
There"s no denying that it can be difficult to assemble an interview ensemble. Your interview attire, however, shouldn"t be disregarded.不可否認的是,要搭配一套完整的面試裝備很困難。說真的,你的面試服裝真的不能忽視。 After all, first impressions are key, and it"s imperative to make a great first impression on your potential employer. A huge part of making a good first impression is dressing for success.畢竟給別人留下第一印象至關重要,尤其是在潛在僱主面前。良好深刻的印象很大一部分取決於著裝適宜。Don"t worry - you don"t have to spend a lot of money or pour through fashion magazines to figure out what to wear to your interview.不用擔憂,在選擇著裝去參加面試時,你不需要花費太多的金錢或者埋頭在時尚雜誌里。Fortunately, men"s fashion is relatively straightforward. Using a few basic pieces, it"s easy to put together an outfit that is stylish, professional and tasteful.幸運的是,男士的時尚通常都很簡單粗暴。一件簡單的基本款,就可以讓你的總體感覺看起來時尚,專業,有品位。Browse through this gallery of interview outfits for men to get an idea of what to wear to your next interview.看看下面這些服裝提示,你就能為面試找到一件好衣服了。

Work With Colors and Layers色彩與層次感

When you finally land that interview, you may not know the company"s dress code prior to your arrival.你最終獲得一個面試的機會,但你很有可能到達會場後才知道公司的著裝風格。While interviews at startup companies or for non-professional jobs signify a more casual look, if you"re interviewing for a professional position, it"s important that you stick with a formal look.參加一些初起步或非專業嚴謹的公司的面試,更多傾向於休閑的風格,如果你面試的是很具專業形象要求的公司,那你就需要穿得正式。Of course, even within the "business formal" category, there"s a huge range of different dress codes. A formal look like this one is professional, but doesn"t look "stuffy" or uptight, making it a good choice for all types of interviews.當然,即使在「商業正式」的公司里,也有很大範圍的著裝規範。正式的著裝如上圖所示就是職業人士的要求,但看起來並不會古板悶熱或過緊,是參加不同面試場合的很好的選擇。A well-fitting grey blazer or sportscoat works in both a business formal and business casual environment. Dressed up with a colorful button down and tie, and layered with a cardigan, the look is modern and stylish but still work-place appropriate.一件合身的灰色西裝外套或運動服能在正式的商務場合和休閑場合中遊刃有餘。穿一件彩色的襯衣配上領帶,搭一件羊毛開襟衫,造型有現代感又時尚,而且也是工作場合可以接受的。

Khaki Blazer and Pants卡其西裝和褲子

Not sure if the company you"re interviewing at requires a business casual, or business formal type of dress? Find the middle ground with a khaki blazer and coordinating pants.不確定公司要求商務休閑裝還是商務正裝?那就折衷,穿一件卡其西裝和相配的褲子吧。A khaki blazer is less harsh than a black or grey suit coat. It"s a great piece because it straddles the boundary between business casual and business formal. Worn without a tie, it"s a solid option for when you aren"t quite sure of the dress code.卡其色的西裝外套比黑色或灰色的外套看起來沒那麼嚴肅。這是很好的選擇,因為既能在休閑場合也能在正式場合穿著。在你不確定著裝規範的情況下不需要戴領帶。

A Sweater and Button Down毛衣和襯衫

Layer a sweater with a button down for the most dependable business casual look. A navy sweater is a good choice, as it matches many different shirt colors, including white, light blue, pink, yellow, or the green button down shirt here.毛衣外套配上襯衫打底是最可靠的商務休閑裝。天藍色毛衣是不錯的選擇,因為它能夠跟任何顏色的襯衫搭配,無論是白色,淺藍色,粉紅色,黃色,還是綠色都很搭。Pair the layered top with khakis, grey chinos or even dark wash jeans (in a less formal environment, such as at a startup company) for an easy interview outfit.褲子搭配卡其色的褲子,灰色斜紋褲甚至是深色的牛仔褲都可以在非正式的場合穿著(比如初建立的公司),感覺輕鬆休閑。

Navy Blue Blazer深藍西裝外套

A pinstripe navy blue blazer is a breath of fresh air from the typical black suit coat, and is definitely a great addition to your interviewing wardrobe.一件深藍色的直條紋西裝外套絕對脫俗於傳統的黑色外套,並且絕對是你的衣櫃里必不可少的單品。A navy blue blazer can be worn with a tie, or without, depending on the dress code. It matches numerous shirt colors and can be worn with khakis, chinos or grey slacks.深藍色西裝外套可以根據著裝規範搭配或不搭配領帶。它可以跟許多襯衫搭配,也可以後跟卡其褲,斜紋褲和灰色長褲搭配。Essentially, there"s a lot of flexibility packed into this one item, so you"ll get a lot of mileage out of it.本質上,深藍色西裝也有很多靈活的搭配選擇,你可以多作想像。Navy blue blazers add a touch of class for a look that is timeless, yet always professional.深藍色西裝外套增加高雅的元素是永不過時的,也是專業的。

Statement Ties配套領帶

Ties don"t have to be boring. Although you should avoid anything too flashy, such as "novelty" ties with bizarre prints, don"t be afraid to experiment with unexpected colors - like the burgundy ties here, for example.領帶的款式不必太沉悶。儘管你不想太花俏,比如奇怪花紋的「新款」領帶,也不要害怕嘗試意想不到的顏色——比如圖中的深紫紅色領帶。A "statement" tie like one of these works well with a button down sans blazer, which can be a good choice in a dressier business casual environment.「搭配領帶」就像能夠跟襯衫百搭的無袖運動西裝,在商務休閑場合是一個著裝選擇。

Bold Button Downs風格大膽的襯衫

Coordinate your tie with an interesting button down for a look that is sophisticated and stylish. Use tact when choosing your button down, though.給領帶搭配一件有意思的襯衫,讓你看起來有經驗又時尚。選襯衫時要靈活運用自己的智慧。In a strict formal dress code, stick to classic colors with subdued prints, like a blue stripe, for example. You have some more flexibility in a more casual environment, especially considering bold button downs don"t need a tie to dress them up.在嚴肅正式的著裝要求下,選擇經典的柔和的花紋,比如藍色橫條。在休閑場合下你有很多選擇的靈活度,特別是風格大膽的襯衫也不需要戴領帶的時候。Ultimately, don"t be afraid to experiment.最後,真的不要害怕嘗試。Figure out what works for you, but make sure the shirt complements your look without overshadowing your personality.弄清楚最合適自己的款式,確保襯衫為你的外形加分而不是削弱你的個性。

Modern Business Formal時尚商務正裝

Are you interviewing at a company with a business formal dress code, but you"re tired of the same-old black suit, white shirt and basic tie?


Fortunately, if you use discretion in coordinating your outfit, your business formal suit doesn"t have to be stagnant and boring. Work with colors that are modest but still eye-catching, like this light-blue tie that matches a checkered shirt. It adds a touchof urban sophistication without sacrificing professionalism.幸運的是,如果你能靈活判斷相搭配的服裝,你的正式著裝也不必呆板無趣。選擇端莊的顏色仍然吸引眼球,比如淺藍色領帶搭配一件格子襯衫。能夠為你增加額外的成熟感又不失專業。Finally, a grey suit coat and pants still lends to a formal look, yet is more modern than the dreary black suit.最後,灰色的西裝外套和褲子仍然會是正裝的選擇,並且相對傳統黑色外套更具時尚感。

Adding Texture增加質感

Adding texture to your outfit lends an instant sense of class, sophistication and style to an otherwise ordinary ensemble.為套裝增加質感可以讓你總體看起來有格調,成熟,有品位。A textured blazer, like the corduroy one here, dresses up a button down and slacks without looking stuffy or uptight. A tweed blazer accomplishes the same thing.質感豐富的西裝外套,如圖中的燈芯絨,在搭配襯衫和寬鬆長褲,看起來並不會臃腫或過緊。花呢質地的西裝外套也能達到同樣效果。Pair the blazer with a tie for a more formal environment, or lose the tie for a look that is relaxed but professional.在相對正式的場合下,給外套配上領帶,或者調整領帶的鬆緊度,你會感覺沒那麼緊張,也是專業的形象。

Back to Basics回歸基本款

A pristine white button down, grey slacks and coordinating tie is a staple ensemble that works in nearly any office environment.一件質樸的白色襯衫,灰色長褲,配上領帶幾乎是任何職場環境都合適的著裝。It"s also an easy look to throw together. Basically, all you have to do is choose a tie, and you"re ready to go. With the rest of the outfit so simple, you have some leeway to choose a patterned tie, which will stand as the centerpiece of the outfit.這也是很簡單的搭配。基本上你只需選擇領帶的款式,然後就可以出發了。餘下的部分就很簡單,你有很多選擇的花領帶的餘地,這也是整體穿著的中心裝飾品。Because it"s a simple look, though, it"s important to make sure that each piece of your outfit is in good condition, and fits well.正因為這是最簡單的套裝,你有必要把每一個細節都維持在良好的狀況,都應該合身。Make sure your button down is wrinkle-free (and clean!) and take the extra effort to ensure that your slacks are pressed and pleated.確保你的襯衫沒有褶皺(而且乾淨!),花點時間和精力把褲子熨燙整齊以備隨時使用。


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