龜言 | CASE案例分析框架1
本文總結於Case Interview Secrets和Case In Point兩本讀物上的Case案例講解;可能有些出入和eric.h:龜言 | 公司分析框架不太一致是有案例的特殊性導致,分析框架還是以公司分析框架為準則
- Market Entry/New Product
- Profitability - Traditional Industries, Aviation, Healthcare, Power, etc.
- Sales Growth - Emerging Industries, Internet, IoT, AI, etc.
- Pricing Strategy
- Merger & Acquisition
以上這五類是按照時間順序排列:1中兩個其實是一個問題的兩種表達方式,是說一種產品進入一個市場;該產品進入了該市場有何目的則是並列的2和3;2或者3指導你去給你的product定個pricing strategy;為了更好的2或者3則要做5;5其實也就是1。所以是一個循環。
Market Entry/New Product
*** Question:Should We Introduce Our Product to Our Market?How?
*** Hypothesis:先問幾個基本的問題得出個假設
- Why to enter it?
- What constitutes success? 是要Profitability還是Sale Growth(Market Share)?何時要達到什麼水準?
*** Issue Tree:
- 若Market Entry for Profitability,見下面Profitability - Traditional Industries
- 若Market Entry for Sales Growth,見下面Sales Growth - Emerging Industries
*** Drill-Down Analysis:同上Issue Tree
*** Conclusion:總分總
*** Solution:How do we enter? 用cost-benefit analysis應用在下面每一項
- start from scratch and grow in house organically
- acquire an existing player from within the industry
- from a joint venture/strategic alliance with another player with a similar interest
Profitability - Traditional Industries
*** Question:Why does our profits decrease? How to improve it?
*** Hypothesis:先問幾個基本的問題得出個假設 - 是revenue的問題還是cost的問題
- major revenue streams是什麼?各自的percentage?Trends?和競爭對手比較下?
- major cost streams是什麼?VC和FC各自percentage?Trends?和競爭對手比較下?
*** Issue Tree:先提一下Revenue = Price * Volume = Price * Market Size * Market Share;Cost = VC + FC;Profit = Revenue - Cost;具體問題參考框架eric.h:龜言 | 行業分析框架
- 外部的宏觀PEST(一些生動的factors: unemployment rate, interest rate, dollars strength in the currency market, petroleum price and consumers disposable income)或者四大指標(銷集利投) - 看Market Size/Trends
- 外部的微觀Porter Five Forces - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends
- 公司層面SWOT外部
- 上游的Gov/Industry/Institute Regulation - 看Market Size/Trends
- 上游的Supplier Analysis,中游的Competition Analysis,下游的Dealer/Customer Analysis - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends
- 公司層面SWOT內部 - Technology研發,Product產品,Marketing營銷,Operation運營,Capital資本,Trend趨勢 - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends;也看各個部門的VC/Trends和FC/Trends
*** Drill-Down Analysis:同上Issue Tree
*** Conclusion:總分總
*** Solution:先詢問要求1分鐘寫下來,防止說的時候被打斷。Headings寫"Solutions"
- Revenues-based strategies:long/short term on price/market size/market share - 具體的見下面Sales Growth - Emerging Industries里的Solutions
- Cost-based strategies:long/short term on 五大部門 - 重點是Technology中的投資investment方面,Product中的production方面,Marketing中的markets方面,Capital中的投融資方面,Operation中的hr labor方面
Sales Growth - Emerging Industries
*** Question:Why does our sales decrease? How to improve it?
*** Hypothesis:先問幾個基本的問題得出個假設 - 現在只考慮revenue這裡了,so major revenue streams是什麼?各自的percentage?Trends?和競爭對手比較下?
*** Issue Tree:這裡我們只用考慮Revenue = Price * Volume = Price * Market Size * Market Share;具體問題參考框架eric.h:龜言 | 行業分析框架
- 外部的宏觀PEST(一些生動的factors: unemployment rate, interest rate, dollars strength in the currency market, petroleum price and consumers disposable income)或者四大指標(銷集利投) - 看Market Size/Trends
- 外部的微觀Porter Five Forces - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends
- 公司層面SWOT外部
- 上游的Gov/Industry/Institute Regulation - 看Market Size/Trends
- 上游的Supplier Analysis,中游的Competition Analysis,下游的Dealer/Customer Analysis - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends
- 公司層面SWOT內部 - Technology研發,Product產品,Marketing營銷,Operation運營,Capital資本,Trend趨勢 - 看Market Share/Trends和Price/Trends
*** Drill-Down Analysis:同上Issue Tree
*** Conclusion:總分總
*** Solution:先詢問要求1分鐘寫下來,防止說的時候被打斷,先寫下Headings
- Price
- 加大投融資力度,以大量的資金來降低price,從而increase mkt share
- Market Size
- Analyze business segment which has highly future potential
- Find niches (商機) in developing industries with high barriers to entry
- Increase product line through diversification of products and sales
- Create a seasonal balance (Increase sales which has quarterly difference: what to sell in summer, what to sell in winner...
- Expand the number of distribution channels
- Market Share
- Invest a marketing campaign營銷競爭
- M&A a competitor to acquire an advanced technology
- M&A a competitor to acquire an certain market to increase mkt share
Pricing Strategy
*** Question:How to price our product in market?
*** Hypothesis:先問幾個基本的問題得出個假設 - 你賣這個Product的目的是Profitability還是Sales Growth(即Market Share)還是別的比如Brand Positioning
*** Issue Tree:
- 若Pricing for Profitability,則見上面Profitability - Traditional Industries
- 若Pricing for Sales Growth,則見上面Sales Growth - Emerging Industries
- PS:外部的宏觀PEST和外部的微觀五力可以一筆帶過,更重要的是公司層面的SWOT外部和內部;於是只用參考eric.h:龜言 | 公司分析框架
*** Drill-Down Analysis:同上Issue Tree
*** Conclusion:總分總
*** Solution:Which pricing strategy?這是重點,因為問的是how。根據目的選擇。
- Cost-based pricing - add all cost together, then decide price considering break-even point. 這種方法不好,被稱為deadly business sin,所以世界上沒有美國半導體廠家,雖然美國技術和產品都很好,只有日本半導體廠家能存活。
- Policy(gov./industry/institute)/Supplier analysis - Case Framework - General中External外在中的上游Policy(gov./industry/institute)/Supplier analysis是主要影響因子
- Competitive analysis - Case Framework - General中External外在中的中游Competition analysis是主要影響因子
- Price-based costing - Case Framework - General中External外在中的下游Dealer/Customer analysis是主要影響因子,粉絲經濟就是不能超過20塊
*** PS:If the market is willing to pay, then no matter how much it is priced. However, if babies are dying because the price of life-saving medication is too high, you will be suffered internal and external. So use good business sense.
Merger & Acquisition
*** Question:Should we M&A it? How?
*** Hypothesis:先問幾個基本的問題得出個假設
- Why this?
- 有沒有別的法子問問;Alternative companies you could acquire. Other strategies to fulfill your objectives, for example, entering partnerships rather than acquiring
- 最主要的兩大因素問問;Capital上可以increase shareholder value(return)或diversify companys holding(risk)?Culture上可以mesh well?
- Why now?
*** Issue Tree:這裡只是個大致框架,框架是參考eric.h:龜言 | 行業分析框架,看Synergy-Clash(其實也就是Benefit-Cost或Rev-Cost),因為M&A看重的是投資回報ROI要找break even在哪裡
- 外部的宏觀PEST/四大指標
- Political/集中度
- Environment/投資額
- Social/銷售額|銷售增長率
- Technology/利潤率
- 外部的微觀Porter Five Forces
- 供應商議價能力(suppliers bargaining power),供方主要通過其提高投入要素價格與降低單位價值質量的能力,來影響行業中現有企業的盈利能力與產品競爭力。
- 購買者議價能力(buyer bargaining power),購買者主要通過其壓價與要求提供較高的產品或服務質量的能力,來影響行業中現有企業的盈利能力。
- 新進入者威脅(potential new entrants),新進入者帶來新生產能力、新資源,同時會與現有企業發生原材料與市場份額的競爭。競爭性進入威脅的嚴重程度取決於,進入新領域的障礙大小與預期現有企業對於進入者的反應情況。
- 替代品的威脅(threat of substitute product),兩個處於同行業或不同行業中的企業,可能會由於所生產的產品是互為替代品,從而在它們之間產生相互競爭行為,這種源自於替代品的競爭會以各種形式影響行業中現有企業的競爭戰略。
- 行業競爭者的競爭(rivalry among competing sellers),現有企業之間的競爭常常表現在價格、廣告、產品介紹、售後服務等方面。
- 公司層面SWOT外部 - buyer外部;seller外部;合併之後外部的變化synergy/clash
- 上游的Gov/Industry/Institute Regulation
- 先看各自和各自的上游三大Regulation關係是否牢固;各自的上游三大Regulation是否威信很強;trends怎麼樣?
- 合併之後是否就滿足/違反某法律法規從而帶來好處/壞處
- 上游的Supplier
- 先看各自和各自的上游Supplier關係是否牢固;各自的上游Supplier是否能力或議價權很強;trends怎麼樣?
- 合併之後對supplier的議價能力增高/降低
- 中游的Competition Analysis
- 先看各自和各自的競爭者是合作還是競爭關係,是否牢固;各自在競爭圈子裡地位如何;Competitor concentration/structure
- 合併之後總的競爭力增強/減弱,pre-empt the competition from acquiring the company;Competitor behaviors/response
- 下游的Dealer (Distributor/Agent)
- 先看各自和各自的下游Dealer關係是否牢固;各自的Dealer數量和分布;各自的Dealer地位能力如何
- 合併之後銷售渠道distribution channels的expansion增多/減少
- 下游的Customer
- Market Size/Trends:一合併是不是融合出某些產品使market size多了?
- Market Share/Trends:先看各自和各自的客戶關係怎樣;各自的顧客的數量和分布以及segment;合併之後sales force增大/減少;
- 公司層面SWOT內部 - buyer內部;seller內部;合併之後內部的變化synergy/clash
- Technology研發
- 分析下各自的技術,工廠廠房,生產設備
- 再分析合併之後內部變化:cost的saving;patients和licenses的share;
- Product產品
- 分析下各自的產品經驗,用戶體驗設計
- 再分析能否共用?
- Marketing營銷
- 分析下各自的市場:各自的營銷策略方法體系,比如有沒有cross sell和cannibalization
- 再分析能否借鑒對方先進的營銷策略方法體系從而達到互補?
- Operation運營
- 分析下各自的運營:Business/Finance那裡的怎麼賺錢和賺得怎樣,比如各自的Finance財務情況,margin怎麼樣volume怎麼樣;
- 再分析合併之後內部變化:Finance的gain tax advantages;Supply Chain的採購距離花費節省;HR的人工management talents inherit;公關的Brand Image的boost或crash;Culture文化的變化四點integration
- Capital資本
- 分析下各自的金融情況,歷史上的In和Out
- 再分析這次交易的acquisition price是多少?這次M&A有否增加shareholder value,diversify companys holding降低風險?
- Trend趨勢
*** Drill-Down Analysis:同上Issue Tree
*** Conclusion:總分總
*** Solution/How:先詢問要求1分鐘寫下來,防止說的時候被打斷,先寫下Headings
- Acquisition
- Regulation (Period, Rights, Responsibility)
- Valuation
- Payment/Cost
- Post-acquisition
- Reorganizing on 五大部門
- Staffing人員配置
- Track record/timeline/roadmap, and think about exit strategy
TAG:案例分析 | caseinterview |