


書名:Call me by your name - 請以你的名字呼喚我

作者:André Aciman - 安德烈.艾席蒙

悟饞簡介:故事發生在1983年的義大利。這一個夏天,24歲青年Oliver的造訪,給17歲少年Elio的生命添上了最濃墨重彩的一頁 。總之,很,虐。




If Not Later, When?

"Later!" The word, the voice, the attitude.

Id never heard anyone use"later" to say goodbye before. It sounded harsh, curt, and dismissive, spoken with the veiled in-difference of people who may not care tosee or hear from you again.

It is the first thing I remember about him, and I can hear it still today. Later!

I shut my eyes, say the word,and Im back in Italy, so many years ago, walking down the tree-lined driveway, watching him step out of the cab, billowy blue shirt, wide-open collar, sun-glasses, straw hat, skin everywhere. Suddenly hes shaking my hand, handing me his backpack, removing his suitcase from the trunk of the cab, asking if my father is home.

It might have started right there and then: the shirt, the rolled-up sleeves, the rounded balls of his heels slipping in and out of his frayed espadrilles, eager to test the hot gravel path that led to our house, every stride already asking, Which way to the beach?

This summers houseguest. Another bore.

Then, almost without thinking, and with his back already turned to thecar, he waves the back of his free hand and utters a careless Later! to another passenger in the car who has probably split the fare from the station. No name added, no jest to smooth out the ruffled leave-taking, nothing. His one-word send-off: brisk, bold, and blunted—take your pick, he couldnt be bothered which.

You watch, I thought, this is how hell say goodbye to us when the time comes. With a gruff, slapdash Later!

Meanwhile, wed have to put up with him for six long weeks.

I was thoroughly intimidated. The unapproachable sort.

I could grow to like him, though. From rounded chin to rounded heel. Then, within days, I would learn to hate him.

This, the very person whose photo on the application form months earlier had leapt out with promises of instant affinities.

長按圖片識別二維碼,關注 「悟饞說」,聽美文,免費獲取學習資料,學地道口音

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配圖:小說/電影《請以你的名字呼喚我》(Call me by your name)


朗讀背景樂:電影《請以你的名字呼喚我》插曲 Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens

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