[直播預告 - TO BE ON AIR] Ransomware & Binary Rewriting
來自專欄 Nisl安全學術分享
假期仍然堅守的小編祝大家五一假期玩得開心!May everyone have a happy Labor Day holiday!
受到五一假期安排的影響,第10周的活動將改期至5月5日(周六)下午進行,並將進行直播,歡迎關注~ This is the Paper Reading Seminar of Network and Information Security Lab at Tsinghua University.Our seminar for this week is rescheduled to May 5 (Sat.), due to Labor Day arrangements. The seminar is to be on air. Tune in for more details!
NISL Paper Reading Seminar - Agenda (Week 10)
Time: 14:00 - 16:00, May 5, 2018
[14:00 - 15:00, Ransomeware]
Tracking Ransomware End-to-end
- Authors: Danny Yuxing Huang, Maxwell Matthaios Aliapoulios, Vector Guo Li, et al.
- Presenter: Junlin Wei(韋俊琳)
- Link to paper: Click Here.
- This paper is accepted by IEEE S&P 2018.
[15:00 - 16:00, Binary Rewriting]
Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics
- Authors: Erick Bauman, Zhiqiang Lin and Kevin W. Hamlen.
- Presenter: Min Lin(林敏)
- Link to paper: Click Here.
- This paper is accepted by NDSS 2018.
- This section is NOT to be broadcasted. 本小節不對外直播。
This live broadcast starts at 14:00, and is estimated to last for an hour.
收看直播請點擊鏈接 (Live Here): https://www.douyu.com/nisllive
地點 (Place):FIT樓 3-225會議室 (Room 3-225, FIT Building)