最近發現一本書,算是關於英語辭彙部分指導性手冊【WORD POWER MADE EASY],是1979年(最早一版是1949,好書經典啊)由美國一位叫做NORMAN LEWIS的教授寫的(牛人啊)這本書對整個辭彙認識及邏輯 有很幾刻的『醍醐灌頂』。現給大家分享下此書的幾段經典教義。
1, 為什麼?increasing your vocabulary does not mean merely leaning the definitions of large numbers of obscure words ;it does mean memorizing scores of unrelated terms,what is means-what it can only mean-is becoming acquainted with multitudinous and fascinating phenomena of human existence of which words are,obviously only the verbal decriptions.increasing you vocabulary-properly,intelligently,and systematically-means treating yourself to an all-round,liberal education.iadnincreasing your vocabulary does not mean merely leaning the definitions of large numbers of obscure words ;it does mean memorizing scores of unrelated terms,what is means-what it can only mean-is becoming acquainted with multitudinous and fascinating phenomena of human existence of which words are,obviously only the verbal decriptions.increasing you vocabulary-properly,intelligently,and systematically-means treating yourself to an all-round,liberal education。will have a discernible effect on your methods of thinking-on your store of information -on your ability to express your ideas-on your understanding of human problems .短短几句話就把增加辭彙量的目的要義解釋非常客觀和全面。提高辭彙量不但是記憶大量模糊詞語的定義,最終目的是對中國人類存在方面和想像進行認識,具備能力對全面、自由教育資源進行使用。對思維方式,儲存信息及對各種人類現象全面表達自己想法。
2,如何做 像一個小孩簡單學
the method was the essence of simplicity:keep squeezing every possible ounce of learning,an eternal question box,a constant and insatiable desire to know and understand.
famous educational Psychologist,found in experiments with people of all ages that although the learning curve rises spectacularly up to twenty,it remains steady for at least another five years.after all ability to learn drops very,very slowly up to the age of thirty-five, and drops a bit more but still slowly beyond that age. 闢謠時間,學習能力20前是高峰,最起碼穩定5年,同時到35歲只是很緩慢的下降,35歲以後這種緩慢下降的趨勢;】 (突然想起一句笑話,大意是不要試圖愚弄一個年邁的老太太,說不定她是一位微積分的高手00)
- you must become actively receptive to new words.生活日常中對新單詞保持積極的靈敏度
- you must read more.(if you want to be superior vocabulary,you will have to ready at least one book and several magazines everyweek.) 必須多閱讀(如果目標是高標準目標,平均每周必須讀一本書+幾份報紙的量)
- you must learn to add to your own vocabulary the new words you meeting in your reading.遇到新單詞把做停頓 反覆念幾遍 想一想 猜一猜 下次遇到 更會注意到 說不定就能悟出真意。
- you must open your mind to new ideas.every word you know is the translationof an idea.有開放的思維 對文字所載的新各個領域的新想法保持良性態度。
- you must set a goal.設立目標,每天發現一定數量新的單詞。
正片部分作者十多種場景下單詞系統講解也 非常生動有樂趣。感興趣同學 kindle 搜這本書自行參閱。書是英文版本。這本書本人也是下載好多年,因為程度問題一直沒看懂也沒看下去。非常高興2017年年底重新的讀的時候,往常的積累可以滿足閱讀的可能。每個人現階段經歷經驗不同,如果現階段不能完全流暢看這本書,可以先儲存起來。把上面的原則用好,期待能自由閱讀的那一天。
※雪! 雪! 雪!
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