澳式英語的口語一向自成一派。但在現如今,儘管它已經吸收了很多美式和英式俚語,但還是會有很多的獨特的「澳洲腔」單詞和短語。值得注意的是,在澳大利亞人們在日常對話中,會使用很多其他地方的「髒話」(比如說Bloody, Bastard , Bugger).
- Aerial Ping Pong 空中乒乓球 - derogatory for Australian Rules football 澳式橄欖球的貶義說法
- ankle biter 腳踝撕咬者 - small child 小朋友
- arvo- afternoon 下午
- any tick of the clock 秒針一動 - soon 馬上
- airy fairy 空中仙女- vague 模糊的
- Apple Eater 吃蘋果的- Resident of Tasmania. 塔斯馬尼亞的島民
- apples, shell be 她會變成小蘋果- itll be okay 情況會好的
- Aussie - Australian (pronounced Ozzie) 澳大利亞人
- Back of Bourke - middle of nowhere ... also called beyond the black stump 無名之地的中間部分
- bail out 保釋- exit, leave 離開
- Banana Bender 掰香蕉的- person who resides in Queensland 昆士蘭州的居民
- bad case of the trots 疾走的後續動作- diarrhea 拉肚子
- beg yours 求你了 - pardon me請再說一遍
- barbie 芭比 - barbecue 燒烤
- bast**d 混蛋- multiple meanings, rarely about children born out of wedlock. Can be familiar (you old b..), compassionate (poor dumb b..) or insulting (a real b..). Also descriptive of a bad experience etc ( I had a b.. of a week) 多義詞,如私生子,熟人之間的互稱,表同情的,表侮辱的,或者表示體驗很差
- bloody oath 混賬誓詞 - thats true.是真的
- bludger 干輕鬆活的 - lazy person not working 懶漢
- beaut 漂亮 - fantastic, wonderful, the best.夢幻般的,最好的
- billy 警棍 - pot for boiling tea on a camp fire開水壺
- billabong 死水潭 - waterhole水坑
- bingle 短髮 - motor vehicle accident 車禍
- bite ya bum 咬你屁股去 - be quiet 安靜點
- bizzo - business 事情;none of your bizzo = none of your buisness沒你什麼事兒
- bloke - man 男人
- blowie - Blow Fly 麗蠅
- blue 藍色 - fight (have a fight/blue) 打架
- bluey 帶藍色的 - Bluebottle jellyfish; also nickname for a red-head 藍瓶水母或紅頭髮的人
- bogan - unkempt, slack or messy person or redneck 邋遢人或者鄉下人
- bonkers - crazy精神不正常的
- bonzer - fabulous, great, cool, ripper卓越的
- box盒子 - the telly / television電視機
- broke - skint, out of money破產的
- buddgie smugglers 走私鸚鵡的 - speedos, tight fitting mens swimwear泳裝
- bugga- bad luck, oops壞運氣
- buggered 同性戀 - tired (see also "stuffed")累了
- buggerlugs - affectionately used - to annoy .
- busted - broken or caught in the act of doing something wrong幹壞事被抓個正著
- buzz off 掛電話- to leave 匆匆離去
- BYO - bring your own grog.請自行準備
- call it quits - to stop.停下
- cark it - to die 去死
- catch ya later - Goodbye 再見
- cactus - dead 死的
- cheesed off - really annoyed 很讓人惱火的
- chick - girl, woman女人
- chin-wag - a long discussion, talk 喋喋不休
- chook - chicken雞
- choc a block, chockers - totally full 全滿了
- chuck a wobbly - lose ones temper 生氣了
- chuck a leftie - to turn left 左轉
- chuck a spaz - to get really angry 非常生氣
- chuck a U ey - to do a U turn 做U型轉彎
- chuck up - to vomit 嘔吐
- chunder - to vomit when drunk 喝吐了
- clapped out - broken down 崩壞了
- cockie - a cockatoo (bird) or old colloquial term for the landed gentry 美冠鸚鵡,或領主貴族的俗語
- cods wallop - utter rubbish 徹底的垃圾
- cozzie - swimmers (NSW ) Also Known as Togs (QLD) and Bathers (Vic, SA) depending on the State. Also can be called Budgie smugglers is the case of male speedos 男式泳裝
- cobber - friend, mate 朋友
- crikey! - astonishment, disbelief 驚訝,無法置信
- crook - sick, a criminal or con man 詐騙犯
- croweater - A South Australian 南澳大利亞人
- Dad n Dave - a shave 剃鬚刀
- daks - trousers / pants, to dak someone is to pull their pants down in public 褲子,「褲子某人「指在公眾場合脫某人的褲子
- dazzler - excellent / good looking 好看的
- dead cert - an absolute winner (horse racing) 無正義的勝者(賽馬)
- decko - have a look 看一眼
- dead horse - tomato sauce 番茄醬
- dead set - genuine 真正的
- dead ringer - exactly the same, copy 一模一樣的
- digger - Australian solider from WW1, term often used to refer to any returned serviceman 一戰中的澳大利亞士兵,特指退役的公務人員
- dig, to have a - to have a go at someone 批評某人
- dingaling, - a silly person 傻子
- dinkum - honest / real 誠實的
- dirty - to be angry 生氣
- real dob - to tell on 告發
- Dole Bludger- person who lives of solcial security and does not make any effort to get a job 領低保的人或者不想工作的人
- dinky die - genuine thing, also dinkum, as in fair dinkum (above) 真實的,真事兒
- dogs breakfast - a real mess 稀巴爛的
- dogs eye - meat pie 肉餅
- donkeys years - a long time 一段很長的時間
- dole - government payment to people who dont work 失業救濟金
- do your block - lose your cool (temper) 失去理智
- dob - to tell on 告發
- drongo - idiot, stupid person 獃子
- ducks guts - basic information 基本信息
- dud - useless 沒用的
- dunno - " I dont know」 」我不知道「
- dunny - Toilet 廁所
- durrey - rolled cigarette 捲煙
- earbash - to talk non-stop 喋喋不休
- ears flapping - listen in earnest 真摯地傾聽
- easy on - calm down 心情平靜下來
- elbow grease - hard work 繁重的工作
- empties - empty beer bottles 空啤酒瓶
- fair dinkum - true, real, honest 誠實的,真的
- fair go - give us a break 讓我們休息會兒
- fair crack of the whip - give them a go 給他們一個機會
- fire away - start talking. 開始說話
- five finger discount - shop lifting 入店行竊
- flat out - going full on/ busy 全力以赴,繁忙
- from go to whoa - start to finish 從頭到尾
- galah - noisy person acting like an idiot 很煩人的笨蛋
- goanna - rhyming slang for piano (ie pee-anna) 鋼琴的俚語
- Good on ya - good job 幹得好
- gday - hi 打招呼
- grog - alcoholic drinks 酒精飲料
- hicksville - outback country town 偏僻的地方
- how are ya- greeting, warm welcome 熱烈歡迎
- hooligan, idiot or troublemaker. Generally associated with someone who commits mindless acts of violence or destruction 流氓,麻煩精,特指合作對象有暴力傾向
- iffy - questionable 可疑的
- knackered - tired, exhausted 精疲力盡的
- lark - joke, fun 玩笑
- larrikin- usually used in an affectionate way. A larrikin is a trouble maker, but a harmless or loveable one 淘氣鬼,特指可愛的人
- joe blake - snake 蛇
- lemon - useless faulty thing 沒用的東西
- lob in - visit someone 拜訪某人
- loo - toilet 廁所
- mate - the understood meaning depends on the context. Can be friendly, agressive or neither. Same as pal or buddie in US or mate in UK 夥伴
- Mexican - a Victorian (as in south of the border) 維多利亞時代的人
- mozzies - mosquites
- muso- musician 音樂人
- No worries - its not a problem 沒多大問題
- p*ssed - drunk 醉酒的
- p*ssed off - annoyed and angry 發火了
- piffed - chucked (as in " I piffed it in the bin") 拋棄
- plonk - wine (usually cheap wine) (便宜的)酒
- pluggers - rubber thongs or short rugby shorts (depending on where you come from) 橄欖球短褲
- ratbag - idiot 傻子
- ranga - redhead 紅頭髮的
- ring in - a person who is secretly substituted for someone else, usually in a competition 悄悄地換人(比賽)
- ripper - great, cool, fabulous 非常好的
- Sandgroper - Person from Western Australia 西澳大利亞人
- shell be right - everything is okay 所有事情都順利
- Sheila - woman 女人
- shonky - not to be trusted/doesnt work properly, dodgy 不讓人放心的
- snag - sausage 香腸
- Spunk - good looking person 漂亮的人
- Squizz -To have a "squizz" means to have a look. Derived from rhyming slang. Squizzy Taylor was a well known criminal. He was a crook, and crook rhymes with look. 偷瞟一眼
- stubbies - work shorts for men / small bottle of beer 男式運動短褲或者小瓶啤酒
- stuffed - tired (see also "buggered") 勞累
- take the p*ss - make fun of, ridicule 取笑
- tall poppies - successful people... Tall poppy syndrome is the desire to undercut those who are more sucessful 成功人士
- thingamajig - an item or thing 一件東西
- too right - I agree 我同意
- true blue - true, real, genuine 真實的
- tucka- food 食物
- thongs- flip flops, rubber sandles (the underwear is called a g-string here) 人字拖,橡膠拖鞋
- whinge - to moan and complain 抱怨
- woop - woop - the outback, to live at Whoop Whoop means a long way from the center of town 偏僻的地方
- wowser - boring, conservative person 無聊的人
- wife beater - bonds singlet 汗衫
- yobbo - unintelligent/crude person usually male 莽夫
- youse - means you plural 你們
- your shout - your turn to buy a drink 該你請喝酒的輪次