

來自專欄 顏如玉的翻譯專欄

Coal is the most abundant and obvious energy source in the world, but opponents to its use are more vocal than ever. It is not just concern at coal』s role in creating carbon emissions — and hence climate change — that is a problem for demand. Economics also play a part, with coal』s competitiveness against other types of fuel having fallen. In the US, for example, the emergence of shale gas has meant some coal output has been priced out of the market. US coal demand last year was close to 920m short tons. Falls in the price of natural gas will cut US coal demand by 60m-80m tons this year.

Coal still provides about 30 per cent of global primary energy needs and generates more than 40 per cent of the world』s electricity, according to statistics. In the world』s most populous countries, China and India, the percentage of energy needs met by coal is even higher at about 70 per cent. Coal consumption in China fell last year, with imports down 11 per cent, the first fall in a decade. Economic growth has slowed, while China is also making strenuous efforts to cut coal use to reduce pollution. Coal-fired electricity plants are running at little over half their installed capacity and, combined with abundant supply, this has pushed down global coal prices. Benchmark export thermal coal prices have fallen about 60 per cent from the peak last year.



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