來自專欄 認知神經科學
英文稿鏈接:Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
中文稿夾雜了很多私貨,做了很多用心解讀 。除了我就要成為CMU校友這一事實之外,並無利益衝突,特此說明。
十年後,這個本科學位終於在卡內基·梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University, CMU)誕生了。美國首個人工智慧學士學位開設在這裡,可能是向傳統致敬的最好方式。
總是聽心理系的老一輩教授們提當年這裡的往事。其中,不得不提到的兩位便是信息處理語言(Information Processing Language,IPL)的發明者們,赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert Simon)與 艾倫·紐厄爾(Allen Newell)。在1956年,他們合寫了"邏輯理論家"(Logic Theorist)和"一般問題解決器"(General Problem Solver)。這是世界上公認最早的AI程序。
Timeline of artificial intelligence(插一句,當今老有微信公眾號動不動就誇誰誰是跨界大神、跨界通才,本座實在是看不下去。你們先了解一下赫伯特·西蒙的輝煌歷史再考慮要不要使用"跨界大神"一詞好嗎?現代科學的發展趨向複雜性和系統性,能在某個學科或領域獨樹一幟已然不易。而西蒙當年在計算機、心理學、管理學、經濟學等不同領域輕鬆拿到10項業內最高成就獎,包括諾貝爾經濟學獎、計算機圖靈獎、美國心理學會終身成就獎、美國國家科學獎。這才是真跨界大神。)
Herbert A. Simon Tribute
Herbert A. Simon Tribute傳奇暑校
轉眼時間切換到1986年,CMU迎來了第一界 Connectionist Summer School。下面這張照片很珍貴,當下AI的時代弄潮兒們幾乎都在這張照片中有所出現。借用 @Yuanning 說過的一句話,」所有玩神經網路、計算神經、計算語言的後輩們,幾乎都能在這張照片里找到自家的祖師爺!(Y. Li, personal communication)"
圖片來源:1986 Connectionist Models Summer School, CMU
This is the official picture taken at the first Connectionist Models Summer School organized by Geoff Hinton, Terry Sejnowski and Dave Rumelhart at Carnegie-Mellon University in July 1986.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of people in the picture: Dave Ackley, Richard Durbin, Bart Selman, Dave Plaut, Bartlett Mel, Jim Anderson, Andy Barto, Richard Golden, Michael Mozer, Stanislas Dehaene, Mitsuo Kawato, Yves Chauvin, Yann LeCun, Jonathan Bachrach, Michael Jordan, Jim Hendler, David Willshaw, Dave Parker, Eric Saund, Charlie Rosenberg, Steve Nowlan, Dana Ballard, Dave Touretzky, Jay McClelland, Geoff Hinton, Terry Sejnowski.
下面我們來看一下CMU BSAI學位的課程設置。
鏈接:Coming this Fall: B.S. in Artificial Intelligence
BSAI majors will take courses in math and statistics, computer science, AI, science and engineering, and humanities and arts. Theres also room built into the curriculum for academic exploration via electives. Heres how the curriculum breaks down.Math and Statistics Core (6 Courses)
- Math Foundations of Computer Science (15-151)
- Differential and Integral Calculus (21-120)
- Integration and Approximation (21-122)
- Matrices and Linear Transformations (21-241)
- Probability Theory for Computer Scientists (36-218)
- Modern Regression (36-401)
Computer Science Core (5 Courses Plus Freshman Immigration Course)
- Freshman Immigration Course (15-128)
- Principles of Imperative Computation (15-122)
- Principles of Functional Programming (15-150)
- Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms (15-210)
- Introduction to Computer Systems (15-213)
- Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science (15-251)
Artificial Intelligence Core (3 Courses Plus Concepts in Artificial Intelligence)
- Concepts in Artificial Intelligence (Mini, Spring Semester)
- Introduction to AI Representation and Problem Solving (15-381)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (10-401)
- Take one of the following courses:
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing (11-411)
- Introduction to Computer Vision (16-385)
Ethics Elective (1 Course From the Following)
- Freshman Seminar: Artificial Intelligence and Humanity (16-161)
- Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing (17-200)
- AI, Society and Humanity (80-249)
AI Cluster Electives (4 Courses)
Take one course from each of the following areas:
- Decision Making and Robotics Cluster
- Neural Computation (15-386)
- Truth, Justice and Algorithms (15-483)
- Cognitive Robotics (15-494)
- Strategic Reasoning for AI (new)
- Planning Techniques for Robotics (16-350)
- Mobile Robot Programming Laboratory (16-362)
- Robot Kinematics and Dynamics (16-384)
- Planning, Execution and Learning (new)
- Machine Learning Cluster
- Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control (10-403)
- Machine Learning for Text Mining (11-441)
- Advanced Data Analysis (36-402)
- Introduction to Deep Learning (new)
- Perception and Language Cluster
- Search Engines (11-442)
- Speech Processing (11-492)
- Computational Perception (15-387)
- Computational Photography (15-463)
- Vision Sensors (16-421)
- Human-AI Interaction Cluster
- Designing Human-Centered Systems (05-391)
- Human-Robot Interaction (16-467)
- Learning From People (new)
- Design Studio on Intelligent Products and Services (new)
Humanities and Arts
BSAI students take seven courses in the humanities and arts as part of the SCS General Education requirements. Of the seven Humanities and Arts courses in the curriculum, one must be in cognitive science or cognitive psychology. Examples include:
- Cognitive Psychology (85-211)
- Human Information Processing and Artificial Intelligence (85-213)
- Perception (85-370)
- Human Memory (85-390)
- Visual Cognition (85-408)
- Cognitive Modeling (85-412)
- Language and Thought (85-421)
- Learning in Humans and Machines (85-426)
Science and Engineering
BSAI students take four courses in science and engineering as part of the SCS General Education requirements.
※自從學了計算機網路,室友終於不在半夜打遊戲了-- ping/ICMP學以致用