
八年級上冊Unit 6,7 複習學案

教師寄語:Believe  yourself八年級上冊Unit 6  複習學案[複習任務]1、能夠熟記本單元的單詞和短語,並結合本單元的句子熟練運用所學知識點。2、重點語法:形容詞的比較級。[自主學習,基礎回顧]1、Words and phrases:A:Words1)外向的           (反)                    2)孿生的3)鎮靜的             4)輕率的              5)嚴肅的6)聰明的,伶俐的          (同)         、          (反)7)擅長運動的                              8)注釋、說明9)表示……意思           (n)                  10)某個方面11)兩者都           (反)                    12)物理13)然而           14)學業、功課            15)使、迫使16)笑            17)對立的,相反的                 18)觀點看法19)興趣、愛好         (adj)          、           20)雖然21)必要的            22)打敗            23)對…… 在意24)友情                         25)消息、信息            (同)B:Phrases1)超出          2)公有的          3)擅長          (同)4)在一些方面          5)看上去一樣            6)看上去不同7)樂意(享受)做             8)和……相同            (反)9)使某人做某事             10)有相反的觀點和興趣11)It is +adj+to do sth               12)成績好13)與某人相處的好              (同)14)講笑話                   15)呆在家中2、Sentences andlanguage points1)我比我妹妹外向。(拓展:more / less……than , not as / so……as)2)我們兩個都酷愛參加晚會。(拓展:enjoy+doing  sth ,其他類同動詞……)3)劉麗和劉英有些共同方處。(in common)4)我想一個好朋友會使我笑的。(拓展:make  sb do  sth , let , have ……)5)對於友誼,我認為存在差別不是很重要。(拓展:I don』t  think / suppose / believe ……否定前移)3、Passage ( P33  3a)Thank  you  1  your last  letter . Here  2  photos of  me and my  twin sister Liu  Ying . As  you can  see , in  some  3  we  look the  4 , and  in some  ways  we look  5  . We  6  have  black eyes  and  black hair , 7  my  hair is  shorter  than hers . We  both  like sports , although  Liu  Ying is  more  athletic  8  me . She』s more  outgoing , and  I』m  9  .I  think I』m  smarter  than her . My  favorite  10  are physics  and  chemistry , and  her favorite  subject  is  PE.  11 ,  We both  enjoy  12  to the  parties .[語法聚焦,難點突破]1、特別提醒:(1)elder / eldest一般只用作定語,表示長幼關係;   Older / oldest 可用作表語。My  elder sister  is  5 years  older  than  I.       我姐姐比我大5歲。(2)further / furthest除表示時間或距離「更遠/最遠」,也表示「進一步/最大限度地」。I』m  going to  do  further study  in  English next  year .明年我要進修英語。2、比較級的使用1)一般用法表示內容常見句型例證A=BA+謂語+as+形容詞原級+as+BOur teachers are as loving as our parents .老師像我們的父母一樣慈愛。A不如B①A+(否定)謂語+as/so+形容詞原級+than+B②A+謂語+less+形容詞原級+than+BA+(否定)謂語+比較級+ than+B①Documentaries are not so interesting as comedies .=②Documentaries are less interesting than comedies .=③Documentaries are not more interesting than comedies .紀錄片不如喜劇有趣。A超過BA+謂語動詞+比較級+ than+BSandy sings better than ED .桑迪唱得比埃德好。A與B的倍數①A+謂語動詞+倍數+as+形容詞原級+as+B(A是B的……倍)②A+謂語動詞+(倍數-1)+比較級+than+B (A比B多……倍)一倍once,兩部twice,三部或更多用數字加times①This sweater costs 3 times as much as that one .這件毛衣價格是那件的3倍。②This sweater costs 2 more times than that one .這件毛衣價格比那件貴2倍。He is twice as old as his son .  =  He is once older than his son .他比他兒子(年齡)大一半(是兒子的2倍)2)特殊用法(1)形容詞比較級前加much / far / a lot (……的多),even(更加),a little / a bit(……一點),限定程度。He is much colder today than itwas yesterday(2)so, too, very,pretty, quite, rather, really, as…… (as)等詞後只用形容詞原詞,不能用比較級或最高級。Why  are you  so  busy ?  你怎麼這麼忙?I』m  really interested  in  music .    我對音樂真地很感興趣。(3)the+比較級,表示對特定範圍內的事物或人特指。Who  is the  taller  of the  two  boys ?那倆男孩中較高的那個是誰?(4)比較級+and+比較級,越來越……。It gets warmer andwarmer in sping and T-shirts are more and more popular .春天天氣越來越暖和,T恤衫也越來越流行了。(5)The+比較級,the+比較級,越……,越……。The more , thebetter . 越多越好。The harder we work ,the easier it is for us to finish .我們幹得越賣力,完成得就越輕鬆。[中考鏈接,質疑解惑]1. Let』s  go  by plane . It』s            than by  train .  (2007,吉林中考)A . faster     B .fastest          C . slower         D . slowest2. ---What  do  you think  of  the lecture(演講)of  Li Yang』s  Crazy  English ?---I  think it』s        , but someone thinks  it』s much too       . (2007,安徽蕪湖)A . wonderful  enough , bored           B. enough  wonderful , boringC . wonderful  enough , boring          D . enough  wonderful, bored3. Don』t  just believe  the  advertisement . That  kind of  camera  isit  says.(2007,湖北)A . as good  as                        B . not  as good  asC . as well  as                         D .not  as well  as4. The  busier  he  is, the      he  feels .(2007,天津)A . happily     B .happy            C. happier           D . more happy5. This  maths  problem is       that one .(2007,濟南)A . so easy as                             B . as difficult asC . much difficultthan                    D . less easier than[當堂檢測,自我評價]一、閱讀理解:(2007,黃岡中考題)①After Pluto(冥王星)  was  found in  1930 , people  took it  as  the ninth  planet  in our   solar  system(太陽系) . but  it  isn』t like  other  planets . It is  smaller  and has  a  strange orbit (軌道). On  August 24 , scientists  said , 「Pluto is  not  a planet . 「About  2500 scientists  met  in Prague . At  first , some  of them  said  that there  would  be 12  planets  in our  solar  system . In the  end , the  scientists said  than  only Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus  and Neptune  are  the planets  in  the solar  system .②Each of  these  planets has  its  own orbit , and  each  of  the  planets is  big  enough to  be  a planet . Pluto』s  orbit overlaps(交疊)  Neptune』s and  it  is smaller  than  the other  planets , ③So Pluto  is  classified(分類) as  a  dwarf planet(矮行星) , but  no  longer a  planet  in the  solar  system .Students  at school  will  have new  schoolbooks  to learn  the  new solar  system !1、根據①處完成下面的句子(每空一詞)Before  people         Pluto in  1930 , there  were          planets in  our  solar system .2、根據②處完成下面的句子(每空一詞)Every  planet only  has  its own        , but  also is          enough .3、將③處譯成漢語。二、聯繫生活,培養能力。(書面表達)給你的朋友寫封信,介紹你和你的家庭成員在性格、愛好等方面有什麼不同。(詞數不少於60詞)——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————教師寄語:Practice makes perfect.八年級上冊  Unit8How was your school trip?[複習任務]1、能夠熟練記本單元的單詞和短語,並結合本單元的句子熟練運用所學知識點2、能夠熟練記本單元的重點語法:一般過去時,掌握was,were,did的用法3、小組合作,詢問和討論過去發生的事情。[自主學習,基礎回顧]I Words and Phrases1)     水族館______2)自然科學中心______3)禮物店______4)海豹______5)鯊魚______6)章魚______7)親筆簽名______8)贏,獲勝______ (p.) ______ (p.p.)______獲勝者______獲獎______輸出______9)逗留,徘徊______ (p.) ______ (p.p.)______(俚語)經常出沒;閑逛______懸掛(v.)______ (p.) ______ (p.p.)______絞死(v.)______(p.) ______ (p.p.) ______10)訪問者,參觀者,遊客______(v.)______(p.)______ (p.p.) ______11)班長______12)結束;結尾(n.) ______(v.) ______結局,結尾(n.)______結束,告終(片語)______13)睡過頭;起得晚______入睡______睡眠______(adj.)______睡過頭, 睡的過久(v.)____________ (p.) ______(p.p.) ______14)駕駛,驅車旅行(n.) ______駕駛(v.)____________ (p.) ______ (p.p.) ______駕駛員______開車兜風______15)(在賣主家當場進行的)庭院舊貨出售______16)運氣______幸運的______(adv.) ______祝你好運______17)雨水雨天(持續的)降雨______(v.)______(adj) ______雨傘______雨衣______18)濕的______(反)______19)運動員_____  ______20)在未來______21)休息不工作(adv)______休息日______ on one』s day off______22)去動物園______23)照相______24)在……末尾______25)紀念品______26)在戶內______(反) ______27)一碗…______28)吃(p.) ______ (p.p.) ______29)unfortunately ______30)kind of______31)take(p.) ______ (p.p.) ______32)buy(p.) ______ (p.p.) ______33)in one』sopinion______34)have fun doing______35)takeclass______II Sentences and languagepoints1)剛才你們還做了什麼?_____________________________________________________(拓展:else, other, did, do)2)在那天結束時,自然科學老師是非常高興的。__________________________________(拓展:at the end of, in the end)3)去年在水族館裡有一些鯊魚嗎?______________________________________________不,沒有一些鯊魚,而有一些真聰明的海豹______________________________________(拓展:was,were,some,any,am,is,are)4)上周你去動物園了嗎?______________________________________________________沒,我去了水族館。_______________________________________________________(拓展:did,do,was,were)5)我認為那聽起來有趣._________________________________________________________(拓展:sound,look,smell,taste,feel,seem,get…系動詞後跟形容詞作表語)6)在我下一個休息日,我不想開車兜風.___________________________________________(拓展:go for something,go doing something)7)上個星期天你們野營愉快嗎?_________________________________________________(拓展:have fun, have fun doing, have a good time,enjoy oneself)III Passage(P49)Class 9 (1)a good time on school strip .They went(2)Blue Water Aquarium for the day.First they visited the Visitiors』 Center and (3) a movie about sharks.Then they (4) a dolphin show. After that,they (5)to the Outerdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After lunch, they wentto the Gift Shop and(6)lots ofgifts.Finally,tired but happy, they (7)the bus back to school. (8)the end of the day ,the scinence teacher was very happy(9)the class mointer(10)the bus after the trip.IV Passage(P51)Read the letter, then fill the blanks withthe correct forms.get wet, day off, no one, have, camp, visit, all day, watch, game, put, how, handDear Tom,How was your(1)? Did you have fun(2)?I didn』thave a very fun day. I (3) my cousins.It rained(4).In themorning, I satyed in the house and(5)DVDS, played computer(6), and read,In the afternoon, Uncle Martin(7)some of hisold things out in the yard and (8) a yard sale!However,(9)came to thesale because the weather was so bad. Luckily, we brought our unbrellas andraincoats, so we didn』t(10).[合作交流,能力拓展]1、小組合作,詢問和談論過去發生的事2、小組討論,總結出本單元的重點動詞短語,並加以拓展。例如:sound聽起來,look看起來,smell聞起來,taste嘗起來,feel感覺起來,look看起來,get變得(系動詞後跟形容詞作表語)[語法聚焦,難點突破]Did +主語+動詞原形+--------?表示——————————————的一般疑問句,其肯定答語為——————否定答語為——————句型 There was/were+主語+地點狀語 表示在過去的某一時候,某一地方有某物或某人。Was/Were+主語+-----------?肯定答語為-------------------------。否定答語為--------------------------。如:昨天晚上你做家庭作業了嗎?不,我沒做。———————————————————。今天早晨湯姆沒有做家務。———————————————————。上個星期六有一場英文電影。———————————————————。昨天晚上沒有許多人在閱覽室看書。———————————————————。[中考鏈接,質疑解惑]1. __When ___you ___yourold friend ?(04—四川)__The day before yesterday.A.    will, visit B. did, visit C. have, visited2. His grandfather___dosports this morning. (05—山東)A. doesn"t  B. don』t C. didn』t3.There___a lot of peoplein the street. I didn』t know what had happened. (05—北京)A. were B. was  C. are4. There___something___  in the store last night.(04—河南)A. was…happen B. was…happening C. were…happening[當堂檢測,自我評價]I 完形填空10分(2004 黑龍江哈爾濱)The earth is our house.We must take care ofit.Life today is easier than it was(1)years ago, but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggestproblems is pollution.(污染) We can see it,smell it, drinkit and even hear it.Man has polluted the (2). The more people, the morepollution. Many years ago, the problem was not serious because there were notso (3)people. When the land was used up(用光) or the river was not clean in a place, man went to (4)place. Now man is slowly pollutingthe whole world.(5)pollution is still the most serious , it』s bad for (6)things in the world.Many countries don』t let people burn (燃燒)(7) for air in houses and factories inthe city. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It』scaused (由……引起)by heavytraffic. People say it』s (8) to ridebikes.When you are riding, there is no polllution . But even in developedcountries, most people don』t go to work by bike. It』s not because bikes areexpensive or people are tired if they ride to work. It』s because the number ofcars on the roads becomes larger. So more people (9) their bikes and go to work by car,then things are getting worse and worse. We should have special(特別的) roads only for bikes and make it (10)diffcult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the citythat they will go back to using their bikes.1.A. hundred B. hundredsof  C. hundred of  D. hundreds2.A. moon B. star C.earth  D. sun3.A. lot B.little C. manyD.much4.A. others B.the othersC.the other D. another5. A. Air B. Food C. WaterD. Noise6. A. life B. live C.living D.lives7. A. something bad B.badsomething C. something good D. good something8. A. least B.best C. mostD.worst9. A. put on B. look at C.put away D.look up10. A. quite B. such C.very D. soII聯繫生活,培養能力10分Imagine on New Year you went on vocation tosome place, write to a friend about your trip according to the followingquestions given.Where did you go?Were you with yourfamily?What did you do?How was the weather?Was the food good?Did you buy anything?Do you want to go again?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[收穫與自我反思]_______________________________________________________________________________


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