


rather,一個大家非常熟悉的單詞,一個GRE填空中的高頻邏輯特徵詞,一個被很多考生誤解、誤用了很多次的單詞,今天我們就來說說rather 到底是個啥!



1,with better reason or more propriety : more properly

例句:this you should pity rather than despise(你最好是同情它,而不是鄙視它)

2,more readily or willingly(Id rather not go我最好是別走)

3,more correctly speaking(my father, or rather my stepfather我爸爸,準確來說,我繼父)

4,to the contrary(was no better but rather grew worse情況不好,相反,在變壞)

5,in some degree-often used as a mild intensive(its rather warm很暖和)




ps:但這裡需要說明的是rather在表示轉折的時候,程度必然弱於But,However,Yet這樣的大轉折詞,就算是用法4中的was no better but rather grew worse,其實也是完全可以理解為前後的遞進,因為no better = grew worse.

那麼,也就是說,很多同學對rather的理解的是有偏差的,rather並非和rather than相同,rather幾乎不用於表示轉折!


1. Despite her rather ______ choices, Moreland was neither a rebellious spirit nor someone who saw herself as anything out of the ordinary.

A. unconventional  B. impractical

C. quirky      D. flamboyant

E. successful     F. lucrative


1. Despite her rather________ choices, Moreland was neithera rebellious spiritnor someone who saw herself as anything out of the ordinary.

A. unconventional

B. impractical不切實際的

C. quirky

D. flamboyant艷麗的,炫耀的

E. successful成功的

F. lucrative有利可圖的

(核心) despite A, B

(解析)despite A, B結構中AB構成反義對立關係,後面說不認為是特殊之人,前面應該說「儘管就應該有一些不常規的東西」,所以空格填入「非常規」類別辭彙即可。

(翻譯)儘管她做出了XXX的選擇, 但M既不是一個具有反抗精神(rebellious)的人, 也不是一個他人所認為的特殊的人(out of ordinary)。

(答案) unconventional/quirky 非常規的,古怪的, 離奇的

需要注意的是,本題中有很明顯的邏輯特徵詞「despite A, B」,依靠這個邏輯特徵詞就能快速判斷文章前後邏輯銜接關係,rather在這裡僅僅只發揮強調的作用,相當於very,做程度加深,並非轉折。


2.Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom________ the public, which rather seems resigned to a sense of impotency.

A. paralyzes 

B. demoralizes

C. assuages 

D. galvanizes

E. exasperates


2.Thoughhumanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom________ the public, which ratherseems resigned to a sense of impotency.

A. paralyzes使之麻痹

B. demoralizes使之道德敗壞,士氣低落

C. assuages平息,緩和

D. galvanizes

E. exasperates使之惡化,惱怒

(核心)though A, B

(解析)though A, B前後的反義對立關係:儘管經常報道,但大家並不關心,其次,A which B的還構成了同義解釋關係,句子核心邏輯為:seldom XXX = impotency



(辨析)其實本道題核心的考點是在galvanizes這個單詞上,並非中文詞典所單純解釋的「通電」,根據webster解釋來看,本單詞意思為:to cause to become so excited or concerned about an issue(刺激,激勵,挑起)

需要注意的是,本題中,which從句中出現了rather這個詞語,which前面句子為「報道幾乎不會讓大家產生感覺」,前後句子用逗號鏈接,which從句是對前面句子的進一步解釋,所以which從句本身也依然需要表達「報道幾乎不會讓大家產生感覺」的意思,「resigned to a sense of impotency」已經表達此語義,所以其實本句中的rather只是一個強調。


3. If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)________ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)________ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to differentiate their products and stave off price competition.

 Blank (i)     Blank (ii)

A.politics     D. bias

B.accuracy E. sensationalism

C. expense F. inconsistency


3.If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)________ andprefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)________ is not a journalisticflaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to differentiate their products and stave off price competition.

Blank (i)    Blank (ii)

A.politics 政策 D. bias

B.accuracy E. sensationalism轟動效應

C. expense 損失/代價 F. inconsistency不一致

(核心)if concern more than A and B, then C, but, rather D

(解析)if A, then B結構為同義解釋關係,並且考慮到more than A and B的遞進關係(並不僅僅只是關注A,還更加關注B),因此i空格填入與「news that is consistent with their beliefs」性質相類似的辭彙,也就說需要考慮讀者會喜歡什麼樣的報道,或者說什麼樣的報道才算是和讀者觀點相吻合的。結合句末的「use slant to differentiate their products」能看出報社現在在發表報道時的原則是「讀者喜歡什麼,我就寫什麼(哪怕這個觀點是錯誤的)」這一線索指向ii空,所以ii空填入「錯誤/偏見」類別辭彙。同時i空填入報社報道的「常態」(正確的報道)。

(翻譯)如果報紙的讀者並不僅僅只關注XXX, 並且更喜歡閱讀與他們觀念相一致的新聞, 那麼XXX就不是一個新聞業的缺陷, 而是一個刻意而為之的特點。在一個充滿競爭的新聞市場環境中, 發行者可以利用有侵向性的報道(slant)來區分出(differentiate)自己的產品, 從而避開價格戰。

(答案)accuracy準確性bias偏見, 觀點的傾斜

需要注意的是,本題中的rather其實所發揮的作用依然也只是一個強調作用,當然了,有同學會認為這裡出現了「but」和「rather」的並列,所以rather應該和but是相類似的,但本質上,but和rather左右銜接了兩個句子「bias is not a journalistic flaw」和「a cultivated feature」相當於不是一個錯誤,「而是」一個刻意而為之的特點,but和rather其實發揮了邏輯遞進或者說讓步的作用。


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