

來自專欄 不務正業的設計師



The Best Architecture Drawings of 2017?


「For the past two years, we have found ourselves wanting to highlight what is the foundation of architectural practice: the architectural drawing. We realized that even after almost a decade of publishing the best projects from around the world, we should take on the task of singling out the exceptional cases of representation, taking into account all varieties and species of drawings.」

好吧,以上對建築設計的最基本的理解,我是不贊同的;部分圖紙因為沒有整個作品的解讀,也不足以吸引我讓我放上來;雖然不得不承認現在的學生模仿Pin上的圖紙還是很66666的,然而,我很少看到原創作品,2018年年初的一波MIT,Yale,GSD offer也罷,所謂大神的作品集然而我也沒能耐心看完,參考痕迹早在幾年前就已經被泛濫;現在的競賽也是,一味追求圖面表達,扁平插畫風,馬卡龍色,真的有點審美疲勞了。。。覺得沒啥好稀罕的吧,然而今天的另外兩篇文章卻著實讓我著了迷。至於為什麼突然想到去看,歸根究底還是因為上面那個問題:「好看」的圖紙,如何分類和界定風格。我突然想到一個詞,並且嘗試用這個性質來試試看分類:architectural atmosphere.


首先,architectural atmosphere是卒姆托提出的,維基百科裡有各種reference的來源,而我對它的理解簡而言之,就是建築空間傳遞給在其中的人的情緒和力量。嗯,我是這麼理解的,之所以一直在建築學研究的路上走著,可能也正因為這股力量在推著我,享受沉浸其中感受到的一切情緒吧(自己把自己吹捧一下)。


Peter Zumthor & thinking architecture(轉)?




architectural atmosphere的構成因素:

Made of materials


「What impresses me is the precise and sensuous way they use materials. It seems anchored in an ancient, elemental knowledge about man』s use of materials, and at the same time to expose the very essence of these materials, which is beyond all culturally conveyed meaning.」我欣賞他們運用材料的精確和感性的方式,看起來像是某些深植於遠古的、基本的、人類使用材料的知識,同時去揭示這些材料在一切文化譯意之外的真正本質。

Work within things

People often say, 「A lot of work went into this」 when they sense the care and skill that its maker has lavished on a carefully constructed object. The notion that our work is an integral part of what we accomplish takes us to the very limits of our musings about the value of a work of art, a work of architecture. Are the effort and skill we put into them really inherent parts of the things we make? Sometimes, when I am moved by a work of architecture in the same way as I am moved by music, literature or a painting, I am tempted to think so.

人們在仔細造出的物體上感受到建造者所投入的大量心思和技巧時,常說:「這其中包含了大量的工作。」我們的工作是作品不可分割的部分——這樣的觀念把我們帶到對於藝術品價值和建築價值的思考的極限。我們投入製造物的努力和技巧真是其所固有的嗎? 有時,當被建築打動,就像被音樂、文學或繪畫打動一樣,我就會被誘惑著這樣認為。


For the silence of sleep

Architecture has it』s own realm. It has a special physical relationship with life. I do not think of it primarily as either a message or a symbol, but as an envelope and background for life which goes on in and around it, a sensitive container for the rhythm of footsteps on the floor, for the concentration of work, for the silence of sleep.



Preliminary promises

Architectural drawings try to express as accurately as possible the aura of the building in its intended place. But precisely the effort of the portrayal often serves to underline the absence of the actual object, and what then emerges is an awareness of the inadequacy of any kind of portrayal, curiosity about the reality it promises, and perhaps - if the promise has the power to move us - a longing for its presence.


If the naturalism and graphic virtuosity of architectural portrayals are too great, if they lack 「open patches」 where our imagination and curiosity about the reality of the drawing can penetrate the image, the portrayal itself becomes the object of our desire, and our longing for its reality wanes because there is little or nothing in the representation that points to the intended reality beyond it. The portrayal no longer holds a promise. It refers only to itself.


I continue working on my drawings until they reach the delicate point of representation when the prevailing mood I seek emerges, and I stop before inessentials start detracting from its impact. The drawing itself must take on the quality of the sought-for object.


These sort of drawings enable us to step back, to look, and to learn to understand that which has not yet come into being and which has just started to emerge.


Chinks in sealed objects

Buildings are artificial constructions. They consist of single parts which must be joined together. To a large degree, the quality of the finished object is determined by the quality of the joins.


There is a magical power in every completed, self-contained creation. It is as if we succumb to the magic of the fully developed architectural body. Our attention is caught, perhaps for the first time, by a detail such as two nails in the floor that hold the steel places by the worn-out doorstep. Emotions well up. Something moves us.






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