

來自專欄 滬江英語



An active loser is someone who loves setting goals publicly but can never achieve them. These people are mentally active and aspirant but acting totally as losers do in practical terms. They usually start to panic after their intermittent indulgences and often feel guilty for being so lazy.





@Jackie: 一直揚言說要練出一口倫敦腔的英語,也多次在公開場合對英式口音發表了無數溢美之詞,不過他在開心詞場上連續背單詞的最高紀錄只有3天,abandon 背了800遍,之前花幾千塊錢報的口語課程現在也半價掛到了閑魚上;學了20年英語,但現在能流利講出的也只有 Fine, thank you, and you? 嗯,積極廢人式學英語,合格。

@Lucy: 早已意識到自己與貧窮只有一線之隔,並且也早已下定決心要開始攢錢。不過她這個月還是把自己工資的2/3貢獻給了7個網紅淘寶店主+5家網紅餐廳+星巴克的新品+愛豆演唱會的票。嗯,積極廢人式存錢,鑒定完畢。




#1. 邋遢潔癖 lā tā jié pì


A Messy Mysophobiac is someone who only appears clean and sophisticated in the public. A male one usually has clean-cut hair and wears shiny white T-shirt and gives out a pleasant odour of soap. A female one usually wears perfect makeup and wrinkleless clothes and maybe even French manicure. But youll see a total mess if you enter one of thems home: The quilt would be just thrown on the bed. The clothes would be scattered all around. As long as they dont go out, they can skip washing hair, washing face and shaving. The front door of the house is not an ordinary door for them. Its a portal between two worlds.

#2. 隱形貧困人口 yǐn xíng pín kùn


The Invisibly Poor is those who appear to have a fantastic and high-quality life but actually are very poor. They spend 30 RMB for a cup of coffee, 300 for a chance to publicly announce they went to an Internet-famous go-to restaurant, 500 for a plain white vintage T-shirt, half of their monthly income for the rent of an apartment beside a CBD. It seems like their life are really affluent. But every month, the numbers on their balance sheets return to zeros.

#3. 野生KOL yě shēng tuō


A Spontaneous Key Opinion Leader is a spontaneous advertising agent in your social network. They are not the kind that charge fees for the advertisements. They just spontaneously recommend all kinds of food, restaurants, fashion items, activities and travel destinations of quality which varies unstably in a wide range, day by day. They go out of their way to help their friends accomplish their consumption upgrade. Their enthusiasm can scare the hell out of you. No doubt, they are the backbones of this commercial society.

#4. 略懂先生 luè dǒng xiān shēng


A Mr. Know-A-Bit is someone who seems to know a bit about everything and so eagerly wants everybody to know that they know a bit about it. Every time they overhear someone pronouncing a noun which they know a bit, they』ll actively step in the conversation and express their own opinions without caring about whether the others want to know what they』re talking about or not.

#5. 隨便女士 suí biàn nǚ shì


A 『You Decide』 Lady is someone who always tells you 『You decide.』 or 『Anything can do.』 It seems like they give you the liberty to make choices for them. But in fact you have to make a choice that they find OK.

#6. 卧底富豪 wò dǐ fù háo


An Undercover Millionaire is a rich person who successfully blend in the poor and sometimes complain about how poor they are along with the real poor guys around them. But they often accidentally reveal their true financial status through some little items. You may even accidentally find that someone of them actually has two properties near subway stations in a city like Hangzhou. These are the invisible true winners. They used to be those kids in school who complained that they hadn』t prepared well for the exam but turned out to be the No. 1 in the rank afterward.

#7. 口頭胖子 kǒu tóu pàng zi


A Self-Claimed Fatty is someone who often complains about their own appetite and call themselves foodies. And they often announce that they really need to start losing some weight. But they are not actually fat. Some of them are even pretty skinny.

#8. 肌肉博士 jī ròu bó shì


A Muscular Doctor may not have much muscle and may not even have a doctoral degree. This is just an umbrella term which refers to those who reached an astonishingly high altitude in their hobbies and consequently have character settings that really look unlikely for their original identities. For example, it can be a little white-collar girl who seems totally not aggressive nor talky but secretly has 3 King-of-Glory accounts which are all in the highest rank. Before she plays a game, she』ll use calculus to calculate the damage capacities of the heroes and then decide which one to choose. And of course, it can also be a single man who owns a doctoral degree and at the same time six-pack and Apollo』s belt.

#9. 精老爺們 jīng lǎo yé mer


A Pro Dude is a straight guy who intentionally maintains a straight-guy appearance and dress code but also maintains a highly sophisticated lifestyle which will make most women and gay guys ashamed of themselves. He not only puts on considerable efforts in personal fashion and skincare, but also manage his own body shape really strictly. That outfit he wears may be a set of basic items, but chances are high that he spent 2 hours selecting them. There are maybe stubble on his face, but actually the stubble are carefully trimmed to be like that. Moreover, they are usually single, because the women around them are totally incapable of reaching these standards.




【每日單詞】第8彈o(* ̄3 ̄)o
稍安勿躁,任它去 Let it be, Let it go

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