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幾乎所有的寫作老師都會教學生在開頭段寫主旨句(thesis statement),並在中間段開頭寫主題句(topic sentence)來概括該段的主要內容。在我的寫作實踐中,有部分的文章也會採用這種策略。

比如16年11月發表的Fine-tune E-health System that Shares Records of Patients in Hong Kong,開頭段的最後一句便是典型的主旨句:

Despite its promise to enhance the efficiency of health care and promote collaboration, the system needs improvement in three major respects in order to realise its full potential.

這裡的three major respects實際上概括了中間各段的主要內容,但是由於篇幅所限,並沒有具體指出是哪些方面。而在這篇文章的中間段開頭,並沒有寫出概括全段的主題句,比如中間第一段:

The current opt-in registration system must be replaced by an opt-out programme in order to sign up most Hong Kong residents. To join the current system, patients must register online and activate their e-health records by going to an eHR registration centre. Not many Hongkongers would take the trouble to do this. Only through a programme that automatically enrols all residents (except those who opt out) can the government monitor public health accurately and make informed health-related policy decisions accordingly.

而在17年6月發表的Trumps Climate Change Accord Snub Will Hurt Future Generations一文中,雖然沒在開頭段末寫典型的主旨句,但在中間段的開頭卻寫了主題句作為概括,包括Withdrawing from the Paris agreement will leave the young and future generations in the US particularly vulnerable to climate change.和The decision to leave the Paris accord is also opposed by the US business community.


比如Trumps Climate Change Accord Snub Will Hurt Future Generations一文,主要從美國退出巴黎協定對年青一代以及美國商界的影響這兩個角度論述,因此主題句的寫作可以向讀者明確的展示這兩個角度所形成的論述框架。而Fine-tune E-Health System that Shares Records of Patients in Hong Kong一文里的主旨句中所提及的three major respects也是同樣的效果。



我的博士生導師Prof. John Flowerdew和大師姐Dr. Yongyan Li曾經在著名的語言學期刊 Applied Linguistics上發表過一篇論文:Language Re-use among Chinese Apprentice Scientists Writing for Publication,主要指出中國學者在寫作英語科技論文時會借鑒和使用前人文獻中的句子。


比如,在Fine-tune E-health System that Shares Records of Patients in Hong Kong提出應該用opt-out制度取代opt-in制度:The current opt-in registration system must be replaced by an opt-out programme in order to sign up most Hong Kong residents. 這兩種制度我曾經在閱讀器官捐贈相關文獻里了解過,這裡將器官捐贈的語境下的概念借用到電子健康記錄的語境下,從而產生新的思想火花。


比如,在Drones Could Detect Illegal Parking Cases in Hong Kong一文中引述美國費城利用無人機抄牌的計劃(Philadelphia, for example, announced a plan in 2015 to replace one-third of its parking enforcement staff with a new drone fleet. )。

又如,在Warning Labels and Sugar Tax can Help us Make Healthy Choices一文中介紹英美等國已經採取相關政策(In the UK, a sugar tax has been proposed for soft drinks sold nationwide as well as in public hospital cafes. Health warning labels for sugary drinks will soon be obligatory in San Francisco)。



◇ 歷史使人明智,站在歷史的高度去觀察時事往往可以給我們難得的啟發。

比如,在Trumps Climate Change Accord Snub Will Hurt Future Generations的結尾處寫到:

At the age of 71, Donald Trump may not witness the immense suffering of mankind caused by catastrophic climate change. Thanks to his administration』s decision on the Paris accord, however, he will most likely be remembered in history as an immature and incompetent demagogue whose climate policies threatened the livelihood of US citizens and people around the world.


而在Campaigns Opposing Genetically Modified Food are Misguided一文中再次開啟歷史視角,指出基因工程並不是現代科技,而是古已有之的生產技術:

Historically speaking, mankind has been genetically modifying crops for thousands of years since the advent of agriculture through breeding and crossbreeding different varieties to create plant species with faster growth, higher yields and sweeter fruits. Modern genetic engineering merely continues such a tradition with more advanced technologies for manipulating genes more precisely.

◇ 有些時候歷史的視角需要作者對討論的問題有較深入的了解。

比如在Octopus Needs to Join with Other Mobile Payment Vendors一文的最後,挖掘了八達通的發跡史,指出其和公共利益千絲萬縷的聯繫,從而推導出它對香港的社會責任:

Nearly 20 years ago, Octopus cards were first introduced in Hong Kong through a joint venture of five major public transport operators. Given its strong ties with the public interest and the resulting natural monopoly, Octopus is socially responsible to advance mobile payment technologies and to ensure a level playing field for all mobile payment vendors in the city.




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