國內用戶請大家不要再購買Banwagon VPS

國內用戶請大家不要再購買Banwagon VPS

國內用戶請大家不要在購買Banwagon VPS!!!

在去年的9月,我話費$29購買了搬瓦工的CN2 VPS,目的就是搭建個人網站和S~S,開始使用還算正常,也有是晚上10點多就無法訪問了,但第二天都 基本正常了,這點忍了,逼近還算便宜。




Hello,It appears that IP is blocked by GFW.It is quite easy to verify if your VPS IP was banned by the Great Firewall of China. When you use ping.pe to test your VPS IP you may see the following output: https://bandwagonhost.com/kbimg/ping.pe-gfw/img_EHo03WoC.pngAs you can see, the VPS responds normally from all countries except for China, where we observe 100% packet loss. If you open up the mtr report, you will find an output similar to this: https://bandwagonhost.com/kbimg/ping.pe-gfw/img_8NT7PMKg.pngThis output may be a bit confusing at first. One would think if an IP was being blocked by a firewall then a traceroute or mtr report would start showing packetloss right after China (where firewalling takes place), however in the above example we can clearly see that only the last hop is affected. This is because GFW is set up so that only return traffic from a certain IP located outside of China is blocked. In other words, GFW does not track packets leaving China; it only tracks packets heading back into China. This means that when you perform a traceroute, only ICMP response packets sent by the last hop (final destination IP) back into China will be affected by firewall. Intermediary hops will not be affected. We found that generally GFW automatically removes the ban when it can no longer detect the "prohibited" service for a few hours to a few days. The best solution in the case of a ban would be the complete removal of all service(s) that could trigger the ban and waiting for some time for the ban to be lifted.Please keep in mind that we do not have any control over GFW, and we do not know much about how it works. It is our responsibility to make sure our hardware and network stay fully operational, and GFW-related issues are out of scope of our competence.We know that in some cases our customers are able to clean the ban, however we do not have specific information as to how this is done.Other customers end up requesting a new IP address. Generally we do not offer IP changes. If you like, we can change the IP for you (as an exception), however due to the manual work involved, we would have to bill $8.00 for this service. Your VPS will be assigned a new IP address from the available pool. Please use the following form to request IP change:https://bandwagonhost.com/ipchange.phpmirror:https://bwh1.net/ipchange.phpThank you.Daniel ClayBandwagon Host / IT7 NetworksGlobal service status page: https://bwhstatus.com/Diagnose network-related issues at https://ping.pe/




Daniel Clay || StaffHello,We will test the new IP to make sure we can ping it from our Chinese POPs. However we are not able to provide any guarantees regarding future accessibility of the new IP, as we have no control or relationship with GFW.GFW is an entity which is simply not within our area of expertise. Should there be an issue with our hardware or network, were always here to help. Our support staff is notified within 5 minutes of any service disruptions (24/7/365), and we have recently launched a website where we post about all issues affecting our services: https://bwhstatus.com/Thank you.Daniel ClayBandwagon Host / IT7 NetworksGlobal service status page: https://bwhstatus.com/Diagnose network-related issues at https://ping.pe/








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