬,西方有小羊搖尾之間:in two shakes of a lamb』s tail – very quicklyFor example: I promised that I would meet my friend in two shakes of a lamb』s tail.
在各種中文小故事裡,羊都是善良柔弱的存在。英文中可不一樣吶!由於《聖經》的影響,sheep和goat在英語中的形象截然不同,前者比喻好人,後者比喻壞人。英語中有關goat的成語,大多貶義。如:to play the goat=play the fool(瞎胡鬧);to get sb"s goat(觸動肝火) 等等。
For example: My cousin is the black sheep of the family and nobody likes to talk about him.
點擊下方小廣告,打賞世紀君~ 有了物質動力,世紀君會更加努力滴!