Study expectations affect overseas choices
2014-03-25 來源: 21st Century 提到出國留學,很多人首先想到的是拿到洋文憑,然後回國拿高薪。其實,留學的價值不僅僅只是讀書那麼簡單,它更像是一次融入全新文化環境的華麗冒險。
Many Chinese students like studying commerce and economics when pursuing a foreign degree. According to the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, one third of Chinese students studying abroad in 2013 were enrolled in business schools. On many campuses, especially in English-speaking countries, the majority of the international student community is Chinese. However, the issue of conformity among Chinese overseas students does not stop at choosing majors. Chinese students』 different lifestyles and eating habits also drive them to form their own communities; their different attitude toward studying abroad influences their choice of universities; and China』s rising economic power means many of them choose to pursue business degrees.很多中國學生在留學時往往傾向於選擇商貿專業。據中國留學服務中心發布的數據顯示,2013年有三分之一的中國留學生選擇國外商學院。在很多大學,尤其是那些說英語的國家的大學,中國學生成為留學生的主力軍。然而,中國留學生「扎堆兒」現象不僅體現在專業選擇上。不同的生活方式和飲食習慣使他們形成了自己的群體;而他們不同的留學觀還會影響他們擇校。中國經濟實力的崛起也成為許多留學生選擇商科的原因。
21st Century interviewed students and experts in top overseas study destinations in the US to explore how conformity influences Chinese students behavior while abroad and shapes their study experience.為探尋留學生「扎堆兒」現象對中國留學生行為以及求學經歷的影響,《21世紀英文報》特別採訪了多位來自美國名校的中國留學生和專家。Time abroad not just about studying海外留學不僅僅是求學那麼簡單Lu Hong, 21, an economics major at the University of Southern California, is happy about pursuing his master』s degree 10,000 kilometers away from home.21歲的陸鴻(音譯)在美國南加州大學主修經濟學,能夠來到離家1萬公里遠的美國讀研,他表示很開心。For many students, a Chinese-compatible student community is an important consideration when applying for study abroad programs, according to Chen Xia, a senior consultant at a Beijing-based study abroad agency.
來自北京某留學機構的資深顧問陳霞(音譯)表示,是否具備對中國學生開放包容的社團組織成為許多學生申請留學時的一個重要考慮事項。「For safety, lifestyle, and study reasons, both students and parents tend to choose universities with a large Chinese student population,」 said Chen. 「California has the US』 biggest Chinese population, which makes it attractive for Chinese students.」「出於安全性、生活習慣以及學業方面的考慮,學生和家長都傾向於選擇中國留學生較多的學校,」陳霞說。「在美國,加利福尼亞是華人人口數量最多的地區,因此對中國學生更具吸引力。」It』s not that an environment that is less likely to cause culture shock is a bad thing.一個文化衝突可能性較弱的環境並非壞事。But Dayle Smith, former associate dean of the business school at the University of San Francisco, said that Chinese students should get out of their comfort zone to get more exposure to local and international culture in their social and study life.然而,原舊金山大學商學院副院長黛爾·史密斯表示,中國留學生應該走出自己的舒適圈,在求學和社交方面進一步融入到本土和國際文化之中。
「While the presence of Chinese students on campus is a valuable asset for the university, some of them seem not to be ready in terms of their survival, social, and academic English skills,」 said Smith.史密斯還說:「對大學而言,中國留學生的確帶來了一筆寶貴財富,但他們中的一些人似乎在生活、社交及專業英語技能方面並沒有做好準備。」According to Smith, the value of studying abroad is not limited to following courses. It』s a comprehensive experience of adapting to a new environment in order to expand horizons and acquire a new set of skills.史密斯表示,留學的價值不僅僅是學習,而是一次適應新環境的全方位體驗,並在這個過程中開拓視野、學習新技能。Following a different path留學切勿隨波逐流推薦閱讀: