

來自專欄 如何自學口語 https://www.zhihu.com/video/979363221618065408

我是Wind, 以前是字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫1分鐘美劇, 已經堅持9個月了. 你想不想找一種輕鬆愉快的方式提升自己的英語? 跟我一起每天做聽寫吧!


Oh, come on. Surely youve all seen the present at the top of the bag, perfectly wrapped with a bow.


bow=a knot with two loops and two loose ends which is used for decoration on clothes, in hair, etc. or for tying shoes

我想因為蝴蝶結是最常見, 所以我們也把butterfly bow直接稱為bow


從第141篇開始, 我不再放出我自己聽寫的版本, 而是改為在答案上標記重難點, 大家特別注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 -I see youve got a new boyfriend, Molly. And youre serious about him. -(What?) Sorry, what?

-看來你有一個新男友, Molly. 並且是很認真的那種 -不好意思, 什麼?

2 -(And) youre seeing him this very night, and giving him a gift. -Take a day off.

-而且你今晚要見他, 還要送一個禮物給他 -你休息一天行不行

3 Shut up. Have a drink.

閉嘴. 喝一杯吧

4 Oh, come on. Surely youve all seen the present at the top of the bag, perfectly wrapped with a bow.

拜託. 你們肯定都看到了袋子里最上邊的那個禮物, 精美的包裝, 還打了一個蝴蝶結

5 All the others are slapdash at best. Its for someone special then.

其它的禮物最多只能算是馬馬虎虎. 看來是某個很特別的人

6 The shade of red echoes her lipstick, either an unconscious association, or one shes deliberately trying to encourage.

包裝顏色和她的口紅顏色相呼應, 要麼是無意識的巧合, 要麼是她刻意營造的效果

7 Either way, Miss Hooper has love on her mind.

不管怎樣, Hooper小姐看來滿腦子現在都是愛情

8 The fact shes serious about him is clear from the fact shes giving him a gift at all. That would suggest long-term hopes, however forlorn.

她對於他是認真的這一點可以從她送了一個禮物給他就能看出. 看來是想發展長期關係, 不論希望多麼渺茫

9 And that shes seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and what shes wearing, obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.

而她今晚要見他這一點也是顯然的, 從她的穿著和化妝就能看出, 顯然是想要彌補自己嘴唇和胸部的不足


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