
















金牛座——譯者: 長襪子皮皮































巨蟹座——譯者: 兔子













獅子座——譯者: 找到組織了












處女座——譯者: mononoke



















天枰座——譯者: 冰冷安魂曲














天蠍座——譯者: 子夜













射手座——譯者: 扭森森












































雙魚座——譯者: PM
















JULY 2013


You start of the month with a square between both your relationship houses so there could be a set-to with a lover or a child (love affairs, sex and children are being affected by Venus) along with any form of creative self-expression.

Saturn is in your house of sexual (and deeply committed relationships) of all kinds - but also of joint finances and other person"s resources.

This would indicate (now that Saturn is going direct) that you can expect to have some 「issues」 relating to a debt owed to you - or vice versa - or some other money-related headache.

In general it may affect the access that you have (or don』t have) to other people』s money and resources.

This also affects your social rules, those that apply within your own social group (or out there in the big world in general) so there can be some problems there also – such as you may offend someone or make a social faux pas.

If you』re coupled, your mate could be the one experiencing financial problems but with Saturn going direct at the end of the first week, you are learning some rather 「interesting」 lessons that will make you more conscious of the choices you make in relationships (with respect to money).

Been too trusting financially or emotionally?

But you can expect some frustration this month in getting what you want, in both relationships and money.

The second half of the month is a great time to move, sell or relocate or just hang around the house and 「fix」 things – and become 「Bob the Builder」 or a fixit person or a Domestic Goddess – but you will be spending more time at home towards the end of the month.

Perhaps it gets just a tad too cosy and 「close」 as tempers will be frayed thanks to Mars and it』s likely that you have words with a spouse or close relative or someone within your domestic environment (child, dog, maid …).

The very watery Grand trine between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune on the 17th will affect Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces the most, but it will still bring more passion (or compassion) in your family life and perhaps even a mental breakthrough.

There could also be a revelation (or a secret is exposed that results in an ending) and life can be an emotional roller-coaster ride and somewhat intense.

Just as equally this trine can realize a dream and there is the potential of a significant occurrence - and even great things – but you have to be proactive to benefit from this energy.

Sure Neptune can bring emotional dramas - but you could equally be head hunted by a key organization/government department - or pursued for other means…. Yikes!

It』s also a prime time to start that new job or initiate something new (and big) but in general you』ll be enthusiastic and good humored. You』ll reach accord on something that you haven』t been seeing eye-to-eye with and it will be a win-win!

Don』t worry; the second half of the month will end on a high once the Sun moves in Leo bringing happiness and good times.

That said, the last week of the month houses both a square and an opposition with your ruler Mars, so you may see some conflict or power struggles (or have to confront bullies and aggressive people).

This is a map of a busy life, the good and the bad - fluctuations and disturbances and imbalances - but all primary sources of inspiration and creativity.

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You will be contemplating your reality and your existence, and what you know and values - and above all considering the question of reason – and reasonable.

Key questions such as what is fair and what is unfair and considering (and reconsidering) some of your most basic beliefs and concepts. True this has much to do with Pluto in this area of your chart, but also what is happening to your world this month.

The Saturn Venus square will have you reflecting on these things in your communications and actions with others - and what constitutes proper behavior by yourself and others.

In particular you will be focusing what is not correct or appropriate and this in particularly will be in regards to your financial dealings.

The month may be peppered with minor (or even major) disputes and you will be experiencing self doubt from time to time.

Saturn moving forward again after the first week will be throwing up a situation that will require you to do some rethinking about your approach, but it will also provide an opportunity to gauge what kind of impression you are making on others.

But you will be experiencing 「issues」 in a lot of your key connections.

Mars will add sharpness to your dialogue - or sharpen your acuity (the choice is yours) - so the second half of the month can be a great time to expand your environment as you will be more articulate and well equipped to sell yourself and your ideas.

You will be busy, but try not to take everything so personally or become too dogmatic (which is a lot harder when you have Pluto making you quite the zealot).

There is a plethora of activity in the second half of July.

The Grand Trine will help all your communications in relationships - especially within your friendships - so if you』ve had a falling out, then this is a great time to kiss and make up.

Your confidence will soar and your communications in general will simply be more pleasant and it』s highly likely that you will be travelling towards month』s end also.

Venus arriving in Virgo in the last week of July will see you turning on the charm because you』re feeling amorous and playful but also hungry for feedback and to be loved and admired.

If you are single you have a stellar period up until mid August when your charm and magnetism go off the grid (although it will be more of a tempestuous passion than a calm affair). Others will love you as a friend, partner, employee – you can』t put a foot wrong.

However as alluring as you will be, as the Sun enters Leo on the same day it』s more likely that your attentions and ministrations will be directed towards your home and family (and you』ll be more loved up and secure in a 「chicken soup」 kind of way) as opposed to red hot sex...

Still if you are single it』s the best time all year so go for it!

The square and opposition at the tail end of the month will see you back to arguing with friends again and an ending in a friendship is very much on the cards.

The path you are taking in July will reveal itself as it is traveled and each turn in the road will reveal a surprise. There are some things being hidden and so absolute knowledge is absolute power – in other words get all the information.

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The square starts of some 「issue」 in your financial life - it hits your hip pocket - and Mars entering your money zone mid month ensures that there will be some stress related to money (or you are simply spending more than usual).

So it』s a good thing that Jupiter has now moved into the same area of your chart, helping to balance things out and giving you a great chance for the next year to make positive inroads and 「grow」 your finances.

But it』s much more than just your bottom line; it』s also about your self worth. This can improve also, but watch out for the second half of July in this regard when Mars will make you feisty and resistant to others and strongly defending (or justifying) your decisions.

Although you are much more than what you are worth (true riches has little to do with money) you may be wanting validate yourself or rationalize a situation by using money as the vehicle to do so.

Your ruler Mercury will certainly get you thinking along these lines ….or more specifically what you can do to recover, restore or advance your finances and you (may) have to go back to the drawing board in some area.

Still I do feel you will get your wish regarding your image or reputation because the Grand Trine in Cancer on 17th is highlighting your money, career and public image/reputation sectors (and Saturn indicates that it may have something to do with children or a creative venture).

You』ll get a nod or favorable treatment from authority figures, over money and property and your status in society seems to grow. Put it this way, if you can dream it then you can achieve it under these stars (and these trines have been ongoing for a while and will last through until August).

But the opposition at the end of the month could undo these benefits if you are not careful, as Pluto will ensure that you act in somewhat irrational or emotional manner – so when push comes to shove you aren』t the one that』s moving!

The trine will give you the power to obtain your objectives but something deep below the surface is what is really stirring you up and testing you.

Watch out for Pluto making you compulsively obsessed with getting your way - particularly when what you are currently facing may call for cooperative efforts.

There is the risk of your emotions impeding your associations so make an effort to bring out your better side (you are the sign of twins after all), and be everything that you should be - as that will help you fulfill your amazing potential to pull off a financial miracle.

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Well July really seems to be your month! You』ve got Jupiter in your sign, and a rare (and very watery) Grand Trine in Cancer on the 17th! 「But wait there』s more」 as the shopping network channel cries…

You also have a whole host of planets in Cancer - like Mars entering on the 13th - and that will certainly give you a boost and top-up some of those depleted reserves of confidence and self-assertiveness.

The Grand Trine is very lucky for the water signs and especially for you – its quite exceptional in fact and you will radiate much more of your positive qualities.

This is a time of considerable expansiveness, when you can go beyond and move forward with your life and this may mean a breakthrough - or an ending - but it does mean liberation and release.

This Trine will bring you something; and as Jupiter is in your sign, Saturn in your house of children, fun and pleasure and Neptune in your house of foreign affairs and people at a distance, it may involve any of those things.

With Neptune in your philosophy house it might be a time when you feel impelled to put your beliefs and convictions on the line and take a position on what is right and what is wrong.

Or you might simply incorporate them into your new lifestyle because you will be feeling experiment and exploratory…

In the third week of the month Venus will ensure you are the recipient of good news – news that will soothe the ragged beast - and bring you a degree of much sought after peace.

The square on the last day of the month will have you feeling renewed ambitions and keen to take on the world or start a career or even change career directions.

You know you have to pull out all stops this year (this is a one-in-seven times in your life occasion) when the force of the Cosmos is with you.

The reality is that it』s your emotions that are holding you back.

You are either self-sabotaging (too sensitive) or too shy or (more like it) too accommodating – but whatever is your Achilles Heel, work on making the necessary changes to your behavioral characteristics - and then little will hold you back from fulfilling your dreams.

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Saturn is going direct again this month but with Mercury retrograde until the 20th you will be dealing with 「past attachments」 issues.

Venus is in your sign at the beginning of the month so when it squares with Saturn you can expect some recriminations, anger or regret and it has something to do with your parents and/or your childhood or even how and where you were raised.

Scorpio rules the wealth of a spouse and other peoples money, insurance, legacies, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances, wills, sex, death, transformation, regeneration – so any issues you have in relation to these (most likely within your home/family life) will present/represent themselves at this time and be back on the agenda.

But apart from the square, Venus until the third week will make you feel better about yourself and because you feel good you』ll be more inclined to go after what you want!

I don』t thing this necessarily relates to a love relationship (and that is so unlike you!) but this time its more a career or business idea because with Pluto in your house of work, this is taking on greater resonance.

You may be rather like Cancer (albeit they are doing this at the end of the month) but it』s likely you will spend the first few weeks contemplating yourself. Who you are, what you offer, how you come across ….and you may become rather self absorbed and even appear somewhat selfish.

There is no point sitting in a corner and self-flagellating so if there are things you regret or if you are heartbroken or depressed or having difficulties - get help or get therapy!

Whilst you must be yourself (and not take shit from anyone) you must also love yourself before you can truly love another…. and if your love life resembles a revolving door, this might be something to consider.

The arrival of Mars on the 13th will play with your head but don』t worry the Grand Trine around the 17th will offer you all the support you need to get on top of any insecurities.

The third week sees your solar return so things will immediately look up for you and of course this time is a rebirth and the chance of a new beginning.

There will be a lot of opportunities presenting themselves to you in the last week and well into August and you』ll have the confidence to go right after them.

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Jupiter has either had you making amazing inroads professionally (and elevating your status in the public realm) OR increasing and expanding an issue about your reputation or status – Jupiter will 「grow」 things.

But it』s been quite a blessed time for psychological and emotional rejuvenation, healing, and positive change and people are listening to you and are on your side.

But now you』re going to have a pressing urge to expand your parameters and it』s as if the four walls are too close and pressing in on you and you might have an urge to travel to a foreign country or start relating to people from 「elsewhere」.

Or you might simply want to reconnect and expand your number of friends and widen your social circle (or expand your role in society!).

You are dealing with some big questions of life and one in particular will occupy your attention this month.

Your love life has been a bit topsy turvy of late - probably as a direct result of all the other stuff going on in your life that you』ve had to deal with - but you are questioning your love life and the people you love and who love you.

You are going to resemble a Piscean in this regard because for most of the month you will be extraordinarily compassionate and a little self-sacrificing ….singing 「what I did for love」.

So why are you willing to deny yourself? Because deep down you are somewhat discontented and disenchanted and don』t feel seen, heard or understood and you are feeling taken for granted and unappreciated - and this has become a habit.

Which is why you are thinking along the lines of 「what am I going to do for the rest of my life」 and if there are people in it that shouldn』t be - or if anyone is bursting your bubble or is a dead weight - then this is the time to offload.

The Grand Trine in Cancer will impact on your immediate environment and how you communication but also how you connect with your siblings. Neptune is in your relationships house so all of these areas can be improved upon and 「fixed」 - if you put your heart and soul into it. (You are after all, The Ameliorator).

When the Sun enters Leo this will compound your ongoing review and you will truly understand (maybe for the first time) that you have made your bed and now you have to lie in it.

That might have positive or negative ramifications, but your future is very much tied up in your past choices, decisions and actions.

That said they may be weighing heavily on you now – either on your conscience or some regret or loss or fear - or whatever emotion it invokes. But it won』t be a light and happy time at month』s end and you may feel gloomy (even if you are presenting a happy face to the world).

Its as if all sorts of unexpected and often disquieting insights will reveal themselves but the good news is that you will certainly gain a better understanding of what makes you tick as you confront your unspoken needs.

At the end of the month at least one key situation will come to a close – or an unexpected development concerning material resources that you hold in common with another person (such as a mate or business partner) - is likely to occur around the time of the Mars Uranus square on the 31st.

The key is to reduce (or eliminate dependency) upon joint resources or others" resources as much as possible - or totally - and then you』ll be fine.

Thankfully you』ve Venus in your own sign from the 22nd so you』ll start to look great, feel great, become more in demand socially and in a much better position to simply get on with your life.

A wish might be granted or if you』re a parent, a child will figure prominently in the picture for one reason or another towards the end of the month.

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The knowledge that Saturn has gone direct this doesn』t affect you as much now as it used to (when it was transiting Libra) because once Saturn left your sign, it did take some pressure off your life.

You are likely to feel both freer in self-expression (and certainly more mature) than you were before Saturn"s movement through Libra.

If you were a bit introspective whilst Saturn was transiting your first house, you will be almost unrecognizable now as the same person because you are well advanced into your 2nd house transit.

This is the last stage of your development that focuses on your self esteem, your finances and how efficiently and effectively you cope in life.

But it rules more than money and possessions, it shows the value you place on things. So conversely you may find that those things that you worked so hard to obtain, don』t give you a thrill any more, and it could be a time to search for new goals and new values.

Many Librans are simply not getting validation from the outside world and feel unsupported and discouraged (think ex Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard) but this is teaching you to look inside of yourself with a newfound clarity and realism, and (ideally) draw up considerable strength from within.

You do need to work on your effectiveness in the world, and discover what it is exactly about your delivery that has thwarted your ambitions or has held you back from achieving the results you want.

So July IS very much a breakthrough month in this regard because around mid month Mars arrives in your career and public reputation sector bringing in changes that will deliver the kind of kudos and rewards that you have been anticipating (or hoping for) for a long time.

But before you get there you will experience turmoil and it won』t be a smooth time and there will be lots of 「differing opinions」 and head butting. But rarely have you been so driven to prove yourself (especially after the disappointments and rejections and projects that have failed to materialize).

Underlying all of this, your relationship with family members is being transformed and any repetitive negative behavior that was set in stone eons ago is being faded out.

Much of this stems from childhood issues and the Mars Pluto opposition in the last week of the month will expose some pain or jealousy in this regard.

But the great news of the month is that the Grand trine will affect your money/self esteem, career/pubic reputation and daily routines and that ties in beautifully with your aspirations and drive to prove yourself – and it all starts to really kick in around the 13th.

So around mid July is a significant 「turning point」 of your life!

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Every month for you is a big month lately because you are going through this ongoing transformation that will last another couple of years. Dreary as it sounds you will end up more 「mature」 and responsible and it will feel like going to a very strict boarding school (the school of hard knocks) where you are restricted and will feel under pressure to achieve something.

Actually it』s about living in the moment and becoming a bit Zen - staying still and focusing on the moment (and where you are at) instead of simply rushing headlong through life without a clear direction.

Saturn goes direct again this month so all the same frustrations are there, the indefinable sense of dissatisfaction – that something is missing – and you feel on the outer looking in (even if you are not).

Life doesn』t feel very funny or 「light」 but the idea is to be emotionally self-sufficient - not just now - but ALWAYS.

The arrival of Mars on the 13th will give you a boost of energy and a second wind. You』ll not only set about making plans but you』ll actually undertake them and that will expand and improve your world (and where this focus is, will really depend on what you feel is important).

This might be how you love or how you express yourself (as you have Pluto in your communications house and Neptune in your house of love) so you may be investing all your efforts and energies this month into improving your love life.

That said with Jupiter now in your house of travel and philosophy (and Mars in the same sector from mid month) you might get an urge to travel or simply to 「rethink」 your situation.

It has to be said for a few, this is the house of legalities so the second half of the month may involve court appearances or some kind of legal dealings (but they should be favorable!).

When the Sun moves into Leo you will be concentrating on both your career and lifestyle and you』ll suddenly be meeting a lot of VIP』s or key people who can help further your cause. You』ll want to make your mark on the world and if a current job or enterprise doesn』t allow for that, then it』s likely that you』ll be rethinking your position, situation or investment.

In fact July is a pivotal month in this regard and a month that in the future you may look back on and say 「well that was when it all started」.

The Grand trine in Cancer will bless your creative talents (including children!) and bring a bout of happiness, but more importantly, it will give you a big dose of planetary luck to help you install some key corner stones for your future.

It』s a water trine and you are a water sign and so it doesn』t get better than that…

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You start the month off feeling a little 「blah」 (as you have for a while) but it』s a month when it』s hard for anyone to feel too bad as there are a series of trines and the Grand trine in Cancer is bringing all sorts of blessings and goodies to all (especially the water signs, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio).

But Saturn has been playing with your head since last October and he goes direct again early in the month and therefore Saturn is one of the reasons why you have been feeling down (well more than is atypical for you).

Like so many of your zodiac siblings you are raking over some of your 「less than perfect moves」 and even trying to figure out the meaning of your existence.

Mars is going to fuel the flames when he arrives on the scene on the 13th and as a fairly Zen sign (well certainly an optimistic one) you』re going to be feeling uncharacteristically ineffective.

It might be your own head or heart (or a distinctly lower part of your anatomy!) that is making you feel so vulnerable, but you are more at the mercy of others than is comfortable.

But this is not something that you are going to take lying down (not with the warrior planet Mars firing you up) so expect heated moments, and aggressive or angry words to be fired off in certain quarters (and vice versa!).

If circumstances are not what they seem (at least during the first three weeks) or if something doesn』t feel right, then it most likely isn』t!

The Grand trine will give you some insight as Saturn is in your house of the subconscious and hidden (what you hide from yourself and what others hide from you) but it also will bring blessings, so the from the fortnight onwards you will cheer up and regain your sense of joie de vivre.

You will pick yourself up and start again and shake out those cobwebs that have been accumulating – or whatever you have been constantly thinking about or focusing on for God knows how long!

Many Sags have had some considerable suffering of late - for one reason or another - and so you』ve been feeling a bit lost as to where you are actually headed! Best thing for a Sag right now is the instant 「fix it」 - travel - so book that overseas jaunt this month!

The Grand trine will bless any shared finances, tax issues or corporate business dealings (courtesy of Jupiter) whilst Neptune will help if it』s property related or if family is involved. And finally Saturn will give you insight as to the right and ethical way to proceed.

Jupiter is in your joint finances house so if you』ve been waiting on an inheritance you finally get it (or you get to hear about a windfall). But as you concurrently have Saturn as the 「karma」 planet in the mix, integrity and ethics in your dealings are paramount.

Mars opposing Pluto on the 27th will be tricky but if you』ve been 「good」 you』ll be fine (rewarded in fact) but if you』ve been 「bad」 you might receive some news that will rock you to your core.

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You』ve been doing some 「weeding」 in your life (or 「pruning」 depending on the nature of the folk that you』re dealing with) but now that Saturn is moving forward again, it』s a month when you may sadly say goodbye to a good friend for whatever reason.

It』s a lot easier to get rid of superficial friends, but on the whole you probably won』t be hanging out with friends as much in July.

It』s possible you』ve joined a group or a business network recently but how you operate within teams will be under scrutiny or review and some difficulties or extra responsibilities can arise.

The demands on your time will increase and this can be for a good reason (such as you have been promoted or your client list has grown) but it also feels 「harder」 and more taxing of your time.

It』s true though that your perspective of life is changing.

Firstly that has much to do with the ongoing and long passage of Pluto through your sign but this is further enhanced in July when Venus enters Virgo bringing a rosy glow to your outlook, but also interesting new experiences.

It』s possible that you fall in love with a foreigner or are hanging out more with people from another country (or they are influencing you in a business sense). Put it this way, you won』t be happy with the routine everyday humdrum existence – you want excitement and exotica - and something that you can feel like you can hang your hat on (metaphorically) and that it won』t fall off…

Most of the month is good for you and quite interesting and lively (well at least the first three week are) and you will also get the benefit of the trines.

The Grand trine will bless your relationships – particularly your friends and groups – so that helps in that 「weeding」 out process and ensuring that new and interesting people enter your sphere to replace the old and outworn (or passé) ones.

Neptune will bless your communications and bring benefits by way of commissions and contracts so these are the areas in which the trine can create 「magic」.

Towards the end of the month when the Sun enters Leo you start to loose some of your cool and for one reason or another its more of an emotional time - but not so much because of anything happening directly to you - but more to what is happening to someone close.

It might be a lover, spouse or business partner but they are going through a rough patch and this will affect you.

There is the possibility for some Cappys that a lingering emotional issue is put back on the table to be dealt with or there has to be a recognition that someone intimate is not longer 「tenable」.

You are going through a series of watersheds in your life, it』s a step-by-step plan that the Cosmos has in store for you in which people, and things and situations that are inhibiting your rise to power will be 「cleared away」 from your life.

Any weakness or helplessness is being discarded through a series of tests (albeit over a long period time) to make you invulnerable and super strong and independent…」solitary trees if they grow at all, grow strong」. (Churchill).

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Saturn turns direct in your career house and Jupiter is now in your house of work, so you really are in a wonderful passage to further your aims and ambitions and if you are job hunting, July could be a very propitious month.

It』s seems as if you have been in 「improvement mode」 for a while now and changing your direction and commitments - and tailoring your goals to fit in with the new or revised life plan.

It』s a funny month in that you could be scooping the pool (as in a lottery pool) and getting accolades and recognition or career "rewards" - OR wondering what the hell you are doing in your life and be completely lost in your direction.

It』s all about cause and effect and if you』ve worked hard and played the game of life well, then you will be reaping the rewards. And if not, then it』s a case of dealing with the consequences of your poor choices.

This is why the trines are going to help you out in a big way and the Grand trine focuses on your career, money and work respectively so you can』t lose in this regard. Nearly all Aquarians will shortly end up with a pay rise, a better job a new job or a better lifestyle!

It will be a tangible reward!

But it』s not just your career in isolation that you』ll be focusing on but your lifestyle as a whole and towards the end of the month you will turn your focus towards your personal life and relationships in general.

If you』ve had a falling out or a 「disconnect」 or are feeling lonely you』ll be working out why - and looking at the forces at play within certain relationships.

If you are being welcomed with open arms then you』ve done well, but if you are getting the cold shoulder then you will know that you need to work on some aspect of your approach. In other words your relationships will be the barometer from which you can assess your relationship style.

This is further emphasized by the full moon in Aquarius in the last week when you will be quite obsessed with yourself and almost demanding attention and become very 「me」 focused.

It』s possible that you』ve been feeling a tad out of the mix lately or a bit lonely so a little affection and attention wouldn』t go astray - but just be careful how you go about getting it!

「Less can be more」 but don』t be surprised if you are feeling a bit sorry for yourself and more emotional than normal (you are a cool and unemotional sign normally) and prone to the odd flare up.

But this is a month when you will be weighing up your options and evaluating your life (and more particularly what you want out of it for yourself).

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Well you are a water sign, so you, along with Cancer and Scorpio, are in the box seat this month because all of you will enjoy super benefits from the very watery trine(s).

And that』s great because you』re on somewhat of a self-improvement jag but not so much in a career sense but more in a spiritual life defining sense. Your values are changing and the things that seemed so important to you once don』t mean as much (if at all) to you now - and they may even feel superficial and meaningless.

You are aligning yourself with your true motivations and so your outlook, personal philosophy and general outlook on life are changing.

With the arrival of Mars in Cancer on the 13th you』ll feel this even more and for the next few weeks you have to be YOU and be allowed to express yourself without restraint (otherwise you will feel hemmed in and frustrated).

Your innate optimism has brought you this far, but it will become paramount in July to really determine who are and what do YOU stand for and whether your belief systems are sound….and more importantly what kind of future are you working towards.

The Grand trine will bring romance, fun and pleasure but the key thing is Neptune in is your house of Self so you will be advancing as an individual - personally, emotionally and spiritually.

So with these blessings from the Cosmos the last couple of weeks of July will be very productive and you』ll want to work on your body (by diet, exercise etc) and on your career – in fact every aspect of your life. You will be throwing yourself into the deep end.

Venus in your house of relationships is going to improve your every day associations and if you are single bring someone into your life. You』ll look better and have loads of charisma and charm (and be doling it out and getting it back) but this is a month in which you can develop a wonderful - and deep - rapport with the people in your life.

But if you are single (and don』t wish to be) you will be pulling out all stops this month to change that relationship profile - and you are in line for a lot of happiness ahead.

But as your self-esteem is predicated on the attentions of others (and if someone shows you the right sort of attention or affection) you might drop you guard just a little too quickly - or read too much into it, too soon.

In other words look before you leap and make sure that you are interpreting the attention for what it is. It might be love - it might be friendship - if it』s the latter (and you think it』s the former) this can deal you an emotional blow, so tread slowly.

But this is a month (in fact a whole year) that will bring great joy and if you are single there is every chance you will find love – or certainly what feels like it!

Get ready for a fun and sexy time (because you can expect all of those and more) and if you are already in partnership these will be happy times; and time spent with children (if you have them) will be especially fulfilling.

Being happy is another means of being wise….

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TAG:占星 | 心靈 | 2013年 | 運勢 | 2013 |