
***********(周運) 克里斯汀 Starcast 01.15





【金牛座 】——譯者:nyonko








【 獅子座】——譯者:小腳


























ARIES [Mar 21 - Apr 19]

If the thought of another year just like the one that just passed overwhelms your Soul, find a way to divide this next period of time in sections or chapters. Your Soul already knows where it is going and what is needed to get there, you may simply have some fear surrounding how you are going to clear a certain mountain. A Full Moon in Cancer peaks Wednesday night, Jan.15 and in the days following, the emotional energy that has been pent up should dissipate as the Moon begins to wane again. You may need to address a fear or a challenging relationship on Thursday, Jan.16 but by the following day on Friday, Jan.17, you will feel something break free within as Mercury makes a supportive link to Uranus in your sign. You will either have an exchange with someone who helps you get to the other side of an emotional worry or you will come up with a clever solution that is far from a pipe dream but a realistic and desirable way forward.

By the weekend, you will not only experience a new found trust in this current process, but you will feel a thrill to back it up!

TAURUS [Apr 20 - May 21]

There are time when you just can』t help yourself. Like all of us Taurus, when we invest our entire selves into something and our intentions are challenged, it can feel impossible not to react. Wednesday night』s Full Moon in feeling Cancer will have a way of bringing your emotions to new heights and depths with these feelings spilling into Thursday, Jan. 16 as your retrograde ruler Venus receives a square from warrior Mars in Libra, the sign of relationships. You may need to do a bit of sparring to prove your point and defend your truth and someone doubting you may have you questioning your own self. Don』t fall for it Taurus.

Ttrust your hunches as well as your plan and by late Thursday or Friday, Jan. 17, when Mercury sextiles Uranus, you will be settling into a new and better groove with confidence that gradually yet steadily grows!

GEMINI [May 22 - Jun 21]

With the Moon peaking Wednesday night in Cancer in your house of cash, money, no doubt will be in the forefront of your mind. By Thursday, Jan.16 when a Venus retrograde squares Mars in Libra in your house of investments, you will be working hard this week to forge a plan to balance your budget and your books in order to give yourself the best bang for your buck. Your money worries will soon ease as on Friday, Jan.17, your ruler Mercury will form an angle of grace to Uranus, the planet that governs the Eureka moment as you find a genius way forward and through. This is a time to think way outside the box Gemini because the further you go, the bigger it gets, with respect to your relative fortune. In a few days time, the answer will come but your moment to act is one week out!

Prepare so you are ready to go!

CANCER [Jun 22 - Jul 22]

As your ruler, the Moon, grows full in your sign this Wednesday, Jan. 14, you too have decided to take better charge of your reality along relationship lines in the days that follow. There may have been something you have been putting up with for a good long time and you are ready to take back the reigns and direct your life in ways that better support your essential needs. Things have become way out of balance and with Venus also moving retrograde through your opposite sign, you are determined to even a certain set of scales. It starts with getting clear surrounding exactly what your Soul needs. Once you know what your bottom line base is, you can start from there and work you way up, meaning no compromises can be made if they impact your base or the necessary needs for the sustainment and evolution of your Soul. We are not here to bide time, we are here to love, to learn and to grow. If someone isn』t 『gettin』 it, then they go or else you get out. Love yourself enough to lay it all on the line.

With Saturn in fellow water sign Scorpio making a secure angle to the Full Moon in your sign, choices made that reflect a sincere self respect turn the relationship tides in your favor!

LEO [Jul 23 - Aug 22]

This week』s Full Moon in Cancer late Wednesday night, Jan. 15, can have a way of exposing some of your vulnerabilities and shining the light on those soft spots. Maybe you too needed to be reminded of your weakest link so you can focus once again on securing your connection to yourself. Watch the tendency to lose focus on your health and how you tend to your inner temple. Whatever you are feeling, in mind, in your heart and physically in your body will tell you exactly how much self love is or is not going on. Fortunately by Friday, Jan. 17, Mercury will form an elevating link to Uranus in fellow fir sign Aries, the archetype of new beginnings, suggesting a positive change you set in motion now has a sure shot at sticking. You may be set to experience a mild set back early on in this forecast week but things are surely going to be quick to change, when and where you least expect it most, giving your heart a spirited lift. Prepare for someone new to help you remove a belief pattern that has become tired an old. There is a bight light called your future waiting for you just over the next hill.

Trust me, it will be well worth the climb!

VIRGO [Aug 23 - Sep 22]

Once a month, every month, whether we like it or not, we are thrown back into our feeling bodies when the Moon forms a circle of light as it will again late Wednesday, Jan. 15. It is easier to keep a safe distance from our emotions so we do not feel tossed around like rag dolls in the unpredictable sea of life. However it is only when are are all the way inside the center of a feeling when we can expect to experience the true potential of its intentional height. On Thursday, Jan 16, a retrograde Venus will square Mars in Libra which will give your relationships a brief yet vigorous test to see which ones are up to the challenge. This also includes the relationship you have with yourself. Try not to focus too much on the negative tapes playing within yourself or focusing on what is lacking in another for it will only exaggerate the void. By Friday, Jan 17, if you are determined to get back that loving feeling, your ruler Mercury』s angle to its higher octave, Uranus, will help swing open your heart』s door.

When you stick to loving yourself, you will see what is so right in another and in turn they will want nothing more than to love you in return!

LIBRA [Sep 23 - Oct 23]

You are stepping into the ring this week Libra as a Full Moon in Cancer peaks in your house of the public self, also known as the house of career, suggesting that you are going to take front and center stage in a key debate. With Mars, the planet of action, in your sign, you are going to be feeling more impatient and feistier than usual and your body language will show that you mean business. With Mercury』s recent shift into fellow air sign Aquarius, this will help you find the language you need to convince someone to back you or to get on board with your ideas. You may bump up against a bully of sorts come Thursday, Jan 16, but by the following day when Mercury syncs up electrically with Uranus, a panel of people won』t know what hit them. Before you know it, they will be eating out of your hand. Try an alternative approach as in through the side or the back door and this deal will be yours, that is if you can take this next brave step.

Follow your heart and it won』t let you down!

SCORPIO [Oct 24 - Nov 21]

As the Full Moon in Cancer raises your awareness this week surrounding how far you can take a certain dream, you will feel a brewing sense of inspiration and motivation to raise your world bar yet one more time. Considering the Moon rules Cancer, a fellow water sign, those deep waters of truth will be stirring strongly within encouraging you to take your life further than perhaps you had initially intended to go. With Venus still retrograde in Capricorn until the end of the month, you will still be sorting through what works and what doesn』t while getting clear around next steps to secure a sweet return on your emotional, financial or energetic investment. What matters more than any of the details now, is whether or not your plans are in alignment with the ultimate intentions of your Soul. Does this next move reflect a higher vibration of your self, will it reflect visible Soul growth?

As Mercury clicks with its higher octave Uranus this Friday, Jan. 17, all will become clear as a bell!

SAGITTARIUS [Nov 22 - Dec 21]

The degree of passion that you naturally, inwardly carry has enough power to convince anyone in your midst that they oughta be buying what you are selling. This charisma is rooted in an undercurrent of truth that you have the natural capacity to feel and know for yourself. You were born with a fully ripened sixth sense and it is the intuitive radar that will tell you when you are on the mark and when you are in desperate need of a tune-up. This month』s Full Moon peaks in Cancer, late Wednesday, Jan. 15 and it will produce all the emotional energy you need in order to know whether or not your Soul is on track. Wherever you have felt 『off』 or out of whack, an adjustment will soon be made to establish a healthier state of balance come Thursday, Jan 16. By the following day, Mercury will sextile Uranus and have your heart』s engine humming again. All you need is a little window of possibility and you are gone.

Trust in the stirrings of your heart and it will take you somewhere new and positively, passionately true!

CAPRICORN [Dec 22 - Jan 19]

Whenever people hear the words 「Full Moon」, they tend to pause and panic. These energetic tides do not all produce emotional outbursts and roller coaster rides. They often produce opportunities to get things moving in a far better direction again. You will know when you have reached your personal emotional peak in a key area and you are going to be striving to move forward in a fresh new way. You do this by letting go of your need to control outcomes, you do this when you fully, versus partially, surrender. A Full Moon in your opposite sign, in your house of relationships, becomes a round ball of light late Wednesday, Jan.15 forcing all of those feeling gates to open. No need to fear Cappy because the more you let go, the more receptive you will be to receive any cosmic gifts on order. Fortunately, your ruler Saturn will be forming a most supportive angle to this Full Moon suggesting you will experience a trusted friend showing up for you at just the right time. Prepare for this lunar tide to strengthen some of your most meaningful connections as you take more risks in this arena. Mercury』s angle of ease to Uranus on Friday, Jan.17 helps you release emotions of old and begin writing new lyrics to your Soul song.

I can hear the music playing now!

AQUARIUS [Jan 20 - Feb 19]

As this forecast week kicks off, your health is hi lighted as a Full Moon in Cancer brings a focus to this area of your life. Overall health is included here including any old emotional wounds you may still be licking. You will be able to clearly feel what remnants are left for you to tend to and address as you experience a wee bit of discomfort early on. However this health snag or heart lag will become a distance memory come Friday, Jan 17 when Mercury connects with your great ruler Uranus to grant you an objective lens which includes some life instructions surrounding next steps. You may be saying to yourself, 「Why didn』t I think of that many moons ago?」 You are where you are for a very good reason Aquarius and you will find by this weekend that this very point where you now stand is exactly where you need to be in order to be receive the call or meet a key person linked with your destiny. It is not time to recreate the past, it is time to create a far better future.

Your breakthrough is nigh!

PISCES [Feb 19 - Mar 20]

If you are going to be able to have the dream you have envisioned for yourself, some key things are going to have to change. Not everyone is going to be able to join you on your journey and you know it. Choices that are soon to be made will require you to make some relationship shifts in your life in order for the promise of this dream to be possible. To say goodbye to situations and possibly people will not so much feel like a sacrifice as you are giving up something to make room for another that is world』s better for your Soul at this stage of your journey. Neptune, your ruler, is in your sign Pisces and is a whisper away from forming a most auspicious angle to the North Node, the symbol for your destiny. This has not occurred in your lifetime. Do yourself a favor and keep this bigger picture trend in mind while you are dealing with some unfinished business. Take care of the here and now so you can be on your way to a brighter tomorrow!

Sunglasses will be required!


TAG:克里斯 |