Chapter9 come to peace table

Chapter9 come to peace table

來自專欄 幼兒場景式故事教學

A: 「you are not my friend, I do not want to play with you anymore.」

B: 「you hurt my feelings, please come to the peace table.」

C: 「hey, you broke my puzzle.」

D: 「I did not see it, it is an accident」

C: 「No excuse, you always do this,you are a bad guy」

D: 「you are so rude, you should go to the peace table」

F: 「why are you crying ?」

G: 「Ana has snack with kate, but usually she has snack with me, she said she wanted

eating with kate today, I want to join them」

F: 「you do not need cry, just talk to them, how about invite them to the peace table to talking about it.」

I loved peace table so much ,it seemed that table had lots of super power, it could figure out all of the problems, it was fantastic. Usually the same cases above happend everday ,but ended in different way.

Sometimes I just said 「 Dude,what I want to say is …oh sorry ,what should I say ,I forgot… and other kids laughed ,then the problem is disappered. 「

Sometimes two kids were fighting with the materials ,but at last nobody cared the marterials ,they put it away and hugged each other , then played together.

Surprisedly, one kid called another kid that he was a bad guy ,after talking in the peacetable ,they talked a lot for lego hero ,then they all respected each other as a

team as super hero.

I tryed to find why the table was so magical, but I did not find anything . Was the place full of sunshine ? Were pillows much more comfortable ? Why everyone after talking were more friendly and respectful…

Weird table = peace table !

蒙氏教室里有個神奇的桌子,我們叫做PEACE TABLE,小點年齡的小朋友遇到問題會坐在那裡冷靜下,大點的孩子會在那裡通過溝通解決各種問題,這是一個神奇的地方,讓孩子們學會解決問題,任何問題你都可以邀請別人來談,通過溝通解決掉問題,而不是由老師參與,評判來解決問題。

TIPS:可以說這是一個象徵性的桌子,但是儀式感的東西往往有神奇的力量,我們讓孩子練習的是解決問題的能力,而不是記住這個桌子。在家庭教育中,任何一個地方都可以被定義為PEACE PLACE,但是希望家長能堅持讓孩子去自己解決問題,也堅持參與到和他們的良性溝通中去,時間久了,你會發現,你的孩子獨立並充滿力量。



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