






Let me tell you about the working conditions. 我來為你說明一下工作條件。

The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 工作時間是早8點到下午5點。

What do you excel in? 你的專長是什麼?

What are you good at? 你的強項是什麼?

What special skills do you have, can you tell me? 你有什麼特殊技能,能告訴我嗎?

Can you drive? 你會開車嗎?

Do you get any special training in office skills? 你受過辦公室技能方面的特殊訓練嗎?

How fast can you type? 你打字有多快?

Do you have any licenses or certificates? 你有什麼執照或資格證書嗎?

What certificates of technical qualifications have you

received/obtained?你獲得了何種技術資格證書? Do you have some certifications on

computer?你有計算機等級證書嗎? I can type and take shorthand very well. 我打字和速記相當好。

I can type 70 words per minute and I take shorthand at 85 words per minute. 我每分鐘可以打70個子,速記85個字。

I can do it quickly and fast. 我可以做的又快又準確。

My typing speed is slow, but I dont make mistakes. 雖然我打字的速度慢,但是卻不會出錯。

I can write computer programs. 我會計算機編程。

I am well up in programming. 我精通編程。

I am proficient in programming. 我精通編程。

Ive received a Business English Certificate. 我有商務英語證書。

Ive obtained a Senior Layers Qualification Certificate. 我獲得了高級律師資格證書。

I have NCRE certificate, rank 1. 我有全國計算機一級等級證書。

Ive obtained an Export Sales Staffs Qualification Certificate. 我獲得了外銷員資格證書。

I have a drivers license. 我有駕駛執照。

I have a doctors license. 我有醫生執業證。

I dont have any other certificates. 我沒有什麼證書。


How would you describe yourself? 你怎麼形容你自己呢?

What kind of character do you think you have? 你認為自己是什麼性格的人?

Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? 你認為你性格內向還手外向?

I am quite outgoing. 我很外向。

Im an optimistic person. 我是個很樂觀的人。

I think Im reasonably cheerful by nature. 我認為我的性格相當開朗。

I am very co-operative and well organized. 我樂於與人合作,且做事很有條理。

I am very independent. 我的獨立性很強。

I am very sociable. 我很善於交際。

Im inclined to think independently. 我喜歡獨立思考。

I can work well under pressure. 我工作抗壓能力很好。


Enjoy English , enjoy life . --樂享英語,樂享生活。


Who are you to talk是問你在和誰說話嗎?不!它的意思是這個
曲根老師-單詞筆記 A1

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