AWS Developer 認證 - VPC
AWS Developer 認證 - VPC
- Virtual Private Cloud
- select IP address range, create subnets, configure route tables, network gateway, security settings
- IP address in CIDR
, allows65536
IP address to be available,
- allows customers to expand their existing VPCs by adding secondary CIDRs after they have create the VPC with the primary CIDR block
CIDR - (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
8 bits . 8 bits . 8 bits . 8 bits / 8 bits
-> / the routing prefix, turn into a netmask10.0.0.0/16
count 65535,
e.g. large block for a VPC10.0.0.0/20
count 4096,
count 256,
e.g. small block for a subnet10.0.0.0/28
count 16,
- recommended CIDR blocks
(10/8 prefix)
(172.16/12 prefix)
(192.168/16 prefix)
- VPC is separated from any other VPC
- VPC peering:
- communications between my VPCs or others VPC using private IP addresses
- in same region
- no overlapping CIDR blocks, e.g. VPC A:
can peer to VPC B:
- up to 50 peering connections per VPC
Dev-Test and Test-Prod != Dev-Prod
, if you want to push code from Dev to Prod, you have to peer Dev and Prod
- VPC to Corp/Home
- Private IP: used for communication within VPC
- Private IP: assigned to all, within the IP address range of the subnet
- Public IP: auto assigned: subnet setting or enable in EC2 creation
- Public IP: will be recycled
- Elastic IP: static and persistent
- Elastic IP: can be move fron one instance to another, same or different VPC within the same account
- Elastic IP: $$ for non usage
Route Table
- Rules: network traffic from the subnet would be routed, for IGW, VPC Peering, NAT Device
- Each VPC: 1 default main route table & n custom route tables
- subnet / route table:
subnet <----->1
route table - Each route table contains a local route enables communication within a VPC, cannot be modified / deleted
- matching the most specific route in the route table that matches the traffic
- belongs to 1 AZ
- All Subnets in default VPC have a route out to the internet
IGT (Internet Gateway)
- EC2 instances to access internet
- managed service, horizontally scaled, no bandwidth constraints on the network traffic
- attached to 1 VPC
- attach IGW to VPC
- subnet route tables should route to the IGW
- assign **Public IP or Elastic IP **to the instance
- security group and Network ACL associated with the instance
- in public subnet, w/ Elastic IP address, to enable
instances --> internet
, but not the other round - private instances need NAT Gateway to perform software updates
- NAT Instance: disable source/destination check
- NAT Gateway: fully managed service, scale automatically, no patch, no security group
- allows outbound communication but doesn』t allow machines on the internet to initiate a connection to the privately addressed instances
Security Group (EC2 instances)
- firewall for associated EC2 instances, inbound / outbound traffic at the instance level
- specify only Allow rules, but not deny rules
, return traffic is automatically allowed
Network ACL (subnets)
- firewall for associated subnets, inbound / outbound traffic at the subnet level, applicable to all the instances in the subnet
- Default and Newly created ACL allows all inbound and outbound traffic
- Allow Rules and Deny Rules
- a subnet must be associated with one Network ACL, if not the subnet is automatically associated with the default network ACL
- You can associate a network ACL with multiple subnets; however, a subnet can be associated with only one network ACL at a time.
Subnet n----1 ACL
- A network ACL contains a numbered list of rules that is evaluated in order, starting with the lowest numbered rule
- A network ACL has separate inbound and outbound rules, and each rule can either allow or deny traffic
, return traffic must be explicitly allowed by rules
NAT Vs Bastion
- A NAT instance is used to provide internet traffic to EC2 instances in private subnets
- A Bastion is used to securely administer EC2 instances (using SSH or RDP) in private subnets.
- reserved 5 IPs address (first 4 and last 1 IP address) in each Subnet. e.g. for a Subnet with a CIDR block the following five IPs are reserved
- Network address
- Reserved by AWS for the VPC router
- Reserved by AWS for mapping to Amazon-provided DNS
- Reserved by AWS for future use
- Network broadcast address. AWS does not support broadcast in a VPC, therefore the address is reserved.
- VPC per region =
- subnets per VPC =
- IPv4 CIDR blocks per VPC =
- Elastic IP per region =
- IGW per region =
- NAT Gateways per AZ =
- Virtual private gateways per region =
- Rules per Network ACL =
- Inbound or Outbound Rules per Security Group =
- Route table per VPC =
- VPC peering per VPC =
※供應鏈管理認證APICS CSCP學習筆記 Module 1 Section A Chapter 2 Topic 1 - Topic 5
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