[美劇] 金色年代/The Goldbergs 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 金色年代/The Goldbergs 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 金色年代/The Goldbergs 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

該劇根據編劇、製片人Adam Goldberg的成長經歷改編,描述了一個上世紀80年代普通美國家庭的故事——儘管生活一團稀糟,但家人之間充滿關愛。

Goldberg一家和其他幸福和睦的家庭沒有什麼區別,只是家裡個個都是大嗓門。老媽Beverly(Wendi McClendon-Covey)是個典型的「老媽愛死你」。她在這家人中擁有絕對的「權威」,而且從來不知道什麼叫「界限」,什麼叫「底線」。[展開全文]

該劇根據編劇、製片人Adam Goldberg的成長經歷改編,描述了一個上世紀80年代普通美國家庭的故事——儘管生活一團稀糟,但家人之間充滿關愛。

Goldberg一家和其他幸福和睦的家庭沒有什麼區別,只是家裡個個都是大嗓門。老媽Beverly(Wendi McClendon-Covey)是個典型的「老媽愛死你」。她在這家人中擁有絕對的「權威」,而且從來不知道什麼叫「界限」,什麼叫「底線」。不過她那些氣勢壓人的做法歸根結底是為了保護家人——如果他們不覺得那是「保護過度」的話。老爸Murray(Jeff Garlin)是個性格急躁、脾氣很壞的人,長期以來奉行「不罵不成材」的為父之道……直到最近心臟健康方面的原因導致他再也不敢高聲叫喊。大姐Erica(Hayley Orrantia)17歲了,性感、刁蠻,誰也招惹不起。老二Barry(Troy Gentile)今年16,典型的「高分低能」學生,而且或多或少有一點「排行中間綜合症」。Adam雖然年紀最小,但卻很有天賦,沒準他今後真的能當一個大導演?但是他現在面臨一個大問題:他迷戀著年紀比他大許多的Zoe(她已經15歲了!),而且根本無法與Zoe的同齡人「抗衡」!這個家庭中最後一名成員是德高望重的外公Al 「Pops」 Solomon(George Segal)——人說「老小老小」,他果然是家裡最「淘氣」的一位。他主動教導Adam「追女孩的訣竅」……毫無疑問,那絕不是好事。家家都有一本難念的經,Goldberg家的事情,誰又能說得清呢?


Show me wax on, wax off.


Man, I loved the 80s.

=> 男人,我喜歡上世紀80年代。

It was the age of E.

=> 那是E的年齡




=> 先生。


=> T.

, and MTV.


Back then, the world was still small.

=> 那時候,世界還很小。

No cell phones or internet or twitter.

=> 沒有手機或互聯網或微博。

Your friends lived on your street, and your family were the people at your dinner table.

=> 你的朋友住在你的街上,而你的家人是你餐桌上的人。

If you were assuming these smiley people were my family, theyre not.

=> 如果你假設這些笑臉的人是我的家人,他們不是。

This is my family.

=> 這是我的家人。

This is how I remember the 80s.

=> 這就是我對80年代的記憶。

There were no parenting blogs, or peanut allergies; just a whole lotta crazy.

=> 沒有父母的博客,或花生過敏;只是整個瘋狂。

Ah, look at that little geek.

=> 啊,看那個小怪胎。

Yep, thats me, Adam Goldberg.

=> 是的,就是我,Adam Goldberg。

We were the first on our block to get a video camera, and I used it to record my entire childhood.

=> 我們是第一個拿到攝像機的地方,我用它來記錄我的整個童年。

Im home! The man parking his pants at the front door, thats my dad, Murray Goldberg.

=> 我在家!男人把褲子停在前門,那是我的父親Murray Goldberg。

TVs mine! Ever since his last heart attack, he became determined to exercise, eat better, - And not yell so much.

=> 電視是我的!自從他最後一次心臟病發作後,他決心要鍛煉,吃得更好,而且不要這麼嚷嚷。

It wasnt working.

=> 這不起作用。

- Stop with the camera! My super-friendly sister Erica.

=> - 用相機停下來!我超友善的姐姐埃里卡。

She loved to talk to people, just not us.

=> 她喜歡與人交談,而不是我們。

Adam, what the hell? Im gonna crimp your face.

=> 亞當,到底是什麼?我會捲曲你的臉。

Mom! Barry Goldberg, textbook middle child, and classic over-reactor.

=> 媽媽!巴里·戈德堡(Barry Goldberg),教科書中的孩子,經典的過度反應堆。

Youre a liar, Simon! You are a liar! Stop videotaping! And finally, my overbearing "Smother," Beverly Goldberg.

=> 你是個騙子,西蒙!你是個騙子!停止錄像!最後,我咄咄逼人的「窒息」,比佛利·戈德堡。

A homemaker, a ball breaker, who found the time to stay fit, raise the kids, and drive us all insane.

=> 一個家庭主婦,一個打破球的人,找到了保持健康的時間,撫養孩子,讓我們瘋狂。

Yeah, we were the family that yelled and cursed, but to this day, we still love each other.

=> 是的,我們是一個大吼大叫的家庭,但直到今天,我們仍然彼此相愛。

This is my family September 3, 1985.

=> 這是我的家庭1985年9月3日。

It began as a typical morning in the Goldberg house.

=> 它開始作為典型的早晨在戈德堡的房子。

You dont know anything.

=> 你什麼都不知道

Hes not too old for me.

=> 他對我來說不算老。

Hes in college, Erica! Wrong.

=> 他在大學裡,埃里卡!錯誤。

He dropped out to start a band.

=> 他退出開始組建樂隊。

Dont you feel stupid now? Mom, they dont zip.

=> 你現在不覺得傻嗎?媽媽,他們不拉鏈。

Can you help me with this? Oh, look at you.

=> 你能幫我嗎?哦,看看你。

Oh, why go shopping when your sisters jeans fit you so perfectly? Fit me perfectly? Theyre horrible.

=> 哦,為什麼你的妹妹的牛仔褲如此完美地適合你的時候去購物呢?完美地適應我?他們太可怕了

Theyre roomy in the hips and tight in the front.

=> 他們在臀部寬敞,緊在前面。

I look like Brooke shields.

=> 我看起來像布魯克盾牌。

And shes beautiful.

=> 她很漂亮

Look, you need to be grateful, because one day, I wont be here to help dress you.

=> 看,你需要感激,因為有一天,我不會在這裡幫你穿衣服。

You keep sayin that, but when? As always, my mom began the day by dressing us, feeding us, and ignoring any sense of human boundaries.

=> 你一直在說,但是什麼時候?和往常一樣,我媽媽開始打扮我們,餵養我們,忽略任何人類的界限。

Wheres my baby? Happy birthday.

=> 我的寶貝在哪裡?生日快樂。

What do you want for breakfast? - Privacy! - Oh, please.

=> 你想要什麼早餐? - 隱私- 哦拜託。

Dont forget to wash your bottom.

=> 不要忘記洗你的底部。

Barry was in a rare good mood.

=> 巴里心情不錯。

He was turning 16, a day hed been waiting for his whole life.

=> 他一直在等十六歲,他一直在等待他的一生。

Its jingling.

=> 這是叮噹作響。

Its keys.

=> 這是鑰匙。

Keys means car, car means freedom from all you monsters.

=> 鑰匙意味著汽車,汽車意味著免於你所有的怪物。

I love you, mom.

=> 我愛你媽媽。

What the hell is this? Its a locket.

=> 這到底是什麼?這是一個小盒子

Its got my picture inside so you can always have your mother near your heart.

=> 裡面有我的照片,所以你可以永遠讓你的母親靠近你的心臟。

Sweetie, youre just not ready to drive.

=> 親愛的,你還沒準備好開車

Youre too immature, and quite honestly, a little high-Strung.

=> 你太不成熟了,老實說,有點高。

I am not high-Strung! Im strung just fine, like a tennis racket or a banjo- You know, I think its great, cause all the cool guys in my grade, - They have mom lockets.

=> 我不高興!我很好,像一個網球拍或班卓琴 - 你知道,我認為這很好,因為我所有的酷傢伙,他們有媽媽的鎖。

- Hey! - All of em.

=> - 嘿! - 所有的時間。

- dont poke the bear, all right? You dont wanna wear it, fine.

=> - 不要戳熊,好嗎?你不想穿,很好。

- Ill throw it in the trash.

=> - 我把它扔進垃圾箱

- Go ahead.

=> - 前進。

- Here I go.

=> - 我來啦。

- do it.

=> - 做吧。

- Go ahead.

=> - 前進。

- Gonna go in the garbage.

=> - 要去垃圾


=> 難以置信的。

You were gonna let me throw this in the trash.

=> 你要讓我把它扔到垃圾箱里

Totally irresponsible.

=> 完全不負責任。

Youre not driving.

=> 你不開車。

Oh, god.

=> 天啊。

Dad, please talk some sense into your wife.

=> 爸爸,請跟你老婆談一談

She saying some pretty Controversial things over there.

=> 她在那邊說了一些很有爭議的事情。

I agree with Whatever nonsense your mother just said.

=> 我同意你母親剛才所說的無論如何。

Come on, this is not fair.

=> 來吧,這是不公平的。

Who the hell told you life was fair, ya moron? Dads colorful way of speaking may seem a bit harsh; it really wasnt.

=> 他媽的告訴過你生活是公平的嗎?爸爸豐富多彩的說話方式似乎有些苛刻,它確實不是。

You just had to learn how to speak Murray.

=> 你只需要學習如何說話穆雷。

Its 2:00 A.

=> 現在是2點



I thought you were dead.

=> 我以為你死了。

I could kill you.

=> 我可以殺了你

You broke it.

=> 你打破了。

Its amazing.

=> 太奇妙了。

You little bastards ruin everything.

=> 你們這些小雜種毀了一切

For someone so smart, you sure act like an idiot.

=> 對於一個如此聰明的人,你確實像一個白痴一樣行事。

All right, stop your pouting.

=> 好的,停止你的p嘴。

I got you something, and I think youre gonna like it.

=> 我給了你一些東西,我想你會喜歡它的。

Reo speedwagon? This is top 40! You dont know me at all.

=> Reo speedwagon?這是前40名!你根本不認識我。

Im into rap, the poetry of the streets.

=> 我正在說唱街頭的詩歌。

Come on! No, no, I talked to the guy at Sam Goody.

=> 來吧!不,不,我跟Sam Goody的那個人說話。

He said it was a hip track.

=> 他說這是一個髖關節。

Well, did you talk to Sam Goody himself? Huh? Did you? No.

=> 那麼,你自己和Sam Goody談過了嗎?咦?你是否?沒有。

You talked to a random jag-off who knows nothing about real music.

=> 你跟隨一個對真實音樂一無所知的隨機jag-off。

You werent there, okay? The guy had an earring, he had a Jean jacket, covered in buttons.

=> 你不在,好嗎?那傢伙戴了一個耳環,他有一件牛仔夾克,上面有紐扣。

Covered! Dont get your father all worked up.

=> 蓋的!不要讓你的父親全力以赴。

Im already all worked up.

=> 我已經全力了

- Honey - Calm down, breathe.

=> - 蜂蜜 - 冷靜下來,呼吸。

Im breathin, okay? Youre killing your father.

=> 我正在呼吸,好嗎?你殺了你的父親

I hope youre having a happy birthday.

=> 我希望你生日快樂。

Barry had one last visitor, my grandfather, pops, who was 80 years of pure awesome.

=> 巴里有一個最後一個訪客,我的祖父,流行,誰是80歲的純真棒。

I hear someone turned Holy crap! For me? I dont love you that much.

=> 我聽到有人變成了神聖的廢話!為了我?我沒有那麼愛你

This babys mine.

=> 這個寶貝是我的

You get my old one.

=> 你得到我的舊的。

- Yes! - No! I didnt get a car when I turned 16.

=> - 是的! - 不!我16歲時沒有買車。

What do you need a car for? With your looks, you can get a ride from any boy in town.

=> 你需要什麼車?隨著你的外表,你可以從任何鎮上的男孩搭車。

Here you go.

=> 幹得好。

It was the moment Barry had Waited for his whole life.

=> 這是巴里一生等待的時刻。

Those keys meant freedom, and no man could stop him.

=> 這些鑰匙意味著自由,沒有人能阻止他。

But my mom could.

=> 但是我的媽媽可以。

Not gonna happen, Dad.

=> 爸爸,不會發生。

Weve decided Barry cant drive.

=> 我們決定巴里不能開車。

What?! so Barry has a car and no license, and I have a license and no car.

=> 什麼?!所以巴里有車,沒有執照,我有執照,沒有車。

You know what else makes no sense? Those Peach wine coolers I found hiding in your closet.


Yeah, Im everywhere.

=> 對,我到處都是

This is the Worst birthday ever.

=> 這是有史以來最糟糕的生日。

The only one who understands me is flavor flav.

=> 唯一懂我的人是風味黃。

Who runs like that? Are we havin a drag race? Whats with the bird car? My father thinks hes Burt Reynolds.

=> 誰像那樣跑?我們是否有拉力賽?那輛小鳥車怎麼樣?我父親認為他是伯特·雷諾茲。

The sexiest man alive? Yes, I do.

=> 最性感的男人還活著?是的,我願意。

Hey, kiddo, pick you up after school? Um, were goin to the "Y" To do some water aerobics.

=> 嘿,小子,放學後去接你?嗯,我們要去「Y」去做一些水中有氧運動。

Its good for his circulation.

=> 這對他的發行是有好處的。

Swimming was just our cover.

=> 游泳只是我們的掩護。

Pops really took me to the house of waffles to teach me the finer things in life.

=> 流行音樂真的把我帶到華夫餅屋教我生活中的美好事物。

And you cant just go in and honk em.

=> 而且你不能只進去叮囑他們。

Its all about the cuppage.

=> 這一切都是關於飲酒。

Be gentle.

=> 要溫柔。

Those puppies are sensitive.

=> 那些小狗是敏感的。

I just wanna bury my face in em.

=> 我只想埋葬我的臉。

We all do, but you gotta earn it.

=> 我們都這樣做,但你必須得到它。

Speaking of, where are we on operation waffle girl? Her name was Zoe Mcintosh.

=> 說起來,我們在哪裡操作華夫餅乾?她的名字是Zoe Mcintosh。

She was the complete package.

=> 她是完整的包。

Beautiful, older, and her dad was our family podiatrist.

=> 美麗,年紀大了,爸爸是我們的家庭足科醫生。

Okay, last week, we told her your name.

=> 好的,上個禮拜,我們告訴她你的名字。

Lets see if it stuck.

=> 讓我們看看是否卡住了。

Oh, miss, could you top me off? No, no, pops.

=> 哦,小姐,你能把我打倒嗎?不,不,流行音樂。

Too bossy.

=> 太專橫。

Pops, stop.

=> 流行,停止。

We cant do this.

=> 我們不能這樣做。

Im not ready.

=> 我還沒有準備好。

Whassup, girl? The check, please.

=> Whassup,女孩?我要買單。

You got it, Allen.

=> 你明白了,艾倫。

Did you hear that? She just called me Allen.

=> 你聽到了嗎?她只是叫我艾倫。

Thats not your name.

=> 那不是你的名字

Ill change it.

=> 我會改變它。

Im Allen now.

=> 我現在是艾倫。

Pops, youre a genius.

=> 流行音樂,你是一個天才。

Thank you, jedi master.

=> 謝謝,絕地高手。

Youre not making this easy, kid.

=> 你不是這麼容易的,孩子。


=> 抱歉。

Youre like my own personal obi Wan kenobi, but instead of the force, youre teaching me how to get freaky.

=> 你就像我自己的私人貴族Wan kenobi,而不是武力,你教我如何變得怪異。

- Whos elbow cannoli? - Is that Barry? Barry, what are you doing? Eating day-Old doughnuts.

=> - 誰的手肘煎餅?那是巴里嗎?巴里,你在幹什麼?吃天 - 舊的甜甜圈。

My friend Terrence, hes the manager.

=> 我的朋友泰倫斯,他是經理。

- He leaves em out back for me.

=> 他離開他們回來給我。

- Why? Its called eating your feelings, ass bag.

=> - 為什麼?這叫做吃你的感覺,屁股包。

Moms gonna walk me to the bus till Im 40, all right? Put down the garbage cruller.

=> 媽媽會把我帶到公車上,直到我40歲,好嗎?放下垃圾油條。

Im gonna figure out a way to get you that license, and my car.

=> 我要找出一個方法來取得你的執照和我的車。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Really? As we cruised in Pops new ride, we felt like kings.

=> 真?當我們在Pops的新騎行中,我們感覺像國王。

It didnt matter that my mom said Barry couldnt drive.

=> 我的媽媽說巴里不能開車沒關係。

Our grandfather would fix that.

=> 我們的祖父會解決這個問題。

He was always cooking up a plan in that brilliant mind of his.

=> 他總是在他那個聰明的頭腦中制定一個計劃。

All right, pops, you said you had a plan.

=> 好,呃,你說你有計劃。

Whatcha thinkin? Pops, you okay? Okay, his mind wasnt what it used to be, but his appetite still was.

=> Whatcha想?流行音樂,你沒事吧?好吧,他的思想不是以前的樣子,但他的胃口仍然是。

So who wants nuggets? Pops was booked with reckless endangerment, we were all thrown behind bars.

=> 那麼誰要掘金?流行音樂被記錄在魯莽的危險之中,我們都被拋在了酒吧之外。

That is, until our mom arrived.

=> 也就是說,直到我們的媽媽到達。

Are you proud of yourself, locking up an old man and two little boys? God help the poor soul that tried to push us around.

=> 你為自己感到驕傲,鎖定一個老人和兩個小男孩嗎?上帝幫助那試圖推動我們的窮人。

That was her job.

=> 那是她的工作。

Memorize this face, because it is going to haunt your dreams, sir.

=> 記住這張臉,因為它會困擾你的夢想,先生。

It is gonna haunt your dreams.

=> 它會困擾你的夢想。

Are you guys okay? No, Im not okay.

=> 你們好嗎?不,我不好。

Barry took a dump in front of us.

=> 巴里在我們面前傾倒。

I had to go.

=> 我不得不去。

It was bad.

=> 這不怎麼樣。

Im telling you, it wasnt my fault.

=> 我告訴你,這不是我的錯。

The next morning, mom lowered the boom, and took pops keys.

=> 第二天早上,媽媽降低了熱潮,並拿出了流行音樂的鑰匙。

Im not one of your kids, Bev.

=> 我不是你的孩子,貝夫。

You cant boss me around.

=> 你不能管我。

I do the bossing.

=> 我做老闆。

Dad, Im just trying to help you.

=> 爸爸,我只是想幫你。

Your mind is not what it used to be.

=> 你的思想不是以前的樣子。

As always, the neighbors came out to watch.

=> 一如既往,鄰居出來看。

Oh, hello, Gina.

=> 哦,你好,吉娜

Why dont you take a picture? Itll last longer.

=> 你為什麼不拍照?它會持續更長的時間。

For the record, Gina, thats my moms best friend.

=> 吉娜,這是我媽媽最好的朋友。

Can I go now? Ive got a date with Shirley Nagle.

=> 我現在可以走了嗎?我和Shirley Nagle有個約會。

Shes got 12 grandkids, so you know she puts out.

=> 她有12個孫子,所以你知道她放棄了。

Cut the crap, Albert.

=> 削減廢話,阿爾伯特。

Okay? Cut it! Its all life.

=> 好的?剪了它!這都是生活。

You lose your keys, Barry gets some keys.

=> 你失去了你的鑰匙,巴里得到了一些鑰匙。

Its the circle of driving.

=> 這是駕駛的圈子。

Looks like I better get on home and take this all in.

=> 看起來我最好回家,把這一切。

- Can I have the keys? - No.

=> - 我可以有鑰匙嗎? - 沒有

- Youre out of my will.

=> - 你沒有意志

- Youre out of my will.

=> - 你沒有意志

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Well see who croaks first.

=> 我們先看看誰呱呱叫。

Wait, wait.

=> 等等。

Does this mean I can drive? - Yes.

=> 這是否意味著我可以開車? - 是的。

- No! Hon, I said Barry was not ready, and you agreed.

=> - 不!哈,我說巴里還沒準備好,你答應了。

In my defense, I wasnt listening.

=> 在我的辯護中,我沒有聽。

Whenever my dad disagreed with my mom, this would happen five minutes later.

=> 每當我父親不同意我的媽媽,五分鐘後就會發生這種情況。

Who watches Adam sleep In case his asthma kicks in? Me.

=> 誰看著亞當的睡眠如果他的哮喘開始了?我。

Shed guilt him into submission.

=> 她愧疚他投降。

Who bought the family a new hamster because you sat on herbie? Me! But not this time.

=> 誰買了一個新的倉鼠,因為你坐在herbie?我!但這次不行

My dad always had a soft spot for Barry, so he decided to help the kid.

=> 我父親總是對巴里有一個情意,所以他決定幫助這個孩子。

all the dirty work that you dont wanna do.

=> 所有你不想做的骯髒的工作。

Bevvy, you live for those things.

=> Bevvy,你為這些事而生活。

Now that the kids are growing older, your whole world is falling apart.

=> 現在孩子長大了,整個世界都崩潰了。

My world is fine, thank you very much.

=> 我的世界很好,非常感謝。

Okay, if you got no problem letting go, then Im gonna take Barry for a driving lesson.

=> 好的,如果你沒有問題,那麼我要帶巴里上駕駛課。

You two stuck in the same car together? Thatll go well.

=> 你們倆一起坐在同一輛車上?那會好的。

Good luck not flipping out.

=> 祝你好運不倒。

I dont need luck.

=> 我不需要運氣。

Im gonna teach him good.

=> 我會教他好的。

Im gonna parent the fiiiiiep out of him.

=> 我要離開他父母。

Barry, daddys gonna teach you how to drive.

=> 巴里,爸爸會教你如何開車。

Seriously? Uh-huh.

=> 真的嗎?嗯。

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

=> 嗯,mmm,mmm。

Yeah, thats right.

=> 是啊,沒錯。

- Barrys driving.

=> - 巴里開車

- Unreal.

=> - 虛幻。

I raised a moron.

=> 我提出了一個白痴。

My dad was determined to do the impossible.

=> 我的父親決心做不可能的事情。

Not yell.

=> 不要大叫。

Stop screaming, please.

=> 不要再尖叫了

Okay, the brakes.

=> 好,剎車。

Youre riding the brakes.

=> 你正在剎車。

You gotta put your foot on the gas some time.

=> 有一段時間你得把腳放在天然氣上。

You go so slow.

=> 你走得這麼慢

- Let him pass.

=> - 讓他通過。

- Who? The guy on the moped.

=> - 誰?助力車上的那個人。

Let him pass.

=> 讓他通過。

- Let him pass.

=> - 讓他通過。

- Go ahead.

=> - 前進。


=> 好的。

Now, were going to make a right.

=> 現在,我們要做對了。

Before we get to the right, turn on your signal.

=> 在我們到達之前,打開你的信號。

Not the wipers.

=> 不是雨刷器。

- Oh, my god! - You gotta let me out of this car, man.

=>- 哦,我的上帝! - 你必須讓我離開這輛車,男人。

- I cant die before I cop a feel.

=> - 在我警覺之前我不能死。

- Shut up, okay? You wanna die, Ill kill you right now.

=> - 閉嘴,好嗎?你想死,我現在就殺了你。

Hey, both of you.

=> 嘿,你們兩個。

Do not hit the child in the back.

=> 不要在後面打孩子。

Thats way too advanced.

=> 這太高級了。

- Too advanced.

=> - 太先進了。

- Turn off the wipers, - Make a "U," Were goin home.

=> - 關掉雨刷, - 做一個「U」,我們要回家了。

- Home? No, no.

=> - 家?不,不。

This is my one chance to get my license, and Im getting it, all right? You blew it.

=> 這是我獲得執照的一個機會,我明白了,好嗎?你失敗了。

Stop the car.

=> 停車。

What are you doing? Go around.

=> 你在做什麼?四處走走。

My sons a moron.

=> 我的兒子是個白痴。

Go around.

=> 四處走走。

Go! Hes a moron.

=> 走!他是個白痴。

Get out, Im takin the wheel.

=> 走出去,我takwheel。

No, you said it was my turn.

=> 不,你說這是輪到我了。

Circle of driving.

=> 駕駛的圈子。

- Open up.

=> - 打開。

- No.

=> - 沒有

- Open up.

=> - 打開。

- No! - Open up.

=> - 不! - 打開。

- No! No, no, no, no.

=> - 不!不不不不。

Well, you cant stay in there forever.

=> 那麼,你不能永遠呆在那裡。

Forever, no, but 20 minutes, absolutely.

=> 永遠,不,但絕對是20分鐘。

Barry, the cop just said hes gonna tow the car.

=> 巴里,警察剛剛說他要拖車。

- Well, I would, too.

=> - 我也是。

- God! And then, things went from bad to worse.

=> - 天啊!然後,事情變得越來越糟。

My mom arrived.

=> 我媽媽到了

Who called her? Ill give you a hint.

=> 誰叫她?我會給你一個提示。

It was me.

=> 那是我。

Barry, open up.

=> 巴里,開放。

Get out! Get out now! Get out, get out! Let me in, let me in.

=> 出去!快出去吧!出去,出去!讓我進來,讓我進來

Youre not gonna get punished.

=> 你不會受到懲罰的。

Come on, well go for pizza.

=> 來吧,我們去比薩。

You wanna go for pizza? Ice cream? Let me in! Let me in! So this is what happens when youre in charge, huh? City-Wide traffic jam.

=> 你想去比薩?冰淇淋?讓我進去!讓我進去!所以當你負責的時候會發生什麼事情?全城堵車。

Whose world is falling apart now? - Move the car! - Shut up! Albert, these kids adore you.

=> 現在誰的世界正在分崩離析? - 移動車! - 閉嘴!艾伯特,這些孩子崇拜你。

Talk to the boy.

=> 和男孩說話。


=> 絕對。

Fight the power, Barry.

=> 戰鬥的力量,巴里。

You can drive.

=> 你可以開車。

Its a god-Given right.

=> 這是上帝賜予的權利。

In that moment, my dad expected my mom to go nuclear.

=> 在那一刻,我爸爸希望我的母親去核。

But then, she did something even worse.

=> 但是,她做得更糟。

This is your mess, you clean it up.

=> 這是你的爛攤子,你把它清理乾淨。

She left him in charge of Barry.

=> 她讓他負責巴里。

I regret nothing! In all the chaos, pops and I were able to sneak out to work on operation waffle girl.

=> 我一點兒都不後悔!在所有的混亂中,流行音樂和我都能夠溜出來操作華夫餅乾女孩。

Welcome back, boys.

=> 歡迎回來,男孩。

Whatll it be? I dont know.

=> 會是什麼?我不知道。

What do you think, Allen? Lets pull the trigger.

=> 你怎麼看,艾倫?讓我們拉動扳機。

Two Monte cristos, all the trimmings.

=> 兩個蒙特克里斯托,所有的裝飾品。

- Ahem.

=> - 呃。

All that fried meat and cheese? - Mom?! - Youre gonna be on the bowl for hours.

=> 所有的炸肉和乳酪? - 媽媽? - 你會在碗上幾個小時。

- Mom, leave now.

=> - 媽媽,現在離開


=> 走。

Ill come back.

=> 我會回來的。

I see whats going on.

=> 我明白髮生了什麼事

Someone has a crush.

=> 有人有一個粉碎。

So adorable.

=> 好可愛。

Not gonna happen.

=> 不會發生。

- Excuse me? - Here we go.

=> - 打擾一下? - 開始了。

Well, I have to draw the line somewhere.

=> 那麼我必須在某個地方畫線。

Ericas rushing off to college, Barry wants to drive, and now, you want a date? You still play with toy robots.

=> 埃里卡衝上大學,巴里想開車,現在,你想要約會嗎?你還玩玩具機器人。

Theyre gobots, and one day, - Theyll be worth millions.

=> 有一天,他們就是一個獃子,他們會值得數百萬。

- They werent.

=> - 他們不是。

Baby, youre not ready for girls.

=> 寶貝,你還沒有準備好女孩。

You dont even have pit hair.

=> 你甚至沒有坑毛。

- I have three.

=> - 我有三個。

- I didnt.

=> - 我沒有。

Dad, how could you encourage this? Cause hes in sixth grade.

=> 爸爸,你怎麼能鼓勵呢?因為他在六年級。

Loosen your damn grip, Bev.

=> 鬆開你該死的抓地力,Bev。

Yeah, Im a man now, a man with needs, and I need Zoe and her sweet, delicate boobs, and you cant stop me.

=> 是的,我現在是一個男人,一個有需要的男人,我需要佐伊和她那甜美嬌嫩的胸部,而且你無法阻止我。

Youre out of my will! Whatever that means.

=> 你沒有我的意志!不管什麼意思。

This is your fault, you know.

=> 這是你的錯,你知道。

If I knew thats why you drove him here, I never wouldve allowed it.

=> 如果我知道這就是你開車的原因,我決不會允許的。

You wanna know why I wont give up my license, Bev? You wanna get with Shirley Nagle.

=> 你想知道我為什麼不放棄我的執照,貝夫?你想和Shirley Nagle一起。

Yes, we get it.

=> 是的,我們得到它。

Shirley Nagle.

=> 雪莉·納格爾。

Are you kidding me? I got that locked down, but if you take away my car, you take away my time with my grandson.

=> 你在跟我開玩笑嗎?我把那個鎖住了,但是如果你把我的車拿走,你就把我的孫子帶走了。

Getting waffles with that little guy, its the best part of my week.

=> 和那個小傢伙一起吃華夫餅,這是我一周中最好的一部分。

Oh, dad.

=> 哦,爸爸

I didnt know that.

=> 我不知道。

Youll make it right, Bev.

=> 你會說得對的,貝夫。

I know you will.

=> 我知道你會的。

If my mom realized she had to let go, dad decided it was time to get more involved.

=> 如果我的媽媽意識到自己不得不放手,爸爸決定是時候多加介入了。

I guess you were right, okay? It looks like Ill never drive.

=> 我想你是對的,好嗎?它看起來像我永遠不會開車。

Any dummy can learn to drive, even a dummy like you.

=> 任何假人都可以學習駕駛,甚至像你這樣的假人。

Come on, dad.

=> 來吧,爸爸。

You got me an reo speedwagon tape.

=> 你給了我一個reo speedwagon磁帶。

You dont know anything about me.

=> 你對我一無所知。

Trust me, I do.

=> 相信我,我相信。

I know you go through life feeling all angry, let down, misunderstood.

=> 我知道你一輩子都覺得生氣,放下,誤會了。

I get it.

=> 我知道了。


=> 哇。

Thats Yeah.

=> 這是啊。

Do you ever cry into your Pillow? No, I dont cry into my pillow.

=> 你曾經哭過你的枕頭嗎?不,我不會哭到我的枕頭。

Who cries in their pillow? Not me.

=> 誰在枕頭上哭泣?不是我。

I dont.

=> 我不。

Heres what Im gonna do.

=> 這是我要做的。

Im gonna talk to your mom, and tell her that shes gotta let you get your drivers license.

=> 我要和你媽說話,告訴她她得讓你拿駕照。

- Really? - Yes.

=> - 真的嗎? - 是的。

Thank you, and can you also convince her to get a hobby? Knitting, break dancing, anything besides us.

=> 謝謝,你能否說服她獲得愛好?編織,霹靂舞,除我們之外的任何東西。

Yes, Im working on it, kid.

=> 是的,我正在努力,孩子。

Turns out, our dad did have a good heart after all.

=> 事實證明,我們爸爸畢竟有一顆善良的心。

He just had to open it up once in a while.

=> 他只是偶爾打開它。

You know what? I dont say it a lot, but youre not a total moron all the time.

=> 你知道嗎?我沒有說太多,但你一直都不是白痴。

Can I drive? No! Oh, come on.

=> 我可以開車?沒有!哦,來吧。

Not REO Speedwagon.

=> 不是REO Speedwagon。

Hey, this is good stuff.

=> 嘿,這是好東西。

Okay? Ive been listening to it.

=> 好的?我一直在聽。

What started out as friendships gettin stronger come on.

=> 當友誼的開始,更強大的來源開始。

have the strength to let it show here we go.

=> 有力量讓它展現在這裡我們走了。

Join me.

=> 加入我。

I cant stop this feeling Anymore Ive forgotten what I started fighting for Look at you! Its time to bring this ship into the shore and throw away the oars forever Cause I cant fight this feeling anymore Ive forgotten what I started fighting for what are you, uh, doing? Nothing.

=> 我無法阻止這種感覺我已經忘記了我開始爭取的東西看著你!是時候把這艘船帶到岸邊,把槳永遠扔掉因為我再也無法抵抗這種感覺,我已經忘記了我為什麼而戰,呃,在做什麼?沒有。

Those the kids baby blankets? You got me.

=> 那些孩子們的嬰兒毯子?你有我。

Sometimes I smell em when I feel sad.

=> 有時候,當我感到難過時,我會聞到他們

Thats not weird, is it? Well, a little weird.

=> 這並不奇怪,是嗎?好吧,有點奇怪。

Yeah, my world is caving in.

=> 是的,我的世界正在崩塌。

Ive given those kids everything, and now that theyre growing up, and dont need me as much, what do I have? Me.

=> 我已經給了這些孩子一切,現在他們長大了,不需要我那麼多,我有什麼?我。

Im not goin anywhere.

=> 我不會去任何地方。

All right, let me have a sniff.

=> 好的,讓我嗅一下。

They just opened this place, I think you may like it.


Ive forgotten what I started fighting for its time to bring this ship into the shore and throw away the oars forever Cause I cant fight this feeling anymore and with that, the circle of driving was finally complete.

=> 我已經忘記了我開始爭取的時間了,現在是時候把這艘船帶到岸邊,永遠扔掉槳。因為我再也無法抵抗這種感覺,於是駕駛圈終於完成了。

Ive forgotten what I started fighting for and if I have to crawl upon the floor come crushing through your door I raised a moron.

=> 我已經忘記了我開始爭取什麼,如果我必須爬到地板上,通過你的門碾壓,我提出了一個白痴。


=> 經典。

Youre aggravating me, you little bastard! Hes aggravating me, the little bastard.

=> 你在加重我,你這小混蛋!他正在加重我這個小混蛋

The sexiest man alive? Yes, I do.

=> 最性感的男人還活著?是的,我願意。

But Im drinkin tonight.

=> 但是我今晚喝酒。

Dont forget to wash your bottom.

=> 不要忘記洗你的底部。

I dont believe you.

=> 我不相信你

Youre really a jackass.

=> 你真是個笨蛋

Stop videotaping! Get out! Mom Stop! I swear Good-Bye.

=> 停止錄像!出去!媽媽停下來!我發誓再見。



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